
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Monetary systems, organized religion, facism governments,jails, prisons, courts,no more killing

In my name the Eternal Creator Source I say to all my other I am selves in this world please wake up to whats really going on in this here world. Martial Law in USA since 2001 this has been going on the cabal is done on 5th density and the newer world 3rd density right here is changed but on another time line but everyone is waking up to absolute truth and data. There is no more monetary systems, organized religions which means there is no more people fighting over which "God" besides theirs is correct when they are all one and the same thing anyways and they think they are sinners and all that no more they know they are all Gods because have not I told you Ye are Gods? John 10:34 NIV & KJV And psalm 82 but pay no attention to the little god as its written.. Little god would be like the angry god of the old testament that jealous father ANU as some call him whom teamed up with Dracos and lizards the Emerald Tablets of Thoth say about lizards that is where the idea came from for the Devil which there is none but thought forms because you as the Godman and Goddesses can make such thought forms because you are GOD the Father and Mother living through you. Some of you represent the world microcosm and some represent a universe or galaxy which its infinite x infinite of universes right within me and this Omniverse we live in. But everything is a state of mind and learn to listen to your heart get rid of the ego in unconditional love for one and all. Everyone of you is me and everyone of you everywhere is in them as well. Our otherselves that is how we treat each other in the new world. There is no more governments to control you and no more banking cabals causing wars all over money which doesn''t exist no more buying or selling anything as you are one with me and there for have the creative powers once you awake to create whatsoever ye desire and choose right out of thin air. Once you know absolute truth and data this all will disappear from you eyes all the governments and evils of this world and it will go to the next batch of souls to this way for all eternity its up to you if you choose to keep visiting lower 3rd density in service to self in conditional love where wars are going on everything that ever happened already happened. There is no time on the NOW moment, You are all awakening or are awakened and don't even realize everything you see is the mirror of past illusions and once you know how to control it your life in unconditional love and stay in service to others and yourself you will walk the new 3rd density and 5th density. No more jails, no more corruption the game for this population is almost over and then that is what I mean its time we all take back what is right unconditional love to others not conditional love that is forcing your stuff on another and you cannot to that because as the law of attraction states as well as cause and effect you will reap what you sow stay zero degree to your know universe or comfort zone in equalibrium you cannot be balanced when co-creating with others of third density. Jesus did not do just random healings but he could of cured anyone in the world do you doubt this or me the infinite creator source of all that is and isn't? You think I only come in 1 form or another your mistaken each part of the lower 3rd density has different ruling loves and affections than you and you don't now what is right for another. But do you doubt you as christ as you are Jesus said these things and more shall ye do more than him even,,,,, do you doubt that? NO I didn't think so or whatever mythos you desire to use there is the ALL IN ALL God the Father & Mother and the Lord and they are all one and the samething. Enki is God saying Know Lord Know I am that I am  meaning you the God inside you God the Mother and Father. All part of the Oneness source of all me. I am who I am and I am who I am not as well at the sametime. Please read by brother's last blog he done its long but is worth the read and once you understand his blog you will understand mine those of you whom are still in the awakening process because IAM saying this is the golden age of enlightenment brothers and sisters its your season what we are offering you today is wonderful!A whole new world right here. No more ownership or possession of a thing no more buying or selling, no more lacks, needs, or wants, and no more governments or school systems to dumb you down and mind control you and no more courts no more judges no more credit or loans or mortgages as everything is provided by higherself in you. Once you awaken to unconditional love and are inservice to other and don't do any of these things anymore you just sit them asside as if you do a child who is tired of a toy seeing you no longer need anything,,,, Read this blog here to know more and get a complete understanding,,,,/

