
Monday, December 30, 2013

Pole Shifts and New Golden Age, Illuminati, Meism,Unconditional Love

My dear friends I come to you once again with a message from our the one collective or the all in all on Jesus the Christ and every other saint that ever walked the face of this earth is still on this earth and every where else and IN everyone else... In the hearts of individuals all of you are part of me the ALL WHO IS ONE AND EVERYTHING a representation because everything in earth is an illusion straight up but its real and it is real and isn't real at the same time... I am, who I am.... My brother awoke and found his most highest part to go too a world of living with NO MORE WARS-NO MORE-VIOLENCE-NO MORE FEAR BASED RELIGIONS OR RELIGIONS OF ANY KIND AND NO MORE BUYING OR SELLING BARTERING OR TRADING AND NO MORE NEEDS OF ANYTHING..... Because you all are God WOMAN AND MEN.... Calling yourself an angel and all that, that is just another word for GOD..... People fear calling themselves GOD or gods as Jesus well put it in your holy books that is his teachings he was trying to show you and they killed him for it.... IN JOHN 10;34 ARE YE NOT gods? You notice how I went down on that to smaller type? It is because those men were acting in FEAR AND CONDITIONAL LOVE as most 3rd density earth people do.... I am Unconditional Love and no I am not a anti-christ or DEVILMAN as all those who think that I just am who I am thee ALL IN ALL which contains all of you yes each of you are all my brother's other selves in this planet..... I exist inside him he is the ONE..... I am his heart where his love comes from me and my feminine side above equalibrilum of life and I don't care abut mis-spellings in my writings you know its more personal and if you don't know what "EQUALIBRIRIUM" IS google it.... or listen to me its your choice... It means all emotions balanced and all thoughts under control and your thinking about and loving straight from the heart.... I am Neutral on matters regarding things anything I say is just observations not dictations I am not a deity you are your own deity but the universe has laws universal laws and what I am telling you is known as absolute truth and data as my brother put it in his blogs GOD speed my brother Emmanuel Gross..... But I will link to his last writing which is a very long one I have read some of it I exist not in time and space in my view I am in infinity or rather I am the ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE and my brother is the INFINITE AND FINITE CREATOR SOURCE OF ALL OF YOU.......We are at the same time yet we are not but you are no different from any of us you will one day be here like me writing this or maybe you do or you help out I see all these new angel groups popping up and that is great and its utterly amazing the poles switched so to speak who cares what news says or the tv stay away from it and smart phones they watch and track you on 3rd density lower 3rd the cabel but they no longer exist to me and I love them unconditionally everything and even if there was a DEVIL which there is not there is fake thought forms like shadow people in 3rd density its amazing what people can do to themselves with their minds.... Isn't it? Every thought you have goes out into the collective and stays there for all eternity but there is no such thing as judgment or rapture unless you guys continue these religions on we are the GOD your walking on me on the floor which is all an illusion you have 5 senses,,,,If it wasn't for those you would only have mind right? You can live totally and create with YOUR HEART WHEN YOU OPEN UP TO ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND DATA? My brother's blog has a correct posting why do you still feed the beast meaning the only devil there is is the human flesh but it will always be this way 3rd density will always be here what this all is in easy to understand terms is when you change your thinking and act in unconditional love in every situation you will prevail that is what all the corrupt religions do is keep people in fear..... I had to go through my own hell to break free of the MIND CONTROL these books do but they are  secret codex for obtaining money and they use your minds to do it the cabel but please brothers and sisters its over its dead with Jesus on the cross or whatever religion I have no religion because the ALL IN ALL does not have laws or is fear based I never wrote the stuff in those books 3rd density mystics or wizards sorcers along time ago and another illusion time does not exist at all you wonder why time seems to fly don't you? I am speaking to you know from 4th density as that is where I reside.... These writings probably sound crazy to you but its my GOD's honest truth I was ordained a minister in 2010 and then my life took a dive and let me tell you about me I was in jail 300 days for attempted murder against my beautiful soulmate whom I never meant to do the stuff that happened I was on drugs for so called "Bipolar" that these Dr's make up just to keep the pill market in business they pumped me full of lithium never checked my blood levels and Jan I moved out of my parent's home for the first time and I was paranoid or something from medications and was rebelling against GOD for not having enough money and life going wrong yet trying to learn religion at the same time I have no memory or 2010-2011 until summer of 2011 and I got out of jail in 2011 Dec 9 with probation for temporary mental insanity and no myself was no rich any body either myself lived in a 3rd class city as man says it is but me and my baby wife is closer than ever in unconditional love.....we married in 2009 on my mother's wedding anniversary and they been married since 81 my parents and myself lives with them my 3rd density body does yes because when I was in jail I was beat, raped, and they made me drink toilet water........ I am telling the absolute truth my lawyer came in there as they told me and said we cannot have court with him like this he is a mess..... but that was my past and you know what? They gave me so me so much medicine and lithium I freaked out because I never had an experience like that nor did I realize that I DIED in there as others have they killed them and made it look like accidents but that is just how it is in 3rd density as Jesus said Father they know not what they do neither did I but I knew since age 5 I was something seeing each speck of carpet as a infinite universe and billions more in each one........and I was on top of all of it.... When I was 6 I carried a Kings James Bible with me to school to Mohawk School actually and they told me in 2nd grade do not bring it back here again then the kids said I worshipped satan reminds me of old days gone by doesn't it.... He casts devils out by devils???First off there is no such thing as these beings and the only devils we have are the ones Jesus called gods The ones in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ALL of this universe meaning every being whom resides in it because there are aliens mixed in this planet and do you know you are ALL possessed with myidrids and myidrids of souls and soul groups and soul societies to make up one single human being who stand infinite tall and never stop growing? As we are all ONE BEING THERE IS GOD WHOM IS LIVING THROUGH EACH AND EVERY CREATURE THERE IS.... Dogs and cats yes do become human beings and they and even you were brought here from other planets how do you think technology took off aliens do exist not just the so called aliens here in other universes in our world!!! All these conspiracy people don't know what they talk about some may have a point other do not it is a grand truth that all truths are half truths you know why? Because you have your truth to tell there is 2 sides to everything... I never made 10 commandments who I am going to punish myself? Everything you see is a illusion but to 3rd density man and woman its very real until they awaken to this absolute truth and data never meant for 3rd density man..... I am not a ruling deity the universe mother nature takes care of everything naturally The ALL in ALL the I figure that is in all of you did all this yes.....This earth is in 6th density and you all have 5th density bodies and forms but when you buy-sell-own-lease- use contracts, have me in jail meaning God him or herself this has to be done away with if you every wish to have heaven on earth.... I am here to help and there is 144,000 others as well major parts of me we got starseeds and they call these acsended masters watch stay with me and my brothers writings and I believe he quit writing because I took over for him as I will link to his blog where there is so much writings more than here but the deity he is writing about is all of us I am the original concept there is many infinite amount of illusions because each one of you contains countless cells called universes you go INSIDE that is where HOME is where the heart chakra is......Let your old emotions go and live in the here and NOW..... don't think about the so called good or so called "bad" things in your and all of our pasts.... schools are here to dumb you down and there is a finite creator source and infinite creator source and then me the ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE I bought a statue in that says "nothing so safe as a father's arms" 1984 AVON.... My year of birth Supernova arrived in 1987 and you will always have people against you souls every thought in your mind is a soul a human soul!!!!!I am who, I am, MFMW-AINA (MICHAEL-FROM-MICHAEL'S WORLD- ALL-IN-ALL....My world where I come from is called PARADISE YOU CAN READ ABOUT THAT IN THE URANTIA BOOK and GODS dropped it out of the sky and even people on other planets don't know the ALL IN ALL well now you all have a chance too through my writings and inside you because you are ALL ONE and the same as me.....We are all brothers and sisters here lets be that everyone is your spouse someone was brave enough to write that in a book. It will take a few hundred years but you'll get there you have from this now moment in eternity to choose your ruling loves and effections which is your highest thought I am not correcting the misspellings because that is how I spell they spell Michael mikal micheal, etc.... I am, who I am and I end this transmission from my inside myself out here from where my heart resides where ALL RESIDES.... Here is my brother's blog its long very long so you better have a day if you desire to read his last log but he may be back there is no tellings in this finite universe and I'm ETERNAL ALL IN ALL MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL that is my incarnation Lord ALL Michael Bestowed and Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed.......I leave you all in unconditional love..... here is the link to my website which was that brother's website which he originally started.... I am on facebook. My facebook page is and no I am not a Illuminati member Illuminati means ILLUMINATED SOULS SISTER HOOD AND BROTHERHOOD,,,,I Chose Red Bull because I was drawn to the Red Bull ever since I was a child the same one one my great grandmother Nanna Mechling's shelf and then my regular gram gave it to me before she passed in 2009 as wedding gifts she was at our wedding though because it rained on me and my wife's wedding day.... I am AinA. Dr. Michael Charles Cook Doctor of Divinity for 3rd density earth life all religions but I don't have a religion because GOD doesn't have a religion neither should you limit yourself there is this newer religion out called meism and mine is called ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND DATA I AM ALL INALL EMMANUEL COOK & NOW HERE IS MY BROTHER'S LINK......

