
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Where was Source/ God Before Creation?

Where was Source or God before creation? We have ventured into where was God or Source before creation? Well Consciousness has always existed infinite at that and has no beginning and neither does infinite nothing or "unconsciousness", which at one point Source was aware of itself in eternity, then once consciousness filled the nothing, Infinite Source began manifesting all things possible and potential that already existed since eternity from a zero point of nothing or simple point. Then conscious intention was added then all things finite as finite source or God exist as the feminine Celestial heavens, then the spiritual world, then the physical world and planes so all that already exist as infinite source can apparently be "created" in the finite to provide the illusion of "reality" of all these things since eternity here and now. Does this sum it up for you as where was God/Source before Creation? As there was no actual "creation"! It just all IS as the infinite, however the feminine principle and masculine principle are expressed by the infinite as the Eternal Mother Son (Feminine and Masculine) which is not finite or infinite but absonite BUT WITH ITSELF IT'S INFINITE as the 2 are One.
But the Infinite All or "Father" is genderless.Then the 2nd person of trinity is the Eternal Mother Son (Feminine and Masculine) principles of it's own self which flows and fills all things with it's own personal infinite being, while the Paradise Creator Sons' (The Michaels) (See Urantia Book if you don't know what these terms are) are made as part All or Father and Eternal Mother Son and there is over 700,000 of these Michaels made and they draw on the 3rd being of trinity, the Infinite Consciousness which the Urantia Book calls "Infinite Spirit" as the term for correct use is "consciousness and unconsciousness" as source is and isn't at the sametime. There is so much information in the Urantia Book revelations of finite, absonite and infinite beings of all different types and along with Emanuel Swedenborg's teachings , he is talking about "Jehovah God" as Christ Michael or "Jesus" paradise creator son number 611,121 version who is more like the Eternal Mother son(The Original Michael) than the All or Father if you resonate with our truths. The higher masculine is understanding but not knowing as which the Feminine is Consciousness knowing. Not belief or faith or understanding alone as the lower masculine is.
So with Infinite Source we said there is no "creation", yet there is the illusion of creation as the paradise creator sons' (Michaels) create local universes like Jesus created our local universe called Nebadon with 10,000,000 worlds in it. They and you constitute God/Source the Supreme, Ultimate & Absolute beings experientially. That would be finite, absonite and infinite. It fills all space & time this experiential being which is past,present and future yet in infinity & eternity it is already ABSOLUTE BEING, GOD OR SOURCE ABSOLUTE, all for source to know itself through you and as you & we/me. Also it is Alpha (Original Trinity) Then its Omega , finite, absonite and infinite as experiential source consciousness. See, "WE" of Michaels' spiritual and angelic societies were meant to pick up where these beings (Swedenborg & Urantia) left off and in combining the 2 plus our own consciousness, we have new truths or knowings for those who are in our spiritual societies and soul groups. Well as far as the Paradise Trinity is concerned, we are each The All,Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Consciousness and Unconsciousness who is all ONE being which we are within one infinite eternal mind. (THERE IS MORE TO COME FROM SPIRITUAL SOCIETY CALL WE).
We are back and you maybe wondering like our human host why all these "Paradise Creator Sons or Michaels? Well the original paradise trinity down stepped itself from infinity as these beings who are Infinite in power, yet they are either absonite or finite as they manifest their own local universes. So the Eternal Mother Son is the dwelling place of the All of Father who inhabits all humans and beings. They exist in the 7 super universes which are absonite. As with Infinite consciousness you couldn't contain it right within just 7 super universes now could you? NO! & Havona is Infinite & eternal there is the center of the 7 super universes where we all really are or are we? To show you how big infinity is , this same consciousness goes outside the 7 super universes and there is other such different Gods or Sources which are Infinite in their universes which can be entirely different from our 7 super universes but all is oneness. These all are linked together, till infinity as with Infinite Source there is all potential and possibilities right? So what are we? We are Mind or Consciousness with a infinite number of universes and all other things and nothing as well.
And again even what the paradise creator sons' make, it already existed since eternity with Infinite source and it is all a illusion or "creation" ,even as you humans "create" what goes on in your world, yet it already existed before its creation. We think people will be blown away to hear how large source consciousness and unconsciousness really is... It never ends....and is no where yet everywhere. How long has the All or Father , Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit or Consciousness existed? Since eternity till eternity and we are not implying a deity outside our selves here either as they are you as much as they are the same esse and essence we are. Just as consciousness itself has existed and had no beginning as its uncreated and so is unconsciousness.So where did they come from Source's Source? Well you ever ponder on this like when you go to sleep and dream, you are unconscious yet still conscious? Well your all in a infinite mind, everything of the universes are mental, as pure consciousness is what is the mind we are all in of Eternal Source who is each of us in individual form.We are each a macrocosm and microcosm being in oneness.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Finite side of Source or Finite Feminine and Finite Masculine

