Welcome to Red Bull Illuminati Ministry! We post links & posts about all kinds of music,videos,occultism,magick,A.:.A.:., with Aim of Religion and Method of Science as Thelema and Illumination. This is also about GOD JESUS ,Gnosticism and Hermeticism and non religious topics , & spiritual topics..This blog is mix of many things so interests for everyone. There are many writings / videos about topics above on this site just search blog in search box. These interests are ours and owner.
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Tuesday, January 30, 2024
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Michael's Blog: The Truth God and Jesus/Yeshua/and Archangel Micha...
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Monday, January 22, 2024
Sunday, January 21, 2024
All social media is scammers is pan handlers and bullies and fake AI as ppl
Facebook is nothing but bullies if your human send me a message thru blog here type in contact form on my friends list or whoever sees it on facebook.
Passion of the Christ is done each time each man/woman is regenerated
The Lord Jesus Christ is your Inner Man and your soul is immortal and is who you really are, we are all one with Christ and are equal to him as we are HIM reincarnations of him but flesh is Satan created by man's fantasies evil but through Jesus took "EVIL" and turned it around, evil=Live ETERNAL LIFE LIVE FOREVER.... More to be added this is here by JD
Demon Haunting on Dushane St and Possession on Greenlane & Brownsville Rd & Neshannock Blvd
It all started when my ex wife Ginger came up 2008 August from myspace we met at motel she had her grand child with her 6 months old, she was 45 I was 24 virgin and afraid to live in world agorapohia and she and me did love making all night long, I did not know she was married till she came up... she divorced and me and her married Sept 26th 2009 my parent's wedding day as well anniversary.
She left her job as a asset protection at Walmart Distribution Center and her husband and she told me she experimented with witch kit (black witch) and she was a black witch I had no problems in my life besides not able to work and impression by demon I did not know about, we went back to her home state NC to return the baby to her daughter and she was pissed her daughter travelling 500 miles over state lines to meet ma strange man me, it could of been a ax murderer her daughter said, the demon devils attached to me interacted with hers and I started drinking and had numerous bad incidents in 2008 and as we went back and forth and ran $100,000+ on credit cards and my business failed I had and declared bankruptcy....
There was a incident up Erie PA I lost all my rights to own a gun and was charged with disorderly conduct... it was a gun held to my wife's head pleaed down I told police all myself and it was this "demon" of all these houses connected by Brown ancestors and evil from my ex it wasn't her fault it owns her.
I was so shocked, and in 2009 my grandma was dying, Mother's mom Joan of 514 Neshannock Blvd there was a spirit demon in that house and it's tied to demon of Brownsville Rd my grandma is kin to Browns that were murdered on Brownsville Rd Pittsburgh and so am I and my mom. There is 514 Neshannock Blvd door opened and closed, banging on closet doors, my ex wife touched and scared to death, in the blue room we stayed it was blue room then and weird coincidence tied to demon of Brownsville Rd Brentwood, the attic was opened by itself a huge spider on the wall in blue room at same time as loud banging when my grandma was removed from house to the hospital for one night I cannot remember why my ex said she and me went through house with her 22 magnum to make sure no one broke in! May of 2009 is when this happened, my aunt and her got into a fight and my ex wife said my aunt pulled out a knife from the drawer and my ex grabbed and threatened I will slit your throat bitch! I was upstairs in blue room and there was a red room as well, all haunted, but I had to un arm my ex with the force of lifting her up and it was like she was possessed by pure evil trying to kill my aunt, Prior she said she was raped by spiritual demon. There was a night in May I was ripped outta body and I seen my body on bed screaming feeling something like a black hole behind me pure freezing air and terror I jumped back in my body it disn't get me I didn't think but something happened.
My gram died May 2009 she waited to hear my sentencing in Erie PA over that incident from 01/2009.
Then she died.
me and my uncle separated due to black witch ex wife, in 2009 at Dec we had paranormal activity in my bedroom on Dushane St here where me and ex lived 2008-Jan 24th 2015 when she walked out, she used ouija board home made with love rock as pointer in 2009 it said it was Satan and it didn't want me it wanted her it was tricking us, it surely wanted me, red crap on my ceiling, water don't turn red is been there it don't leak water. Similar to Brownsville Rd haunting it is same unclean evil spirit. My brother Travis Cook died at 10 months old Oct 4th 1991 of bad form of Leukemia.