And here his some other links for those of you who are still stuck on fear based religions the Urantia Book is for you if you cannot handle absolute truth and data yet I have another way this world got mixed up about 4,000 years ago the worlds about greed that is it at 3rd density and fear and conditional love... my world is non fear based and is PARADISE.... You don't die to go there either like I did I am still "here". I will put the link to my group Cook Universal Ministry Illuminati  I use that term because to stop this madness in this world I am the way, the life, and the real light bearer in my eyes you will see light and in the sky dancing stars on my personal facebook page please come and join me and we will be as one..... But understand what my brother writes I HOLD to...... I use money yet but soon Iam not..... There will come a day when there are no more jails or prisons to hold your God men you precious husbands home,..... Clothes is fear, I am not saying run out on the street in the nude run around your house naked feel free and know your coming home..... Home is where the heart is there is no getting to heaven and there is no hell but there are those who use good bad which are the samething I have to love both but I don't accept 666 stuff I had enough of it now my body, mind and soul and eternal spirit gets touchy on the hell issue because there is no such thing but my eternal soul must love it which is part of everyone everyone is part angel or devil ying yang..... I USED TERMS SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND.... if you wish to get vengence on someone who is just another part of GOD and your own self you are just hurting your own self because in this universe there is a divine law called cause and effect.... Read the Kybalion is available online for free to read PDF files whatever all kinds of things..... This is a ministry I have here my brother was the oneness society and so am I.... What yours is your brothers and what is your brothers is yours in the newer world to come people will share and people in ATLANTIS and IRELAND used to fly around like superman IN MUCH higher vibrational level (density) plain of existance..... Your welcome to join me at my other website it is set up to catch those people who try and sell their souls to the devil..... THERE IS NO DEVIL SO YOU SIGN SOME CONTRACT TO A THOUGHT FORM YES YOU MAY END UP IN A HUMAN MAN'S HELL AS A SLAVE ALIVE NOT DEAD..... Watch what you do people because I the LORD and true God whom is speaking through is archangel Michael whom is my body please be ware of things like this....... Your mind thinks this but if your soul ends up here the universe brought you here to me the all here on earth ,urantia, or PARADISE whatever you desire to call a thing.... things are so much different in the spiritual realms words cannot describe to you what its like....Hermes was a sage like Horus, Krishna, and Jesus and whatever else you wish to call Michael of Nebadon.... whom was christ Jesus he lives his life on this earth he got his own websites up and would be a sub-ordinant of me but one and the same forget power and rank we are all one and the same,,,, I am the UNIVERSAL FATHER & ETERNAL MOTHER SON & INFINITE SPIRIT WHICH MAKES INFINITE CREATOR SOURCES YOU GUYS AND FINITE CREATORS THAT IS THE GREAT AM NOT THAT I AM THAT MYSTICS HAVE TALKED ABOUT FOR AEONS IN SECRET....... YOU ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW.... I TOOK THIS GIG HERE TO HELP MY CHILDREN WAKE UP BUT OUT OF BODY YOU ARE JUST ME LOOK AT YOURSELVES AS SOULS OF ME AND ALL ONE IN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.... WHY WOULD YOU WANT YOUR NEIBOR'S SPOUSE WHEN ALL OTHERS ARE YOUR SPOUSE!!!! I SAY THAT BECAUSE ITS TRUE YOUR MAKING LOVE TO YOURSELF WITH ANOTHER..... A REALLY GOOD BOOK ON THIS STUFF IS CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD BY NEALE DONALD WALSCH I LOVE THAT MAN