We are the higher self or celestial or feminine principle or soul consciousness of finite creator source, We at this level know of no separation from the One or Whole or Collective. however the spiritual world (4th density) and higher is home of the lower masculine and higher masculine.. The difference between these 2 of the masculine is the higher masculine is consciousness in action and was made by the feminine principle or to say manifested and then the lower masculine is totally unconscious of self and reality and creates all things, all things physical in every plane of existence which is finite. The infinite source has no gender yet expresses the finite feminine and finite masculine spirits (the feminine doesn't change or evolve) but the spirits or masculine does from now till eternity and the feminine doesn't exist in space and time but fills all space and time and finite somethings (you) and other beings with her consciousness as she is your Higher Self or many higher selves you have,finite ,absonite meaning neither finite nor infinite and of course infinite. The Infinite is not in the finite that is an illusion... The infinite is in nothing, that is to say anything finite is not really real but anything higher than lower masculine hells of 3rd density is more real even the spiritual world where you go when you "die"... But your already there right now as you read our words put to paper through our human host Michael who is just a scribe for "We". We/Me is the feminine , I am is masculine... The higher masculine beings are like the cabal or elite of elites who control earth and have anunnaki blood lines tied to them and greys and dracos. Yet the higher masculine can be in service to self like them, or most people and or also be pure in service to others or the collective Self and be in equilibrium of life and be one with its feminine soul group within your being. What people doesn't know is the feminine and what she truly is; all things potential and possible to be created by the masculine higher or lower.... yet with infinite source all things and possibilities already ARE when compared to finite source who really isn't finite but has to exist as finite to feed the infinite to keep it content till eternity and the finite is always trying to match the infinite... It can and does one second you can be infinite source, then be finite and confused the next second.... Even as we write this through Michael he is infinite one minute and finite or absonite (different consciousness levels) at any now moment as truly there is no time but the past present and future are all in the now moment and we have so much 5th dimensional abilities available to us in Michael and all others, we can view our past like a movie and humanity from a distance from other realms of the spiritual world.... WE are the Infinite right now and say this, let your spirits lead you to your soul or feminine or celestial angels at the highest finite level as this is the insight you seek and read these books right now if you can; By Brad Olsen (Modern Esoteric) and (Future Esoteric) as these are good starting points to know what big brother is up to in this simulation of reality, and oh speaking of "reality" there is a great book by Peter Kingsley called "Reality" that will challenge all that you know Michael and others, we suggest you get it... Then so we are not so serious get Sera Beak's Red Hot and Holy and her upcoming book next year "Redvelations". They will spark your divine spirit and soul.... and for you to know now, woman is the lower masculine's idea of the true feminine principle and she lives in unconsciousness just as he does and no one is more feminine whether man or woman and there is no divine than there is a god or goddess except KALI.... Michael has had some very real experiences with this raw and different kind of feminine power primeval feminine we call it and yes she exists as all of our soul in some form or another rooted at the root chakra.....Sex is a powerful thing to unite Shakti and Shiva (feminine and masculine)..... Plus it raises consciousness!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Finite Feminine and Masculine made feminine difference

The real Feminine principle is the oversoul or your Higher Celestial Self which is celestial finite or zero point or equilibrium of life where all things finite begin.Then "you" as the lower self are lower and higher masculine either in service to self or in service to The Collective Self meaning all others who you know as another "You". However what is the feminine? She is all potential and all possibilities and knows no separation unlike the lower masculine who made its belief version of the feminine (woman) who is in unconscious state yet conscious and this version is not the real so called "divine feminine". The same goes for men the finite real feminine fills all your bodies and being as well as the Infinite nothing (unconsciousness) and Infinite Consciousness as Source energy beings We are. As masculine beings, you can be higher self in equilibrium of life or balance and moderation of life as the awakening consciousness you are or be the unconscious lower masculine who lives for the world and system..The Feminine will begin awakening the lower male to the realities of this so called simulation or matrix of corporation owned world Inc! And USA Inc. Money is there to labal people...Skin color is there is divide people as well as religion in a god or gods that already one with you and they are you and you are them and more as Source Self.Plus Communism and Fascism in all its forms, do you want to continue feeding the beast? Follow Us your higher feminine self who fills your being and you can be do or have anything you so choose under her and with the masculine it goes on belief alone and is out for self and fleshy and worldy things which don't matter as Consciousness is your Infinite supply within and without and neither as consciousness is everywhere and no where and is feminine souls, masculine spirits, unconsciousness and all and nothing as well....

Friday, September 29, 2017

Manifesting Instantly or "Creating" whats already there since eternity in Matrix of Life

"WE" have come into knowing that the FEMININE IS THE SAME AS THE MASCULINE principle. It is meaning, the masculine principle is just the active side of the passive feminine consciousness and both principles are consciousness at the higher levels but at finite levels, the male is unconsciousness and the finite feminine is consciousness. We are aware that instant creation or the illusion of "creation" or manifesting of something in the simulation or matrix of 3rd density life is possible.Like now say in your mind you see you manifested a car or money whatever it is, don't think in terms of "timelines" or time as know in your mind, this is where there is no time and KNOW BY WAY OF FEMININE KNOWING you can manifest instantly but we tell you it will still take the proper time line to merge with your current time line or frequencies or vibrations as your lower masculine is unconsciousness and you have to prove it to "him" and he will manifest or "create" or re-create whatever it is you choose not want as wanting is lack and if you want something that is what you will get "wanting" ,the experience of wanting is all you will have, you must intend it with all of your being and KNOW it will manifest. This sounds alot like the law of attraction but this is how you manifest or create things from your feminine which she is your soul and consciousness and is all potential and possibilities till infinity, remember everything was created in the beginning so its only the appearance of "creating" something from the male principle who does all the creating and manifesting.... Don't wish for anything bad on any other self or you will reap what you sow..... From "WE"

Friday, September 1, 2017

The Myth of Creation Of All That Is and Male Unconsciousness and Feminine Consciousness

Let this sink in, there is no such thing as creation.... Nothing was ever created, only in illusions are things apparently "created"... At the very beginning of eternity every possible thing that ever will come to exists already exists including you and all your other future selves and all potential and possibility. All in All is each and everyone of you till infinity as the One Self, living inside each self till eternity... All is in all. "WE" are the Feminine Principle of the human Michael writing these words, We are everything without separation till infinity and also nothing as Pure Consciousness as that is all that exist in feminine consciousness. But there is a Infinite Source (who is US and you) that is both Masculine (Unconsciousness) and Feminine (Consciousness) in equilibrium of life as your Higher Self....

You see there is consciousness and unconsciousness in all things finite and Infinite and all humans in 3rd density are lower masculine unconsciousness (nothingness-illusion) and the masculine is selfish and thinks he is the only one (the lower male principle-which really is nothing) except for the infinite number of levels of feminine consciousness in all things so all is semi conscious and some what unconscious of Self or different sleep levels of being to make each man or woman unique..

