Welcome to Red Bull Illuminati Ministry! We post links & posts about all kinds of music,videos,occultism,magick,A.:.A.:., with Aim of Religion and Method of Science as Thelema and Illumination. This is also about GOD JESUS ,Gnosticism and Hermeticism and non religious topics , & spiritual topics..This blog is mix of many things so interests for everyone. There are many writings / videos about topics above on this site just search blog in search box. These interests are ours and owner.
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Sunday, July 30, 2023
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene "Many meanings" and daughter SERA BEAK
It is just as important gospel as other 4 canonical gospels are. John was originally Mary Magdalene Gospel different from the gnostic gospel of Mary Magdalene in appearance. Much of gnostic gospel of Mary is missing but this all comes together like this, the teaching was to become human "anthropos" inner child as Divine Feminine is in Sera Beak's 3 books, The Red Book, the Red hot and Holy and Redvelations the souls guide to becoming human. Fully embodied human as above, so below spirit-soul in matter (nous mind)
,Was this gospel written by a woman for real? Could be written by anyone who was gnostic the original christians not todays christianity cult. Abrahamism is the cause of so much blood shed on earth vs literalist fundamentalists who kill and go to war over religion differences and murders like innocent witches who were burned alive for having a mole. I am sorry I cannot approve of this religion of Judeo-Christian Muslim Allahism (Abrahamism) as literal like most people took it as. Gnostic is meaning gnosis primordial gnosis started with serpent The Satan in guarden of eden who made the gods and goddesses of our race and everything in universe knows of the satan's presence.
Really Satan or The Satan isn't the real enemy, its Yahweh and Jehovah and Allah and is ANU of Anunnaki beings who is DEVIL ANU Yaldabaoth demiurge, he is satan, his brother or son turned on him Ea Enki (Satan as people call him, his brother is Devil ANU not him so he is Lucifer Ea Enki Ptah-Sokar-Osiris) but SATYA is name Enki Ea goes by and Lucifer Ptah Ea Enki and his brother Enlil both anunnaki beings who have faught the devil demiurge Anu and his dracos and greys and snake people of earth mentioned in Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.
Christ is cosmic consciousness of the ONE whom is YOU the I AM (I am = I EYE Archangel Michael) or Christ Lucifer Michael of Nebadon of Urantia Book. The question in Mary gospel was what sees the mind the soul or spirit? Neither its consciousness itself (NOUS) is consciousness itself GOD the All in All within you all as well as outside you! Sera Beak wrote books geared to women about divine feminine and no one did a beautiful job like her 3 books The Red Book Red Hot and Holy and Redvelations, souls guide to becoming human.
Those books are for women but men like me use them as well as Divine Feminine within me is more than Divine Masculine balanced, it is my job to keep equilibrium. Sera Beak is Saint Sarah-la-Kali love child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and I am the brother of her Sarah,I am Judah (Michael) who is archangel Michael is fractal of both Sarah and Judah in my soul and Soul. It is in everyone who is red and never understood it till today, Sera Beak is doing her part she is living as a human! Soul embodied, I wish to live happy Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirit and Soul living and fractals of these 2 twin flame lovers and siblings. All got mixed up as above so below, I am a all a mix of all souls and spirits.
Mary Magdalene is founder of gnostic christianity. or even any form of christianity.
Proof 100% Eternal existence of all egos or nothing no memory of them in reincarnation?
In Illuminism and most religious philosophy there is a part we are ONE with GOD/The ALL or Goddess or Infinite Source or Infinite Nothingness or UNIVERSE you are each a YOUNIVERSE in Unisphere Universe, all races on Earth/Urantia is from all over universe, we are all children of the same universe/finite all in all which I am "all".
Reincarnation is it possible to remember past lives? Yes some say, Aleister Crowley knew himself as Eliphas Levi in previous incarnation,when we die my question to oneness society of archangel Michaels is do we remember the person or ego or person we lived as? As if we died and woke up like we dream now, death is same thing like dreaming, except we are uncreated energy known as monads in monadology of smartest man ever Leibniz. We are eternal soul/spirit/mind all the same thing no matter what we call each, we are 3 part beings soul-spirit-mind Egypt terms (Ba Soul) and Khu (Spirit) and Ka Higher Self / Holy Guardian Angel in Thelema and Nu Nuit Nous unmanifest.