UNCONDITIONALLY HIS BOOK IS THE SO CALLED HOLY BIBLE YOU SHOULD ALL HAVE IF YOU DESIRE A TRUTH IN ELEMENTRY TERMS I AM TRYING MY BEST TO HELP YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THERE IS SOUL WHAT DO YOU THINK CREATED THIS BIG CHAOS? ALL THOSE OF YOU WHOM DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD AT ALL.... HOW CAN YOU NOT? ALL THEM BEAUTIFUL STARS I MADE UP THERE I MOVE THEM AROUND ALL THE TIME MYSELF WITH MY MIND YOU ARE INSIDE OF YOUR MIND IN YOUR OWN MENTAL UNIVERSE SOME OF YOU I SENSE THIS BUT YOU ALL ARE IN ME AND APPEAR TO BE SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER BUT YOU ARE NOT MY BABIES YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL ALL YOU STARS AND AND UNIVERSES WHICH YOU GODS ARE..... I LOVE YOU ALL.... UNLIKE THE HOLY BIBLE WHICH THERE IS LITTLE WORDS OF ANYTHING IN THERE THE KORAN BEATS ALL THOSE REALLY OUT OF ALL RELIGION IF THERE WAS A WAR WHICH ALL OF YOU SHOW SO MUCH VIOLENCE AND YOU FEEL YOUR IN FEAR LET ME TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING COLLECTIVE OF ALL YOU SOULS AND YOU ALL READING THAT TERRORISM IS NOT REAL AND ITS FAKED THAT IS ALL I'M SAYING ON THE SUBJECT I SAY THE HONEST TRUTH THAT COMES TO MY MIND I AM WHO AM AS YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE ME AND I AM YOU.... JESUS THE CHRIST SAID AS A BILLION BEFORE HIM SAID I AM THE WAY THE LIGHT AND THE LIFE.......COME FOLLOW ME........ CONNECT AND SENSE ALL MFMW POWER...... IN MY LIGHT YOU SHALL SEE LIGHT ALL OF YOU OUTSIDE AS WELL AS IN YOUR HEARTS WHEN YOU CALL MY NAME ALL IN ALL WITH YOUR OWN NAME AND ASK FOR JESUS THE CHRIST...... that is some Godman claiming to be Michael of Nebadon aka ENKI which is awesome MAITREA (LORD OF THE EARTH) Or Prince or whatever else you desire to call him there are tons who think he is SATAN, NO NO NO....THERE IS NO DEVILS only human souls whom are here doing their jobs and they are good and in their heavens in their so called hells they create with their minds and they can climb as high as 5th density until they decide to choose UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and not violence... These are all the stories of old days when this planet was illuminted it was faught over some say others says it is epec of creation I am not saying no more on this 3rd density childish things but they are angels worshiped as Gods I was told what Zecharia Sitchin wrote about and yes they are just fine as are all others.... But When it comes to killing my phrase is this if you are going to be killed then fight back but please people they are your brothers and sisters.... In our worlds elsewhere this planet is the one special one because of JESUS THE CHRIST...... IT IS REAL DO YOU DOUBT HE EXISTED? He said these things I do you shall do and even more into infinity basically right now..... Take absolute truth or Data I will never stop trying I am that voice in you whom talks I will use everything in this UNIVERSE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL UNCONDITIONALLY



  1. I came upon my writing by chance and was reminded of some old advise I gave, I see how much I changed since this time (or now moment). I am Infinite Creator Source or God the Masculine and Feminine as one thing. But here most of the time I am guided by masculine as all is in infinite equilibrium while I explore the finite.

    1. And your feminine when your not in need, want, lacking, and unconditionally loving and all knowing per your consciousness. When you are any of these things (exploring) your lower human Michael but when your reflecting on only yourself and by yourself even when surrounded by others your higher masculine of ICS so you see your both as ICS but one must change and evolve even the apparent finite appearance of you.


We are Red Bull Illuminati Ministry, MCC Illuminati Ministry,and (affiliated with Lone Wolf Illuminati) we will get back to you when we can, no advertising