It was in May of 2009, when my mother's mom was dying, and my ex-wife and me moved in my grams house to help take care of her, I experienced and my ex-wife if she was still here she would tell you, we experienced some evil things in that old house. There was banging on the closet door one night in my gram's upstairs room and we wake up and find a HUGE SPIDER on the wall, my gram always experienced a ghostly presence in that house but nothing bad, only the evil came out when my ex-wife was around, doors shut by themselves, the attic door was moved and no one touched it. Something tried to rip me out of my body and I was out of body yelling for my ex-wife and no one could hear me (they moved my gram to the hospital for a night that night) and I could see my body laying on the bed and it felt so cold and swirling air behind me and darkness. I know it was demons (or Satan) as we know him from my ex-wife practicing satanism with witchcraft. There was a fight between my aunt and my ex-wife and a knife was pulled from the drawer in the kitchen, I had to break that fight up, it was our final night there and my gram died the next day. My other aunt Tracy stayed up in the room we were in and said OMG the evil she seen and she stayed away from me and my ex-wife until we separated because she was scared of what she seen in our former room and she never told our family to this day what she seen... The evil manifested itself in our bedroom here in 2009 and we seen shadows and clawing on the walls we heard and my ex-wife set up a camera in my bedroom near christmas of 2009 and the demons were draining the power out of the camera and throwing shit around like our remote caddie and opening drawers and I made a home made Ouija board and it said it was Belial. My ex- saved holy water from her dad that some catholic priest gave her dad and she dumped it around all 4 corners and the door of the room and we put horse shoes up and guess what it all stopped. But then I went over dosed on Lithium for sometime because I was shaking and no dr's checked my blood levels and in 2011 we became satanists as I was trying to become a ordained minister but instead i ended up stabbing my wife after we just moved out into our own apartment from my parents, just say it wasn't me but a devil coming through me on Feb 5th 2011 and my ex stayed with me even after the stabbing but after my ex left in 2015 in January I returned to my old self, now fully awakened to the God or Source as me and we all. Places are not haunted, people are haunted! It was my ex who was haunted. Now I wear crystals and rings that protect me from lower vibrational entities such as these demons. They are apart of us (our psyche) and brain (the unconscious part) of our minds not brain. They live in the astral realm in between the world of spirits and the physical angular world we know as 3rd density. I am more careful who I open myself up to ,not just any woman as if they are a satanist I will not date them but witchcraft there is nothing wrong with this but just know unexperienced satanism can lead to big trouble like me they almost got me but God had my back (or higher self) whatever you wish to call it. I was facing 40 years worth of prison time and I got simple assault for "mental illness guilty plea of simple assault". This county where I live they make their own rules in court. I set in jail 309 days over that incident in 2011. I NEVER hurt anyone, it wasn't me, it was something else as my eyes my ex said were pitch black and I was speaking in a different voice so is demonic possession possible? Yes but not like on Horror movies, everyone has at least 2 angels with them and 2 evil spirits. I found this out in Swedenborgism. ADDED: 06/07/2022:
On April 29th 2019 my ex satanic wife sent me a "warning" that I would wish I was dead and same night lowest vibration I was ever in, a spirit a unclean spirit entered me and slit my throat!!! Abaddon did it it said it was this devil and Satan itself more or less... I had 19 stitches in my neck! Cops tasered me and with 3 tasers they couldn't make me stop slicing my throat slowly and deeply.... something left my body and I threw myself on to the floor as I knew I needed serious medical help and was scared shitless once evil spirit left me.... It was same entity that said it cut my ex wife up Abaddon/Apollien (excuse my grammar) mistakes. Now as of 2020 till now I hear voices, every thought is said out side of me, demons daemons and spirits all good or evil alike I hear. They terrorized me in 2020 doing serious spiritual psychic or paranormal attacks when I was in bed and made me lose my mind almost...I was scared of them at first, now they respect me or want me to believe that? They help me as its a mental talk now back and forth they joke and its like guides here not them nasty evil spirits scaring me it's spirits known as good daemons like Plato had, not demons them were gone. They still try and return but I called on all archangels, before me Raphiel,Behind me Gabriel, on my right hand Michael, on left hand Ariel/Uriel and with me its a potent pentagrammaton or penticle of protection...pentagram is a powerful protector.. I used my own holy water with salt and that is when spirits left... You know when I became a satanist with satanic ex wife in Jan 2011, that ritual is in "Devil's Bible" and it said there is no turning back we mocked Judeo Christian ideas for 3 nights and technically I am still a theistic satanist by that ritual, but truly I am a gnostic and witch. I just am a witch neither good nor evil as nature is both or neither really. God works through nature and God/Source or all in all is all and everyone and thing....Below are pictures of that haunted house! It was the kind of activity like movies of Paranormal Activity and Poltergeist ghosts, there was a picture with monkeys 3 in smoke my gram caught the devil monkey demons, I been searching for that photo I cannot find it. Here is links about my crazy stuff that happened in more detail, NEW INFO FIRST LINK 2024 Jan 21.
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This was blue room where severe evil happened 2009. |
This was room where BAD haunting happened, I dare a paranormal activity ghost hunter to go inside this house and investigate, I would love to see Paranormal Nightmare TV to investigate this house, I wanted to own it it's not for sale now and when it was it was $35000 range. Something attached itself to me from that house or is within me absorbed, from items from my grandma the horse shoe I took it was a mistake and personal stuff of gram, there was a ghost named "Abe" there turned water on in sink, flushed toilet,sounds walking up stairs and was friendly ghost, but that MONKEY DEMON DEVILS attached itself to me and ex wife loved that, she left a monkey with spell cast on it, see no evil hear no evil speak no evil all in one monkey, this spirit haunted another house where Paranormal Nightmare TV investigated the monkey nick nacks were moved around, monkey devils monkey demons I don't know what their name is I am psychic some what and hear spirits and can see Light in rooms and eyes are Light after all I been through Holy Spirit is within me showing itself God protects me from evil spirits. My ex was a black satanist witch not innocent witch craft , it was theistic satanism 616 witch craft. Latest post: 08/20/2023
Brownsville Road is tied to this family by ancestors by 4 Brown name members killed on Brownsville Rod Pitssburgh PA demon of Brownsville rd Brentwood added Jan 14th 2024. Browns my great great Grandma Brown was murdered way back early 1900s. tragedy keeps striking my family like the links added above.
NOTE I HAD PAGE ON FACEBOOK about this and my account was hacked, and I know who did it look out karma is coming for you pal! March 9th 2024
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