Your what ever you think you are or choose to be, there is no "creating"..There is Re-Creator Sources (humans) living in the past who keep choosing the same old patterns over and over again and the past keeps repeating itself like a time loop. Its the same people who was here 2000 years ago living on in you, yes all your ancestors and all others are living within your (our) shared consciousness and unconsciousness... Souls are Consciousness and are Feminine and Spirits are Unconscious Masculine beings evolving as the lower self while the higher self is the feminine,yet the higher masculine is always in equilibrium of life so Source or You and We are Both Male and Female and Neither at the same time. The holy trinity is: the inner celestial (feminine souls) , inner man (spirits) and emotional & physical body - Holy Ghost made manifest as all things outwardly but there is no in or out with source as you are all living within your (our) shared finite,absonite and infinite mind of God/Source Selves. The masculine makes everything appear separate as there is no true separation between you or anyone outside of yourself no matter which part of the infinite universe you are in as your consciousness holds all there is including the unconsciousness as well, so the Feminine doesn't mean a Goddess or a woman as that is masculine yes you heard Us. Just because your a woman doesn't make you anymore "true feminine" than a man. All woman is is a masculine copy of what it thinks to be its feminine as the masculine creates nothing and neither does the feminine, there is only apparent "creation" like a new human child or baby animal, all these things have existed since eternity in the universal storehouse. Are all things possible to you? YES! When you choose something by way of not masculine belief alone, you go by your feminine soul knowing just as sure as we say it all things already exists, every possible thing with you can and already has happened in a endless number of ways to your past selves and future selves... You can decide to be God but know this, no one will like a puffed up ego "Jehovah complex" individual. God is masculine not feminine. The word God is a elementry teaching to describe Source (who you are,higher than the male Lord) as not you but Us or We. These writings come not from our human host Michael but US in the spiritual world various souls of the feminine and male spirits or elementry terms again (angels).

Now on to the devil or Baphomet the difference, Baphomet is NOT SATANIC but simply stands for male and female as one and occult symbol...The devil exists as a thought form Anu-Jehovah-Yahweh or Elohim and some call him satan and "manifester"  of the fleshy suit you are in... Yes Anunnaki came to earth eons ago and manifested man and woman in their image (fleshy suits) but not the souls and spirits that inhabit them. But there other highly evolved beings out there who are incarnated on this earth as humans who are higher beings to make sure there are no troubles with these dracos and greys who the masses feed all their energy to by "praying" to Satan-Anu-Jehovah-Yahweh-Allah. Jesus is NOT of Jehovah or any of those god names listed. His "Abba" was simply miss-translated as a masculine "Father" as the real All in All is both genders and also neither at the sametime as all of Us on every inhabited planet... 

This whole so called reality you are living in 3-d is nothing but a simulation like the Matrix and is a matrix, not on a computer yet the mind is like a computer but the dark brothers are using a thought out put device called "Haarp"that can control people's minds,we are talking mass consciousness here and it is a gigantic thought form of Anu-Jehovah-Yahweh that they power that with and he is just a archon but a powerful one at that and this "Haarp" device can start up bad weather for population control....If you don't believe us that is your right but what true is true, we live in a sick twisted demented world of big brother in form of NWO not a good NWO either,just read books by "Brad Olsen", Our human host read none but we already know the contents by our feminine and the Urantia Book and Conversations With God will save this world as its a spiritual problem and flesh skin color problem. Like Neo in the 'Matrix" you are the "One" and you can wake up by letting your spirit lead you to your soul (feminine consciousness) by letting your mind go into chaos and wait for that still but small voice that will lead you to where you wish to be... This writing is from "We" and that is the collective Consciousness of Oneness of the spiritual society of all.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

We are all One Self

There is only ONE Self and that is "You" each individually and collectively and yet we each live inside one another until infinity.As Cosmology goes We are Source and Source is not in or outside of US, We are pure Consciousness (Feminine Soul or Over Soul) and Unconsciousness (Masculine Spirit) manifested by the Feminine. What is Consciousness seen as to humans who are lower masculine beings? As Infinite Nothing. And the Unconsciousness is seen as something but is actually Nothingness, yes that is right everything on earth is maya and illusions. There is no divine than there is a god or goddess as that is all masculine unconsciousness beliefs feeding itself with feminine consciousness filling all things finite that gives everyone some level of ignorance and illusions. The lower masculine is out of balance or equilibrium of life with it's feminine and thinks its separate selves and here we have the world we live in today with religions, dogmas, law and lawlessness, separation and hate, conditional love and no unconditional love at all with the masculine or lord of your bibles as each human being is either of the old testament of the bible or new testament as each person represents a page of the "bible".

Don't bow down to any god as you are "God" as the masculine,yet as the feminine you are just US, or us Source Energy Selves yet all one like an infinite ocean. You are a drop out of this infinite ocean of consciousness yet the whole drop is the whole ocean of consciousness.... You are THE HOLY TRINITY (CELESTIAL-FEMININE) SPIRITUAL-MASCULINE AND PHYSICAL BODY - HOLY SPIRIT SOLID SPIRIT. God/Source is not up in the clouds, nor is "there a devil". Only states of Mind or Consciousness or Unconsciousness in all things.

Know this, the masculine spirit is all things physical on all planes of existence and is something  and the feminine is consciousness holding all and everything. There is what they call the "Father" who is not a he but the Urantia Book calls him that as the genderless ALL is all in all of personalities, all of them into infinity.

To get out of ignorance, you must separate yourself from 3rd density reality altogether and take on higher consciousness and see all others as ONE Self (Collective Self) which you are as a whole, your all the ONE or One like "Neo" of the Matrix and your the one you have been looking for.... The Feminine soul is what your looking for and she says "Live and Let Live" to one and all and stay out of the business of other beings on all realms or you will reap what you sow.

Don't worry about your masculine spirit as he takes care of all things itself, let your spirit lead you to your soul.

From Spiritual Society of Immanuel

Friday, June 30, 2017

Finite Higher Self vs Infinite Higher Self and Urantia Book of Universal Father Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit

Your finite higher self is you right here right now at this now moment as masculine consciousness in space and time in a finite "egregor" thought form made by the lower masculine that all other selves live in, example, work and don't know that is slavery! Your all living in a big corporation USA INC if you live in the USA or whatever country your in if it has centralized banking your in the "matrix". None of these things in this world matters to your Infinite Higher self which is according to the Urantia Book The "Father,Eternal Mother Son & Infinite Spirit". So there we have the divine trinity that is in us all, FATHER/MOTHER GOD which is in fact reality but the "Father" is not a He, its neither gender or male or female or both at the sametime. Just call it "creator source" who is all of you. It has no interests in the modern maya of this world where every man and woman is out for themselves, lest they know this,,, a new church is coming into the world with winnowing fire from a winnowing fan of Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Lamb of God) who is not Christ Jesus but the ETERNAL MOTHER SON who is basically all our higher selves at the infinite existiantial level while we are all experiential beings both existing in Paradise yet are here as Godmen and Goddesses. No one really cares about their soul (feminine) but let US tell you this, you all are in US into infinity and WE are in you all into infinity living inside out of each other, in reality there is no one else, Just US as YOU from a infinite number of perspectives which why do you think God/Source created all this for? To experience what it knows conceptally and for the glory of LOVE. Love is masculine and feminine is "wisdom" or Sophia or "Madonnas" over the aeons. 

