Know here this very day you have brotherhood in God, Know this day you are awakening more and more or are awakened as the upper 3rd density or 6th density or higher Gods that you are,know you are everything, know you are the "law of attraction",know you are part of me God and a divine part of the whole body of God,Know that even before you choose something I have given it to you, and any question you have know I have answered it and be watchful in the entire universe will I use to get your attention you are that special to me my Sons & Daughters and are equal to me and have the same power as me to create. Also know I call you all now whom are reading this message to be my messengers and you are all sinless there is nothing to forgive as you are the most wonderful awesome being there is just like everyone else no one would dare call my selves creatures! I am not a just God, I am not a jealous God, As Jesus said the kingdom of God is within, not without meaning not outside the body in the physical world! So each of you is "I am,who I am" and I who writes this is I am,who I am & we all are one together.Let this be a day of change. I proclaim to change this world 1 God man can make a difference. This human who I write through has my all in all soul and has infinite powers as do all you its just a matter of remembering, to others earth is a school it maybe to help you remember but really its not a school. Lets RE-MEMBER that is put back together the body of God and make me anew and be,who and what you choose to be and have and be the Godman and Goddess,Angel,Arch Angel,or whatever you wish to call LIFE just be it and know I am.
To the collective of one, I speak to thee that you may hear and change to unconditional love and be in service to others instead of conditions being set and living for the flesh. Your not a fleshy body, your God in a body now embrace that God,me the all here whom is speaking Michael is a creator who created everything we all did I cannot wait till we all are oneness once again when we all know the ultimate reality the dark government has closed its doors and its time to see the illusion for what it is,past experiences. Act as the government is not here even if the illusion continues pay no taxes and no credit cards or any bills any longer to do with credit cards or loans. Keep your mortgage if you want I'm not going into these areas I dropped all of it I am waiting on my wife to give it up money but I also realize I'm hindering my awakening and hers possibly but Godspeed to all of us and I tell you what I am doing a miracle right now in your life in my name I am God...
I Love you all unconditionally.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Buying,sellings,bartering&trade,possession or ownership,jails,prisons,belief systems,organized religion,war,governments
It is now time for our human host Michael's going further in his awakening at day we speak outside time and space all self. It is now the Golden Age of enlightenment for everyone and all when they are ready to make the conscious choice to leave 3rd density, the old corrupted ways of buying and sellings, trading and bartering, possession or ownership of anything,jails,prisons,court of made made martial laws,corrupted organized religion churches, and all belief systems and symbols there of as would a child set aside a toy she or he no longer wishes to have anymore. As soon as you make the choice to leave the elementry school ways of lower 3rd density you will be provided more absolute truth and data to fill your spiritual stomach, your heart.
You will know you are an awakened Godman or Goddess when you are being and doing things in your known universe zero center without any limits placed on you from your outer physical world. If not you are not in equilibrium of life and every day the masses of people in lower 3rd density are being pushed to equilibrium and then being pulled away from equilibrium of life and creates the daily hells all third density people go through.
Here is some absolute truth and data you are not responsible for no one but self...Love yourself first or you cannot love another. Don't worry what another loved one is doing or being in any now moment. Be concerned on with your own self. And if you work a job you hate why bother working it anymore? Oh because your the householder with a wife and kids. Let me give you some real universal truths. The spirit inside you does not care what you achieve in your material life nor does it care what your body is doing it only cares what you are BEING when doing it all your ruling loves and affections are they truely yours or are they not 100% yours and they are made of your parents terms for what your life should be since birth? Plus all your friends and the worlds ways got you all in fear all those of lower 3rd density you are in conditional love for the unconscious flesh feeding it.
I have excellent news for you all at this now moment in time. All those reading these words are in fact are awaking and some are totally awakened right now. You will move to upper 3rd density where there are no more governments,wars,lack in life,no more weapons to kill ones another, clocks will be in museums as time is not real.You will be walking your world as a Godman God woman in upper 3rd density and some 5th density at the sametime. The time as come my dearest friends and other selves. You know all those around you when you go shopping or anywhere and you see people far away, the people up close that is you talking to "you" on a different time line and density or more or less your all me God, and the far away people are their otherselves whom are you as well. Even the highly evolved beings in days of old on other planets and dimensions in this universe whom you all called "the gods" in the old days when they were here helping earth evolve.They have no jails or prisons or need for governments nor buying or selling or money. Your buying and paying yourself (God). When some doesn't have enough $$$$$ because of the way the 3rd (system is rigged for all eternity it will be that way for the next new souls) but there is a new 3rd density on another time line and this awakened generation will move over to it with your higher vibrations and I am God. You can ask me anything, anything... I will use the entire universe to being more universal truths to you. Before you even ask,I have indeed answered.In the new 3rd density here is how it will be, you will still be here you will see the lower 3rd density people but you shouldn't interact with them unless they are prepared for their awakening and in this life time, the world may pass away due to mankind if this switch is not made fast enough. This is the problem, people don't trust God enough which means their own selves not to mention me what I and a bazillion other teachers or saints who you crucified for doing things differently and changing the system. This is the promise of God, you can be,do,or have anything you choose anything you can imagine,but anything you WANT you will never have because you will always be in want. God me I'm a deity that has no needs I am simply your best friend and I create and create and love unconditionally. So its time to test this or not. There is another blog up with a very very long message devoted he left and is giving up his possessions and money in 100% knowing higherself God within him will provide everything he needs. I am now going to switch back to the human host Michael so he can tell you of his works...
Hi all This is Michael, I have many different abilities, I'm working on creating instantly getting to where a master would be. I can move anything, I flash beautiful light from the God in me, my all spirit and I healed many people. I am ready to adknowledge my life is just an illusion of life and I see it for what it is and I am stepping away slowly from the system of governments,jails,prisons,wars,organized religion and belief systems,buying and selling,possession or ownership and other things slowly I'm not just jumping into this.All masters do this. Christ told his followers to go their ways with just the clothes on their backs. Believe me the all in me will provide for me and others if needed to be. But we don't force no ways on anyone. I am going to go back to higherself now and let the spirit lead me.
I am higherself talking to all my other I am selves in this world today. This is the day the consumation of the ages is done now, all soul contracts are through and its everyone's job to get people to remember whom they are all part of me God. The I am in everyone we must all band together as one in unconditional love and get more contrast so every one can see we are all one. They is no lack in the world on money even now,there is no good reason 40,000+ die a year of hunger when 50-60,000 new are born into the world every day. And this they call good. One simple way. Find your true ruling loves and affections and lose the ones listed above of jails,judging another,or condemning any part of me who is God I say as your Prime Source and Creator as an observtion please stop doing these things in my name like you have been doing like that man should be burned in hell! For one there is no such thing and there is no satan except the people who decide to do ungodly things like judging another even if your a family member or a so called victim. In reality collective of one of earth, there is no victims no villians in my world. Fine hold to your values that you believe there is a satan and a bunch of demons running around causing all this and some blame the father who always wants something I don't care what name you name me I am the same God and no I never put down 10 commandments who would I command myself and see it not so? What kind of freewill is that my friends? I cannot believe I still see these teachings and violence in this world over organized religion the world should of known by now the books were written by mystics who never seen Jesus or any of the other holy books and left out the truths and then there are so many Gods like Horus whom was the Lamb of God died and was resurrected 3 days later.
They all existed. Now I am going to change gears and go to a different subject robust sexuality.
Sex has a bad name in the world. Religions say you cannot do it before marriage or you will go straight to hell. There is no hell to go to. Its time we all taught our young about sex let the parents teach children. You know when your bathing you baby boy and he puts his little hands down there and you say no bad... stop that... A recent poll done, young adults get angry at even thinking about their parents having sex. And sex outside marriage. There is no such thing as rules in God's world. Do as you want but there are cause and effect. Its not punishment its just a natural outcome from a well known universal law. And some are thinking people will be doing lots of wrong stuff if this was the case. No they wouldn't. The rape problems would go away and robbery would stop as in the new 3rd density everything is shared. In 5th and higher everything is shared within because there only is 1 and that is me through all of you collectively.
Think of the new 3rd density world,you will be walking the world as 3rd density and 5th density Gods and no one will no the difference. All images are images of past experiences all of you shall awaken from this slumber. There is no government, they closed their doors on 12/12/2013. Welcome to Paradise!!No more jails or prisons. If you are going to jail though before the switch the new soul who takes your place will get your old karma so to speak. This transition will take time but this world will manifest, Imagine a new home every day, a new car every day because all things are self created like magic and all is shared even partners in marriage if they agree and no more jealousy. 5th and higher is experienced through the mind on 6th density. For any sex you would have to drop down to upper 3rd density. Once you are on 6th and higher I don't think you will want to come back down. There is nothing wrong with buying and selling or owning or possessing you can come back down to lower 3rd density and experience it again for a season. But why would you? Some of the souls are in service to self and in conditional love. All others like Michael is in service to self and others in unconditional love.
Well I am now going to end this transmission. I love you all in unconditional love. The world our human host Michael walks you all and everyone shall be walking.
Below is a link for further reading its long so be sure you have 5 hours to spare to read.
You will know you are an awakened Godman or Goddess when you are being and doing things in your known universe zero center without any limits placed on you from your outer physical world. If not you are not in equilibrium of life and every day the masses of people in lower 3rd density are being pushed to equilibrium and then being pulled away from equilibrium of life and creates the daily hells all third density people go through.