She seen black shadow and heard scratching on walls and demonic noises and seen shadows on ceilings every night, she set a cam corder up in bedroom which was blue again my room in parents house on Dushane St, It demon drained battery and it beeped the camera and opened drawers threw the remote caddy on the floor my night stand she taped door shut it ripped it right off, we put crucifixes all over room, she had a alter on dresser where red bull was that I didn't have a clue.... we used Jordan River holy water and it threw the demon out for a bit...
I became messed up mentally Dr quack Dr Monti of People in Need prescribed me 6 clonopins ina day, and bunch of lithium which he never did blood level checks on as required by law , I tried so hard after I heard the calling to be a Preacher and became ordained Oct 16 2010, then bad events happened attacks from demon through me using me as a weapon against ex wife, we had a dog it bit me in the face it was influenced by evil demon devil which was in my ex wife , it possessed us both, my mom made Ginger read the bible her eyes turned black and my ex had me convinced I had light flashing from my eyes which to this day they do It is caught on camera its HOLY SPIRIT it's why I AM alive to this day.
Me and parents had a fight over pills and demon got me right where it wanted me moved out to shitty apartment where it was freezing and the dog was there they said I attacked it tried to I don't remember, even in parent's house the satanic being used the dog to keep biting me, it was muzzled and he still bit me it was demons I later learned.
The place we was in the apartment was GREEN Lane 144 weird and all the sudden she and me switched to theistic satanism demon did it (remember I was over dosed on lithium) fault by dr monti quack, anyway I just sat on couch coat on and never moved, did 3 day ritual that books my ex had me get and satanic jewelry, and destroyed all minister things all hundreds of dollars spent on bibles were pissed on and spit on and thrown out and some buried as part of satanic ritual, she called on Abaddon and Moloch and asked for money and wrote a soul contract to sell her soul tao satan to be rich and have man with camper, I don't remember what was written on mine besides supernatural powers.... thankfully I was not bound by it, but my ex was cut up by demon when it jumped in my body FEB 5th 2011 for half hour hit her on head with hammer, (I remember nothing) and cut her stabbed her 21 times.... none was lethal the devil knew what it was doing.
We did a prayer with parents that same day before to rid satan and that happened my mom was gonna come and see apartment.
I sat in jail for 10 months Lawrence County Jail while the DA did not want to press charges neither did state police! I got plea for simple assault and left jail and was on probation. we had hauntings still and strange things the hpoly spirit chased my ex off I believe when she left 01/24/2015 and never divorced me till this day she married and did a mock wedding on me with some guy old man. Bigamy she uses name of fraudulent wedding.
Now nothing happened after she left till April 29th 2019 except the break down of family, 2015-2018 my mom and dad fought constantly, my mom was gonna leave my dad and she had mental break down, the demon was sent or came back from ex and is same one from Demon of Brownsville Rd and all the other places I was it possessed me and my throat was slit and had 19 stitches and in mental hospital Western Psych for 46 day then to Grant Street Lodge for a month I was threw out of group like home due to violent history of ex wife and alcohol. When during throat being cut New Castle Police shot taser after taser and it demon possessed me cut all wires.
