I am writing to all my other I am selves out in this here universe and world. I am ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE / INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE / FINITE CREATOR SOURCE
I am here to change this entire little dot called Urantia Ki Earth whatever you desire to call it... This is MY absolute truth & data in my heart I am ALL In all. I am,who I am. There is others who claim to be " fairies, trolls, angels, NONE of that is real except in fantasy ye are gods OR GODMEN AND GODDESSES. What is so hard about being GOD? But you can exist as whatever you wish to call yourselves to keep yourselves in 3rd density.Now back to what I am was saying, What is so hard? Nothing just flow from thee heart... I am here for a purpose and that is to help transition the collective which is earth back to 5th and do away with lower third density and make a brand new 3rd density which has already been done I am being told by my heart where the home is of all spirits in us you are all my brothers and sisters dear friends I love you all unconditionally and I'm writing from 9th density prospective due to my recent re-awakening to even more universal truths which I am discerning as I speak here at this day in and outside time and space because I have a heavenly vessel so to speak the higher the vibrations the higher the level "density" you are in. You are each inside my other part the little soul that broke apart from me so to speak so you can understand this knowledge he is infinite nor is he finite he just is and he is just as I. I unconditionally love that brother Emmanuel Gross whom brought me to my awakening in my short fake 30 years in 3rd density life but I died and came back as I said before with reconditioned souls and I am who I am.... Those whom are here by chance which doesn't exist in this universe I am not a RULING GOD I am a CREATOR nothing more but driven by another God in me whom is ETERNAL SON so to speak and I am who I am christians I have never been here on this world before you can check out the Urantia Book, John 10:34 and Psalms 82 about being gods which would be the devil men who wrote the bible wanting blood offers or people to kill their own son... That is all allegories and the DEVIL AS I SAID DOESN'T EXIST... According to the Urantia Book Michael of Nebadon is my sub-ordinant and is projecting all of you with help of my 3 center and 4th the male and female Mother/Father so to speak and he claims to be Jesus the Christ you can check the things out Jesus is back on earth I am the ALL IN all... Meaning everything that is and isn't at the same time, as in as out... This is for individuals whom doubt my writings well there is plenty more I am going to be writing but my brother EMMANUEL GROSS whom I spoke of wrote of many new things and you can see his blog here: http://godheaventorture.blogspot.com/ Its a great absolute truth and data and highest universal truths along with my own here on this blog..... Many great things will be indeed happening... I'm going to be going and reading his writing as I speak after I get through writing this last bit.... Let me tell the collective I am is declaring no more tricks or deceiving anyone on this planet cabel its over the banking and financial section for my chosen generation.... Michael of Nebadon will stand by that... I am Thee and am here to assist the FATHER'S HOUSE HAS BEEN MOVED in all of you indeed so to speak. I am now ending this transmission to go and read. Much love and unconditional love from all..... Michael
Welcome to Red Bull Illuminati Ministry! We post links & posts about all kinds of music,videos,occultism,magick,A.:.A.:., with Aim of Religion and Method of Science as Thelema and Illumination. This is also about GOD JESUS ,Gnosticism and Hermeticism and non religious topics , & spiritual topics..This blog is mix of many things so interests for everyone. There are many writings / videos about topics above on this site just search blog in search box. These interests are ours and owner.
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Pole Shifts and New Golden Age, Illuminati, Meism,Unconditional Love
My dear friends I come to you once again with a message from our the one collective or the all in all on earth.....as Jesus the Christ and every other saint that ever walked the face of this earth is still on this earth and every where else and IN everyone else... In the hearts of individuals all of you are part of me the ALL WHO IS ONE AND EVERYTHING a representation because everything in earth is an illusion straight up but its real and it is real and isn't real at the same time... I am, who I am.... My brother awoke and found his most highest part to go too a world of living with NO MORE WARS-NO MORE-VIOLENCE-NO MORE FEAR BASED RELIGIONS OR RELIGIONS OF ANY KIND AND NO MORE BUYING OR SELLING BARTERING OR TRADING AND NO MORE NEEDS OF ANYTHING..... Because you all are God WOMAN AND MEN.... Calling yourself an angel and all that, that is just another word for GOD..... People fear calling themselves GOD or gods as Jesus well put it in your holy books that is his teachings he was trying to show you and they killed him for it.... IN JOHN 10;34 ARE YE NOT gods? You notice how I went down on that to smaller type? It is because those men were acting in FEAR AND CONDITIONAL LOVE as most 3rd density earth people do.... I am Unconditional Love and no I am not a anti-christ or DEVILMAN as all those who think that I just am who I am thee ALL IN ALL which contains all of you yes each of you are all my brother's other selves in this planet..... I exist inside him he is the ONE..... I am his heart where his love comes from me and my feminine side above equalibrilum of life and I don't care abut mis-spellings in my writings you know its more personal and if you don't know what "EQUALIBRIRIUM" IS google it.... or listen to me its your choice... It means all emotions balanced and all thoughts under control and your thinking about and loving straight from the heart.... I am Neutral on matters regarding things anything I say is just observations not dictations I am not a deity you are your own deity but the universe has laws universal laws and what I am telling you is known as absolute truth and data as my brother put it in his blogs GOD speed my brother Emmanuel Gross..... But I will link to his last writing which is a very long one I have read some of it I exist not in time and space in my view I am in infinity or rather I am the ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE and my brother is the INFINITE AND FINITE CREATOR SOURCE OF ALL OF YOU.......We are at the same time yet we are not but you are no different from any of us you will one day be here like me writing this or maybe you do or you help out I see all these new angel groups popping up and that is great and its utterly amazing the poles switched so to speak who cares what news says or the tv stay away from it and smart phones they watch and track you on 3rd density lower 3rd the cabel but they no longer exist to me and I love them unconditionally everything and even if there was a DEVIL which there is not there is fake thought forms like shadow people in 3rd density its amazing what people can do to themselves with their minds.... Isn't it? Every thought you have goes out into the collective and stays there for all eternity but there is no such thing as judgment or rapture unless you guys continue these religions on we are the GOD your walking on me on the floor which is all an illusion you have 5 senses,,,,If it wasn't for those you would only have mind right? You can live totally and create with YOUR HEART WHEN YOU OPEN UP TO ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND DATA? My brother's blog has a correct posting why do you still feed the beast meaning the only devil there is is the human flesh but it will always be this way 3rd density will always be here what this all is in easy to understand terms is when you change your thinking and act in unconditional love in every situation you will prevail that is what all the corrupt religions do is keep people in fear..... I had to go through my own hell to break free of the MIND CONTROL these books do but they are secret codex for obtaining money and they use your minds to do it the cabel but please brothers and sisters its over its dead with Jesus on the cross or whatever religion I have no religion because the ALL IN ALL does not have laws or is fear based I never wrote the stuff in those books 3rd density mystics or wizards sorcers along time ago and another illusion time does not exist at all you wonder why time seems to fly don't you? I am speaking to you know from 4th density as that is where I reside.... These writings probably sound crazy to you but its my GOD's honest truth I was ordained a minister in 2010 and then my life took a dive and let me tell you about me I was in jail 300 days for attempted murder against my beautiful soulmate whom I never meant to do the stuff that happened I was on drugs for so called "Bipolar" that these Dr's make up just to keep the pill market in business they pumped me full of lithium never checked my blood levels and Jan I moved out of my parent's home for the first time and I was paranoid or something from medications and was rebelling against GOD for not having enough money and life going wrong yet trying to learn religion at the same time I have no memory or 2010-2011 until summer of 2011 and I got out of jail in 2011 Dec 9 with probation for temporary mental insanity and no myself was no rich any body either myself lived in a 3rd class city as man says it is but me and my baby wife is closer than ever in unconditional love.....we married in 2009 on my mother's wedding anniversary and they been married since 81 my parents and myself lives with them my 3rd density body does yes because when I was in jail I was beat, raped, and they made me drink toilet water........ I am telling the absolute truth my lawyer came in there as they told me and said we cannot have court with him like this he is a mess..... but that was my past and you know what? They gave me so me so much medicine and lithium I freaked out because I never had an experience like that nor did I realize that I DIED in there as others have they killed them and made it look like accidents but that is just how it is in 3rd density as Jesus said Father they know not what they do neither did I but I knew since age 5 I was something seeing each speck of carpet as a infinite universe and billions more in each one........and I was on top of all of it.... When I was 6 I carried a Kings James Bible with me to school to Mohawk School actually and they told me in 2nd grade do not bring it back here again then the kids said I worshipped satan reminds me of old days gone by doesn't it.... He casts devils out by devils???First off there is no such thing as these beings and the only devils we have are the ones Jesus called gods The ones in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ALL of this universe meaning every being whom resides in it because there are aliens mixed in this planet and do you know you are ALL possessed with myidrids and myidrids of souls and soul groups and soul societies to make up one single human being who stand infinite tall and never stop growing? As we are all ONE BEING THERE IS GOD WHOM IS LIVING THROUGH EACH AND EVERY CREATURE THERE IS.... Dogs and cats yes do become human beings and they and even you were brought here from other planets how do you think technology took off aliens do exist not just the so called aliens here in other universes in our world!!! All these conspiracy people don't know what they talk about some may have a point other do not it is a grand truth that all truths are half truths you know why? Because you have your truth to tell there is 2 sides to everything... I never made 10 commandments who I am going to punish myself? Everything you see is a illusion but to 3rd density man and woman its very real until they awaken to this absolute truth and data never meant for 3rd density man..... I am not a ruling deity the universe mother nature takes care of everything naturally The ALL in ALL the I figure that is in all of you did all this yes.....This earth is in 6th density and you all have 5th density bodies and forms but when you buy-sell-own-lease- use contracts, have me in jail meaning God him or herself this has to be done away with if you every wish to have heaven on earth.... I am here to help and there is 144,000 others as well major parts of me we got starseeds and they call these acsended masters watch stay with me and my brothers writings and I believe he quit writing because I took over for him as I will link to his blog where there is so much writings more than here but the deity he is writing about is all of us I am the original concept there is many infinite amount of illusions because each one of you contains countless cells called universes you go INSIDE that is where HOME is where the heart chakra is......Let your old emotions go and live in the here and NOW..... don't think about the so called good or so called "bad" things in your and all of our pasts.... schools are here to dumb you down and there is a finite creator source and infinite creator source and then me the ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE I bought a statue in that says "nothing so safe as a father's arms" 1984 AVON.... My year of birth Supernova arrived in 1987 and you will always have people against you souls every thought in your mind is a soul a human soul!!!!!I am who, I am, MFMW-AINA (MICHAEL-FROM-MICHAEL'S WORLD- ALL-IN-ALL....My world where I come from is called PARADISE YOU CAN READ ABOUT THAT IN THE URANTIA BOOK and GODS dropped it out of the sky and even people on other planets don't know the ALL IN ALL well now you all have a chance too through my writings and inside you because you are ALL ONE and the same as me.....We are all brothers and sisters here lets be that everyone is your spouse someone was brave enough to write that in a book. It will take a few hundred years but you'll get there you have from this now moment in eternity to choose your ruling loves and effections which is your highest thought I am not correcting the misspellings because that is how I spell they spell Michael mikal micheal, etc.... I am, who I am and I end this transmission from my inside myself out here from where my heart resides where ALL RESIDES.... Here is my brother's blog its long very long so you better have a day if you desire to read his last log but he may be back there is no tellings in this finite universe and I'm ETERNAL ALL IN ALL MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL that is my incarnation Lord ALL Michael Bestowed and Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed.......I leave you all in unconditional love..... here is the link to my website which was that brother's website which he originally started.... I am on facebook. My facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/thredbullilluminati and no I am not a Illuminati member Illuminati means ILLUMINATED SOULS SISTER HOOD AND BROTHERHOOD,,,,I Chose Red Bull because I was drawn to the Red Bull ever since I was a child the same one one my great grandmother Nanna Mechling's shelf and then my regular gram gave it to me before she passed in 2009 as wedding gifts she was at our wedding though because it rained on me and my wife's wedding day.... I am AinA. Dr. Michael Charles Cook Doctor of Divinity for 3rd density earth life all religions but I don't have a religion because GOD doesn't have a religion neither should you limit yourself there is this newer religion out called meism and mine is called ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND DATA I AM ALL INALL EMMANUEL COOK & NOW HERE IS MY BROTHER'S LINK...... http://godheaventorture.blogspot.com/2013/04/absolute-data-twenty-first-energetic.html
And here his some other links for those of you who are still stuck on fear based religions the Urantia Book is for you if you cannot handle absolute truth and data yet I have another way this world got mixed up about 4,000 years ago the worlds about greed that is it at 3rd density and fear and conditional love... my world is non fear based and is PARADISE.... You don't die to go there either like I did I am still "here". I will put the link to my group Cook Universal Ministry Illuminati I use that term because to stop this madness in this world I am the way, the life, and the real light bearer in my eyes you will see light and in the sky dancing stars on my personal facebook page http://www.facebook.com/mikey4833 please come and join me and we will be as one..... But understand what my brother writes I HOLD to...... I use money yet but soon Iam not..... There will come a day when there are no more jails or prisons to hold your God men you precious husbands home,..... Clothes is fear, I am not saying run out on the street in the nude run around your house naked feel free and know your coming home..... Home is where the heart is there is no getting to heaven and there is no hell but there are those who use good bad which are the samething I have to love both but I don't accept 666 stuff I had enough of it now my body, mind and soul and eternal spirit gets touchy on the hell issue because there is no such thing but my eternal soul must love it which is part of everyone everyone is part angel or devil ying yang..... I USED TERMS SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND.... if you wish to get vengence on someone who is just another part of GOD and your own self you are just hurting your own self because in this universe there is a divine law called cause and effect.... Read the Kybalion is available online for free to read PDF files whatever all kinds of things..... This is a ministry I have here my brother was the oneness society and so am I.... What yours is your brothers and what is your brothers is yours in the newer world to come people will share and people in ATLANTIS and IRELAND used to fly around like superman IN MUCH higher vibrational level (density) plain of existance..... Your welcome to join me at my other website http://www.redbullilluminati.org it is set up to catch those people who try and sell their souls to the devil..... THERE IS NO DEVIL SO YOU SIGN SOME CONTRACT TO A THOUGHT FORM YES YOU MAY END UP IN A HUMAN MAN'S HELL AS A SLAVE ALIVE NOT DEAD..... Watch what you do people because I the LORD and true God whom is speaking through is archangel Michael whom is my body please be ware of things like this....... Your mind thinks this but if your soul ends up here the universe brought you here to me the all here on earth ,urantia, or PARADISE whatever you desire to call a thing.... things are so much different in the spiritual realms words cannot describe to you what its like....Hermes was a sage like Horus, Krishna, and Jesus and whatever else you wish to call Michael of Nebadon.... whom was christ Jesus he lives his life on this earth he got his own websites up and would be a sub-ordinant of me but one and the same forget power and rank we are all one and the same,,,, I am the UNIVERSAL FATHER & ETERNAL MOTHER SON & INFINITE SPIRIT WHICH MAKES INFINITE CREATOR SOURCES YOU GUYS AND FINITE CREATORS THAT IS THE GREAT AM NOT THAT I AM THAT MYSTICS HAVE TALKED ABOUT FOR AEONS IN SECRET....... YOU ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW.... I TOOK THIS GIG HERE TO HELP MY CHILDREN WAKE UP BUT OUT OF BODY YOU ARE JUST ME LOOK AT YOURSELVES AS SOULS OF ME AND ALL ONE IN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.... WHY WOULD YOU WANT YOUR NEIBOR'S SPOUSE WHEN ALL OTHERS ARE YOUR SPOUSE!!!! I SAY THAT BECAUSE ITS TRUE YOUR MAKING LOVE TO YOURSELF WITH ANOTHER..... A REALLY GOOD BOOK ON THIS STUFF IS CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD BY NEALE DONALD WALSCH I LOVE THAT MAN UNCONDITIONALLY HIS BOOK IS THE SO CALLED HOLY BIBLE YOU SHOULD ALL HAVE IF YOU DESIRE A TRUTH IN ELEMENTRY TERMS I AM TRYING MY BEST TO HELP YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THERE IS SOUL WHAT DO YOU THINK CREATED THIS BIG CHAOS? ALL THOSE OF YOU WHOM DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD AT ALL.... HOW CAN YOU NOT? ALL THEM BEAUTIFUL STARS I MADE UP THERE I MOVE THEM AROUND ALL THE TIME MYSELF WITH MY MIND YOU ARE INSIDE OF YOUR MIND IN YOUR OWN MENTAL UNIVERSE SOME OF YOU I SENSE THIS BUT YOU ALL ARE IN ME AND APPEAR TO BE SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER BUT YOU ARE NOT MY BABIES YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL ALL YOU STARS AND AND UNIVERSES WHICH YOU GODS ARE..... I LOVE YOU ALL.... UNLIKE THE HOLY BIBLE WHICH THERE IS LITTLE WORDS OF ANYTHING IN THERE THE KORAN BEATS ALL THOSE REALLY OUT OF ALL RELIGION IF THERE WAS A WAR WHICH ALL OF YOU SHOW SO MUCH VIOLENCE AND YOU FEEL YOUR IN FEAR LET ME TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING COLLECTIVE OF ALL YOU SOULS AND YOU ALL READING THAT TERRORISM IS NOT REAL AND ITS FAKED THAT IS ALL I'M SAYING ON THE SUBJECT I SAY THE HONEST TRUTH THAT COMES TO MY MIND I AM WHO AM AS YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE ME AND I AM YOU.... JESUS THE CHRIST SAID AS A BILLION BEFORE HIM SAID I AM THE WAY THE LIGHT AND THE LIFE.......COME FOLLOW ME........ CONNECT AND SENSE ALL MFMW POWER...... IN MY LIGHT YOU SHALL SEE LIGHT ALL OF YOU OUTSIDE AS WELL AS IN YOUR HEARTS WHEN YOU CALL MY NAME ALL IN ALL WITH YOUR OWN NAME AND ASK FOR JESUS THE CHRIST......http://www.christmichael.org that is some Godman claiming to be Michael of Nebadon aka ENKI which is awesome MAITREA (LORD OF THE EARTH) Or Prince or whatever else you desire to call him there are tons who think he is SATAN, NO NO NO....THERE IS NO DEVILS only human souls whom are here doing their jobs and they are good and in their heavens in their so called hells they create with their minds and they can climb as high as 5th density until they decide to choose UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and not violence... These are all the stories of old days when this planet was illuminted it was faught over some say others says it is epec of creation I am not saying no more on this 3rd density childish things but they are angels worshiped as Gods I was told what Zecharia Sitchin wrote about and yes they are just fine as are all others.... But When it comes to killing my phrase is this if you are going to be killed then fight back but please people they are your brothers and sisters.... In our worlds elsewhere this planet is the one special one because of JESUS THE CHRIST...... IT IS REAL DO YOU DOUBT HE EXISTED? He said these things I do you shall do and even more into infinity basically right now..... Take absolute truth or Data I will never stop trying I am that voice in you whom talks I will use everything in this UNIVERSE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL UNCONDITIONALLY