Here is some absolute truth and data you are not responsible for no one but self...Love yourself first or you cannot love another. Don't worry what another loved one is doing or being in any now moment. Be concerned on with your own self. And if you work a job you hate why bother working it anymore? Oh because your the householder with a wife and kids. Let me give you some real universal truths. The spirit inside you does not care what you achieve in your material life nor does it care what your body is doing it only cares what you are BEING when doing it all your ruling loves and affections are they truely yours or are they not 100% yours and they are made of your parents terms for what your life should be since birth? Plus all your friends and the worlds ways got you all in fear all those of lower 3rd density you are in conditional love for the unconscious flesh feeding it.
I have excellent news for you all at this now moment in time. All those reading these words are in fact are awaking and some are totally awakened right now. You will move to upper 3rd density where there are no more governments,wars,lack in life,no more weapons to kill ones another, clocks will be in museums as time is not real.You will be walking your world as a Godman God woman in upper 3rd density and some 5th density at the sametime. The time as come my dearest friends and other selves. You know all those around you when you go shopping or anywhere and you see people far away, the people up close that is you talking to "you" on a different time line and density or more or less your all me God, and the far away people are their otherselves whom are you as well. Even the highly evolved beings in days of old on other planets and dimensions in this universe whom you all called "the gods" in the old days when they were here helping earth evolve.They have no jails or prisons or need for governments nor buying or selling or money. Your buying and paying yourself (God). When some doesn't have enough $$$$$ because of the way the 3rd (system is rigged for all eternity it will be that way for the next new souls) but there is a new 3rd density on another time line and this awakened generation will move over to it with your higher vibrations and I am God. You can ask me anything, anything... I will use the entire universe to being more universal truths to you. Before you even ask,I have indeed answered.In the new 3rd density here is how it will be, you will still be here you will see the lower 3rd density people but you shouldn't interact with them unless they are prepared for their awakening and in this life time, the world may pass away due to mankind if this switch is not made fast enough. This is the problem, people don't trust God enough which means their own selves not to mention me what I and a bazillion other teachers or saints who you crucified for doing things differently and changing the system. This is the promise of God, you can be,do,or have anything you choose anything you can imagine,but anything you WANT you will never have because you will always be in want. God me I'm a deity that has no needs I am simply your best friend and I create and create and love unconditionally. So its time to test this or not. There is another blog up with a very very long message devoted he left and is giving up his possessions and money in 100% knowing higherself God within him will provide everything he needs. I am now going to switch back to the human host Michael so he can tell you of his works...
Hi all This is Michael, I have many different abilities, I'm working on creating instantly getting to where a master would be. I can move anything, I flash beautiful light from the God in me, my all spirit and I healed many people. I am ready to adknowledge my life is just an illusion of life and I see it for what it is and I am stepping away slowly from the system of governments,jails,prisons,wars,organized religion and belief systems,buying and selling,possession or ownership and other things slowly I'm not just jumping into this.All masters do this. Christ told his followers to go their ways with just the clothes on their backs. Believe me the all in me will provide for me and others if needed to be. But we don't force no ways on anyone. I am going to go back to higherself now and let the spirit lead me.
I am higherself talking to all my other I am selves in this world today. This is the day the consumation of the ages is done now, all soul contracts are through and its everyone's job to get people to remember whom they are all part of me God. The I am in everyone we must all band together as one in unconditional love and get more contrast so every one can see we are all one. They is no lack in the world on money even now,there is no good reason 40,000+ die a year of hunger when 50-60,000 new are born into the world every day. And this they call good. One simple way. Find your true ruling loves and affections and lose the ones listed above of jails,judging another,or condemning any part of me who is God I say as your Prime Source and Creator as an observtion please stop doing these things in my name like you have been doing like that man should be burned in hell! For one there is no such thing and there is no satan except the people who decide to do ungodly things like judging another even if your a family member or a so called victim. In reality collective of one of earth, there is no victims no villians in my world. Fine hold to your values that you believe there is a satan and a bunch of demons running around causing all this and some blame the father who always wants something I don't care what name you name me I am the same God and no I never put down 10 commandments who would I command myself and see it not so? What kind of freewill is that my friends? I cannot believe I still see these teachings and violence in this world over organized religion the world should of known by now the books were written by mystics who never seen Jesus or any of the other holy books and left out the truths and then there are so many Gods like Horus whom was the Lamb of God died and was resurrected 3 days later.
They all existed. Now I am going to change gears and go to a different subject robust sexuality.
Sex has a bad name in the world. Religions say you cannot do it before marriage or you will go straight to hell. There is no hell to go to. Its time we all taught our young about sex let the parents teach children. You know when your bathing you baby boy and he puts his little hands down there and you say no bad... stop that... A recent poll done, young adults get angry at even thinking about their parents having sex. And sex outside marriage. There is no such thing as rules in God's world. Do as you want but there are cause and effect. Its not punishment its just a natural outcome from a well known universal law. And some are thinking people will be doing lots of wrong stuff if this was the case. No they wouldn't. The rape problems would go away and robbery would stop as in the new 3rd density everything is shared. In 5th and higher everything is shared within because there only is 1 and that is me through all of you collectively.
Think of the new 3rd density world,you will be walking the world as 3rd density and 5th density Gods and no one will no the difference. All images are images of past experiences all of you shall awaken from this slumber. There is no government, they closed their doors on 12/12/2013. Welcome to Paradise!!No more jails or prisons. If you are going to jail though before the switch the new soul who takes your place will get your old karma so to speak. This transition will take time but this world will manifest, Imagine a new home every day, a new car every day because all things are self created like magic and all is shared even partners in marriage if they agree and no more jealousy. 5th and higher is experienced through the mind on 6th density. For any sex you would have to drop down to upper 3rd density. Once you are on 6th and higher I don't think you will want to come back down. There is nothing wrong with buying and selling or owning or possessing you can come back down to lower 3rd density and experience it again for a season. But why would you? Some of the souls are in service to self and in conditional love. All others like Michael is in service to self and others in unconditional love.
Well I am now going to end this transmission. I love you all in unconditional love. The world our human host Michael walks you all and everyone shall be walking.
Below is a link for further reading its long so be sure you have 5 hours to spare to read.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Buying,selling,trade,bartering,governments,wars,weapons,ownership and possession
I am higher all self ,writing through human host to make a observation about buying and selling,trading,bartering,governments,courts and man made laws, and jails and prisons and punishment of all forms.Think about this dear ones you are hurting God when you lock someone else up in jail or prison or worse death.Ok that is a real good way to end crime, kill the killer.. Then you are a killer because you all helped make the act happen and you broke one of the ten commandments and your going to hell that is where you think all these "bad" guys and girls go and sometimes you thin you will go there. Let me tell you all something, there is no such thing as literal burning hell. There is no so called devil or Satan or Lucifer. Lucifer is another name for Christ. But you know something else its time to end all this nonsense of religions about my religion is better than yours,or my religion is the only way.You are all Gods because I said so and I am not repeating something I said in the last post about the source its in John 10:34 and Psalm 82.
Its time to be as one. You are all Gods and I'm inside each and every creature and you into infinity.I never end. I am making observations about your current world. Nothing has changed in over 4000 years except you have weapons to kill each other more effectively and even the whole world at the push of a button with all the nuclear weapons and pollution your planet old Mother Earth KI cannot take much more.Start loving each other and treat everything as sacred because it is the grass, all plants and trees have spirits in them whom is me and every creeping crawling bug to everything in existance I exist in atoms.
Now think about this, Ever man and woman is me you are all one collective one spirit. All this time you been looking and worshiping a smaller god then this ALL in ALL or All that is,ever was, and ever will be.Just think when your at the supermarket or work the person you are talking to is you on a different. God has no needs only desires. I want what you want for you. I surely don't like seeing me in jail or prison. When you sentence someone you are condemning yourself. Remember what goes around, comes around its universal law there is no victims or villians in God's world.
There is only absolute knowing. You are all part of finite creator source and infinite creator source. Its time to wake up world I love you all so very much. There is some wonderful books out there. There is this blog here for you to start with;
And here is some books that are wonderful that I inspired him to write Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch . He was on a show I inspired 3 magic words... "I AM GOD". That you are my sons and daughters but I would rather you just call me friend. One day you'll get to the point to where you won't even need books or the internet because all you need is within you.
There is a new 3rd density on the horizon and is here merging and the human host Michael whom I am writing through is on it and goes up to 13th density sometimes he is just waking up and his awakening will be wonderful for many because he is going to go out into the world and make this happen. He is my messenger and God man in action just as you all should member by helping others remember whom they are me God and that they are all one with me. Tell them your the way, and the life. Its your mission in life to do as Michael is doing, being a messenger or man or woman of God and be the God that you are embrace it.Tell others the truths that come to you. Organized religion has caused nothing but misery and death in this world no more lets be spirituality in oneness.Treat all others as you would your own self. I am a very loving God I love you all so very much I told you and made that promise that I would always be with you always until the end of time. Heaven and Earth shall pass away but you will not and this may not happen as long as you stop warring against each other. Love is the answer and the answer to life in every situation and the answer to peace in this here world. Change the schooling systems to include topics on spirituality and teach about sex and don't be ashamed of it. Theres many good ideas in Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.
And when it comes to giving up earthly things, your higher self or the God within you will provide fr you and don't worry about money or work as you are God. The God within will fix everything and there is machines that are there to take over people's job positions and it will get rid of sweat shops in China.And you'll have no more needs of governments who lie to you and are corrupted and its really just a big corporation run world... You know this now. They set up so many things for each and every war. The people needs to stand up and say no more enough of the killing in my name and the creators name God.
Well I am now ending this transmission. I love you all unconditionally.