here is link to rest of story they put link out of sight: https://redbullilluminati.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-haunting-of-514-neshannock-blvd-2009.html
I am back since 2019 and in 2020 after a girl faked her death a friend, I been experiencing screaming voices terrorizing me in my head 24/7 I SWEAR TO GOD ALMIGHTY ON JESUS NAME everything I say is truth, it killed me with NDE in 2021, I learned I am psychic opening and clairs were opening, I was terrorized my parents quit sleeping in bedroom upstairs and sleep in LIVING ROOM, my room turned into a cluttered mess and needs cleaned no one does anything my dad does all work and is semi retired and is 65 and my mom now in 2024 is sick and very very dark around her the demon threatened to kill my mom, my dad uncle and IT DID( I cannot tell my one uncle) it was his brother, it this year brought up names on BOBBY, Browns and Brown name and My great great grandma (mom's side) Grand ma Brown who was murdered in early 1900s and My mom had seen demons and all this activity and I told her every day demons were attacking me, using ppl on line traveling and saying my life what I was doing, it told me to do things, it had me hooked on benadryl 2000 mg a day 3 yrs I just quit 2 months ago, and it is pissed, I just did Saint Michael's holy oil and black salt and wear blessed crucifixes and my mom's health is down hill, no one showers but my dad, because demon screams at ppl in bathroom and its dirty.... I use products from Amazon to use for people who cannot shower I am clean and my mom though doesn't shower nor bath in months and I slacked off and psychic told me a demon devil team is in here and tied to Brown family curse and I learned 3406 Brownsville Rd and also this demon made me out of my mind in 2021 and give some border in motel rooms over $100,000+ on credit cards in my name, and parent's credit cards I had authorized user cards, it destroyed my family..... I am tormented by watches clocks losing time, computer freezing, and all kinds of stuff I just don't have time to write as I wrote it all before here at this link with links to all other things and pictures...
The haunting of 514 Neshannock Blvd-2009 & tied to demon of Brownsville Rd haunting
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This was blue room where severe evil happened 2009. |
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Friday, January 19, 2024
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Vruel Ring, God of Riches Grendel ring I own (Not for sale but (testimony)
Attraction Of Wealth
Self Confidence
Personal Power
Mind Control Over Others
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And so, much more!
Why is it that prosperity eludes so many of us? When I began my professional life in metaphysics nearly 30 years ago I found myself pondering that very question. Don't you ever wonder how it seems that just a very small group of people sort of stumble in to a life of wealth, and luxury? Do they really work harder than you do? Are they that much smarter? Or were they put in to a *position* to be wealthy that nobody can explain? Why does it come so easily for them? These are people that have never known what it's like to worry about bills, and debt, about housing, and how to put food on the table. Our lives were never meant to be so one-sided. We've all heard the term "The upper 1%" as it relates to those wealthy and powerful within our society. It is the "1 %" that receive all of the wealth, and benefits of that wealth seemingly without doing anything differently in their lives than you do. Don't you work hard? Don't y
Are you, at this point, starting to think that just maybe you are unlucky, and are you accepting the fact that it's not meant to be for you? That you'll always struggle to get by? I am here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way, and that this absolutely stunning one of a kind creation contains the metaphysical energies needed to thrust you in to the 1%, quickly, and forever!
Understand that the purpose of this incredible piece of magick is ONLY to create VAST wealth in your life. It won't cure diseases, or give you the body you've always wanted. It won't make you more intelligent, or change the way you think, or feel. It will simply provide you with wealth.
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There is no cap on how wealthy this piece will make you.ou deserve that wealth?
Unhappy about some of the aforementioned things? Your weight, body, spirituality, love life, job? Imagine how much you could change those things if you were marvelously wealthy. Imagine every day not having to go to work. Imagine spending your days pursuing your passions instead of punching the clock for a low wage.
It does not matter if you have not succeeded in the past making money.
It does not matter if you've tried other spell casters, spirited items, and/or metaphysical items with no success.
This is a dynamic, extremely unique set of energies conjured professionally and carefully by my incredible team. We are a group of 9 individual practitioners of energy that work together each day creating miracles through the simple act of energy conjuring and containment.
The disciplines of this piece are very modern. New breakthroughs in modern, advanced alchemy work that have resulted in an energetic dynamic that we can proudly 100% GUARANTEE will make you wealthy.
Accept this beautiful piece in to your life, and change it forever. The moment this piece of magick enters your world you will begin to be a magnet for all things money - Win on scratch tickets, and in the lottery, at the casino, and when gambling. Be more successful, motivated, and driven. Succeed at work, get a new, high paying job or promotion. Watch money flow to you in all ways!
What exactly are "energies", and how are they used?
Some think that items like this are nothing more than pieces that are prayed upon, that are focused upon to create a tangible result. I want to dispel that notion. The process of conjuring these energies, and literally placing them *inside* of a physical piece like this is far, far more intricate, and involved than simple prayer.
