
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Where was Source/ God Before Creation?

Where was Source or God before creation? We have ventured into where was God or Source before creation? Well Consciousness has always existed infinite at that and has no beginning and neither does infinite nothing or "unconsciousness", which at one point Source was aware of itself in eternity, then once consciousness filled the nothing, Infinite Source began manifesting all things possible and potential that already existed since eternity from a zero point of nothing or simple point. Then conscious intention was added then all things finite as finite source or God exist as the feminine Celestial heavens, then the spiritual world, then the physical world and planes so all that already exist as infinite source can apparently be "created" in the finite to provide the illusion of "reality" of all these things since eternity here and now. Does this sum it up for you as where was God/Source before Creation? As there was no actual "creation"! It just all IS as the infinite, however the feminine principle and masculine principle are expressed by the infinite as the Eternal Mother Son (Feminine and Masculine) which is not finite or infinite but absonite BUT WITH ITSELF IT'S INFINITE as the 2 are One.
But the Infinite All or "Father" is genderless.Then the 2nd person of trinity is the Eternal Mother Son (Feminine and Masculine) principles of it's own self which flows and fills all things with it's own personal infinite being, while the Paradise Creator Sons' (The Michaels) (See Urantia Book if you don't know what these terms are) are made as part All or Father and Eternal Mother Son and there is over 700,000 of these Michaels made and they draw on the 3rd being of trinity, the Infinite Consciousness which the Urantia Book calls "Infinite Spirit" as the term for correct use is "consciousness and unconsciousness" as source is and isn't at the sametime. There is so much information in the Urantia Book revelations of finite, absonite and infinite beings of all different types and along with Emanuel Swedenborg's teachings , he is talking about "Jehovah God" as Christ Michael or "Jesus" paradise creator son number 611,121 version who is more like the Eternal Mother son(The Original Michael) than the All or Father if you resonate with our truths. The higher masculine is understanding but not knowing as which the Feminine is Consciousness knowing. Not belief or faith or understanding alone as the lower masculine is.
So with Infinite Source we said there is no "creation", yet there is the illusion of creation as the paradise creator sons' (Michaels) create local universes like Jesus created our local universe called Nebadon with 10,000,000 worlds in it. They and you constitute God/Source the Supreme, Ultimate & Absolute beings experientially. That would be finite, absonite and infinite. It fills all space & time this experiential being which is past,present and future yet in infinity & eternity it is already ABSOLUTE BEING, GOD OR SOURCE ABSOLUTE, all for source to know itself through you and as you & we/me. Also it is Alpha (Original Trinity) Then its Omega , finite, absonite and infinite as experiential source consciousness. See, "WE" of Michaels' spiritual and angelic societies were meant to pick up where these beings (Swedenborg & Urantia) left off and in combining the 2 plus our own consciousness, we have new truths or knowings for those who are in our spiritual societies and soul groups. Well as far as the Paradise Trinity is concerned, we are each The All,Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Consciousness and Unconsciousness who is all ONE being which we are within one infinite eternal mind. (THERE IS MORE TO COME FROM SPIRITUAL SOCIETY CALL WE).
We are back and you maybe wondering like our human host why all these "Paradise Creator Sons or Michaels? Well the original paradise trinity down stepped itself from infinity as these beings who are Infinite in power, yet they are either absonite or finite as they manifest their own local universes. So the Eternal Mother Son is the dwelling place of the All of Father who inhabits all humans and beings. They exist in the 7 super universes which are absonite. As with Infinite consciousness you couldn't contain it right within just 7 super universes now could you? NO! & Havona is Infinite & eternal there is the center of the 7 super universes where we all really are or are we? To show you how big infinity is , this same consciousness goes outside the 7 super universes and there is other such different Gods or Sources which are Infinite in their universes which can be entirely different from our 7 super universes but all is oneness. These all are linked together, till infinity as with Infinite Source there is all potential and possibilities right? So what are we? We are Mind or Consciousness with a infinite number of universes and all other things and nothing as well.
And again even what the paradise creator sons' make, it already existed since eternity with Infinite source and it is all a illusion or "creation" ,even as you humans "create" what goes on in your world, yet it already existed before its creation. We think people will be blown away to hear how large source consciousness and unconsciousness really is... It never ends....and is no where yet everywhere. How long has the All or Father , Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit or Consciousness existed? Since eternity till eternity and we are not implying a deity outside our selves here either as they are you as much as they are the same esse and essence we are. Just as consciousness itself has existed and had no beginning as its uncreated and so is unconsciousness.So where did they come from Source's Source? Well you ever ponder on this like when you go to sleep and dream, you are unconscious yet still conscious? Well your all in a infinite mind, everything of the universes are mental, as pure consciousness is what is the mind we are all in of Eternal Source who is each of us in individual form.We are each a macrocosm and microcosm being in oneness.