Its time to be as one. You are all Gods and I'm inside each and every creature and you into infinity.I never end. I am making observations about your current world. Nothing has changed in over 4000 years except you have weapons to kill each other more effectively and even the whole world at the push of a button with all the nuclear weapons and pollution your planet old Mother Earth KI cannot take much more.Start loving each other and treat everything as sacred because it is the grass, all plants and trees have spirits in them whom is me and every creeping crawling bug to everything in existance I exist in atoms.
Now think about this, Ever man and woman is me you are all one collective one spirit. All this time you been looking and worshiping a smaller god then this ALL in ALL or All that is,ever was, and ever will be.Just think when your at the supermarket or work the person you are talking to is you on a different. God has no needs only desires. I want what you want for you. I surely don't like seeing me in jail or prison. When you sentence someone you are condemning yourself. Remember what goes around, comes around its universal law there is no victims or villians in God's world.
There is only absolute knowing. You are all part of finite creator source and infinite creator source. Its time to wake up world I love you all so very much. There is some wonderful books out there. There is this blog here for you to start with;
And here is some books that are wonderful that I inspired him to write Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch . He was on a show I inspired 3 magic words... "I AM GOD". That you are my sons and daughters but I would rather you just call me friend. One day you'll get to the point to where you won't even need books or the internet because all you need is within you.
There is a new 3rd density on the horizon and is here merging and the human host Michael whom I am writing through is on it and goes up to 13th density sometimes he is just waking up and his awakening will be wonderful for many because he is going to go out into the world and make this happen. He is my messenger and God man in action just as you all should member by helping others remember whom they are me God and that they are all one with me. Tell them your the way, and the life. Its your mission in life to do as Michael is doing, being a messenger or man or woman of God and be the God that you are embrace it.Tell others the truths that come to you. Organized religion has caused nothing but misery and death in this world no more lets be spirituality in oneness.Treat all others as you would your own self. I am a very loving God I love you all so very much I told you and made that promise that I would always be with you always until the end of time. Heaven and Earth shall pass away but you will not and this may not happen as long as you stop warring against each other. Love is the answer and the answer to life in every situation and the answer to peace in this here world. Change the schooling systems to include topics on spirituality and teach about sex and don't be ashamed of it. Theres many good ideas in Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.
And when it comes to giving up earthly things, your higher self or the God within you will provide fr you and don't worry about money or work as you are God. The God within will fix everything and there is machines that are there to take over people's job positions and it will get rid of sweat shops in China.And you'll have no more needs of governments who lie to you and are corrupted and its really just a big corporation run world... You know this now. They set up so many things for each and every war. The people needs to stand up and say no more enough of the killing in my name and the creators name God.
Well I am now ending this transmission. I love you all unconditionally.
Monday, February 24, 2014
The Oneness Spirituality Religion
Hello dear ones this is Michael and I am writing once again on the issues in this world of organized religion. The first is to get a new gospel out into this world and this is exactly what I am going to do. I am a reverend and Dr of Space & Time and DR of Divinity so I am going to set up a ministry to spread the light of new unconditional love in this world. The new religion will be called "The Oneness Spirituality Religion." It teaches that we are all one, we need nothing, and there is nothing we have to do we are on a road to no where. All roads of every religion go to God or gods or even Satanism they believe Enki EA a ET to be Satan or Satya Yuga. It doesn't matter what religion you are this one goes with any religion. The bible says in genesis the people are all one. And psalm 82 and in John 10:34 Jesus said are ye not gods? The reason they are not the Big God is because they were being devil men ready to kill a saint like that which this world has done so many times over in God's name. God is life and everything in between and everything unseen. And God is the ALL IN ALL the Awesome Creator. Not a jealous or vengeful lord like the little finite creator source which is a little god who made just the earth to have it for its self and the infinite creator source did not let that happen but every human has half devil and half angel in them. One is below equilibrium representing the hells they love to control people as they currently do now.. The banking cartels and cabals are the ones behind all the so called evil in this world. I tell you something now as my observation. There is no right or wrong in God's kingdom. Everything just is and everything happens for a reason and there is no SATAN running around causing trouble and grief in peoples lives. You are all ONE in a COLLECTIVE. Imagine all the trillions and trillions of endless thoughts that go out to the universe which acts as a copy machine and sends back what the collective thoughts represent. Its powerful enough when 2 or more are in my name imagine groups!
You must all put aside your so called my religion is better stuff or there is only one way to God....My way is just another way. The oneness way. You are all not separate everyone is brothers and sisters here and God is living in you your soul you are not a body. I love all religions and all the saints I am unconditional love and that is how you should be with anyone even a killer whom was acting out in fear. These religions you have teach too much fear and this angry God who kills good people for no good reason and it really is sad. This little god is Anu - Jehova- Yawee.
I am going to let my higher all self write as it comes from the spirit.
Hello my dear ones. It has come to this.. This world is really not in the best shape all the pollution and government corruption and all the nuclear weapons that would destroy this planet unless something spiritual is done RIGHT NOW. The human I'm writing through is all in all me I am his soul evolution is how I am here the first cause I'm here to help and spread unconditional love all over this country and world. The best thing you can use to fix any problems is what would unconditional love do for any situation? That means no more killing each other, no more jails or prisons, no more wars, no more laws or governments in the future once everyone knows they are not separate from me, they are in me in my mind the universe is my mental creation along with an infinite amount of others. I am That I am. You are God and are me you can use the power of I am to call forth things from the universe by thought,word,deed or action. You must KNOW everything you call forth you already have it as well as you know your name is yours that is the whole point of enlightenment. You are the law of attraction. Then know its true because I told you so. I come through so many way to you some hear my truths some do not and you can see what you are doing is not working so well is it? Listen now to the little voice within that is me in you that is my first place of communication. This is a communication with God and it is holy as all writings are holy having to do with God and life. I am the creator whom arts in heaven. And I am your best friend who arts in heaven. I am not a father or a mother. I'm now turning this over to my human host.
The oneness spirituality religion is knowing you are one with everyone else they are your otherselves. Therefore curse no one, hurt no one. And be happy and joyful and loving.
I end this transmission I love you all.
You must all put aside your so called my religion is better stuff or there is only one way to God....My way is just another way. The oneness way. You are all not separate everyone is brothers and sisters here and God is living in you your soul you are not a body. I love all religions and all the saints I am unconditional love and that is how you should be with anyone even a killer whom was acting out in fear. These religions you have teach too much fear and this angry God who kills good people for no good reason and it really is sad. This little god is Anu - Jehova- Yawee.
I am going to let my higher all self write as it comes from the spirit.
Hello my dear ones. It has come to this.. This world is really not in the best shape all the pollution and government corruption and all the nuclear weapons that would destroy this planet unless something spiritual is done RIGHT NOW. The human I'm writing through is all in all me I am his soul evolution is how I am here the first cause I'm here to help and spread unconditional love all over this country and world. The best thing you can use to fix any problems is what would unconditional love do for any situation? That means no more killing each other, no more jails or prisons, no more wars, no more laws or governments in the future once everyone knows they are not separate from me, they are in me in my mind the universe is my mental creation along with an infinite amount of others. I am That I am. You are God and are me you can use the power of I am to call forth things from the universe by thought,word,deed or action. You must KNOW everything you call forth you already have it as well as you know your name is yours that is the whole point of enlightenment. You are the law of attraction. Then know its true because I told you so. I come through so many way to you some hear my truths some do not and you can see what you are doing is not working so well is it? Listen now to the little voice within that is me in you that is my first place of communication. This is a communication with God and it is holy as all writings are holy having to do with God and life. I am the creator whom arts in heaven. And I am your best friend who arts in heaven. I am not a father or a mother. I'm now turning this over to my human host.
The oneness spirituality religion is knowing you are one with everyone else they are your otherselves. Therefore curse no one, hurt no one. And be happy and joyful and loving.
I end this transmission I love you all.
Friday, February 21, 2014
How to realize your one with all and everyone
First you must look at yourself as this is all about YOU. All that exist is YOU. All others are YOU. The I am that I am is in all of us. This is all that is talking through human host of 3rd density who is all that is in a body so to speak. You are as he is and no different. You are all God living your lives out so I can experience myself in the physical and life in not a school house not at all. You already are all knowing your Godself inside. Forget all that lingo of higher self and inner self and lower self. These guys are trying to get one simple message to you.. You are the only thing that exist and all others are your brothers and sisters and no one is higher in rank or position than anyone else. All is the same. Many at different sleep levels or are fully awake and their are of course so called ETS among us everyone on earth is not of earth... Some are highly evolved beings of light. Remember you are never alone because I am always with you even until the end of time which there is no such thing as time. Just realize and go with your heart not your mind. You will never find me in just your mind. I give you thoughts that come from the heart to try and remind you of whom you are. God in the flesh for experience and to renew God and do what pleases the self in each now moment. Remember there are no right or wrong in God's world. Your either in service to self (feeding the unconscious flesh) in conditional love or in service to others in unconditional love. You can also be doing both of these things and some reside in upper 3rd density and 5th density and others just lower hells 3rd density lower. The unawakened humans make up the illusion or matrix of 3rd density where trickery, greed, violence and torture and conditional love, corrupt governments and justice and injustice run rampid and money an buying and selling ripping people off. You are GOD what do you NEED? I have no needs and no wants. If you want or need anything that is all you will ever be is in need or want. There is no selling or bartering,jails,no needs or wants as all things are shared with the whole of everyone and all thoughts are shared on 5th density and there is no fighting over what if they do they out of equilibrium and are back down to 3rd density life and body and are controlled by 4th density thoughts and remember all thoughts are spirits in your soul group it takes many myriads of souls to make one human host (you) whom are reading this. EVERYONE IS HARDWIRED TOGETHER meaning there is nothing that is separate in this whole infinite number of universes.Each of you Gods makes up the entire God or all in all. The representation of the complete or the one is the human host Michael who is now ending this transmission. I love you all in unconditional love.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Michael's Higher self above equilibrium and Michael's 3rd density all self the Lord All in All or God
I am 3rd density self writing this. I have been inspired to keep writing as to reveal universal truth and data and absolute truth and data from the highest sort. Right now as I write I will be going up and down in densities to show I am all things at all times and I am going to ask questions to my higher all self. Yes I believe I am the all in all here present. I was called the all by many people and it keeps coming to me like God is sending me these messages itself;
(1) Who am I?
