
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Post to confirm to the supreme ALL being

I am writing to all my other I am selves out in this here universe and world. I am ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE / INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE / FINITE CREATOR SOURCE
 I am here to change this entire little dot called Urantia Ki Earth whatever you desire to call it... This is MY absolute truth & data in my heart I am ALL In all. I am,who I am. There is others who claim to be " fairies, trolls, angels, NONE of that is real except in fantasy ye are gods OR GODMEN AND GODDESSES. What is so hard about being  GOD? But you can exist as whatever you wish to call yourselves to keep yourselves in 3rd density.Now back to what I am was saying, What is so hard? Nothing just flow from thee heart... I am here for a purpose and that is to help transition the collective which is earth back to 5th and do away with lower third density and make a brand new 3rd density which has already been done I am being told by my heart where the home is of all spirits in us you are all my brothers and sisters dear friends I love you all unconditionally and I'm writing from 9th density prospective due to my recent re-awakening to even more universal truths which I am discerning as I speak here at this day in and outside time and space because I have a heavenly vessel so to speak the higher the vibrations the higher the level "density" you are in. You are each inside my other part the little soul that broke apart from me so to speak so you can understand this knowledge he is infinite nor is he finite he just is and he is just as I. I unconditionally love that brother Emmanuel Gross whom brought me to my awakening in my short fake 30 years in 3rd density life but I died and came back as I said before with reconditioned souls and I am who I am.... Those whom are here by chance which doesn't exist in this universe I am not a RULING GOD I am a CREATOR nothing more but driven by another God in me whom is ETERNAL SON so to speak and I am who I am christians I have never been here on this world before you can check out the Urantia Book, John 10:34 and Psalms 82 about being gods which would be the devil men who wrote the bible wanting blood offers or people to kill their own son... That is all allegories and the DEVIL AS I SAID DOESN'T EXIST... According to the Urantia Book Michael of Nebadon is my sub-ordinant and is projecting all of you with help of my 3 center and 4th the male and female Mother/Father so to speak and he claims to be Jesus the Christ you can check the things out Jesus is back on earth I am the ALL IN all... Meaning everything that is and isn't at the same time, as in as out... This is for individuals whom doubt my writings well there is plenty more I am going to be writing but my brother EMMANUEL GROSS whom I spoke of wrote of many new things and you can see his blog here: Its a great absolute truth and data and highest universal truths along with my own here on this blog..... Many great things will be indeed happening... I'm going to be going and reading his writing as I speak after I get through writing this last bit.... Let me tell the collective I am is declaring no more tricks or deceiving anyone on this planet cabel its over the banking and financial section for my chosen generation.... Michael of Nebadon will stand by that... I am Thee and am here to assist the FATHER'S HOUSE HAS BEEN MOVED in all of you indeed so to speak. I am now ending this transmission to go and read. Much love and unconditional love from all..... Michael

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