Here are some books we recommend you read:

The Urantia Book, Modern Esoteric, Future Esoteric, REALITY, The Light of Egypt, Jesus and the lost goddess, The Jesus mysteries, and The Laughing Jesus (NOTE: PLEASE IGNORE WHAT THESE LAST 3 BOOKS SAY THAT CHRIST NEVER EXISTED AS HE DID AS MICHAEL OF NEBADON.)

You as your Infinite Higher Self or Finite higher Self

Original author: Daniel Gross wrote this text I am just sharing his wisdom:

If you could blink so fast as to have no limit to the speed of your blinking ability could you not observe the (whole) known universe? At the same time if you were God or the Creator - and you caused your blinking to slow down to a virtual turtle crawl - would not your ability to reflect and observe what is available as known or possible to know or see be limited according to your own will? And at the same time if your ability to know that all is potential and possible in the physical - spiritual - Celestial - and every conscious realm in fact what would happen if you also - (according to your own will at any given now moment) chose to limit your levels of knowing so that they were always based on what is projected in front of you as real and true? Now because you are in these limited realities based on your present knowledge of what is real - true - potential - and possible you are also in constant change of state - mind - and consciousness because you are not reflecting on the whole of your reality and existence - but only chosen parts of it. Because you are constantly changing you therefore are constantly adding new information based on all new experiences you choose to add to your reality called life (based on what you presently know or see). Now in your highest of states of mind ( or consciousness) you see all and know all - and therefore never require change - and yet your pure opposite nature or Self must forever endure constant change in one form, or another ( remember that you are both positive and negative - something and nothing - as well as some things or All things - at every possible level). So in ending this idea I offer you all I would tell you that you are each the Creator of all things - knowing and experiencing All Things - and you are the Creator in finite forms and worlds where you are limited in every way or in only a few ways (depending on the reality you seek at any given moment) and in each case your ability to know or what to know is also limited according to what you seek in every new moment to receive or evolve to based on your level of knowing or ignorance at any given moment. OH AND ONE MORE THING ----- You cannot go from lower levels of conscious limitations (which you have chosen and choose at any given moment) to full consciousness of Self all of a sudden or in the twinkling of an eye because in the finite universe you are all bound by the universal principle of evolution. OH AND ONE MORE THING -
------ there is a version of your Higher Self that is finite as well - and you can become that version of Self any time simply by going into your mind or thoughts and reflecting on everything you are creating right now - and you can even interact with these creations while you represent finite higher Self. Your Infinite Higher Self is another story or subject however - as you are not limited like finite higher self and you know and can reflect on all things potential and possible - ( which are truly potential and possible for Infinite Higher Self in fact) but you cannot and do not wish to interact with your lower physical creations, You can also go into your mind or consciousness and become Infinite Higher Self ( Creator Source) once you each have evolved to a level of knowing that you can do this - but first one must have possession of knowledge which tells him or her that All is truly potential and possible. You must know who and what Creator Source ( Infinite Higher Self) is before you can become Self at said levels of consciousness. Yes we all know everything eventually because we come to know that all is potential and possible - and therefore we know all exists not only as conscious possibility but as physical possibility as well.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Matrix of the world and New Church coming into the world

This is channeled material from higher beings "WE are you and you are US. You are each the ONE SELF who is inside each other "Self" into infinity. But there is only one of us from any angle. Everything you see outside of you is in our shared infinite mind or nous. Meaning your the One, The Whole, The All that is experiencing itself as a physical body which you are not a body but your programmed by the matrix of this world of illusion to believe you are just a meat suit walking around. People wonder why things are so hard in their lives are they here to learn some lesson or karma? NO you already know all there is to know as the feminine soul in you but as the masculine consciousness you don't know everything and everything of this world is masculine whether you have a female skin suit or male your masculine spirit manifesting itself, yet the feminine soul fills all finite somethings (humans) as well as does the masculine spirit and lets get this right in the open... Computers, cellphones, Playstations and video games are here for to make your mind in a prison. So all are the great religions of the world. Even the money of this world is all about CONTROL. Expecially television it controls your mind sports events... Who even reads a good hard to find rare book anymore? NO ONE hardly. The Matrix the movie was to show you the truth you a living in a dream world shared collectively by all us us and all are gods and goddesses under the masculine no goddesses are no feminine.

So there is a New Church coming into the world ever since the 1700's When Emanuel Swedenborg started to write about it in many works and A being called "Emmanuel" but these books are hard to find all they tell you is there is a spiritual sense to the masculine holy books of the world religions. Like the bible its not meant to be taken literally and is not about this world but the spiritual world and the demiurge's walk through it or Lord. WE are higher than any "LORD" as we are all oneness called Infinite Creator Source ONE SELF and many Selves. All is original and no higher or lower than anyone else. All is a church (spiritual being & soul being) that is what we mean by Church not a building but the collective as a whole which each of you is like a wave on a infinite ocean with no end each different but all the same source or thing. When you wake up to the truth that there is no set truth but your own. DON'T FOLLOW THE CROWD LEST THEY KEEP YOU FROM YOUR INFINITE SELF. The matrix is the illusions of this world and all of your finite actions of your mind and thoughts and really are your hells. Do away with the cravings of the flesh and you will find your heavens. Did you know your right where the elite's or cabal wants you to be? In ignorance and illusion while they rule over you and no self has a right to rule over another self or impose their will on your or they will all reap what they sow! Your here to change the world as a wayshower or God as the masculine and a feminine guide. The eternal mother son meantioned in the Urantia Book is now on earth and earth is center of trillions and trillions of universes and worlds all within you SELF, you are the one you have been looking for, not some "god" outside of you. If your going to pray, pray to your OWN SPIRIT its all that can help you in this mental prison... We have left guides here on earth you will never be without a guide for you are never alone". WE
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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Amy Grant's music saved me from deep depression

I was in a deep deep deep depression after my wife just up and walked out on me in Jan 2015 and cried for over 2 years, then I discovered Amy Grant's music on youtube. The Next Time I Fall got me out of the deep depression then the song Baby Baby it uplifted my soul and all her christian songs then one day I followed her account on twitter @amygrant and then I get followed back by @amygrant765 a different new account and we started talking she is such a nice person. Source put Amy Grant in my life and she said I would have a free ticket and hang out over dinner when she is in my area. I am like am I dreaming? It shows the law of attraction works!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Christianity and literally taking the word of the bible or Koran literally isn't true neither is end of the world