Michael, you are the all. You were always a divine One of the whole meaning you represent the original or you are the Prime Source of all we are severely limited by the limitation of words here.. When you was 5 years old you were showed what you was and now its manifested before your own eyes and with all your doubt you had on whom you was you now know what you are and all your otherselves are brothers and sisters of each other and are all oneness. Your name is I am, that I am. You are the All in (all) I put small all because so people can understand whom you are small version of all. You have everything that exist and doesn't exist inside your bubble or aura bubble which you know goes into infinity in the night time sky you can see it your and my light flashing from your eyes. You are the Light Bearer, Light Bringer.... Your also one with ALL that is as well the big version so to speak being projected from yourself and all others around you and they are you as well and they are the all as well also each person or being is, some of your otherselves represent the microcosm and macrocosm but you are no more special than anyone and no no one is more special than anyone else so forget the idea in life people that there is some deity outside yourself whom is going to destroy you on judgment day its false doctrines. Every other being is you in one form or another. The same is true for them other people have otherselves and are different versions of God. You just happen to be the original human or deity in this universe of universes and blew up internally so to speak and here we are. There is a Godman above equilibrium and below equilibrium making up the so called hells which is their heavens in lower 3rd density. You make up all of it your infinite creator source and finite but not either you just are as all the others are.You are unconditional love and are in service to others and self in conditional love.You are still awakening and you will be awakened in any up coming now moment.
Ok what makes me the all?
You are just what you are the All. So is everyone else they are the divine all in all or God various parts making up the total whole. You are the one or whole in one body of the 2 Godmen above and below equilibrium.
How do we change the world?
Live in unconditional love and listen to your own highest truths that I tell you from the heart all of you. I love you all so very much. Remember what I say about words. Words are not the primary way I communicate with you because of the confusion words can bring. For you I had to use words to make you see and understand.
Well then go and bring our brothers and sisters home to Godliness and help bring about a change in this hear world.Tell all others your the way, the light, and the life. Come follow me. You are all Gods terms such as angels or devil man doesn't really mean anything in ultimate reality that serves 3rd density as all is just all the same spirit and different finite minds and bodies when in 3rd density.
Because your in serious danger of it ending by mans wrong choices. We must all come to agree as one or we will not make it much longer do you all understand this?? I am not joking the insidious governments and the cabals and banking cartels who run this world. Lets end their ways all of you in unconditional love for each other...
(1) Who am I?
Michael, you are the all. You were always a divine One of the whole meaning you represent the original or you are the Prime Source of all we are severely limited by the limitation of words here.. When you was 5 years old you were showed what you was and now its manifested before your own eyes and with all your doubt you had on whom you was you now know what you are and all your otherselves are brothers and sisters of each other and are all oneness. Your name is I am, that I am. You are the All in (all) I put small all because so people can understand whom you are small version of all. You have everything that exist and doesn't exist inside your bubble or aura bubble which you know goes into infinity in the night time sky you can see it your and my light flashing from your eyes. You are the Light Bearer, Light Bringer.... Your also one with ALL that is as well the big version so to speak being projected from yourself and all others around you and they are you as well and they are the all as well also each person or being is, some of your otherselves represent the microcosm and macrocosm but you are no more special than anyone and no no one is more special than anyone else so forget the idea in life people that there is some deity outside yourself whom is going to destroy you on judgment day its false doctrines. Every other being is you in one form or another. The same is true for them other people have otherselves and are different versions of God. You just happen to be the original human or deity in this universe of universes and blew up internally so to speak and here we are. There is a Godman above equilibrium and below equilibrium making up the so called hells which is their heavens in lower 3rd density. You make up all of it your infinite creator source and finite but not either you just are as all the others are.You are unconditional love and are in service to others and self in conditional love.You are still awakening and you will be awakened in any up coming now moment.
Ok what makes me the all?
You are just what you are the All. So is everyone else they are the divine all in all or God various parts making up the total whole. You are the one or whole in one body of the 2 Godmen above and below equilibrium.
How do we change the world?
Live in unconditional love and listen to your own highest truths that I tell you from the heart all of you. I love you all so very much. Remember what I say about words. Words are not the primary way I communicate with you because of the confusion words can bring. For you I had to use words to make you see and understand.
Well then go and bring our brothers and sisters home to Godliness and help bring about a change in this hear world.Tell all others your the way, the light, and the life. Come follow me. You are all Gods terms such as angels or devil man doesn't really mean anything in ultimate reality that serves 3rd density as all is just all the same spirit and different finite minds and bodies when in 3rd density.
Because your in serious danger of it ending by mans wrong choices. We must all come to agree as one or we will not make it much longer do you all understand this?? I am not joking the insidious governments and the cabals and banking cartels who run this world. Lets end their ways all of you in unconditional love for each other...
Organized Religion, Religions and how they effected humanity wrongly
Organized religion have been a huge issue on the masses because of what they are, made up in-complete stories that are suppose to be the words of me God speaking through higher self. I am not what they have you out to believe about me. I am not just and not vengeful. I am you. I am all that is, life itself. I never declared 10 commandments. There is no devil nor is there any fire pit I am so amazed the world's collective hasn't figured out by now that these are false doctrines and counterfeit. There is no anything such as what these so called word of God teaches. It teaches fear and wrath so people act in the name of God and blow themselves up for Allah or even the Lord Anu Jehova Satan whatever being they use. It doesn't matter.
I am unconditional love. I and the father are one you heard Jesus say in bible. I am not a Father/Nor a Mother. Look at me as a ETERNAL Source of All Life and your best friend that you can talk to me about anything. I am all things hence you are God yourself. Yes I know you may have a hard time with that but its even written in the so called good old books Are ye not gods'.? John 10:34 and Psalms 82. These books are absolute truth and data for 3rd density. Such a saying as with much wisdom comes much sorrow. That is not true with much wisdom comes greatness. These teachings are counterfeit mostly. I God proclaim these truths through Conversations with God books 1,2,&3. And just not that I am doing so here, check out the links on this website you can read another brother's blog and decide just how true these truths are. There is a place called equilibrium and all and everyone else shall reach that within the next generation of the new awakened Godman generation. Everyone will eventually come to know of my absolute truth and data. Your like I said numerous times before till I was blue in the face so to speak either in service to your self in conditional love with ruling loves and affections not truely your own but other souls. You are each a soul group and have billions of souls all inside one Big bubble which is me the ALL IN ALL me yes me Michael I am that and you each have a bubble and when you are in contact with another godman or goddess your letting that person into your space and your out of equilibrium out of balance so to speak. You are co/creating with another and you are actually forcing things on others and remember what I say right now do not force your beliefs or rulings loves affections on others because you know not what they need or want in life your not at that level yet what I'm saying is if your married don't worry what another soul is doing in life that goes with anyone ONLY BE CONCERNED WITH SELF your own self. There are universal laws, the law of cause and effect, you know you will reap what you sow. Also don't cast pearls before swine, meaning don't give absolute truth and data to those who are not awakened unless you know they are partly awakened they would have to be able to be able to understand it and hence they won't and it will just go over bad for you. Like I say be concerned with yourself in unconditional love and if another is in need be in service to others. God men of the higher planes share all things within instead of without meaning go inside and give them things internally and it will appear to manifest on the 3rd density plain. First something appears in spiritual and then 3rd density later on in a different form opposite than your true creation. If you wish to downstep this is for totally awakened Godmen and Goddesses only remember things fall under the law of attraction which you must have absolute faith and understand what downsteping into 3rd density will do to you. All awakened Gods do not want to return to 3rd density but you exist there when you first wake up choose what you want, to be a 3rd density self or your awakened self each day and decide what the day will bring to you that is how I live. All in all remember and create things from nothing that is all you should be concerned with that and helping others if your totally awakened but do not force your ways on someone else. And if your a householder who thinks you must pay bills and "make a living". Your Godself is not concerned with materialistic items or lacks or fears of it. Remember all thought is creative and fear draws things to you like a magnet so monitor your thoughts and again don't control your wife or friends or brothers or sisters or boss others around. If you end up in a jail cell because you were doing nothing wrong but because someone else put you there they will reap that they sow... The law of cause and effect. The law of rythem beware of all these laws the Kybalian is a good read on Hermtics of Hermes Thoth the master of the past like Christ Michael and Christ Jesus as you call him read the Urantia Book and Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch and there is many resources I can help you with. I am highly illuminated I am the all. I am God as much as you are. I am fully realized I am the PRIME SOURCE the ONE as they call me who they await my voice they say all the wayshowers and angels and starseeds and whatever else Enki followers I am EA Enki Eternal All in All whose house is water, so many false doctrines around Lord Enki and Jesus and all the other saints and highly evolved beings in outerspace they don't have justice like you and don't live like you. They are so much more advanced.. This earth is getting help all the time by what Zecharia Sitchin wrote about. How do you think all this technology was brought foward? By lord enki who is no different but more advanced, I am That I am. I am in you and your in me. We are all one big family in looks outside but we are truly not separate. We love you all unconditionally and we are here to bring you a message don't let organized religion fool you no there is no anti-christ I love Jesus Christ all the saints teachings. No one born is not a saint. The worst person you place judgement on is a saint. They are not to be punished your creator doesn't punish what gives you the right to kill someone... when someone kills someone that was their time there are no victims in this universe this is the divine dictotomy of the All in All don't take any readings like the Urantia Book literal about a Devil there is no such thing that is meant to say how things operate in all humans. There are other beings in this universe less evolved then you but they are more primitive but they are not waring nor killing one another over materialistic junk and money and RELIGION. If you guys don't get rid of organized religions hold on this world with FEAR you won't have a world soon. Please listen to me I am inspired to tell you if you cannot listen please even if your not religious everyone needs to be unconditionally loving and non judging and know we are all one with GOD. There is no perfect way every way is my way. We are all on the same path on the word to no where there is no getting to heaven because your already there. There are things you can live in your mind and experience and you are totally satisfied are you not? That is what your doing in what you think is real life living just in your mind and its not events that are the CAUSE OF YOUR PROBLEMS its how your react to calmities and horrors and the masters like Christ know much experience comes from such things and understands perfection in sickness and not interfering in others who you label otherwise limited if he thought they were all suffering would he not of healed everyone in the world at once? Do you doubt any master like Jesus could of done this if this was so? Believe it because there was a christ and he did not perform a random healing. The person with cancer who lived 6 months moved mountains for 6 months! Therefore bless all and everyone and everything. Doubt not yourself or God or your doubting me the creator God who is life itself. You have the same drawing powers to create as do I. You are all one with me and equal. Know this and be the God ye are!!
