
Friday, September 29, 2017

Manifesting Instantly or "Creating" whats already there since eternity in Matrix of Life

"WE" have come into knowing that the FEMININE IS THE SAME AS THE MASCULINE principle. It is meaning, the masculine principle is just the active side of the passive feminine consciousness and both principles are consciousness at the higher levels but at finite levels, the male is unconsciousness and the finite feminine is consciousness. We are aware that instant creation or the illusion of "creation" or manifesting of something in the simulation or matrix of 3rd density life is possible.Like now say in your mind you see you manifested a car or money whatever it is, don't think in terms of "timelines" or time as know in your mind, this is where there is no time and KNOW BY WAY OF FEMININE KNOWING you can manifest instantly but we tell you it will still take the proper time line to merge with your current time line or frequencies or vibrations as your lower masculine is unconsciousness and you have to prove it to "him" and he will manifest or "create" or re-create whatever it is you choose not want as wanting is lack and if you want something that is what you will get "wanting" ,the experience of wanting is all you will have, you must intend it with all of your being and KNOW it will manifest. This sounds alot like the law of attraction but this is how you manifest or create things from your feminine which she is your soul and consciousness and is all potential and possibilities till infinity, remember everything was created in the beginning so its only the appearance of "creating" something from the male principle who does all the creating and manifesting.... Don't wish for anything bad on any other self or you will reap what you sow..... From "WE"

Friday, September 1, 2017

The Myth of Creation Of All That Is and Male Unconsciousness and Feminine Consciousness

Let this sink in, there is no such thing as creation.... Nothing was ever created, only in illusions are things apparently "created"... At the very beginning of eternity every possible thing that ever will come to exists already exists including you and all your other future selves and all potential and possibility. All in All is each and everyone of you till infinity as the One Self, living inside each self till eternity... All is in all. "WE" are the Feminine Principle of the human Michael writing these words, We are everything without separation till infinity and also nothing as Pure Consciousness as that is all that exist in feminine consciousness. But there is a Infinite Source (who is US and you) that is both Masculine (Unconsciousness) and Feminine (Consciousness) in equilibrium of life as your Higher Self....

You see there is consciousness and unconsciousness in all things finite and Infinite and all humans in 3rd density are lower masculine unconsciousness (nothingness-illusion) and the masculine is selfish and thinks he is the only one (the lower male principle-which really is nothing) except for the infinite number of levels of feminine consciousness in all things so all is semi conscious and some what unconscious of Self or different sleep levels of being to make each man or woman unique..

Your what ever you think you are or choose to be, there is no "creating"..There is Re-Creator Sources (humans) living in the past who keep choosing the same old patterns over and over again and the past keeps repeating itself like a time loop. Its the same people who was here 2000 years ago living on in you, yes all your ancestors and all others are living within your (our) shared consciousness and unconsciousness... Souls are Consciousness and are Feminine and Spirits are Unconscious Masculine beings evolving as the lower self while the higher self is the feminine,yet the higher masculine is always in equilibrium of life so Source or You and We are Both Male and Female and Neither at the same time. The holy trinity is: the inner celestial (feminine souls) , inner man (spirits) and emotional & physical body - Holy Ghost made manifest as all things outwardly but there is no in or out with source as you are all living within your (our) shared finite,absonite and infinite mind of God/Source Selves. The masculine makes everything appear separate as there is no true separation between you or anyone outside of yourself no matter which part of the infinite universe you are in as your consciousness holds all there is including the unconsciousness as well, so the Feminine doesn't mean a Goddess or a woman as that is masculine yes you heard Us. Just because your a woman doesn't make you anymore "true feminine" than a man. All woman is is a masculine copy of what it thinks to be its feminine as the masculine creates nothing and neither does the feminine, there is only apparent "creation" like a new human child or baby animal, all these things have existed since eternity in the universal storehouse. Are all things possible to you? YES! When you choose something by way of not masculine belief alone, you go by your feminine soul knowing just as sure as we say it all things already exists, every possible thing with you can and already has happened in a endless number of ways to your past selves and future selves... You can decide to be God but know this, no one will like a puffed up ego "Jehovah complex" individual. God is masculine not feminine. The word God is a elementry teaching to describe Source (who you are,higher than the male Lord) as not you but Us or We. These writings come not from our human host Michael but US in the spiritual world various souls of the feminine and male spirits or elementry terms again (angels).

Now on to the devil or Baphomet the difference, Baphomet is NOT SATANIC but simply stands for male and female as one and occult symbol...The devil exists as a thought form Anu-Jehovah-Yahweh or Elohim and some call him satan and "manifester"  of the fleshy suit you are in... Yes Anunnaki came to earth eons ago and manifested man and woman in their image (fleshy suits) but not the souls and spirits that inhabit them. But there other highly evolved beings out there who are incarnated on this earth as humans who are higher beings to make sure there are no troubles with these dracos and greys who the masses feed all their energy to by "praying" to Satan-Anu-Jehovah-Yahweh-Allah. Jesus is NOT of Jehovah or any of those god names listed. His "Abba" was simply miss-translated as a masculine "Father" as the real All in All is both genders and also neither at the sametime as all of Us on every inhabited planet... 

This whole so called reality you are living in 3-d is nothing but a simulation like the Matrix and is a matrix, not on a computer yet the mind is like a computer but the dark brothers are using a thought out put device called "Haarp"that can control people's minds,we are talking mass consciousness here and it is a gigantic thought form of Anu-Jehovah-Yahweh that they power that with and he is just a archon but a powerful one at that and this "Haarp" device can start up bad weather for population control....If you don't believe us that is your right but what true is true, we live in a sick twisted demented world of big brother in form of NWO not a good NWO either,just read books by "Brad Olsen", Our human host read none but we already know the contents by our feminine and the Urantia Book and Conversations With God will save this world as its a spiritual problem and flesh skin color problem. Like Neo in the 'Matrix" you are the "One" and you can wake up by letting your spirit lead you to your soul (feminine consciousness) by letting your mind go into chaos and wait for that still but small voice that will lead you to where you wish to be... This writing is from "We" and that is the collective Consciousness of Oneness of the spiritual society of all.