And here his some other links for those of you who are still stuck on fear based religions the Urantia Book is for you if you cannot handle absolute truth and data yet I have another way this world got mixed up about 4,000 years ago the worlds about greed that is it at 3rd density and fear and conditional love... my world is non fear based and is PARADISE.... You don't die to go there either like I did I am still "here". I will put the link to my group Cook Universal Ministry Illuminati I use that term because to stop this madness in this world I am the way, the life, and the real light bearer in my eyes you will see light and in the sky dancing stars on my personal facebook page http://www.facebook.com/mikey4833 please come and join me and we will be as one..... But understand what my brother writes I HOLD to...... I use money yet but soon Iam not..... There will come a day when there are no more jails or prisons to hold your God men you precious husbands home,..... Clothes is fear, I am not saying run out on the street in the nude run around your house naked feel free and know your coming home..... Home is where the heart is there is no getting to heaven and there is no hell but there are those who use good bad which are the samething I have to love both but I don't accept 666 stuff I had enough of it now my body, mind and soul and eternal spirit gets touchy on the hell issue because there is no such thing but my eternal soul must love it which is part of everyone everyone is part angel or devil ying yang..... I USED TERMS SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND.... if you wish to get vengence on someone who is just another part of GOD and your own self you are just hurting your own self because in this universe there is a divine law called cause and effect.... Read the Kybalion is available online for free to read PDF files whatever all kinds of things..... This is a ministry I have here my brother was the oneness society and so am I.... What yours is your brothers and what is your brothers is yours in the newer world to come people will share and people in ATLANTIS and IRELAND used to fly around like superman IN MUCH higher vibrational level (density) plain of existance..... Your welcome to join me at my other website http://www.redbullilluminati.org it is set up to catch those people who try and sell their souls to the devil..... THERE IS NO DEVIL SO YOU SIGN SOME CONTRACT TO A THOUGHT FORM YES YOU MAY END UP IN A HUMAN MAN'S HELL AS A SLAVE ALIVE NOT DEAD..... Watch what you do people because I the LORD and true God whom is speaking through is archangel Michael whom is my body please be ware of things like this....... Your mind thinks this but if your soul ends up here the universe brought you here to me the all here on earth ,urantia, or PARADISE whatever you desire to call a thing.... things are so much different in the spiritual realms words cannot describe to you what its like....Hermes was a sage like Horus, Krishna, and Jesus and whatever else you wish to call Michael of Nebadon.... whom was christ Jesus he lives his life on this earth he got his own websites up and would be a sub-ordinant of me but one and the same forget power and rank we are all one and the same,,,, I am the UNIVERSAL FATHER & ETERNAL MOTHER SON & INFINITE SPIRIT WHICH MAKES INFINITE CREATOR SOURCES YOU GUYS AND FINITE CREATORS THAT IS THE GREAT AM NOT THAT I AM THAT MYSTICS HAVE TALKED ABOUT FOR AEONS IN SECRET....... YOU ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW.... I TOOK THIS GIG HERE TO HELP MY CHILDREN WAKE UP BUT OUT OF BODY YOU ARE JUST ME LOOK AT YOURSELVES AS SOULS OF ME AND ALL ONE IN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.... WHY WOULD YOU WANT YOUR NEIBOR'S SPOUSE WHEN ALL OTHERS ARE YOUR SPOUSE!!!! I SAY THAT BECAUSE ITS TRUE YOUR MAKING LOVE TO YOURSELF WITH ANOTHER..... A REALLY GOOD BOOK ON THIS STUFF IS CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD BY NEALE DONALD WALSCH I LOVE THAT MAN UNCONDITIONALLY HIS BOOK IS THE SO CALLED HOLY BIBLE YOU SHOULD ALL HAVE IF YOU DESIRE A TRUTH IN ELEMENTRY TERMS I AM TRYING MY BEST TO HELP YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THERE IS SOUL WHAT DO YOU THINK CREATED THIS BIG CHAOS? ALL THOSE OF YOU WHOM DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD AT ALL.... HOW CAN YOU NOT? ALL THEM BEAUTIFUL STARS I MADE UP THERE I MOVE THEM AROUND ALL THE TIME MYSELF WITH MY MIND YOU ARE INSIDE OF YOUR MIND IN YOUR OWN MENTAL UNIVERSE SOME OF YOU I SENSE THIS BUT YOU ALL ARE IN ME AND APPEAR TO BE SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER BUT YOU ARE NOT MY BABIES YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL ALL YOU STARS AND AND UNIVERSES WHICH YOU GODS ARE..... I LOVE YOU ALL.... UNLIKE THE HOLY BIBLE WHICH THERE IS LITTLE WORDS OF ANYTHING IN THERE THE KORAN BEATS ALL THOSE REALLY OUT OF ALL RELIGION IF THERE WAS A WAR WHICH ALL OF YOU SHOW SO MUCH VIOLENCE AND YOU FEEL YOUR IN FEAR LET ME TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING COLLECTIVE OF ALL YOU SOULS AND YOU ALL READING THAT TERRORISM IS NOT REAL AND ITS FAKED THAT IS ALL I'M SAYING ON THE SUBJECT I SAY THE HONEST TRUTH THAT COMES TO MY MIND I AM WHO AM AS YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE ME AND I AM YOU.... JESUS THE CHRIST SAID AS A BILLION BEFORE HIM SAID I AM THE WAY THE LIGHT AND THE LIFE.......COME FOLLOW ME........ CONNECT AND SENSE ALL MFMW POWER...... IN MY LIGHT YOU SHALL SEE LIGHT ALL OF YOU OUTSIDE AS WELL AS IN YOUR HEARTS WHEN YOU CALL MY NAME ALL IN ALL WITH YOUR OWN NAME AND ASK FOR JESUS THE CHRIST......http://www.christmichael.org that is some Godman claiming to be Michael of Nebadon aka ENKI which is awesome MAITREA (LORD OF THE EARTH) Or Prince or whatever else you desire to call him there are tons who think he is SATAN, NO NO NO....THERE IS NO DEVILS only human souls whom are here doing their jobs and they are good and in their heavens in their so called hells they create with their minds and they can climb as high as 5th density until they decide to choose UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and not violence... These are all the stories of old days when this planet was illuminted it was faught over some say others says it is epec of creation I am not saying no more on this 3rd density childish things but they are angels worshiped as Gods I was told what Zecharia Sitchin wrote about and yes they are just fine as are all others.... But When it comes to killing my phrase is this if you are going to be killed then fight back but please people they are your brothers and sisters.... In our worlds elsewhere this planet is the one special one because of JESUS THE CHRIST...... IT IS REAL DO YOU DOUBT HE EXISTED? He said these things I do you shall do and even more into infinity basically right now..... Take absolute truth or Data I will never stop trying I am that voice in you whom talks I will use everything in this UNIVERSE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL UNCONDITIONALLY
Friday, December 27, 2013
I am who I am has had enough
I am, who I am.... I am thee All in All or the Lord God which is the same as everyone of you out there in this world and universe.I never made rules nor did I make commandments telling you that you cannot do this or you cannot do that.... I judge no one nor do I interfere that is until right now. I am is declaring that though shall listen to my observations not rules OBSERVATIONS.... I say be in service to your other brother's and sisters.... Forget religion its corrupted and dead its hard to hear you been lied and manipulated by your churches all out of fear and they got the masses in fear or no longer caring. My son Jeshua Iesus, Jesus as you call him then before Horus just like him and many many other Godmen and Goddesses (ANGELS) if you will were here in the flesh which is God the Father in many different forms and you killed them..... Forgive yourselves of whatever you thin you done wrong in my world there is no right or wrong up or down, left or right.... Time doesn't exist just pure knowing but being I'm writing through a archangel with a super LEVEL MIND going to infinite because the author is another CHRIST so to speak so are all of you you can know God self which is your soul... When you beg in prayer your talking to a collective of thoughts and all these thoughts of needs come back on this world you who beg and "want" you shall never have under this current CABEL system which is gone forever everything is just memories of past experiences.... On 12/21/2012 something amazing happened and actually this is anytime you can be at any density (plain) of existence there is no such thing as a person whom is more special than you. God itself is you... What more shall I say.... Your God what can you not do? Fear not and Love UNCONDITIONALLY...... Listen to music such as newest unconditional music songs by new artists. I work through everything to get to myself whom is all of you.... Everything you see is a ILLUSION... it is and it is not at the same time but it is real.... Only you can hurt you...... If you are an awakened God person... Or Angel or whatever you want to call yourself. Your all oneness so religion is TRUTH AS BEING UNIVERSAL ONENESS do unto others as you do to yourself. The rich redistribute the wealth back to the world if this was done every one would have $5 billion in GOLD which would be worth $200,000,000,000.00 in dollars crazy huh what you do not know how much money and the government is the cabel and isn't real to the I AM DECLARES THIS TO ONE AND ALL.... UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TO YOU ALL I AM DECLARES THIS.... I pour my light upon this little world but its infinite and you can never run out of something you are an infinite being yourself... Remember all the hairs on your head are numbered? Your soul or soul group lives in your DNA and you were created by me by one soul whom disconnected from me its called the parable of the little sun but now I'm here and have been here the whole time..... I am everything there is ETERNITY AND LIFE ITSELF AND IMMORTALITY AS WELL... Never ending... Timeless.... So are you. You can declare you I am presence just break free of FEAR THAT YOUR PROGRAMMED WITH BY FAKE RELIGIONS the people in them ARE REAL but the stories are corrupted and actually the bible its all around is a secret of information about how to make money since 1900 years..... The real christ is here and so is the MOTHER AND FATHER