I am unconditional love. I and the father are one you heard Jesus say in bible. I am not a Father/Nor a Mother. Look at me as a ETERNAL Source of All Life and your best friend that you can talk to me about anything. I am all things hence you are God yourself. Yes I know you may have a hard time with that but its even written in the so called good old books Are ye not gods'.? John 10:34 and Psalms 82. These books are absolute truth and data for 3rd density. Such a saying as with much wisdom comes much sorrow. That is not true with much wisdom comes greatness. These teachings are counterfeit mostly. I God proclaim these truths through Conversations with God books 1,2,&3. And just not that I am doing so here, check out the links on this website you can read another brother's blog and decide just how true these truths are. There is a place called equilibrium and all and everyone else shall reach that within the next generation of the new awakened Godman generation. Everyone will eventually come to know of my absolute truth and data. Your like I said numerous times before till I was blue in the face so to speak either in service to your self in conditional love with ruling loves and affections not truely your own but other souls. You are each a soul group and have billions of souls all inside one Big bubble which is me the ALL IN ALL me yes me Michael I am that and you each have a bubble and when you are in contact with another godman or goddess your letting that person into your space and your out of equilibrium out of balance so to speak. You are co/creating with another and you are actually forcing things on others and remember what I say right now do not force your beliefs or rulings loves affections on others because you know not what they need or want in life your not at that level yet what I'm saying is if your married don't worry what another soul is doing in life that goes with anyone ONLY BE CONCERNED WITH SELF your own self. There are universal laws, the law of cause and effect, you know you will reap what you sow. Also don't cast pearls before swine, meaning don't give absolute truth and data to those who are not awakened unless you know they are partly awakened they would have to be able to be able to understand it and hence they won't and it will just go over bad for you. Like I say be concerned with yourself in unconditional love and if another is in need be in service to others. God men of the higher planes share all things within instead of without meaning go inside and give them things internally and it will appear to manifest on the 3rd density plain. First something appears in spiritual and then 3rd density later on in a different form opposite than your true creation. If you wish to downstep this is for totally awakened Godmen and Goddesses only remember things fall under the law of attraction which you must have absolute faith and understand what downsteping into 3rd density will do to you. All awakened Gods do not want to return to 3rd density but you exist there when you first wake up choose what you want, to be a 3rd density self or your awakened self each day and decide what the day will bring to you that is how I live. All in all remember and create things from nothing that is all you should be concerned with that and helping others if your totally awakened but do not force your ways on someone else. And if your a householder who thinks you must pay bills and "make a living". Your Godself is not concerned with materialistic items or lacks or fears of it. Remember all thought is creative and fear draws things to you like a magnet so monitor your thoughts and again don't control your wife or friends or brothers or sisters or boss others around. If you end up in a jail cell because you were doing nothing wrong but because someone else put you there they will reap that they sow... The law of cause and effect. The law of rythem beware of all these laws the Kybalian is a good read on Hermtics of Hermes Thoth the master of the past like Christ Michael and Christ Jesus as you call him read the Urantia Book and Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch and there is many resources I can help you with. I am highly illuminated I am the all. I am God as much as you are. I am fully realized I am the PRIME SOURCE the ONE as they call me who they await my voice they say all the wayshowers and angels and starseeds and whatever else Enki followers I am EA Enki Eternal All in All whose house is water, so many false doctrines around Lord Enki and Jesus and all the other saints and highly evolved beings in outerspace they don't have justice like you and don't live like you. They are so much more advanced.. This earth is getting help all the time by what Zecharia Sitchin wrote about. How do you think all this technology was brought foward? By lord enki who is no different but more advanced, I am That I am. I am in you and your in me. We are all one big family in looks outside but we are truly not separate. We love you all unconditionally and we are here to bring you a message don't let organized religion fool you no there is no anti-christ I love Jesus Christ all the saints teachings. No one born is not a saint. The worst person you place judgement on is a saint. They are not to be punished your creator doesn't punish what gives you the right to kill someone... when someone kills someone that was their time there are no victims in this universe this is the divine dictotomy of the All in All don't take any readings like the Urantia Book literal about a Devil there is no such thing that is meant to say how things operate in all humans. There are other beings in this universe less evolved then you but they are more primitive but they are not waring nor killing one another over materialistic junk and money and RELIGION. If you guys don't get rid of organized religions hold on this world with FEAR you won't have a world soon. Please listen to me I am inspired to tell you if you cannot listen please even if your not religious everyone needs to be unconditionally loving and non judging and know we are all one with GOD. There is no perfect way every way is my way. We are all on the same path on the word to no where there is no getting to heaven because your already there. There are things you can live in your mind and experience and you are totally satisfied are you not? That is what your doing in what you think is real life living just in your mind and its not events that are the CAUSE OF YOUR PROBLEMS its how your react to calmities and horrors and the masters like Christ know much experience comes from such things and understands perfection in sickness and not interfering in others who you label otherwise limited if he thought they were all suffering would he not of healed everyone in the world at once? Do you doubt any master like Jesus could of done this if this was so? Believe it because there was a christ and he did not perform a random healing. The person with cancer who lived 6 months moved mountains for 6 months! Therefore bless all and everyone and everything. Doubt not yourself or God or your doubting me the creator God who is life itself. You have the same drawing powers to create as do I. You are all one with me and equal. Know this and be the God ye are!!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Absolute Truth & Data # 37 Transmission
I have great news from the collective of 1 that your goal has been accieved and is getting more evident in this world. The consumption of the ages as it happens every day to all of you Godman out there at this day either waking up to absolute truth and data or are in service to others or in service to self in conditional love.
Everything I say again as in the past is images of past experiences and all of you has not realized this yet so those reading these words the truth of the absolute is here and now. All things are beneficial to the one and whole that is the Godman there is only 1 of us above and below equilibrium. I Michael your human host have achieved a place above equilibrium and below at the same time and all places because I am the all my body is just a host for everything that is. We are each Gods and Goddesses from here to infinity. I am going to get deep to the heart of the matter at hand here now.