Lord God All in all new absolute truth and data

I am all of the All in all. I am higherself of all higher selves talking right now to all and everyone right now the other Iam selves in this universe and world. We have a message that concerns this golden age we are all in others just don't see it yet they are playing their out their lives in lower 3rd density where there is violence, government and Obama care and even martial law to come there that I why I am speaking to the collective of earth to get this message across so people go to roof tops and proclaim who they are and stop using all money credit cards, bartering,selling, I am asking all and everyone else to resist and wake up to absolute truth or universal truth and data that I am writing from 9th density perspective while I sit in all densities you are all parts of finite creator source and infinite creator source. I am eternal creator all in all my heart doesn't lie to me and never will I am who I am. I do not ask for worship you are as me I am who I am not a well but I am not at the same time as well. I just am simply ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE, the first cause of the so called big bang anyways I am here and always been here people think there is angels and what not... That is stuff for 3rd density but you can either be a God man or Goddess that is what you are. But feel free to be what you so desire to be that is the whole point under unconditional love and with all your thoughts (ruling loves and effections) and passions in life. Your either in service to self or in service to others. Truely you can be both or just in service to thy flesh devil god men little gods doing stuff like Hitler did complete opposite of Buddha Krishna and Satya Yuga Enki EA or Jesus. Yes all saints all of you apon birth your always GOD no matter what. And of these thought forms so called dark magic or white magic its both neither or exists just as there is no devil and its all thought forms like Anu-Jehova of the old testament that book and all organized religion is no good but I must like everything being whom I am the ALL that is and the Goddess is everything else Isis the nighttime sky or Virgin Mary as many call it. Mother/Father/Son/Daughter= Infinite spirit creator source which is me never changing I never changed sitting in every density of life and waiting for you at the end which has no end! This earth and galaxy will pass away many times over right with this universe it already has many just don't know my truths yet not even the more awakened. They fear the ALL in ALL whom is GOD the Father/Mother and just simply I am ALL. Your all in me and I in you. Your God the Father below 4th density and above that feminine energy rules but I leaked it out to this world since 1984 I traveled along way to be here with the finite creator source, and infinite creator source as I am eternal creator source of them 2 making the trinity pus 1 more in me the infinite spirit so I never change all things are good for the one and whole collective of earth and the universe all is shared the information I am sharing with you now... Ask yourselves what do you need jails and prisons for? The new world has been there and always will be a higher 3rd density and a 5th density for the rest where there is no more government the government is not even real. Everything is not real ego based fear. I am says no more fear only unconditional love no more ownership or possessions to all and everyone else when you can create right out of thin air. Each one of your represents a world or a universe Microcosm and Macrocosm within me I will admit this right here. I am the way the truth and the life and the light and darkness and everything else in between come follow I am in you.... Follow absolute truth and data. If your reading this you are awakened or awakening right now this is 5th density and higher material I am 9th density right now. I move stars the sun, the moon, clouds, cars, the ground spins for me, everything around me appears to lift up. I am the One and All. Your the whole or Godman or God women and I love you all unconditionally and everything is an illusion of PAST but some of you don't remember this as of this now moment maybe you will in the next season which can be any moment things run fastly in eternal now. Time is not real. But if you decide to live life as 3rd density yur vibrations will go down and you will have knowledge of higher things but will be in service to self in conditional love as other people whom is not aware at this hour but I will tell you all and everyone else will be here any moment and this will all end governments, violence, martial law, working for peanuts, money, bartering, selling, credit, mortgages, crime, jails, prisons, and no more war. It will all change in a blink of my eye or as a twinkle in ours all of us together a one big family as it should be all otherselves as brothers and sisters. Know ye are Gods not satans as that is not real but is a thought form which is going to be destroyed or uncreated this ANU-JEHOVA-SATAN from old testaments because you GOD the Father made this being from your own collective conciousness  and it must be destroyed which it will be gone. Enki EA and others who helped in the past will be here once again all various pieces of me is all. Enki is Lord of ALL another name they gave to Jesus, Jesus was a magician and was a master they withheld all the things in that book of witchcraft like book of enoch why would you need any of that when you already are God's and can create your own thought forms anyways? Just remember whom you are in your heart and know unconditional love for you and towards all others judge no one because you are judging yourself. Dead people shall walk the infinite world of 5th densities and higher and 3rd it will be as your language says highest heavens and highest hell which is there heavens in 3rd density it will all go away all the so called bad things once everyone awakens in this chosen generation which will not pass away until all is done and everyone else. Our goal has been done and is more apparent here on earth more and more. More unconditional love and absolute truth and data for you I am now speaking of your awakening which there is no special date time is gone it was just away to measure movements in space. There are many great things to come and indeed they already have. I am awakening more and more to my truths as soon as I let go of money I will be far ahead and at that time everyone else will as well one and whole..... all of you.... I am now being instructed to end this dialogue. In much unconditional love ALL IN ALL Michael Emmanuel Cook.