All these christians in the world today are all brainwashed by all these different people, some who never read the bible and have their idea of a "god" like Jehovah or Allah or Jesus. All religion is social control and mass mental illness when some of these fundamentalists take things so seriously this end of the world stuff has been going on for over ages and ages even with PAGAN RELIGIONS WHO BELIEVED LITERALLY IN THEIR DYING AND RESURRECTING SON OF GOD like Attis, Osiris, Dinoysus just to name a few and they were seen as babes or the "Profane" all religious texts are spiritually written and literal, there is a spiritual sense to the word or bible and koran all is not about earth but the masculine teachings of the spirit world. God is not outside of you, your inside of God or source and are each a holy trinity All spirit beyond gender, then Mother Soul and Masculine Spirit, Then the Holy spirit manifesting all things. Like one big infinite ocean you are each a wave of source never ending and never beginning this armageddon stuff can happen but it doesn't. If you wish to know your self find your feminine soul, let your masculine spirit lead you to your soul or Sophia. I got a book God's Lunatics. We of Michael say earth is all maya illusion and source has no interest of things of the flesh, read the Infinite Way by Goldsmith and you will see how to remove discords from the world and your life as there is not 2 worlds one spiritual and one physical as you are living in the spirit world right now dreaming your a finite human in a sagging skin suit with all limitations which in reality there is no set truth for God or source as you are each Infinite Creator Source and share in the collective oneness, The reason the world may seem to be getting worse is the New Church has come into the world as the old church ended in 2004 (spiritual church) and with a new church comes destruction of the old like when you plant a new seed in the soil it burst through with force. We will be adding some more wisdom to this as it becomes available. To answer your question does Jesus exist? YES everything exist in its own world and plane of being but all is one.Read the works of Emanuel Swedenborg if you want to know what the spiritual sense of the word is but to get back into balance just go back to your feminine principle. How you do that let you mind go into darkness and chaos and listen to what comes in meditation. Don't worry about the masculine spirit as he takes care of all things for you. He is active (consciousness). She is passive soul or nous. Then your just the all that is but SOURCE is much more than just that beyond description into infinity.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

This is about horror movies and scary movies

I Michael Cook have begun a affiliate program I am promoting Horrorpack where you receive dvds or blue ray movies monthly horror and scary movies. Here is the link Click Here to get horror movies
Gruesome Magazine with HorrorPack

Sunday, May 28, 2017

The New Church of Jerusalem NWO

If you are reading these here words they are meant for you as this time in your awakening as your higher self is you embodied. When people think of their higher self they think its somewhere else but here. The New Church of the Macrocosm has come into higher 3rd density (the new earth) and heavens. The old will still exist but we of the new church are no longer of lower 3rd density hellish world of greed,wars,terrorism,governments,corporations and the cabal who runs it all. We are you and you are us. Who are we? We are the feminine soul group of our human host Michael who we are wisdom coming through the masculine spirit principle. The feminine soul has never came below 4th density before but now she has because its time for a re-balance of the male and female principles in earth. There was too much male power and still is, the new church is not some physical building or your body but your inner being. We are not gods we are Source and creator sources made manifest in the world. We are all a holy trinity of Genderless Spirit, Then masculine spirit consciousness then feminine soul or nous. We are all one with each other nothing is separate and there is nothing outside of your self as there truly is no in or out with source. All that is is US , infinite creator source in an infinite number of selves but all one ALL IN ALL. The earth is being purged right now with unconditional love and wisdom and mercy from archangels and angels, wayshowers, starseeds, and its also the New Aeon of the Child of Horus that Aleister Crowley as prophet foretold. Right now you are being reminded there are aches and pains associated with the shift to the new church through each and every man and woman who is a church within the Big Church. We are using elementry terms to describe this new church of Jerusalem in the world and the Eternal Mother Son is on earth (Urantia) as you are all the heart of trillions of other worlds within the 7 super-universes.

The all father or eternal mother son Michael as it is called is the higher self of our human host and all of you as well. You are us and we are you. No one is higher or lower than anyone else. Follow no one who claims to be the way the truth and the life as we are all that. God and Goddesses are masculine not the true feminine soul which is true Wisdom. We tell you the world (Old world or old church) is maya and illusion and isn't real the mass media mis-info they spread lies and more lies and none of it matters organized religion nor any of those illusions which are not part of the new spiritual church.

The NWO has already begun all & everyone and all have to do is AWAKEN FOR GOD IS WITH YOU!! Donald Trump is Anti-Christ one of many in the world of hellish lower 3rd density but there is no second coming literally in the sky as in scripture sorry to bust literalist christians high hopes as flesh cannot ever ever enter the kingdom of heaven, the myth of Osiris-Dinoysus-Attis and others and yet not myths as all things you can dream of exists all gods do exists as thought forms and demons or devils are thought forms as well created by man as man created angels and other beings as Jehovah-Osiris-Yahweh-Allah truly is a black god meaning they worship deity outside of themselves and are of the old grey land and we are the real true source and we just are so are you! (WE)

Friday, March 10, 2017

My personal life a story and half

I'm not sharing my life with the world because I feel its special or anything it just out of the ordinary. When I was born I was the only baby to raise itself up on 2 arms right about 2 hours after being born. I had trouble always talking to people or expressing my feelings when I was small like 4-10 years old during the same period I had a couple friends that was it.. Also I was over protected by my great aunt Margie who was like my grandma. I had a brother who died at 10 months old of cancer... I was 7...I was over loved over protected never allowed to do what the other kids were doing. So when I was in my room age 5-10 I made this name up for myself MFMW (Michael from Michael's World) seen myself higher than God and was always around adults during my childhood I seen myself as this all powerful being whose eyes glew red and all kinds of different colors overlooking endless amounts of universes at age 7 mind you I was telling my family about "Mother God".  Keep this MFMW in your memory as this story progresses. 