Energies exist vibrantly around us all at all times. We, as people omit energies. The earth omits energies. The sun, stars, moon, and cosmos omit powerful energies. Here is a situation we have all been in. Imagine you are in a room, and someone walks in to that room, and their energy as a person changes the dynamic, or the "feel" of that room. We've all heard it said about someone before that "when they walk in they just light up the room" with their attitude, their positivity, their ENERGY.
Now, imagine that same concept on a much larger, more scientific, and more powerful scale. We, as professionals harness and create energies that are very, very specific - To create good, to create wealth, or happiness, to create physical changes to the body, and/or mind, etc. We create these energies, securing them from naturally occurring sources (the aforementioned sun, cosmos, moon, earth) and we put them inside of the item we are offering.
The energies lie dormant until they reach you. Once a piece like this arrives all you
God bless you it works !!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
I am targeted by devil demon of Brownsville Road 4 Ancestors Killed on Grounds Pittsburgh
There has been multiple horrible things that happened from 2008-now, actually evil back killed my brother Travis Shane Cook in 1991 a ten month old baby died of Leukemia a rare form of it, paranormal activity and demons were in Hillsville, PA I told no one and my aunts experienced paranormal activity its Indian blood in family Browns were killed in Brownsville 3406 Brownsville Rd. Here in Edinburg my ex was attacked on green lane by a demon possessed me like same things that happened and WORSE than Brownsville Road demon, in 2009 I was haunted at 514 Neshannock Blvd New Castle 4-50 miles from Brownsville Rd in a BLUE ROOM, there was red room, green room mom's mom lived there it was severely haunted especially when my satanic black witch wife took care of my grandma who was dying, in May 2009 I had criminal charges from a satanic attack at hotel in Erie PA with ex wife before other mentioned attack by knife but skip all the stuff, paranormal activity happened like the movie, and worse paranormal entity, my throat was slit wide open and done chanting satanic language yes me one writing this a testimony I would pass a lie detector test our ancestors were killed on Brownsville Road Brown 4 1 Mother and 3 kids buried way back in 1700s-1800. My mother crashed in 2019 when throat was slit she was sick of my dad actions had mental break down the evil in dushane street house here the demon / devils from Brownsville Rd and Ansector curses psychic said I was of Lucifer and Satan was attacking me with Abaddon Apolloyon. I found out Abaddon is a destroyer who once was a good angel... more powerful than Satan or Lucifer, Lucifer isn't evil or good. This house on Dushane Street from Neshannock Blvd the evil followed my ex from Belmont NC she was targeted by devil a psychic said to target me, I gave up being ordained and went Luciferian Gnosticism and Illuminism in 2012 and satan was around my wife till she left Jan 24th 2015. My throat was slit by a devil she sent here April 29th 2019. 19 stitches, Now all the other stuff the voices,being terrorized is all written about on this blog follow the links like below and see how Brownsville Rd and Neshannock Blvd BLUE ROOMS tied together with evil ex wife not her fault satan demon from Brownsville Rd devils were seen in house black figure by my bed wife outta body, I had my soul sucked out of body by monster of whatever is of Brownsville RD in Neshannock Blvd house grams house in 2009. My family is in danger I am fighting and it said it is gonna kill my mother her blood pressure is 190/121 and she won't go to hospital this is real really what a true haunting is, voices, bangs, harassment terrorized everyone mentally here is link but to sliced throat in 2019 I died and had NDE and had 19 stitches and was stabbed in side by devil that possessed me. self inflicted I am archangel Michael a lower vessel for him and Lucifer is just 'here" but not doing anything tied obviously and djinn protecting me and Agorie Watcher and GOD and angels. I am not of Satan I ask for your prayers and good energy to rid this evil or help for this same kinda thing how ppl shut down mentally like is demon of Brownsville Rd Pittsburgh now in dushane house. I and my das are ones holding house together but satan entity did much damage family thinks we are nuts was Amityville Horror house nuts or Demon Of Brownsville Rd? HELL NO! I wish this not in anyone, its like everyone in house is being mentally effected.... my mother especially... danger don't mess with occult ever.Unless you want objects levitating and shaking bed and being screamed at in ears all night and day by voices.