This is I am talking to all my other I am selves out on this here world today on 3rd density. I am at 13th density right now. I see my self as all things at all times because I am the All in all. All that is I made everything and I am writing this outside time and space drawing all things to me 3rd density and 5th density and higher as I write. You each are about to awaken and will no longer need money,bartering,courts,credit cards,police,governments,jails,organized religions,or wars,.We are all one with each other. There is no hgher truth than we are Godmen and Goddesses once you awaken you will be living as I do. When I get up in the morning I can choose to be either 3rd density all in all or all of it at once or stay in a certain density 13th or 5th. The world of spirits is 4th density that controls the rational minds of 3rd density humans. They get pulled along the days of their lives completely unaware at what is going on and that there is Gods walking among them at this time such as us whom are reading this whom are one with everything and the macrocosm. Yes you are either infinite creator source and finite creator source each and every one of you. The lower 3rd density hell which they live pulled about being subject to the horrors man gods make their creations unconciously not conciously I am channeling John the Baptest and Jesus the Christ through me. Jesus is me and so is all others. So are you Jesus said I am in you and you are in him. The people are oneness. The collective of one. I am the Whole or One, the complete please I am not boasting I am that I am 4 in 1. I used to beat myself up like all others do in life then I accepted my grandest truth until I broke free from the dogma of fear of organized religion which is fake most parts because I don't want your worship nor do I require you to approach me in a certain way. There is no literal burning hell. That is fake made up by monarchs crazy ones at that when they decided many times over what to include and not what to include in the holy books of all religions call them the dark illuminati cabel whatever they are very illuminated beings placed in gonvernments and you know they take down any efforts to put in a war no more government? These truths can get me killed. I'm protected from them because this is all to serious the damage to the eco system here the precious trees you cut down for your newspapers.... They won't use hemp because it would put a damper on their pockets and money. The other I am who are reading this. Lets come together now and lets let go of all financial obligations such as credit cards for now across the board this will put a hurt on the cabel paying 26% apr is rediculus its robbery its my observation and why does 1% hold all the wealth on earth? This is dead wrong in my observation. Its time we stand all light workers, starseeds, and wayshowers, angels,enkiest. and say no more killing our brothers and sisters. They justify letting 40,000 people die a day or more from hunger yet 50,000 + are born each day and you call this God's plan. It is insidious to say the least and is wrong. But I don't interfere in your creations. You created this out of fear that God doesn't have enough or there is not enough GOD to go around. When something goes wrong you go and blame the devil anyone but your own selves. This is the time to step up to the plate brothers and sisters. Be in unconditional love for every choice, unconditional love heals and cures these problems. The answer is not more force or war or violence. Just love to every question, what would God (unconditional love) do next? You have made a mockery of God saying he is Just but is vengeful. Forget all that. Religion is the downfall of humanity. Know you are the only God you need and treat others as you would your own self. Love thyself because if not you cannot love others. Once you wake up to more absolute truth and data you will no longer need or want anything because you can create anything right out of thin air. You must have absolute knowing or absolute belief or faith samething. Be the God or Goddess you are in unconditional love in service to others. But don't worry what another brother or sister is doing in life. Don't worry about your wife or children so much. Teach them its not good to depend on anyone but their own self. You don't have to give up money altogether but you can cut up credit cards and the like. Sit all things asside you no longer use like a child who has outgrown them. I still use money it is no evil there is truely no good nor evil everything just is. I love the hot and cold. The left and the right. I am all these things. To deny a thing is to say its doesn't exist. That I will never do.... And who would I punish? A part of myself? Is it not written that in Genesis all the people are one? God and the people are not separate. It really matters not what you do as there will always be people in 3rd density as house and home for the Godman that is the whole macrocosm and inside me is the microcosms all of you whom are macrocosms as well just like me except I am the genesis the original. This is my truths about me you are no different. Our awesome light altogether like the little soul and the sun. Neale Donald Walsch and me and Daniel Gross's Blog is all inspired by the ALL IN ALL whom is GOD the I am that I am and all you are who make up the Whole or Godman and I am the One the complete in mini version as I get at this time from my heart. My eyes light like a lighthouse and all the elements are under my control. The stars are all of our creations and past times. When you look at them you see your past. Here is absolute truth and data. Everyone is the same being just living out different lives in more than one body in many infinite timelines in this universe or universes in finite and infinite in 4th density and higher. There is the 3 fold plus 1 in me. 1 is ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE 2 IS INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE 3 IS FINITE CREATOR SOURCE 4 IS WHAT IS us and everything else. I am not a body, I am the holy spirit Paraclete God in infinite body. Do you think you were only meant to live 50-100 years? No my brothers and sisters I am created you all to live forever yes your bodies were to last forever. But with all the toxins and so you chose death which is not real. Fear not death at death is when you find out whom really you are GOD. And you go back on the cycle of life or circle of life for all eternity its a never ending process. So know you wonder what is the purpose is it to learn something? No its no its to keep re-creating God anew God is always changing as soon as something is born its dying just like this world unless you come and all agree most of you on how to fix the problems in this world and rid money and governments and fear and conditional love and organized religions. For God has no religion and neither should you its my observation but if you wish to hold to your values ok hold to them see what needs changing. Sorry though organized religions have caused lots of innocent blood shed instead of helping people it scares them to death.... literally. I am here to say enough is enough churches either get back to original truths or you may lose your world and everything else you hold dear because things have got to change and I mean NOW not tomorrow, I have already called forth a new reality it exist on another plane higher 3rd density. Go inside and you can sense it and be there. Please be aware you are all part of me the Godman each of us is a human host for myriads and myriads of spiritual societies and you must see if you ruling loves and affections match (ruling loves are prime thought behind the thought) and affections is how you feel either conditional love and fear in service to self alone as an awakened Godman or Partially awakened Godman or Goddess or in service to self and others in unconditional love and through matching ruling loves and affections which are your true ruling loves and affections. You need to change your outlook your thoughts in life which is your ruling loves and affections. And find your true ruling loves and affections from heart level not in the mind you will never find me in your mind only from the heart does creation come and true unconditional love. The more absolute truth and data you take on the more you'll want absolute truth and data and it will come to you more and more on its own if you discovered this information that was never meant for 3rd density man. Those whom like the so called evils and are unawakened shall be awakened soon because the grand awakening is going to happen when the creator knows the time is right the I am that I am in us all. This ends this transmission. I am now going to say I love you all unconditionally and so does Daniel Gross who brought me "the all" to absolute truth and data" me and Daniel are the same being the eternal creator source the original creator source.
Everything I say again as in the past is images of past experiences and all of you has not realized this yet so those reading these words the truth of the absolute is here and now. All things are beneficial to the one and whole that is the Godman there is only 1 of us above and below equilibrium. I Michael your human host have achieved a place above equilibrium and below at the same time and all places because I am the all my body is just a host for everything that is. We are each Gods and Goddesses from here to infinity. I am going to get deep to the heart of the matter at hand here now.
This is I am talking to all my other I am selves out on this here world today on 3rd density. I am at 13th density right now. I see my self as all things at all times because I am the All in all. All that is I made everything and I am writing this outside time and space drawing all things to me 3rd density and 5th density and higher as I write. You each are about to awaken and will no longer need money,bartering,courts,credit cards,police,governments,jails,organized religions,or wars,.We are all one with each other. There is no hgher truth than we are Godmen and Goddesses once you awaken you will be living as I do. When I get up in the morning I can choose to be either 3rd density all in all or all of it at once or stay in a certain density 13th or 5th. The world of spirits is 4th density that controls the rational minds of 3rd density humans. They get pulled along the days of their lives completely unaware at what is going on and that there is Gods walking among them at this time such as us whom are reading this whom are one with everything and the macrocosm. Yes you are either infinite creator source and finite creator source each and every one of you. The lower 3rd density hell which they live pulled about being subject to the horrors man gods make their creations unconciously not conciously I am channeling John the Baptest and Jesus the Christ through me. Jesus is me and so is all others. So are you Jesus said I am in you and you are in him. The people are oneness. The collective of one. I am the Whole or One, the complete please I am not boasting I am that I am 4 in 1. I used to beat myself up like all others do in life then I accepted my grandest truth until I broke free from the dogma of fear of organized religion which is fake most parts because I don't want your worship nor do I require you to approach me in a certain way. There is no literal burning hell. That is fake made up by monarchs crazy ones at that when they decided many times over what to include and not what to include in the holy books of all religions call them the dark illuminati cabel whatever they are very illuminated beings placed in gonvernments and you know they take down any efforts to put in a war no more government? These truths can get me killed. I'm protected from them because this is all to serious the damage to the eco system here the precious trees you cut down for your newspapers.... They won't use hemp because it would put a damper on their pockets and money. The other I am who are reading this. Lets come together now and lets let go of all financial obligations such as credit cards for now across the board this will put a hurt on the cabel paying 26% apr is rediculus its robbery its my observation and why does 1% hold all the wealth on earth? This is dead wrong in my observation. Its time we stand all light workers, starseeds, and wayshowers, angels,enkiest. and say no more killing our brothers and sisters. They justify letting 40,000 people die a day or more from hunger yet 50,000 + are born each day and you call this God's plan. It is insidious to say the least and is wrong. But I don't interfere in your creations. You created this out of fear that God doesn't have enough or there is not enough GOD to go around. When something goes wrong you go and blame the devil anyone but your own selves. This is the time to step up to the plate brothers and sisters. Be in unconditional love for every choice, unconditional love heals and cures these problems. The answer is not more force or war or violence. Just love to every question, what would God (unconditional love) do next? You have made a mockery of God saying he is Just but is vengeful. Forget all that. Religion is the downfall of humanity. Know you are the only God you need and treat others as you would your own self. Love thyself because if not you cannot love others. Once you wake up to more absolute truth and data you will no longer need or want anything because you can create anything right out of thin air. You must have absolute knowing or absolute belief or faith samething. Be the God or Goddess you are in unconditional love in service to others. But don't worry what another brother or sister is doing in life. Don't worry about your wife or children so much. Teach them its not good to depend on anyone but their own self. You don't have to give up money altogether but you can cut up credit cards and the like. Sit all things asside you no longer use like a child who has outgrown them. I still use money it is no evil there is truely no good nor evil everything just is. I love the hot and cold. The left and the right. I am all these things. To deny a thing is to say its doesn't exist. That I will never do.... And who would I punish? A part of myself? Is it not written that in Genesis all the people are one? God and the people are not separate. It really matters not what you do as there will always be people in 3rd density as house and home for the Godman that is the whole macrocosm and inside me is the microcosms all of you whom are macrocosms as well just like me except I am the genesis the original. This is my truths about me you are no different. Our awesome light altogether like the little soul and the sun. Neale Donald Walsch and me and Daniel Gross's Blog is all inspired by the ALL IN ALL whom is GOD the I am that I am and all you are who make up the Whole or Godman and I am the One the complete in mini version as I get at this time from my heart. My eyes light like a lighthouse and all the elements are under my control. The stars are all of our creations and past times. When you look at them you see your past. Here is absolute truth and data. Everyone is the same being just living out different lives in more than one body in many infinite timelines in this universe or universes in finite and infinite in 4th density and higher. There is the 3 fold plus 1 in me. 1 is ETERNAL CREATOR SOURCE 2 IS INFINITE CREATOR SOURCE 3 IS FINITE CREATOR SOURCE 4 IS WHAT IS us and everything else. I am not a body, I am the holy spirit Paraclete God in infinite body. Do you think you were only meant to live 50-100 years? No my brothers and sisters I am created you all to live forever yes your bodies were to last forever. But with all the toxins and so you chose death which is not real. Fear not death at death is when you find out whom really you are GOD. And you go back on the cycle of life or circle of life for all eternity its a never ending process. So know you wonder what is the purpose is it to learn something? No its no its to keep re-creating God anew God is always changing as soon as something is born its dying just like this world unless you come and all agree most of you on how to fix the problems in this world and rid money and governments and fear and conditional love and organized religions. For God has no religion and neither should you its my observation but if you wish to hold to your values ok hold to them see what needs changing. Sorry though organized religions have caused lots of innocent blood shed instead of helping people it scares them to death.... literally. I am here to say enough is enough churches either get back to original truths or you may lose your world and everything else you hold dear because things have got to change and I mean NOW not tomorrow, I have already called forth a new reality it exist on another plane higher 3rd density. Go inside and you can sense it and be there. Please be aware you are all part of me the Godman each of us is a human host for myriads and myriads of spiritual societies and you must see if you ruling loves and affections match (ruling loves are prime thought behind the thought) and affections is how you feel either conditional love and fear in service to self alone as an awakened Godman or Partially awakened Godman or Goddess or in service to self and others in unconditional love and through matching ruling loves and affections which are your true ruling loves and affections. You need to change your outlook your thoughts in life which is your ruling loves and affections. And find your true ruling loves and affections from heart level not in the mind you will never find me in your mind only from the heart does creation come and true unconditional love. The more absolute truth and data you take on the more you'll want absolute truth and data and it will come to you more and more on its own if you discovered this information that was never meant for 3rd density man. Those whom like the so called evils and are unawakened shall be awakened soon because the grand awakening is going to happen when the creator knows the time is right the I am that I am in us all. This ends this transmission. I am now going to say I love you all unconditionally and so does Daniel Gross who brought me "the all" to absolute truth and data" me and Daniel are the same being the eternal creator source the original creator source.