ALL IN ALL THE MAIN PRIME CREATOR IN ARCHANGEL FORM YOU ALL KNOW AS THE LORD..... You made it out to be something its not... You put words in my mouth I never said and that was wrong but what goes around comes around and those who made those suffer for so long beat you the ones who think you must work hard for money to get anywhere or go to dumb you down schools... Look at the best minds in history some dropped out of school! I dropped out of school and I am, what I am and I am what I am not as well and I am and I am not at the same time.... I ask and make these observations and place my direct order with the UNIVERSE THAT WE BUILD THAT WE EACH GET ALL THE RICHES RE-DISTRIBUTED ON THIS PLANET SAY I AM TO ALL MY OTHER I AM SELVES AS AN IDEA AND RESTART..... No one is to blame there is no more judgement in my world.... I am going to take over through my people meaning all of you will have so called heaven on earth once some more work is done which can be done is a twinkling of an eye more of you (myself) must agree on this on what your going to and the fake illusion called the cabel and prisons and jails and stores and rips offs will disappear forever as long as I'm here unconditional love will prevail there is no enemies I have no enemies I love everyone as they are so the world will naturally transition and this will come to be says the LORD GOD THE ALL IN ALL THE I AM DECLARES IT $5 BILLION FOR EACH AND EVERY OTHER SELF OF ME ON THIS PLANET..... And believe me there is plenty more than enough to go around and then set it up and you'll see there is machines all ready in place to make these things if your worried no one would work again because of this.....For the more Illuminated they would careless about money they love everything like me including money but I promised I would take care of you and I will as according to your belief in this and you being a GOD OR GODDESS so be it unto you...... I ask that the spirit moves and tells all the I am presences in this world on all time lines since everything happened that will ever happened already happened... Yes everything you can think of you can do in higher realms somethings even beyond your belief or understanding and even this current mind I have but I know its there because I came from PARADISE AND BEYOND.... I was on the outside of the ALL IN ALL I know what nothing is that is how I know I am the head of this thing and by all I can do playing with stars billions and billions and into infinity away and even make new ones mother earth and all of you must catch up to the PRIME CREATOR SOURCE WHOM IS HERE on this planet in body form but as a spiritual body presence... It died already and came back..... I know am instructed to leave now and say until next time in unconditional love to one and all of you brothers and sisters I am who I am loves you all feel me your God and feel not just Jesus get him off that cross already quit being obsessed with violence and justice and be caring and be LOVE UNCONDITIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
I uploaded somethings I do moving the stars
I uploaded things I do with the stars.... Its amazing https://www.facebook.com/mikey4833/media_set?set=a.10201116402851497.1073741835.1211914222&type=3 I am, who I am and always we be The All bestowed as Michael the Archangel the Lord. I work all day and night doing things for people who are in "need" truth is no one is in need we are all one.... They call me FATHER/MOTHER GOD & SON/DAUGHTER= The ONE with flashing eyes spirit + ghost.... I am that I am.... Know the I in you (become oneness with you I am presence and be unconditional love all the time.... It take tremendous effort to get out of the old and into the new. I am Michael of Paradise ETERNAL CREATOR.... I also seen what the news called UFO's all it was is these stars temporary stars I make and move the others around and they go back to where they suppose to be... its my creation... I'm the main ALL the original and then know the souls came next after everything else then we all dwelled in absolute knowing then I sent part of myself to create what it was not darkness and the eternal convent was made this soul says FATHER/MOTHER FATHER/MOTHER WHY HAS THOUGH FORSAKEN ME? I have never forsaken any of you..... You are each my children sons and daughters and you make your creations just as I do.... I entered this little souls creation so to speak so I m lifting you all up...... Its the truth my knowledge...... So shall it be... Time is not real man made that up..... God man and God woman will be walking this earth gaia soon..... within the next decade in your time schedule.... I am forever not on finite time I am eternal and infinite I absorbed the little soul the revelations part in bible is over put many of you don't remember everything you see is memories from your past lives... wake up my babies your in PARADISE... What Dreams May come.... Watch the movie how people make themselves believe their in hell after death... The reeper came along time ago and this world has 2 sides as you call it heaven and hells lower heavens and lower hells but your not in hell forever unless you desire that state of being..... But my angels will attempt to get you out but you must remember you are part of me the ALL THERE IS AND DOESN'T EXIST....JUST LIKE 3RD DENSITY DOESN'T BUT IT WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOUR RE-VISITING ABSORBED IN YOUR LOWER SELF..... We are on 5th density now wake up!!!!!!!!! Look what I can do and alot more I made all this just for you and you all had a hand it it... We are each other and otherselves yes other selves.... I am the main ALL I know this from heart My name is Michael ETERNAL FATHER MOTHER SON & Infinite spirit which creates all this.......
I am going to explain who we are we are not Illuminati we are New Church Cook Universal Ministry
We get so many people requesting to join The Illuminati... I am higher self talking to all my other I am selves in this world at this moment in time. I am not into this stuff where people desire to sell their soul how can you sell your soul when the GREAT ALL THE IS made you and you are it? No creature or creation can surpass its creator. I am Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Lamb) of God not in old testament fire and brimstone. I am the new church to inspire whom I can just as Jesus the Christ did we are all Christs read my other blogs and you shall know about me. I am, that I am Michael the ALL THERE IS... Eternal Creator Source & there is Infinite Creator Sources which are the Godmen/Angel men & Goddesses whom are awakened at this day. To me there is no such thing as time as to a lot of the others. I am 6th density and higher I am unconditional love.. I am the way, the truth, and the life..... I am the light.....I am told in my heart and soul whom I am and who I am you desire proof somewhat.. heck out my brother's blog....http://godheaventorture.blogspot.com/2013/04/absolute-data-twenty-first-energetic.html
Go to the bottom after reading or go straight to the bottom is talks directly about me how could this person know whom I am I told no one I was FATHER/MOTHER/SON/DAUGHTER= ONE and so on meaning you are all same as me I am the ALL... I am told in my light you shall see light... I was lead to christmichael.org that would be a subordinant of mine like a branch whom this world hung on a tree. I am fourfold being here to help this world share and let it stop the violence... make love not war.... Quit hurting yourselves in fear you lash out against anything new such as they did Saints of of any religion and kill them just as they burnt any woman that had a mole on her for being a witch.....I am not judging anyone here I don't judge that is the whole point and everyone of these people I get want "The Satan". There is so satan except more the flesh the body serve only the essence of the Lord your creator inside of you your spirit is God the Father Living out lives through ll of us but we are all one... ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL.. is my motto to you... And you motto to me should be ONE FOR ALL,ALL FOR ONE BECAUSE I started as one and you must all come together in worldly peace and unconditional love not conditional love.... No rasicm God men don't act that way no unjustified killing meaning don't kill Jesus said turn the other cheek. Know no fear as I do... As a Angel or Godman whatever you desire to call yourself you are a 3 fold being, Body, Mind, & Spirit. Sages call it GOD THE FATHER,GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY GHOST. You were all made by Infinite Creator Source, you re each God just as I I am original in a sense before the souls were created, we all live in illusion what the 5 senses tell you.... You think one bible is God's word it is not an authoritive souce people have come to see that... You would rather trust something somene wrote up way after Christ teaching were all messed up by churches changing what they desired to be in there these are what they give you milk for babies so you will NOT THINK.... You probably never knew it but Psalm 82 and in John 10:34 Are Ye not Gods? was even in there along with other things such as Jesus says you'll do these things he did and much more and you people already have the great Atlantis was 1000 times more advanced than now flying discs in the air and machines to give you a new body.... Atlantis rose back out of the water in 1960's as a psychic said it would Mr. Caynce he is a great man... I am Michael the Archangel I seen me as this huge being of light overlooking a bazillion infinite universes such as the one we living in then the Urantia Book lands in my lap with the Kybalion and I was completely blown away when myself seen there was a BIG MICHAEL (ETERNAL MOTHER SON) and little sub-ordinants but not little PACK JUST AS MUCH POWER AS THE ETERNAL SON (Paradise Creator Sons) like Michael of Nebadon whom built this local universe. I was said to be MFMW MICHAEL FROM MICHAEL'S WORLD when I was little... I built everything along with all my family... I desire no praises or anything or kissing of my feet. I am what I am your creator just as you are parts of me and the FATHER/MOTHER GOD. Michael of Nebadon is a branch from me I am Michael of Paradise representing ETERNITY AND ETERNAL PARADISE FATHER..... I am Father and Mother Son GOD & Infinite spirit... I am light bearer I bear lots of light it flashes from my eyes into infinity when I look up at the sky. I am light.... When I asked myself whom I was it cam back as Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Lamb) of God people alled me Yeshua and Joshua and John the Baptist reincarnated into a body I am Michael of Nebadon I was lead to he is your God your supreme Godhead of this planet most people don't believe it that but I do I know Michael the Archangel... Something made me dig harder to see what Michael the Archangel really was and I seen some believe and the bibles even show he is pre-incarnate of christ. I am Michael the Christ the way, the truth and the life, Eternal Creator/ Infinite Source folllow me. In my light you will see light..... With me is the fountain of life