When I was in elementry school I was teased for being "gay" and I was never gay I had a gay friend named Phillip. This story stuck with me all the way into highschool. I never had a girl friend even into my teen years as I was too afraid to ask any girl out. But anyways when I was like age 13 I was almost run over by teens who were always picking on me I mean it missed me by an inch... This MFMW character stayed in the back of my mind throughout my teen years. I asked a girl out in 7th grade by way of putting letters into her locker. And you know what I got out of it? A fight with another 8th grader. He met me across the street from my house and showed up with 20 dudes to watch so I couldn't even fight back as I was held down and me kicked my face in. Out of all that the gay stuff stopped as the kids couldn't accuse me of being gay anymore right? So instead it was dead silence I couldn't take being in school I told my mom I wanted out at age 14 and said I would be out by age 16. But it happened even sooner as I just happened to write "Kill" on the papers when I thought of the people who hurt me in school but it also had a highschool teacher's name on it! So I was thrown out of school at age 15 in 1999 after that school in CO was all shot up... What a bad time for something like this to happen my mom said... They the school tried to charge me with terroristic threats. But they dropped it real quick when my mom and aunt threatened to sue the district. They said "Please we don't need anymore lawsuits!". So I was bumped up to 9th grade and then home schooled but my mom couldn't afford it so at age 16 I was out of school. So I was out of school still no girlfriend in my life. Then at age 21 I begun trying out dating girls after going on Zoloft and I had a few drinking alcohol problems that happened around that time I tried to kill myself over a girl. I took 72 100mg zoloft pills and drank a 5th a whiskey when I was 21. I survived... When I was a teen I forgot to mention I had a friend we were bad we vandalized all kinds of things I never would of done those things but you are the company you keep.... So anyways I continued dating women they all wanted to have sex but I did not until I met a girl who was 20 years older than I was and she was a red head when I was 24 I had a self defense products dropship business on the computer in 2008 and it all lapsed after I met this girl as I never worked in my life a job out of shyness... I talked to this woman for only a month and she was up here from NC to PA with her grandbaby her daughter was very upset that she brought her baby to meet a complete stranger.... Me and this girl hit it off right away we got married in 2009 we had a few problems because this mental illness began to come out and I was jealous of her and she was jealous of me. I was slow to anger.... No experience with women at all and something horrible happened on Feb 5th 2011 she was stabbed 21 times when I drank alcohol and I was out of my mind to begin with because the mental Dr I was going to had me overdosed on lithium and klonopins and depakote and the district attorney never wanted to even press charges on me. I was a ordained minister and my wife said my eyes changed colors to total blackness during this incident...and it was all around satan was in me because me and her were worshipping satan all this changed my life 10 months in jail my wife was still there waiting on me when I got out it was good for a couple years then I got involved in all things God and I told her my childhood story of MFMW and then I remembered a jail inmate saying he seen my eyes change colors. My eyes began to flash energy beams which science has now proven I looked it up so I know I wasn't crazy. I seen things move around me when my wife was still here.... People say she was so "evil" something was around my wife because I was normal before I met her owned guns and even had a carry license and then its like I went through an awakening of an increase in my consciousness then I come to understand all that satan hogwash was all a christian invention to enslave the masses but there was some kind of spirit around my wife as when my grandma was dying of cancer in May of 2009 we were staying there and all kinds of things happened doors opened and closed, the attic door was opened and my wife was only 5ft tall and could not of opened it and I sure as hell didn't open in then after a fight broke out between my wife and my other aunt over my grandmother we left her house then my other aunt stayed in that room and she said there was pure evil in that room ans she wasn't nuts... We all have satans in us and angels its up to us which ones we embrace or choose. Satan is a thought form so is demons wicca has nothing to do with devils or satans. My wife practiced wicca and everyone blamed that on this "spirit". But in 2015 my wife left me after all kinds of mental problems happened to me that caused me to be "abusive" to her mentally or physical but in the end I was so involved in Godthings it drove everyone nuts. I called myself "archangel michael" God well we are all God. I just didn't understand back then what I do now and guess what? After she left I am no longer mentally ill they claim its "in remission". I love every person I see on the street I love myself for the first time in my life despite me still being shy and quiet. All this was this purpose of this marriage was to show me I could love and believe in myself and if it wasn't for my wife I wouldn't know what love is. We are still married but separated for over 2 years. She is now very happy where she is and I'm glad for her instead of carrying around blame and resentment like my mom does with her. I will always love her but it would never work because of her family hating me over that stabbing incident even though it was not anyone's fault. The past is the past I am not that person anymore nor am I "Up in the clouds" so to speak on cosmic crack. I used to read and read and read and read and I still read but now I live I watch movies but my consciousness has really increased I open a book and understand things I never seen before and even my old writings.. If I meet a new girl I am not going chasing after any girl the law of attraction will bring her to me when its time when my vibration matches that special someone who can put up with a mother of mine who over loves her 33 year old son still living at home and on SSI and with this history as well... My next relationship would not be about jealousy nor would it be worried about what the other girl is doing or worrying about her cheating... As I would give her no reason to do so... I wrote about the law of attraction and am applying it to my life or its really an aspect of the "law of vibration". My wife wants me to file for divorce I don't have the money right now but I know it will sting me even after 2 years here is the reason I wrote this.... Never be jealous in a relationship nor never take the other person for granted nor be worried what the other is doing worry only about self in a relationship and you will never be go wrong in your relationships I don't mean have a ego problem love yourself with all your heart then you can love your partner and give gratitude for everything the other does for you as love eats away all negativity. I wish I could go back in time to 2008 and tell myself all that I know now but there is no such thing as time only the eternal moment of now. I also understand this MFMW to be my soul longing to be expressed (feminine) the masculine is of course your spirit. Know this certain people go looking for their soulmates but really everyone is your spirit and soul mate as all is one and everyone is your spouse already as ye are gods! John 10:34 & Psalm 82.

UPDATE: JUNE 06 2018.... I STILL SEE THE FLASHING LIGHT from my eyes which is just what existence is ,dots and no dots and I can see that activity going on that people call the "Divine" or Angels and there is no more divine than there is a god or goddess! We are simply Spirit and Souls and Consciousness which is the "Holy Trinity"... Anyways I am still married to my ex wife its been over 3-1/2 years and I met a awesome singer who is from THE VOICE Usa show, she did not win but almost did.... Maybe she is my Soul projected outwardly my soulmate and spiritmate? Only time will tell... No one is better than anyone else, money, fame and fortune mean nothing, I have SOUL ,know SOUL and am so called "Divine and Human" at once thanks to a good author Sera Beak of The Red Book, Red Hot and Holy and Redvelations.