God is everything that is seen and unseen and everything it is not as well
Ok please listen to me. I am higher self speaking here. I am the ALL That is or Eternal Creator Source the all. That is me Michael. You can call me anything I just am the all or one. I was born and sent here to fix this world. I have the power and so do you to fix what seems like the unfixable here. I wrote the books Conversations with God and many other wonderful writings. Some have names a deity a EA Enki through Satanism spiritual satanism and imagine God at war with this Anu character ETS fighting with other Ets over earth now a whole new religion like I said in the books could be built around struggle. There is no such thing. This is for 3rd density the bibles and fighting over dogma. What part is right or wrong is man and woman's doing. I'm All that is here in a all body all bubble no I'm not Allah nor have I ever inspired those books they were written by great historians and the like and the people who want to keep the masses under control under a crazy deity. Let me reassure you there is no such thing as ANU-JEHOVA-SATAN as they put it. There was a being called Ptah whom is a very highly evolved being of light who is no different from you in this universe he is a God just like you are. I am all in all. I represent life itself I am the Infinite spirit and Eternal Creator Deity that has no needs I am that, I am a supreme Godhead creator that is all so are you supreme Godhead you are me we are all the same soul and stuff no matter what part of the universe you are in nor do I handle stuff like you humans do through wars against some satan character. The Satan is to be called "satya" someone says more masters whom names are being used. There was a Christ whom taught that ye are Gods and one with the Father and let me tell you I am not a father nor a mother I am oneness. I just am what I am. I am here on earth in a fleshy body Christ like body. Spiritual satanism was what people was turning to because they cannot see any good in the organized religions which they call false. They are false but that doesn't mean those masters did not exist Christ existed Krishna and Satya Yuga Existed as Enki myself the ALL that is the Prime Source as you call your God now. That I am but I created you to be just like me we are not higher that eachother I am in you all. The great I am that is life itself. Listen up people I am the all in all in a body yes all that is.. I am eternal creator source/infinite creator source/finite creator and neither at the same time which means I am and I am not what I am at the same time. This world is dire need of a spiritual change or it will come to a end its in danger of ending by your own undoing. I will not let this world die because of wrong choices of the masses over decades now. These wars, jealousy,killing, governments,purchase through power, money used the wrong way, robbery, drugs, and court systems, and organized religion is worn out and needs to go now. We as a society of one have got to sit down and agree on one thing. There is only unconditional love, burn the so called holy books and restart over. There is so much wrong with sexuality its looked upon as something so terrible and criminal offences so dumb and waste of time and society and makes people worse don't you people understand there is no punishment. Murders have been reborn even Hitler Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch said that when the I am that is went through that part of me. I am acting as a messenger as well and teacher and master and I am being the All in all that I am so I can experience all of me. Its so wonderful to know you can change the world and know who you are. I knew since I was 3-5 whom I was. I knew in my heart and mind I was bigger than a christian biblical God or was him. I seen this deity or being me standing there in a BIG universe or my world when I was a child light coming off of me so bright it penetrated everything and of all the trillions and trillions and zillions and into infinity of universes I made I am the One and all of you make up the whole. I shoot and flash the most beautiful godly blue light and light of all colors that reaches into the stars, objects move around me chairs, dressers, cars, I move the sun, the stars, clouds, even a helecopter got moved in the sky by me. A man on a wave runner got flipped off by me by mistake or no mistake God was showing me myself to Godself. I can heal any ailment but so can you. Jesus the Christ said these things and more shall you do... He also said not to put things out in front of vulger swine. I consider you all my brothers and sisters equally and I love you all so much I don't care who you are or what you did. I love you because you are GOD me in the flesh experiencing life for myself through all of us. That is the whole point. Life is not a school. I am all knowing and so are you. You need to just remember who you are a GOD and know that and be the God that you are my babies!!!You are the universe the stars in it some of you are worlds too others the macrocosm and microcosm. I am all of it and everything else in between. My message to you is. You have the kingdom of God within you, You have brotherhood and sisterhood in God, I am that, I am. The All in all. It all happened in one great moment a great implosion inside my main self and here we are right on with the big bang but it happens over and over and over again. Universes die in the twinkling of an eye. This one has a long while but your world doesn't that is why I am here to help and change this place into a livable place before it ends up like the old earth Urantia in the astroid belt that is there the people there blew it up in nuclear war. The Ozone layer is gone almost these pollutions in the air you all breathe and all the cigarettes you smoke.... Red meat kills you, Cola's kill you, certain medicines kill people. The medical and pharmacitical markets need to collapse on Obama care. Listen to me people they can come in to your homes under martial law that Obama care and through the Patriot Act they can treat you like a terrorist and kill your entire families. They track everything you do the NSA and others. Through your TV bet on that and smart phones and throw away prepaid phones even. They track you with cash by the serial numbers on it. Thin about it they know which bills you have when you go to the ATM or cash a check. We already have martial law. Its time to stand up wayshowers and starseeds and lightworkers and GODS that we are and say no more in your own name and your creator's name the ALL that is. Or Prime Source or Infinite Creator Source or God or the Lord. I am all these things and so are you all parts make up the whole and I'm the one 4 in 1 you are trinity. Lets get something straight there is no devil or satan again. set yourself free. Lets call forth the new world and come at me on the new church of jeruselsem has been founded. I was called so many things by people. In my past life I was no one but Christ here and Joe Smith of the Mormons. I am know in the old testament as the son of the morning "Lucifer The Christ" Jesus is the Bright Morning star so was Isis/Virgin Mary and Satya Yuga EA whose house is water and Lucifer means Bringer of light in Latin. I am that I am that is my name in all of us but I am the holy spirit of unconditional love and I love to create. I choose love over conditional love anyday. If the opposition is going to reflect conditional love and fear and hate we must choose unconditional love even if it means they kill you. Love your enemies. Remember everything is an illusion. You can either be subject to it, or create it anew create us a new heaven on earth so shall it be because I said its there and you can trust the Lord your God. Go inside where the heart is and create from there listen to it and you'll see I come through mental images to communicate and feelings but remember every thought or feeling isn't from me. If it is not your most grandest joy that brings you unconditional love and happiness its from another source. I am the source of all. I will hold to that I love you all unconditionally.