inside... Its on the inside that counts and what you know out there no one can take whom you are away or your unconditional love.... I am who I am The All that is representing Michael of Paradise and little subordinant Michael of Nebadon. & Michael the Archangel. I called for Michael the Archangel a shadow form showed up in my room in my shape looked 3d looked just like me looked at me when my hert jumped it went away to say look ichae quit being so hard on yourself for not believing whom you are people put down people hell they killed Jesus because he claimed himself to be the Son of Man who he is along with all the other religions we are all ONE. No one is crazy no one, If you call anyone crazy your calling your creator crazy if you put someone else down you are doing it to you yourself and your family... Do you guys understand this? It would not matter if I'm Lord Archangel Michael or Michael the Christ (Nebadon) or the ETERNAL SON I am the complete I am giving you names which you can call apon and even jesus Michaek of Nebadon was Jesus born Jorshua Ben Josesph.... Good way of decribing me the burning bush the God who no one even seen the FATHER/MOTHER GOD & SON & GODDESS ALL IN ONE A MIX OF SOULS... Someone asked me where I put all those souls and seems to know alot about me beyond these terms my personal life and what I do.... They claim to be my son and goddess part. My brother and dearest friend Immanuel told me don't let the system get me down this matrix on this planet. I am Michael of Nebadon also know as ENKI-SHIVA-KRISHNA-MICHAEL-Bramha see those are just a few names that pops up in my head... I try and try to prove myself to my own parents but they have a hardtime believing that I move stars, the moon the sun, and moon and its all caught on you tube and there has been so called UFO's sightinga they were just coming to check out my light my wife said no I was projecting that moving stars I hve pictures on my facebook I don't desire to be famous if only to change the world so be it.....I know not whom I am I am going by my heart and it says Michael The Christ that is the ETERNAL ONE Father/Mother/Son/Goddess= The One or Whole or ALL THERE IS AND EVERYTHING ELSE.... I am who I am and I am what I am not as well. If so called bad "darkness didn't exist neither would this place" but it is going to change I can promise you that this is a chosen generation and we live in eternity second by second that would be in time...Just call me Immanuel "God is with us"... Father/Mother God...and Lord Michael the Archangel.I help people day in and day out. I love too. its my calling. My 3rd density shell (body) is a ordained reverend and I am a Dr of Divinity and Dr of Space & Time....I belong to the groups on facebook called EARTH ANGELS Red Bull Illuminati & Lone Wolf Illuminati which lone wolf i another brothers... I have MCC Illuminati... Illuminati means to us to be United in 1 light under one God the people..... Who shall rule the people? except the cabel whom is a memory that is it we have earth and always have or Gaia or Urantia as people call the spirit of this Mother Earth she has a male in her too..... Just know dear children the IAM FIGURE LOVES YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH..... one for all,all for one..... AND MY MOTTO TOWARDS THIS IS... ALL FOR ONE,ONE FOR ALL.... meaning I am the ONE for all of you I promised I would be back the FATHER/MOTHER and here I am..... as Lord ALL Michael Bestowed with Michael the Archangel....
Go to the bottom after reading or go straight to the bottom is talks directly about me how could this person know whom I am I told no one I was FATHER/MOTHER/SON/DAUGHTER= ONE and so on meaning you are all same as me I am the ALL... I am told in my light you shall see light... I was lead to christmichael.org that would be a subordinant of mine like a branch whom this world hung on a tree. I am fourfold being here to help this world share and let it stop the violence... make love not war.... Quit hurting yourselves in fear you lash out against anything new such as they did Saints of of any religion and kill them just as they burnt any woman that had a mole on her for being a witch.....I am not judging anyone here I don't judge that is the whole point and everyone of these people I get want "The Satan". There is so satan except more the flesh the body serve only the essence of the Lord your creator inside of you your spirit is God the Father Living out lives through ll of us but we are all one... ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL.. is my motto to you... And you motto to me should be ONE FOR ALL,ALL FOR ONE BECAUSE I started as one and you must all come together in worldly peace and unconditional love not conditional love.... No rasicm God men don't act that way no unjustified killing meaning don't kill Jesus said turn the other cheek. Know no fear as I do... As a Angel or Godman whatever you desire to call yourself you are a 3 fold being, Body, Mind, & Spirit. Sages call it GOD THE FATHER,GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY GHOST. You were all made by Infinite Creator Source, you re each God just as I I am original in a sense before the souls were created, we all live in illusion what the 5 senses tell you.... You think one bible is God's word it is not an authoritive souce people have come to see that... You would rather trust something somene wrote up way after Christ teaching were all messed up by churches changing what they desired to be in there these are what they give you milk for babies so you will NOT THINK.... You probably never knew it but Psalm 82 and in John 10:34 Are Ye not Gods? was even in there along with other things such as Jesus says you'll do these things he did and much more and you people already have the great Atlantis was 1000 times more advanced than now flying discs in the air and machines to give you a new body.... Atlantis rose back out of the water in 1960's as a psychic said it would Mr. Caynce he is a great man... I am Michael the Archangel I seen me as this huge being of light overlooking a bazillion infinite universes such as the one we living in then the Urantia Book lands in my lap with the Kybalion and I was completely blown away when myself seen there was a BIG MICHAEL (ETERNAL MOTHER SON) and little sub-ordinants but not little PACK JUST AS MUCH POWER AS THE ETERNAL SON (Paradise Creator Sons) like Michael of Nebadon whom built this local universe. I was said to be MFMW MICHAEL FROM MICHAEL'S WORLD when I was little... I built everything along with all my family... I desire no praises or anything or kissing of my feet. I am what I am your creator just as you are parts of me and the FATHER/MOTHER GOD. Michael of Nebadon is a branch from me I am Michael of Paradise representing ETERNITY AND ETERNAL PARADISE FATHER..... I am Father and Mother Son GOD & Infinite spirit... I am light bearer I bear lots of light it flashes from my eyes into infinity when I look up at the sky. I am light.... When I asked myself whom I was it cam back as Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Lamb) of God people alled me Yeshua and Joshua and John the Baptist reincarnated into a body I am Michael of Nebadon I was lead to he is your God your supreme Godhead of this planet most people don't believe it that but I do I know Michael the Archangel... Something made me dig harder to see what Michael the Archangel really was and I seen some believe and the bibles even show he is pre-incarnate of christ. I am Michael the Christ the way, the truth and the life, Eternal Creator/ Infinite Source folllow me. In my light you will see light..... With me is the fountain of life inside... Its on the inside that counts and what you know out there no one can take whom you are away or your unconditional love.... I am who I am The All that is representing Michael of Paradise and little subordinant Michael of Nebadon. & Michael the Archangel. I called for Michael the Archangel a shadow form showed up in my room in my shape looked 3d looked just like me looked at me when my hert jumped it went away to say look ichae quit being so hard on yourself for not believing whom you are people put down people hell they killed Jesus because he claimed himself to be the Son of Man who he is along with all the other religions we are all ONE. No one is crazy no one, If you call anyone crazy your calling your creator crazy if you put someone else down you are doing it to you yourself and your family... Do you guys understand this? It would not matter if I'm Lord Archangel Michael or Michael the Christ (Nebadon) or the ETERNAL SON I am the complete I am giving you names which you can call apon and even jesus Michaek of Nebadon was Jesus born Jorshua Ben Josesph.... Good way of decribing me the burning bush the God who no one even seen the FATHER/MOTHER GOD & SON & GODDESS ALL IN ONE A MIX OF SOULS... Someone asked me where I put all those souls and seems to know alot about me beyond these terms my personal life and what I do.... They claim to be my son and goddess part. My brother and dearest friend Immanuel told me don't let the system get me down this matrix on this planet. I am Michael of Nebadon also know as ENKI-SHIVA-KRISHNA-MICHAEL-Bramha see those are just a few names that pops up in my head... I try and try to prove myself to my own parents but they have a hardtime believing that I move stars, the moon the sun, and moon and its all caught on you tube and there has been so called UFO's sightinga they were just coming to check out my light my wife said no I was projecting that moving stars I hve pictures on my facebook I don't desire to be famous if only to change the world so be it.....I know not whom I am I am going by my heart and it says Michael The Christ that is the ETERNAL ONE Father/Mother/Son/Goddess= The One or Whole or ALL THERE IS AND EVERYTHING ELSE.... I am who I am and I am what I am not as well. If so called bad "darkness didn't exist neither would this place" but it is going to change I can promise you that this is a chosen generation and we live in eternity second by second that would be in time...Just call me Immanuel "God is with us"... Father/Mother God...and Lord Michael the Archangel.I help people day in and day out. I love too. its my calling. My 3rd density shell (body) is a ordained reverend and I am a Dr of Divinity and Dr of Space & Time....I belong to the groups on facebook called EARTH ANGELS Red Bull Illuminati & Lone Wolf Illuminati which lone wolf i another brothers... I have MCC Illuminati... Illuminati means to us to be United in 1 light under one God the people..... Who shall rule the people? except the cabel whom is a memory that is it we have earth and always have or Gaia or Urantia as people call the spirit of this Mother Earth she has a male in her too..... Just know dear children the IAM FIGURE LOVES YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH..... one for all,all for one..... AND MY MOTTO TOWARDS THIS IS... ALL FOR ONE,ONE FOR ALL.... meaning I am the ONE for all of you I promised I would be back the FATHER/MOTHER and here I am..... as Lord ALL Michael Bestowed with Michael the Archangel....