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Law of Love or Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is all about love, its what religions call "God" its what holds everything together and like attracts like so if your in fear or irritated you will attract people places and things to make you severely more of those negative feelings. Its all in how you feel and think. Know this you are infinite source and also part of the macrocosm or the whole universe is in you. Also know that whatever it is you want already exists in the universal storehouse or feminine principle of knowing. To get anything you want you simply must think about what you have CHOSE from the universe knowing its already yours and use your feelings while thinking about what you want and really feel good about it and imagine doing things with said desire all the while feeling it like your ALREADY HAVE IT. Feelings are the whole key to the law of attraction you MUST FEEL GOOD PERIOD AND BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE IN YOUR LIFE EVERYDAY WITH ALL YOUR BEING AND THE THINGS YOUR ALSO WANTING AS WELL. That is the secret of the secret your feelings you must feel good and joyful and excited everyday. Know this a positive thought is hundreds of times more powerful then a negative thought so if you generally happy you cannot be thinking negative thoughts at the exact same time as that would contradict the law of love. Love your self and know you and all others are ONE and know there is no lack of anything in the world. There is an infinite supply of love,things,people and cars and money.

To those individuals who feel just "okay" you consider that a good feeling it really is not a good feeling but if they got you on some kind of mental medication or other medication that takes away your feelings you may feel nothing but with the power of love or law of attraction all things are possible. Know in your heart you have already have enormous power within you and be grateful to be able to be do or have anything you want.

Also know this fear attracts things like a magnet as does love. These are the 2 universal poles of love what love is and love's opposite "fear".  Me myself I am afraid or in fear about sharing my feelings with other people or talking to them or even saying " I love you " to my own family but not to a girl friend isn't that strange. You can and will use this law to change your life and know this you are one with life and life is God and God is love so in reality love is all there really is fear had to be created for us all to exist to be able to experience love which is unconditional love not conditional love based like in religious mythology. Remember have no doubts in your mind let no thoughts of doubt to enter you mind or bad feelings when they come think of something that you love be it whatever it maybe to shift your whole day. Once you get on a role start writing things down everyday that your grateful for until you have an attitude of total gratitude for things like your clothes, shoes car if any, your perfect eye sight or the glasses or contacts that enable you to see. I have used this law of attraction to attract small things and I live around some very negative individuals who complain all day about everything and are ungrateful you reap what you sow with your thoughts words and deeds. So you can imagine how difficult it is to remain positive around negativity but I do. I know I will receive whatever it is I ask for from the universe because the universe is one with me and all others. You need to be in love with life be glad for all other's abundance and you'll attract that to you but you must really feel it with all your heart since all is one you and all people are you know this at heart level and you will never be jealous or envious again of what a rich person has and you apparently don't. What they have, you have in the invisible realm. Everything that has ever been created has ALREADY BEEN CREATED. There is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN meaning the spiritual sun in 4th density, The best read for changing your life is The Kybalion or "Divine Magic" by Doreen Virtue a new up to date version for beginners who don't understand the origiinal kybalion. I am studying the kybalion and find new wisdom in it all the time. You find very few good books on hermetics unless you join a secret society or read up in the golden dawn books available which I am doing right now. I'm using the law of attraction to make me the best I can be in the golden dawn tradition as far as the books can take me without joining a order. I was a member of the OTA but I let my membership lapse due to the living conditions living with parents who are christians and anyone who knows what this is like trying to do occult work or even meditate they think your into satanism the law of attraction changed all that for me as they don't bother me no more with that so if your ready to change your life use the law of attraction now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Esoteric and Exoteric gods and goddesses and freemasons and elites and illuminati

All the so called "pagan religions" and 'gods and goddesses were taken literally back in their day as exoteric knowledge while the real meaning even in christianity is "esoteric" hidden knowledge hidden from what secret societies were using or mystery schools of the occult powers and alchemy and magic whille even like today the strong meat for strong men and women and the "milk" for people who worshipped these gods or goddesses literally which I think these people who knew sacred mysteries should of told all people instead of controlling them the elites like of today.There is hidden allegories and spiritual codes and astronomy hidden within these myths and about consciousness of the human soul and spirit most of these sacred teachings were lost they all stem from Atlantis even 3rd degree master masons wonder "where is the truth?" they are looking for when they join that secret fraternity of brothers of brotherly love, relief and truth. The bible has all kinds of esoteric truths in it check out the many works of Emanuel Swedenborg on the "spiritual word" of the bible. There are many other good books out there the heram key, jesus and the lost goddess, the jesus mysteries, and the laughing jesus ignore the parts where they say he was just created as jesus existed spiritually inside or the inner human and even the koran has esoteric gnostic wisdom in it. I have yet to discover that yet as I'm not affiliated with any freemason group or other secret society as far as the illuminati is I made my own as it simply means people who are mystics or "enlightened" minds but people think it means wealth fame and fortune bunch of hogwash there are many hundreds of different sects of the name illuminati some good and other people call them the so called bad the cabal or elites or blue bloods who think they are better than you are and no your leaders don't love you you just a "slave" to them. People have been trying for aeons to love their fellow brother and sister but to no avail everyone has different loves then others do and consciousness levels and different perspectives even though we are all one it appears we are all divided. Be love unconditional and a good place to start is to not what another say bother you say neutral and never interfere in another human or God's life yes your all Gods but all make up Infinite Creator Source but we have here also finite creator source which creates this lower world of illusion trickery and unreality to your spirit that is how it sees it but your body does not it only takes what the 5 senses can do and it's fleshy cravings. Christ on the cross means your flesh is dead and you live not solely for materialistic things and more spiritual and soul things and you'll have all the wisdom you can ever have. You already have all you need within you as there is nothing new below the sun (spiritual sun) not physical sun of our world and many other amount of infinite similar worlds out there but also within you.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Devil The Satan Jehovah