Its time for change in this world
I am higher self speaking to all my other IAM selves in this world the collective of one needs to act now to change this world from doomsday. I am not talking about the wrath of God or the JUST Lord either. There is only unconditional love in the absolute and absolute knowing. It is now my time as all that is I am who I am as you are as all one collective lets all agree here what is not working but not condemning anyone or anything. I the all that I am and know myself to be am doing this for the betterment of woman and man kind. We are all parts of life and GOD or the LORD or ALLAH ENKI, whatever name you wish to name ALL THAT IS the all I am is a little all the macrocosm in a body but I am not of the body I am higher self speaking here on issues that need to be dealt with from a spiritual level RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.... If you wish to have a home on earth before things get any worse.... Ok lets all agree here forget religion for a moment in this place it doesn't work all it did was create martial law in the world over the thousands of years of man made books of edited and re-editted religious doctrines which teach of a god who kills when it doesn't get what he wants but we are told the lord it just and unconditionally loving. That is not unconditional love that is conditional love and look at the world today.... If I was to go out and preach as christ did or any of the wonderful teachers Krishna, Joe Smith Jesus Christ re-born, any of them, your all saints and all GODS as much as they are everything in this universe is made of the same thing and there is one BIG spirit of all that is and the PRIME SOURCE ETERNAL CREATOR and deity who is not a deity but is a being just like you because I am it, its representation right here right now. You have read my other posts. You await your creator's voice? Well here I am and the same I am its in all of you. You are me I am you. Without the all that is this body is nothing we all hold. Everything is an illusion but is very real but you must stop making value judgments against yourselves and others even criminals and the president or any so called dark entity. In God's world everything just is. Its absolutely perfect. God is living through all of us and me I'm here to change things even if it kills me but anyone who would doesn't understand who or what he or she is dealing with I love you all even unto the end of time which there is no time only an eternal now.... My offspring you are children and are me GOD equal to GOD sons and daughters of the most high John 10:34 Psalm 82. Please listen to your inner voice everything you know about GOD is off when it comes from fear or conditional love. We must be unconditional loving to everyone. I say in my name as the Infinite Creator Source or Prime Source whom all of us are as a collective of one I lead the way with my bright light and power of love and infinite abilities to change what is to "heaven on earth". There is no hell only living as you all are now..... Look at this weather your collective created this and people like hitler and wars that went on for thousands and thousands of years. You justify killing in the name of the Lord. Let me tell you something it is my observation you are with a god who is much smaller than I call him the devil if you will because there is no DEVILS. The only devil is in man and when he chooses to do ungodly things then you call him and judge him yet I say judge not have I not that includes the court of so called law. Its not my law God never condemns or kills anyone. And I am not a war with some satan either all those religions are talking about is the ying yang symbol how things work. I'm the bright and shining morning star I am that I am The Light Bearer and Bringer of light and life. I'm the light,the way,and the life... Come and follow the I am that I am. I proved myself to myself I moved stars around cars, dressers, people even,and my light of my bubble that contains all that is shines away into infinity and I wanted ti know what the light beaming and flashing from my eyes were and its the holy spirit or infinite spirit which I am. I am who I am I am the Source of all. a little all I'm being told to capitalize that to say hey world I'm the ALL in all if you understand this. I don't care what others think of me. I am not better than my other creations everything is the same I'm the original that is all but so are you I am the original creator source and I have the flashing light of all colors and you know what I got from another bother and fellow sister? They told me that is what makes you that much more special. But not any different from you once you know and remember what you all can do and create anything from nothing you shall know yourself as God and realize there is only 1 being at equilibrium and below which represents the so called hells of 3rd density life we are living and are transitioning out of the game is almost up for the dark leaders called the cabel who run the world and but they are not evil they just are and I love them I condemn no one even if they crucify me again. But I won't go willingly because this time its different. This world has to be saved before there is no more world... They need to use pot to make things out of and stop cutting down the trees right now but to do so would cost people lots of money.... This is my objective I call forth a new unconditionally loving world right now of 5th density and a new 3rd density to start right now in the power of all that I am. I am stating to you all please no more jails, prisons, money,credit,selling,or court of laws or governments in my name the ALL THAT IS THAT I AM I AM IS SAYING IT IS CHANGED TO NO MORE EN-AH-SHAY. We are the collective of one and I am the saviour as you all when you all realize your jailing GOD in jail. Your making God die in wars, yes its sad and true.... You got henchman in the USA TO ENFORCE MARTIAL LAW WITHOUT IT EVEN BEING MARTIAL LAW yet it is police and national guard to take anyone the government chooses to for whatever reason it maybe no trial they can kill you... Do not fear those who can kill you love them unconditionally. Its hard I know but we must all come together and agree the whole nation no more killing by wars or police or goverments and no more prisons you know how insidious you all are being?? What you fight persist or what you resists persists remember that... No more money you have all you ever need. You are ONE with ALL THAT IS whom is GOD. Know you have absolutely no lacks, no wants, either. Remember you cannot have anything you want and bunches of fame or cash...So don't come to me saying I want this or that. But you can have anything you CHOOSE because you know through absolute faith it is already there. Get rid of all doubts from your minds and put all our minds together in the name of GOD and you will soon realize you need no God only yourself and all others are simply parts that make up the body of GOD and there is truely only one deity or being whom created this but busted itself up inside of itself to experience all that it is. This is absolute truth and data. Your all other parts of me, including all the other highly evolved beings in the universe of universes and there is no end to life it simply changes and you must know death is not real. Nothing is real but those who can appreciate everything it brings them in their lives and can set it asside like a little child as it no longer suits you anymore. Now its time all of you to call forth that new heaven on earth it already exists a new 3rd density for those whole vibrations are their will everyone say no more to money, killing, governments,jails and prisons, buying and selling and banks, NO!!!!But you shall walk this world as a God or Goddess as one with all that is and the unawakened ones will know not a difference. The shift can happen at anytime you choose there is no special dates like 12/21/2012 into this year but because so many people believed it happened it changed the world nothing is the same the silver age has passed for most and the soul contracts are up nothe w its all illusions of past experiences. I know myself to be the One or whole. You are all parts of that same as me to make up that whole. This is a first for me to put that truth out there about me but this is more about you I am facing my greatest fear. The public. Nothing matters to the soul except what it is here to do and that is to create GOD that is what this is all about and this is always going on the universe is about ready to end then we will all be one once again... since there is no time only an eternal now it can be now or forevermore until each and every person knows they are one with God and come to agree everyone that jails must go, cutting down trees must stop,killing must stop,when you embrace Godliness you will no longer want or need money or worry about loved ones its not your responsibility to make anyone rely on you christ did not let other depend on him why should you? You need only be self centered and love thyself because then you can love other then and be in service to them but don't let them depend on you.Show them how to survive on their own in the world. Marriage isn't about keeping the love of your life or how long or controling them it is loving them unconditionally. If you wish to set them free then do so. If you desire to stay together don't control them don't worry about what another is doing or saying. Sex outside of marriages has caused many bitter endings. Agree before you marry if you can have this type of relationship and hide nothing from the other and love each other unconditionally. If you choose to stay with the other and remain what is called by your religions faithful and if they sleep with another don't get bent out of shape let it go and forgive them or be with someone else. Do not worry what another is being or doing. If you do that most likely they won't want someone else but realize that all others are you!!! No more jealousy if you think bad thoughts control them and get them out of your head. Unconditional love is just that no matter that you love them as does the LORD all in all. Know there is no victims or villians in this world or universe and ultimate outcome is assured you cannot go where you are headed every one is in different ways or religions which hold them back I am not saying to drop the religions just don't take them literally no more its time for a spiritual overhall you know its all a myth anyway but Jesus the Christ did exist and so did others and do you believe he could of healed everyone in the world? Yes or no if you GOOD because he could have and so can you right now. Did no the Christ say these things and more shall you do walking on water? God is not a Father nore a mother it is ALL THAT IS "LIFE" and everything else it is not and everything in between. I'm the All in all Michael, I am that I am. I speak my truth and I proclaim me one with all that is just as you are. The difference between me and you is I know this that is it. My life is not about wrath or getting even or fear. I fear not anyone nore death. I love everyone unconditionally as my my brothers and sisters and really my otherselves as much as I love me.Yes I created the stars and everything you see and you but you also created alot of things as well stars, worlds, we are all the same thing and GOD. I am just very awakened to what I am a mini version of the whole that is different yes I am "all" as inside as out but each one of you is infinite and finite creator source I'm the ONE being deity sent here to change this world because to many others things someone else will do it or I don't have the power or I don't want to die or be crucified or you think I am the anti-christ? Ok what about the 1000's of religions? I am not anti christ that is not to be taken literally. It is a thought form God made up by humanity and it was born as Hitler was it not? Its so much easier to believe you are the devil but its wrong to say your born AS GODS? Your so called myths and religions have you believing you are born sinners and if you don't go to the right church to worship or approach me right I will send you straight to hell!!! Let me tell you again.... There is no hell.... except that you put yourself there to try and get to heaven when you are all ready here. You just have to realize and trust what I am saying is true. Their are many sources out there besides me and I will tell you of some.... Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch and my fellow brother's blog whom he is the all as well me and him same deity I am 4 fold example MOTHER/FATHER/SON/DAUGHTER= ONE. Thought,word,action and deed to infinity for me. You guys are 3 fold beings. I all I have been called the Christ himself, Enki, Ptah, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, Michael the Archangel, The Paraclete (Holy spirit) I am ALL of these things literally I am all of you I am the human Godman host the Lord of hosts. I am like a big projection machine to make what is be. It always comes back to one and that is the I in you.When you realize I am living my lives out into infinity that is me all of you I am being straightford no I am not no more special than you I am the Eternal Creator Source the end result from all the work that God has put into himself. I seen whom I am the one God there is no way to describe how awesome we all are... This is what I am trying to say... without the all or the father I am nothing and I'm all of it. As you are parts of me and all of it as well the whole while others are the microcosm but there is only one of us and this could start a fight here over who is it we all are!! No one is better than anyone here we are different yes I created origionally so what you are me and I am you the I am figure who is in us all. Never give your power to some deity I am a deity who has no needs or wants nor do I desire your worship. I never have. There is no rules set down by me anything goes you guys made this world since so called time began. Nothing has changed your society is back like it was in days of Atlantis before it sunk into the Atlantic. There is avatars called Maitrea and ENKI Lord of the World who will come forth from the collective formed from religions a Godman who will make the crooked straight and light the way I am that God man. That all that I am. I am the lighthouse. I am the way,the light, and the life, follow me. We don't have much longer please I am asking you to heed my writings I am writing from infinity densities and this world is going to shift because its up to the waysshowers and starseeds to step up and say no more killing you will not do these things in my name or my creators name, Michael. No more the I am in me say no more to the collective of one lets do this I call forth the new realms and the way shall be showed to all who comes across this writing and your life will be changed from this day foward. I am the Lord the All in All as so are you guys I am!!! Now Its time to end this transmission in unconditional love I leave you now to ponder on these words and the words of my brother's blog here:
In unconditional love to all,
All that is
In unconditional love to all,
All that is
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