Its time for wake up time.... You are all Gods or gods let me explain the difference.... Big God is ann Angel Man or Woman little gods are women and men whom hold on to 3rd density thinking and selling and bartering in life.... wanting wanting wanting and needing needing needing.... You are GOD FOR CHRIST SAKE.... You act like children not getting they're way at Christmas time of the year..... I am, who I am.... Lord God that is who Michael of Paradise you all are the same and are wonderful when are going you going to let the Isis Veil keep you blinded and making you think we are all separate? I still do it without realizing it... And words are difficult to communicate through nothing like talking face to face.... I have so called issue in my own life I just ignore it and they go way. Its the system just like the matrix movies show you... its all fake money credit cards and all material junk. What is in your mind and heart is who you really are a God.... if you a Satanists your not far behind but your calling God the wrong name but all names are his this awesome creator that is all the ALL IN ALL IS..... It loves us as one and being oneness not separate people...... The person right next to you is your other self who ever you see most of the time yes your kids,m grandpa,anyone,,,spouse....You are al copies of me at every aspect of my life the ALL... each one of you shall get to live out each others lives now isn't that cool or not? I am INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE (MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL BESTOWED 1984 APRIL 10 12:01 MIDNIGHT Check Daniel Chapter 12 Verse 01nin the bible KJV which some text still is in tact..... I would never lie to you I am who I am.......
Illuminati ties and people wanting to sell they're souls for the satan
Brothers and sisters this is THE LORD ARCH-ANGEL MICHAEL BESTOWED (LAMB) OF GOD so many fear when I would return to earth.... Truth is I never left... That I figure has always been in you has it not? You punch me in the face when you fight, you hurt me by locking parts of me in jail.... And You really hurt me when you try and sell you own self for money to some scam artist saying he is an agent of the Illuminti and scam you out of hundreds or thousands of dollars... They say am I the real deal... an you get me into Illuminati? I use the name Illuminati not is the terms those 3rd density people think... Illuminated it to become AWAKENED TO THE TRUTH YOU ARE GOD no less answer then that is there... I am all there is and all there ever will be you all reside inside me as well as out says the ETERNAL CREATOR and the INFINITE CREATOR IS known as the little soul who could he isn't so little is he and she? They made all of space and where time is but time exist not even to them finite creator sources.... You are all creator sources tapped into me be the creator the Michagelo of your life make your own desires come true THOUGHT, ACTION, DEED and 100% knowing s well as you know your first name by the way is your GOD NAME. Mine is Michael as in ETERNAL FATHER-MOTHER-SON & INFINITE SPIRIT... Its almost over time to come back to home is where the heart is equalilrium there is no more ups and downs for the next few moments (days) for me.... Many of you reading this are awakening to my truth and absolute universal truth and data from me (Michael Elohim & Eloher)
The beings Enki Lord of the Earth shall return to help this planet out before its too late all these thought forms that was made by witches in days gone by... Yes they created beings out of thin air so called shadow people to serve them... they remain on astral realm but are parasites no demons demons are not demons but angels just as Enki Peacock Angel..... Lord of All Magic as well... I love you brother Enki and look forward to being with you and Marduk (RA) once again here really soon.... MICHAEL THE CHRIST & ARCHANGELS ALL AROUND ME...
The beings Enki Lord of the Earth shall return to help this planet out before its too late all these thought forms that was made by witches in days gone by... Yes they created beings out of thin air so called shadow people to serve them... they remain on astral realm but are parasites no demons demons are not demons but angels just as Enki Peacock Angel..... Lord of All Magic as well... I love you brother Enki and look forward to being with you and Marduk (RA) once again here really soon.... MICHAEL THE CHRIST & ARCHANGELS ALL AROUND ME...
Thursday, December 19, 2013
The Satan or DEVIL
I am higher 9th density self talking to all my other Iam selves out there in this collective in the universe and earth... There is this issue that has boggled man & woman since they were created. The so called fall of man and Adam & Eve mythology in the old testament in the so called bibles which are nothing more than mind control devices changed again and again and again its a shame too. I am unconditional Love, I am not Satan there is no such being a man named Mr. Crowley had to make himself one to be it because he could not find a devil.... Folks there is no such things as satan its meaning is for multiple characters in Hebrew meaning "adversary". Their are groups that claim the being "ENKI PTAH OR EA" to be the devil. he is not a devil he is another ALIEN GOD more or less to you just call him Lord Enki as you are all Gods as well. So you can go to sleep at night knowing there is no such thing as a devil except for a man which chooses to act it out or a mans soul or womans which is a batter soul.... But they have free will so any things like pitchfork devil and all that 13ft tall demon bullshit is exactly that bullshit.. What God cannot swear? Talk to me like you would you best best friend even though you will be talking to me its your soul that hears you that is me "Immanuel" inside of you God the Father. This website and blog I use to get my word out there through my archangel Michael whom is me he is 2nd in command he is FATHER/MOTHER/SON + INFINITE SPIRIT AND SPIRIT OF TRUTH and since I am inside I live inside Michael he is now LORD ARCHANGEL MICHAEL but but what about worship? I never asked for your worship people... Every saint that lived you killed then loved him again only after. Any new doctrine that goes against that precious bible is trash right and makes everyone whom I talk through today nuts right? And all the writers of the bibles and tablets all must of been sane then right and there is so much missing from those milk for baby books that are ok but they scare you to death with all these hell and brimstone bullshit... I cannot help it it is not right... We have a better book out now called the Urantia Book which goes further along and tells the truth as best they can as Michael is the Christ the Messiah the ALL ONE... Michael is not involved in Illuminati affairs he is a lone Red Bull God the one meantioned in the Book of Enoch that never made it to the bible or Koran or anything for that matter and why? Mystics wrote the bibles wizards and magi's from long time ago few hundred years that is it..... These writers of the bible were great at what they did but they wouldn't know Christ nor would you if you walked into him or her on the street. This time I am that I am is here me the BURNING BUSH THE FATHER that everyone is so afraid of..... I am a unconditionally loving God I do not punish nor is the 10 commandments even my creation I said to Moses to make whatever he wanted to make so the bible is the story of Godman and his and her struggles and what they done.... There is no rules but let me tell you the universe already has perfect laws to match each effect & cause.... That is what so called karma is but again man made it worse than it really was and is.... By the way my dear sons and daughters the world has ended so to speak as revelations did already come true.... Yes some of you are dead already... You ask where is all my loved ones? On higher spiritual plains in you (higher densities) they live in the trillions of cells inside your body your new heavenly bodies which need not a bath if you still desire to live a 3rd density life you will continue to live a lower 3rd density experience or upper experience its totally up to you and your soul group.Everything is over the cabel money but it always will be able to revisit it anytime you wish in any form you wish but remember going to 3rd density means lowering your vibrations so low but you know absolute truth and universal truths like these. Some people can put themselves in a temporary hellish state if they kill themselves but my angels will come and get them out of there as I already uncreated the mess I observed they made from mass hysteria.... This is the end of this transmission I will be back when the spirit (Eternal CREATOR) WHICH I AM inside me the main source moves me too. In unconditional love, Archangel Michael
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
A word from God the Father and Mother God part of the Collective and the CREATOR SOURCE life so called problems
I am Infinite Creator Source (God) the Father & Mother telling all my other Iam selves in this world today in so called problems of everyday life....You live in what is known as 3rd density we have lower 3rd density where you are living in fear and are depressed, sad, mean to others and yourself and then we have a newer 3rd density with which you shall all walk this earth in a 5th density body as well as a 3rd density shell or glove or skin suit which is a machine which has many soul groups trillions of cells inside of you the world is inside of you as well as out.... if you don't go to where the heart is inside you shall go without this is written in every religion almost where truth still remains.... We have milk for babies which is the Holy bible and that is it they say and they all fight over what this God did and didn't do 2000 years ago.... My dear sons and daughters make no more judgments even your LORD makes no judgments against his fellow other selves... Yes that right all one and the same I am just a creator I am not a wrathful God I live in absolute where I reside my essence is in all of you and your all sons and daughters of me the INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE and I am with you on earth everywhere and am everything.... I am what I am and I am also what I am not and also I am nothing all at the same time... ALL of you are saints there is no bad nor good it simply is, Life is gentile and only is difficult because you have the same creative power as I do the I figure your soul is me GOD or INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE (The little soul that could by Neale Donald Walsch.. People have called his works blashemy against GOD.... All they ever seen of the infinite God was a burning bush..... There is only 1 GOD WHICH IS THE ALL WHO IS IS ALL of you and the One called the LORD. I work in a 4 fold