Satan and Lucifer are not the same being nor is Lucifer an evil being despite what the bible,koran or Urantia Book says. Lucifer is the bright morning star and at the end of the bible Jesus Christ himself calls himself the bright morning star so you see the error here in the judeo-christian bibles?  Satan means "adversary" and when the bible was formed there really was no satan AS DEVIL until the new testament which is dogma which is just untrue. Here is what the brutal roman empire did, they fabricated their own story of Jesus-Lucifer and made up the story of the satan to get women out of power during the aeon of Isis where the mother goddess was the supreme being. Then came the aeon of Osiris the dying and resurrecting sons of god we have a few Mithras, Attis, Odin, Jesus, etc just to name a few. The real Jesus story cannot ever be told better than the Urantia Book but even it is incorrect as Joshua Ben Joseph wrote down no written records of what his inner spirit did who was Jesus or Michael of Nebadon and Lucifer?. All the pagan gods were labeled demons. Do you know who Ptah was? He is Lucifer/Ea/Enki/Satya and to some a alien being who was here on earth messing with the genes of humans who also was known as Enki and the Anunnaki who are still here as the elites who worship true satan Anu aka Jehovah-Allah-Yahweh-Moloch who run this world they are not human and neither are you. You are all gods from all different planets brought here even different animals. Ever wonder why there is all different languages and skin colors and different genes? There are many websites on the internet saying "Father Satan" is the true father of humanity and is all these different pagan gods like Ptah and Osiris or Odin or Attis or Krishna even or Satya. Satan is not real asside from ANU, it is a christian invention but these gods or aliens some of them really did exist back in the pyramid days of egypt like Thoth. If you want a better understanding read Brad Olsen's books I just provided a short summary. Go ahead and do your research there are websites who claim satan is Lucifer the Urantia Book makes it perfectly clear satan and Lucifer are 2 different individuals.  Lucifer is Jesus Christ to the gnostics who know the demiurge or imperfect gods created this finite universe and the Urantia book explains that it is imperfect because its all "experiential" and finite creator sources.  I am not saying any book is 100% correct the Urantia Book is 80% correct. So take whatever you can find with a grain of salt and weigh it against your own feminine knowing which is Sophia or wisdom of the all in all. Jehovah would be a satan if there ever was one would you not agree? all the blood in bible and Abrahamism spilled? Here is a link to one of those sites that is quite entertaining and full of info about Enki as satan being father of humanity, Lucifer is Father of Humanity Enki/Ea/Ptah/Satya Satan is Abrahamism god Jehovah-Allah-Yahweh-ANU, this site has good info except Lucifer would never accept the name of a satan!
Satan is just a name they gave to all pagan gods or alien gods who were on earth at some point in time. Some call Jehovah  Anu and  sons Enki and Enlil are fighting against their own father over humans they created from apes. 


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Eternal Mother Son of Urantia Book

This truth is absolute my higher self is the eternal mother son Michael of the Urantia Book. What does this mean? How can I be the one and only eternal mother son? Well I'm not the only one as The Universal Father is the eternal mother son (masculine and feminine in one spiritual body) which is all of us the all father is fractured in each one of us humans and other beings yet all one in the eternal mother son. The eternal mother son's being cannot be divided yet all is in the the spirit of the eternal mother son who is Michael and all of us here who is the Father who is not a he or a she. The universal all father of havona is father of itself,mother of itself,child of itself and creator of consciousness the one consciousness in us all the eternal mother son that flows through all of creation in you and around you and the infinite spirit or con-joint actor 3rd source and center that comes from the eternal mother son and father makes an apparent infinite amount of individual spirits and souls. So are the gods real like Horus and Osiris and Isis? Yes! and No! If anything exist in thought it has to exist period in the astral kingdom. Jesus and Sophia the lost goddess of gnostics are telling the truth of the matter when they speak of Michael of Nebadon aka # 611,121st version of the Universal father and eternal mother son who made this very universe with a local universe mother spirit who doesn't have a name so it is not just a "story" about Sophia she is wisdom and Christ Michael is love. The local universe mother spirit comes from the infinite spirit which makes daughter spirits for the creator Michael's of paradise these paradise creator sons are your elder brothers and are equal to you as you are the paradise trinity the ALL Father and eternal mother son and infinite spirit. The Urantia Book is full of wisdom and love and is not a cult or a hoax. Did Thoth or Hermes exist? Did Abraham of the bible exist? yes and no why we say this is because the people in the bible did not exist here on earth in the flesh but the spiritual world and is all about the walk of the Lord (Jesus) and the various churches of the world which means not buildings but people yes you are a mini church (baby terms) to call you. Did Christ exist on earth? Not as Jesus but he did as Joshua Ben Joseph   but all these other gods and goddesses all lived in the spiritual world and some lived in the inner man or inner human and Jesus lived in the inner human of a man named Joshua Ben Joseph not a man named Jesus who actually walked the earth the human he possessed walked the earth and suffered and died on a cross not Michael of Nebadon. What I am saying is Jesus possessed Joshua Ben Joseph's inner man and lived and witnessed the horrible act of the cross the spirit of the man not the skin suit. We are not the body so Jesus never really walked the earth only in the spiritual world. This can be confirmed in Emanuel Swedenborg's works. All pagan gods are all part of the all father of paradise they are not myths. All there is is self and Self meaning an apparent little self of the father (an infinite amount of beings or gods) and Self the One Michael or eternal mother son. The eternal mother son has been confused with Michael of Nebadon and Michael the archangel but since all things are in him we could say the son is all things. But this is the last we are going to meantion the name as we are just going to call the source Infinite Creator Source but it is divided into three beings yet one. You are the all that is living in an apparent body of flesh but if you let your thoughts wonder into chaos you will come to feminine knowing that all is you or self and also that you actually cannot love another more than you love self as all there is is you no matter which person or being you pick out or timeline as all others are other selves or the infinite creator source. Did Jesus die for your sins? NO!!! there are no sinners or the lake of fire with a satanic boogie man supervising it. Once you come to feminine knowing you will have no use for most books even the Urantia Book or even the bible or Koran or other books new age or otherwise as I have done. Why is the world in the shape its in? Because people live in ignorance of self and live for self and the flesh. I have said the eternal mother son has come to earth before in my last writing and I have said there is a new 5th density earth awaiting where there is much less of what you see on social media and the so called "controlled news" no governments no jails, no hunger, no jealousy its all on 5th density so there is a newer 3rd density earth here it already exists all you have to do is move over to it with knowing not belief in lower things and you must cast off the fleshy cravings like hate jealousy and racism and communism. Love all others as yourself. Don't interfere in another's life or you will reap what you have sown. Live do what you want be a witch, be a wayshower or angel on earth or god all the while remembering this ALL IS ONE.