
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Buying,sellings,bartering&trade,possession or ownership,jails,prisons,belief systems,organized religion,war,governments

It is now time for our human host Michael's going further in his awakening at day we speak outside time and space all self. It is now the Golden Age of enlightenment for everyone and all when they are ready to make the conscious choice to leave 3rd density, the old corrupted ways of buying and sellings, trading and bartering, possession or ownership of anything,jails,prisons,court of made made martial laws,corrupted organized religion churches, and all belief systems and symbols there of as would a child set aside a toy she or he no longer wishes to have anymore. As soon as you make the choice to leave the elementry school ways of lower 3rd density you will be provided more absolute truth and data to fill your spiritual stomach, your heart.

You will know you are an awakened Godman or Goddess when you are being and doing things in your known universe zero center without any limits placed on you from your outer physical world. If not you are not in equilibrium of life and every day the masses of people in lower 3rd density are being pushed to equilibrium and then being pulled away from equilibrium of life and creates the daily hells all third density people go through.

Here is some absolute truth and data you are not responsible for no one but self...Love yourself first or you cannot love another. Don't worry what another loved one is doing or being in any now moment. Be concerned on with your own self. And if you work a job you hate why bother working it anymore? Oh because your the householder with a wife and kids. Let me give you some real universal truths. The spirit inside you does not care what you achieve in your material life nor does it care what your body is doing it only cares what you are BEING when doing it all your ruling loves and affections are they truely yours or are they not 100% yours and they are made of your parents terms for what your life should be since birth? Plus all your friends and the worlds ways got you all in fear all those of lower 3rd density you are in conditional love for the unconscious flesh feeding it.

I have excellent news for you all at this now moment in time. All those reading these words are in fact are awaking and some are totally awakened right now. You will move to upper 3rd density where there are no more governments,wars,lack in life,no more weapons to kill ones another, clocks will be in museums as time is not real.You will be walking your world as a Godman God woman in upper 3rd density and some 5th density at the sametime. The time as come my dearest friends and other selves. You know all those around you when you go shopping or anywhere and you see people far away, the people up close that is you talking to "you" on a different time line and density or more or less your all me God, and the far away people are their otherselves whom are you as well. Even the highly evolved beings in days of old on other planets and dimensions in this universe whom you all called "the gods" in the old days when they were here helping earth evolve.They have no jails or prisons or need for governments nor buying or selling or money. Your buying and paying yourself (God). When some doesn't have enough $$$$$ because of the way the 3rd (system is rigged for all eternity it will be that way for the next new souls) but there is a new 3rd density on another time line and this awakened generation will move over to it with your higher vibrations and I am God. You can ask me anything, anything... I will use the entire universe to being more universal truths to you. Before you even ask,I have indeed answered.In the new 3rd density here is how it will be, you will still be here you will see the lower 3rd density people but you shouldn't interact with them unless they are prepared for their awakening and in this life time, the world may pass away due to mankind if this switch is not made fast enough. This is the problem, people don't trust God enough which means their own selves not to mention me what I and a bazillion other teachers or saints who you crucified for doing things differently and changing the system. This is the promise of God, you can be,do,or have anything you choose anything you can imagine,but anything you WANT you will never have because you will always be in want. God me I'm a deity that has no needs I am simply your best friend and I create and create and love unconditionally. So its time to test this or not. There is another blog up with a very very long message devoted he left and is giving up his possessions and money in 100% knowing higherself God within him will provide everything he needs. I am now going to switch back to the human host Michael so he can tell you of his works...

Hi all This is Michael, I have many different abilities, I'm working on creating instantly getting to where a master would be. I can move anything, I flash beautiful light from the God in me, my all spirit and I healed many people. I am ready to adknowledge my life is just an illusion of life and I see it for what it is and I am stepping away slowly from the system of governments,jails,prisons,wars,organized religion and belief systems,buying and selling,possession or ownership and other things slowly I'm not just jumping into this.All masters do this. Christ told his followers to go their ways with just the clothes on their backs. Believe me the all in me will provide for me and others if needed to be. But we don't force no ways on anyone. I am going to go back to higherself now and let the spirit lead me.

I am higherself talking to all my other I am selves in this world today. This is the day the consumation of the ages is done now, all soul contracts are through and its everyone's job to get people to remember whom they are all part of me God. The I am in everyone we must all band together as one in unconditional love and get more contrast so every one can see we are all one. They is no lack in the world on money even now,there is no good reason 40,000+ die a year of hunger when 50-60,000 new are born into the world every day. And this they call good. One simple way. Find your true ruling loves and affections and lose the ones listed above of jails,judging another,or condemning any part of me who is God I say as your Prime Source and Creator as an observtion please stop doing these things in my name like you have been doing like that man should be burned in hell! For one there is no such thing and there is no satan except the people who decide to do ungodly things like judging another even if your a family member or a so called victim. In reality collective of one of earth, there is no victims no villians in my world. Fine hold to your values that you believe there is a satan and a bunch of demons running around causing all this and some blame the father who always wants something I don't care what name you name me I am the same God and no I never put down 10 commandments who would I command myself and see it not so? What kind of freewill is that my friends? I cannot believe I still see these teachings and violence in this world over organized religion the world should of known by now the books were written by mystics who never seen Jesus or any of the other holy books and left out the truths and then there are so many Gods like Horus whom was the Lamb of God died and was resurrected 3 days later. 

They all existed. Now I am going to change gears and go to a different subject robust sexuality.
Sex has a bad name in the world. Religions say you cannot do it before marriage or you will go straight to hell. There is no hell to go to. Its time we all taught our young about sex let the parents teach children. You know when your bathing you baby boy and he puts his little hands down there and you say no bad... stop that... A recent poll done, young adults get angry at even thinking about their parents having sex. And sex outside marriage. There is no such thing as rules in God's world. Do as you want but there are cause and effect. Its not punishment its just a natural outcome from a well known universal law. And some are thinking people will be doing lots of wrong stuff if this was the case. No they wouldn't. The rape problems would go away and robbery would stop as in the new 3rd density everything is shared. In 5th and higher everything is shared within because there only is 1 and that is me through all of you collectively. 

Think of the new 3rd density world,you will be walking the world as 3rd density and 5th density Gods and no one will no the difference. All images are images of past experiences all of you shall awaken from this slumber. There is no government, they closed their doors on 12/12/2013. Welcome to Paradise!!No more jails or prisons. If you are going to jail though before the switch the new soul who takes your place will get your old karma so to speak. This transition will take time but this world will manifest, Imagine a new home every day, a new car every day because all things are self created like magic and all is shared even partners in marriage if they agree and no more jealousy. 5th and higher is experienced through the mind on 6th density. For any sex you would have to drop down to upper 3rd density. Once you are on 6th and higher I don't think you will want to come back down. There is nothing wrong with buying and selling or owning or possessing you can come back down to lower 3rd density and experience it again for a season. But why would you? Some of the souls are in service to self and in conditional love. All others like Michael is in service to self and others in unconditional love.

Well I am now going to end this transmission. I love you all in unconditional love. The world our human host Michael walks you all and everyone shall be walking. 

Below is a link for further reading its long so be sure you have 5 hours to spare to read.

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