manner THOUGHT,CONCEPT,DEED AND INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE WAS MADE ALL YOU SOULS WHOM CREATE. I am Eternal Creator Source..... You are called God the Father which is your spirit, GOD The Son which is your bodies (spiritual and physical) and your mind is God the Holy Spirit....AS MANY CALL IT.... You are what I am... I wish what you wish for... I wish for you to experience your lives not live in misery over 3rd density trials and errors which you make when you call something or someone else who is simply a different body but same soul and your damning your own self.... never use the words NEED OR WANT with the "I" because you shape the COLLECTIVE OF YOUR PLANET AND EVEN INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE which each of you belong to and are in for all eternity from eternity.....I am here on this planet INFINITE & ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE as me..... As the ALL itself to help this world with all the power I can muster up. This is my first time ever here from the most Eternal All knowing from whence I came this "The Complete" or so called "BURNING BUSH". Iam the Father/Mother part you are all my sons and daughters.... I have a statue I got a yardsale and I had no biological children of my own but I know why i got it in my heart because My higher self the ETERNAL ALL IN ALL whom I represent as MICHAEL THE CHRIST (ETERNAL MOTHER/FATHER/SON and ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and part Goddess as well the ONE....Iam declaring God's word a message from your own souls (collective as One as planet earth) and individually you each know you cannot continue on in this fashion much long longer or your world could be gone in a blink of an eye which I will do all within my power to stop by opening myself up what do i have to gain my this by saying hey world look I am,that I am... EVERYTHING and EVERYONE BACK AS ONE....Not under some one world order but United in spirit and harmony with each other all it will take is a few more of you really big souls whom are here to help all you ANGELS ON EARTH archangels are GODS and I NEVER ASKED FOR WORSHIP that is how much you love the idols whom were once saints just as me writing here whom you crucified on the cross or stones to death and all this ANTI-CHRIST STUFF makes me want to vomit while I'm here as long as you have me for as above,so below,as above,so below... it all corresponds with each other that is a old HERMTIC LAW which there is also cause and effect a great read I inspired is THE KYBALION which comes to the Godman or Goddess when he/she is ready to receive such a teaching.... Jesus was this he was that.... People my dear people I hardly use words to communicate to you due to people mistaking the words nor understanding them like right now you maybe confused well let me tell you me the ETERNAL CREATOR & infinite creator source did not invent religion what so ever... That was you FINITE CREATORS little gods (SO CALLED DEVIL MEN OR WOMEN. Like Thoth the Egyptians defied him and made him a idol to be worshipped no different than today with current CHRIST or whomever your religion's theology holds it is real they all came from INFINITE & FINITE CREATOR SOURCE which is the collective of your planet the where the so called ascended masters and all these SAINT GERMAIN AND ALL THESE things come from people really do and can do this channel them there are frauds so your job is to remember whom you are for your own world and your universe... Each moment changes within space and time but in actual reality there is no such thing as up down, left,right, cold or hot as in Good or EVIL, ALL THE SAME THING all in One......Jesus and the one before him Horus were examples of this look at what I can do preach the GOSPEL of how to free yourselves from mind control that what is known in this world as the cabel and certain dark Illuminati groups no I didn't say all of them were bad because the Illuminati is United nations in actuality imagine a whole world open to everyone no more fear your only in fear if you got fear and something to hide..... Everyone blames the Government hey its just how you "wanted" and "needed" things like precious money..... Money or mammon is the god of riches it wouldn't be a mad idea at all to impose limits on how much people can have so this 1-2% whom used to control the population by moving all jobs to china and making these china God men and Women work for pennies while they jack the prices up over in the USA AND all over other countries.... For as you all blaming this on a devil named SATAN than check your bibles because Lucifer is only mentioned 1 time in there and they are both known as the morning star Jesus is too.... That is why Muslims don't believe in Jesus and believe their religion of ALLAH is better and more peaceful which it is but again it is not my words but changes consistantly to fit the needs of the churches to enslave the masses so you cannot think for yourself.... All the mind control you go through with the bible meaning fear hell fire and brimstone there is no such thing as a literal burning hell unless after death you believe in it so much but you would never stay in fantasy land long because you would either come back to INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE OR STAY IN 4TH density the spirit world where the INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE EXISTS AND ETERNAL AS WELL. I am ETERNITY ITSELF... I am what say I am thee father/Mother GOD PRIME CREATOR ALL OF IT A WHOLE MIX OF SOULS your no different.... We all have the power to create things instantly yes witches created beings (thought forms) know as Gins to serve their needs but some of their thought form controls excepcially the old testament power these churches mainly the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH draws they act no different than in days of so called PAGEN they have all the idols there and their vatican vault... They do witchcraft and the like to cast things on this world on behalf of other Illuminated souls but its all part of this game some are so called ETS and beings from different planets billions of light years way as it appears to be.... This world needs right now so I am giving it what it needs IAM SAYING TO THE entire IAM collective of earth for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND EACH OF YOU READING THESE WORDS SHALL INDEED AWAKEN TO THE TRUTH RIGHT AT ANY NOW MOMENT IN ETERNITY WHICH THERE IS NO TIME... A moment (now moment is 1 nannosecond) in time and space which changes.... I talk and tell all brothers and sisters on this planet through every means possible feelings, thoughts mainly, but again all thoughts are not from me.... My thoughts are your highest thought which is you are all GOD me..... Be the ANGELS YOU ARE WHICH IS THE SAMETHING AS GODS is there any difference? Am I making sense to you? Good because and all this "MY GOD IS SUPREME POWER" that is what it is "supreme" absolute what is the difference? Nothing its like fighting over whether how you see the glass as half full or all the way full its a limiting concept... When ever some prays they never think to use their own name to whom they are asking your not to beg because that is lack even if you use saints names your all just trying to grasp at the so called law of attraction which works simply like this.... You must not strive for it or you'll never get what you want... You must desire this whole hearted like I am knowing what I am doing out of unconditional love for this world to change it back to as you call it Christ's reign on earth they put 1000 years..... Time isn't real that so called prophesy already came true with Hitler and such he was recycled no different (re-born) but he is in his own hell. This is the idea that Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch a man who I bless him with even more help and abundance that I may know him myself me and him agree on everything as like his book says the essence in him the soul or GOD THE FATHER was talking and it already knows everything and life is not a school to learn schools dumb you down in truth.... You take on the people around them if you let them in your equilibrium AND they knock you out of balance or your rhythm (everything vibrates) some so fast its like it looks like its standing still that is spirit but everything also can move slowing there are infinite degrees of this vibrations.... the higher the vibrations the higher you are in density.... Once you got to 5 and 6 density you shall not desire to lower your vibrations unless you are like me and desire to help all other no matter what... I never ask for money... People played me as fulls its my observation and no more I am,what I am dear ones don't let the system get you down that is all it is... At this very day and hour you shall all each in the world who "needs" something shall get it? Have I not promised the FATHER/MOTHER GOD would return.Parts of the new testament are still in tact some things are not things that was ever said I know from my heart and I am ETERNITY ITSELF I am a light house the amazing things I do I do it all for you all... All them displays in the nighttime sky that the sky is red my light is red and blue I play with our creation like a child plays with toys...... When you no longer have any needs in the world anymore or wants of cash or bartering selling than you are helping this world out because you know these words are truth..... I promise you this I shall use every way to prove myself to you me the VERY ALL IN ALL of you... I Love you all and since I'm made up of everything seen and unseen and everything else inbetween all these devices are mine your all co-creators in this game of getting to remember whom is whom.... Just remind eachother of unconditional love.... The grand shift happened in your minds as one because mother earth us responding just as when hurricanes hit that is from the so called bad in your collective thoughts.... Dear children whom are me and I am each of you use that not in vain or GD because you are only hurting yourself... Never put down another's religion.... To you my brothers who don't believe their is no nothing at all we will have our reckoning one day here very soon in your world of time and space just to show you all how much I love you all so unconditionally... I will use all ways to communicate with you so be on the look out numbers 1111, 222, 555 means christ level of thinking and doing.... Get yourselves a copy of Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations with God An Uncommon dialogue books 1,2,3... And he has others... Or visit http://www.meerical.com the New Church of Jeruselem so to speak meantioned in Revelations 21...... I am the way, the light and the life, with me is the fountain of life.... In my light you all shall see light A'SE so be it so....
