
Monday, February 24, 2014

The Oneness Spirituality Religion

Hello dear ones this is Michael and I am writing once again on the issues in this world of organized religion. The first is to get a new gospel out into this world and this is exactly what I am going to do. I am a reverend and Dr of Space & Time and DR of Divinity so I am going to set up a ministry to spread the light of new unconditional love in this world. The new religion will be called "The Oneness Spirituality Religion." It teaches that we are all one, we need nothing, and there is nothing we have to do we are on a road to no where. All roads of every religion go to God or gods or even Satanism they believe Enki EA a ET to be Satan or Satya Yuga. It doesn't matter what religion you are this one goes with any religion. The bible says in genesis the people are all one. And psalm 82 and in John 10:34 Jesus said are ye not gods? The reason they are not the Big God is because they were being devil men ready to kill a saint like that which this world has done so many times over in God's name. God is life and everything in between and everything unseen. And God is the ALL IN ALL the Awesome Creator. Not a jealous or vengeful lord like the little finite creator source which is a little god who made just the earth to have it for its self and the infinite creator source did not let that happen but every human has half devil and half angel in them. One is below equilibrium representing the hells they love to control people as they currently do now.. The banking cartels and cabals are the ones behind all the so called evil in this world. I tell you something now as my observation. There is no right or wrong in God's kingdom. Everything just is and everything happens for a reason and there is no SATAN running around causing trouble and grief in peoples lives. You are all ONE in a COLLECTIVE. Imagine all the trillions and trillions of endless thoughts that go out to the universe which acts as a copy machine and sends back what the collective thoughts represent. Its powerful enough when 2 or more are in my name imagine groups!
You must all put aside your so called my religion is better stuff or there is only one way to God....My way is just another way. The oneness way. You are all not separate everyone is brothers and sisters here and God is living in you your soul you are not a body. I love all religions and all the saints I am unconditional love and that is how you should be with anyone even a killer whom was acting out in fear. These religions you have teach too much fear and this angry God who kills good people for no good reason and it really is sad. This little god is Anu - Jehova- Yawee.

I am going to let my higher all self write as it comes from the spirit.

Hello my dear ones. It has come to this.. This world is really not in the best shape all the pollution and government corruption and all the nuclear weapons that would destroy this planet unless something spiritual is done RIGHT NOW. The human I'm writing through is all in all me I am his soul evolution is how I am here the first cause I'm here to help and spread unconditional love all over this country and world. The best thing you can use to fix any problems is what would unconditional love do for any situation? That means no more killing each other, no more jails or prisons, no more wars, no more laws or governments in the future once everyone knows they are not separate from me, they are in me in my mind the universe is my mental creation along with an infinite amount of others. I am That I am. You are God and are me you can use the power of I am to call forth things from the universe by thought,word,deed or action. You must KNOW everything you call forth you already have it as well as you know your name is yours that is the whole point of enlightenment. You are the law of attraction. Then know its true because I told you so. I come through so many way to you some hear my truths some do not and you can see what you are doing is not working so well is it? Listen now to the little voice within that is me in you that is my first place of communication. This is a communication with God and it is holy as all writings are holy having to do with God and life. I am the creator whom arts in heaven. And I am your best friend who arts in heaven. I am not a father or a mother. I'm now turning this over to my human host.

The oneness spirituality religion is knowing you are one with everyone else they are your otherselves. Therefore curse no one, hurt no one. And be happy and joyful and loving.

I end this transmission I love you all.

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