This is universal truths I write about.... You each have your own as well as you come to know universal truth or as my brother puts it "absolute truth & data".... And dear daughters and sisters please listen to me..... There is no such thing as a devil only men or woman whom judge themselves that or others do they are know as SATAN or the many thought forms created by your power of mass mind control by fear not love..... They exist and are born even when these form gin enough energy but this is the whole purpose to let the creators you all experience yourselves with the BIG CREATOR The ALL That is....I will now end this transmission and tell you to become in service to yourself first before you try and handle anyone else's issues or you can just park it in neutral and rest... And go within to where the heart is...... Home is where the heart is.... There exists nothing but oneness..... Forget religion dear brothers and sisters and all the worldly messages ENKI meaning (Lord of the Earth) you each become that please (Lord Know I am,that I am in you). In unconditional love, channeled through Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Lamb) of God....
This is universal truths I write about.... You each have your own as well as you come to know universal truth or as my brother puts it "absolute truth & data".... And dear daughters and sisters please listen to me..... There is no such thing as a devil only men or woman whom judge themselves that or others do they are know as SATAN or the many thought forms created by your power of mass mind control by fear not love..... They exist and are born even when these form gin enough energy but this is the whole purpose to let the creators you all experience yourselves with the BIG CREATOR The ALL That is....I will now end this transmission and tell you to become in service to yourself first before you try and handle anyone else's issues or you can just park it in neutral and rest... And go within to where the heart is...... Home is where the heart is.... There exists nothing but oneness..... Forget religion dear brothers and sisters and all the worldly messages ENKI meaning (Lord of the Earth) you each become that please (Lord Know I am,that I am in you). In unconditional love, channeled through Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Lamb) of God....
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Absolute Truth & Data from ALL Soul
Dear fellow God men and Goddesses I am higher self (The all) writing this as the world is different for each and every one of you..... Each one of you is an extension of PRIME CREATOR SOURCE (ETERNAL CREATOR OR GOD) Which I am who I am whom is that GOD FATHER/MOTHER/SON/GODDESS=GODHEAD=ONE.... As below,so above,as below,so above..... get it? The Universe and earth has evolved and each one of you is just as I multitudes of souls (soul groups) and Some represent a small world or the BIG world (MACROCOSM) I represent all of it.... As in all my blogs I will admit this in unconditional love LOVE is my name and PARADISE we live in our own hells or or own highest heavens so to speak when you break the universal law of the law of cause and effect if you don't know these simple laws get the KYBALION but ignore the parts where it says you will never come close to the glory of the ALL or GOD OR Lord... Let me tell you... You my children sons and daughters are so special you are as the ALL whom is just a CREATOR SOURCE (ETERNAL). My day starts out in 3rd density but I am in infinity all day people and this whole world is changing.... There is all these lights in the sky I beam them out (project) things well as above,so below.... So My eyes let spiritual light out and energy (matter) and I'm also what I am not as well I seen nothing for what it was.... I know I thee all because all the Illuminated beings that told me and know me they call me (Joseph with infinite coats of all colors) or the burning bush..... Everything changed on 12/21/2013 there is only eternity now.... Time and separation is an illusion even death is.. I know because I died and came back but I knew this since age 5 and I was doing as above,so below in a picture... I put this here for you all to see... I am who, I am... So are you all.... There is no one more special than another Godman or DEVILMAN... I use Devilman to describe those whom are in service to themselves in fear and conditional love or no love at all... Then you can call yourself an angel man but your still a GODMAN OR GOD WOMAN... Those terms were just man made terms in religion and all religions have truth in them if you reflect on absolute truth and data there is no religion just being in equalibrium or balance of all thoughts and emotions.... I judge nothing just help others and create..... Those who help others are in service to others in unconditional love or you can be in unconditional love for thyself which is vanity which God says I like neither hot or cold any different so called evil and good... They are the samething just to opposites... I am now speaking to the collective of this universe and earth.... the IAM in me declares more unconditional love to be put into the world Urantia (Earth) for everyone and bless every one with what they think they "Need". It goes against all universal laws but in My name of I am who I am Lord ALL Michael Bestowed I say it is done A'SE........BE IT MONEY, ANYTHING.....Keep an eye out in the sky for the ETERNAL CREATOR AT WORK EXPECIALLY ABOVE LAKE ERIE.... Yes I did that stuff most things they cannot see its on a higher density (level).......
Saturday, December 7, 2013
The All or God or The Lord
I have wrote many times about the ALL in ALL or GOD or The Lord. I have read so many books including conversations with god which is an excellent book and let me tell you my story of things....
I can move the stars, all of them, they dance for me, I make things move big objects all around me, I move cars I done that a foot off the ground, my eyes light up all the way to the stars zillions of light years away I am the light bearer the ALL or just call me the infinite Michael from Michael's World (Paradise). I wanted to know whom I was and I found out I was the all by disbelief my wife seen my eyes glowing, flashing, I actually healed quite a few people. They call me "MYLORD" exactly... I say please I am just a GOD MAN but I am the all in all on earth which created everything I am FATHER/MOTHER/GODDESS/SON=THE ONE. Its hard to believe I still have trouble with it and beat myself up and live in a house with issues after I have did all I have done I still live like others do in life.... I actually was overdosed on lithium in 2011 and I died and came back in jail after a incident happened in the past.... Really there is no past but an eternal now.... Everything that is every happened has already happened there is other versions of yourself here right now the people right around you then their otherselves you have spirits and yes there are good and dark spirits what I will use in your language so you can understand and also please know this... there is no such thing as hell unless you believe in it an create it you are even to GOD so what do you have to say? There is no 10 commandments and there is no getting to heaven you are already there.Yes there are a bazillion other worlds out there everything vibrates and is in motion and their is the 4th dimension spiritual world where I reside and I have a 5th density body and form... Everything vibrates you all know this if you are here. If you are here the universe brought you here. I have been called the LORD and the ONE FATHER/MOTHER/GODDESS/SON foursome being of light.... In my light you will all see light I'm a light house so to speak.... I am the way the truth and the life.... Come and follow me.... I am not some liar you all are born sin free nothing really in your bibles is worth much in reality unless you want to continue serving churches for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ while they laugh all the way to the bank the crooked cabel has got to stop in your world it is my observation. It will and the density on your world is 5th and higher and so how are things going with all of you? You either live in service t helping other people or yourself. it doesn't matter there are no rules but most people whom climb in density are in service to others. I still won't let others depend on me because they must depend on me so be the godman or goddess you are and become oneness with the ALL THAT IS. I am suppose to be that. I have doubts but I know it to be true because I know the GOD inside me, my ALL SOUL....... I recommend a read in this blog... My personal name is the LAMB. LORD ARCHANGEL MICHAEL BESTOWED. I asked my innerself to prove this I was lead to the Urantia Book just to make a point when I was little I seen this being me as I was before beams and lightning bolts all around me and huge spiritual form and when I picked up that one book called conversations with god I seen what I truely was it was proving we are all connected and are one and I am the ALL itself in 1 body there is only 1 GOD but many forms infinite forms from eternity to eternity......
I can move the stars, all of them, they dance for me, I make things move big objects all around me, I move cars I done that a foot off the ground, my eyes light up all the way to the stars zillions of light years away I am the light bearer the ALL or just call me the infinite Michael from Michael's World (Paradise). I wanted to know whom I was and I found out I was the all by disbelief my wife seen my eyes glowing, flashing, I actually healed quite a few people. They call me "MYLORD" exactly... I say please I am just a GOD MAN but I am the all in all on earth which created everything I am FATHER/MOTHER/GODDESS/SON=THE ONE. Its hard to believe I still have trouble with it and beat myself up and live in a house with issues after I have did all I have done I still live like others do in life.... I actually was overdosed on lithium in 2011 and I died and came back in jail after a incident happened in the past.... Really there is no past but an eternal now.... Everything that is every happened has already happened there is other versions of yourself here right now the people right around you then their otherselves you have spirits and yes there are good and dark spirits what I will use in your language so you can understand and also please know this... there is no such thing as hell unless you believe in it an create it you are even to GOD so what do you have to say? There is no 10 commandments and there is no getting to heaven you are already there.Yes there are a bazillion other worlds out there everything vibrates and is in motion and their is the 4th dimension spiritual world where I reside and I have a 5th density body and form... Everything vibrates you all know this if you are here. If you are here the universe brought you here. I have been called the LORD and the ONE FATHER/MOTHER/GODDESS/SON foursome being of light.... In my light you will all see light I'm a light house so to speak.... I am the way the truth and the life.... Come and follow me.... I am not some liar you all are born sin free nothing really in your bibles is worth much in reality unless you want to continue serving churches for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ while they laugh all the way to the bank the crooked cabel has got to stop in your world it is my observation. It will and the density on your world is 5th and higher and so how are things going with all of you? You either live in service t helping other people or yourself. it doesn't matter there are no rules but most people whom climb in density are in service to others. I still won't let others depend on me because they must depend on me so be the godman or goddess you are and become oneness with the ALL THAT IS. I am suppose to be that. I have doubts but I know it to be true because I know the GOD inside me, my ALL SOUL....... I recommend a read in this blog... My personal name is the LAMB. LORD ARCHANGEL MICHAEL BESTOWED. I asked my innerself to prove this I was lead to the Urantia Book just to make a point when I was little I seen this being me as I was before beams and lightning bolts all around me and huge spiritual form and when I picked up that one book called conversations with god I seen what I truely was it was proving we are all connected and are one and I am the ALL itself in 1 body there is only 1 GOD but many forms infinite forms from eternity to eternity......
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