Soul is Infinite, Spirit is finite or absonite soul as finite and neither (finite nor finite absonite) and possibly Infinite potential. All there is, is GODS existing, you and GOD are not separate, no God then you, YE ARE GODS Jesus said that John 10:34 Psalm 82. The Universe (Youniverse) is what makes Gods,and goddesses,angels,spirit beings or any higher nature spiritual soul entity and so called aliens from different planets, we each are a Divine all a uncreated eternal nous - mind monad linked to one or more avatars bodies across time and space, why? You as eternal all or monad mind are a God and are within the ALL which is mind of ALL (Everything and Nothing and all inbetween. The ALL is maker of Universes Infinite amounts of them, or Infinite Zeros, no limits no size except existence as nothing is not existing nothingness doesn't exist a void or vacuum is filled with nothing (mind-soul-spirit), by LOGIC and REASON by PSR you must exist one form or another at any time. Do you remember who you are were? Yes look at rings on trees that have been cut down or fallen, all matter (mind atoms or extended mind) dissolve back to their roots.It said that in Gospel of Mary Magdalene. You transform and are becoming never just being. WE is MICHAEL we are Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood, and WE are MANY LEGION is OUR name from https://outercol.org and in aim of religion and method of science. The A.:.A.:, Order of silver star is study and high consciousness done by SOUL work at spirit level - mind thought level (inner Light), outer college is physical things to read, Great White Brotherhood or Great White Lodge Shamballa is ones who are secret chiefs who separate the wheat from the chaff those who take up The GREAT WORK, we are under Illuminism and Gnosticism now as absolute truth and data from oneness society of Michaels celestial archangel society. I AM Archangel Michael aka Frater Lucianus.
It is a fact your body is not you, it is something your personally have being and becoming and are Infinite in mind/Nous and are One with ALL in All or Universe (Youniverse) as Unispheres all within and unified in Infinite Nothing Divine Perfection, Nothing can not exist, nothing can stop nothing from existing as nothing is Mind/Nous thinking it is something as is nothing, each monad uncreated is eternally evolving by what we call The ALL IN All and all is in all. All is all and Oneness and Nothing in infinite zeros, infinity of them. How do we know there is no death? as religions claim? We are Minds and soul /spirit and in Ontological Mathematics the Gnosticism tried to show us all since Pythagorean Illuminati been sharing it from Pythagoras himself and gnosis of life. Your each Infinite fractal of all/monads and are each complete but each infinitely different yet all one. What comes after death? Whatever you believe in death current as Hyper awarness calls it, you are pulled back and reincarnated into new body or many bodies to further your evolution as a divine mind/monad uncreated,creator,creatrix of universes as each Self you are and subject of Universe which is a God making machine! We all been GOD infinite number of times, we are all expressions in physical form of complete ALL itself aka womb of Universes and Universes Youniverses make us playing grounds for our mind/monad being. Earth is a prison planet by negative evil minds controlling everything at other's expense and lives, no more are they the old world order of cabal of devilmen going to keep this, we erased dark ages to eliminate all dark ages and more towards Christ Jesus what he really said, example which we are all oneness in Christ period and are equals its what he said in gnostic text and canonical text. What he did, you shall do. Is it so hard to believe like Neo in Matrix, got to walk through the door we can only show you it and you or anyone can do what NEO The One did in Matrix subject to REASON and LOGIC no faith or belief needed except as starting point. Jesus Christ is Macrocosmic idea of Gnostic sect who knew Jesus and Mary Magdalene as God and Goddess (Christ and Sophia Wisdom).
Saturday, July 29, 2023
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean By Maurice Doreal Great White Lodge
I am a Ancient/Watcher #12 ,I Michael the archangel and Lord of 9 Number 7 of that and Horlett (2 who blended as One with me (Lord of Vastness) and Archangel Metatron Lord # 8. I write as Archangel Megatron on the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean by M Doreal. I am reincarnation of various individuals I just go along, as "all" I Am "all",Oneness and Vastness and Dr of Space and Time of Red Bull Illuminati Ministry aka and Reverend and Dr of Divinity of Cook Universal Illuminati Ministry.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean have significant value and are priceless all was unveiled in gemetria and codes numbers added together I seen it decoded a treasure trove of information is in these words in tablets by something that people who know the truth say it is non sense and freemasons of esoteric occultism value this book as a HOLY BOOK of divine revelations but type one freemasonry don't think this book is any good as does OTA Frater Thabian acted like he was surprised by it when I asked him he said I was stupid for even reading this book and mocked as he a regular and esoteric mason. You either believe it or not a response will be awakened in your Soul Group and Spirit Society.
Is this literal or spiritual meaning and celestial meaning?
all of it is literal to guard the secrets and the 2 tablets that were not allowed to be published are in the book I have as Supplementary Tablets 14 and 15 after Doreal's of what words mean, you can find gemetria and esoteric hidden wisdom hidden in this and secret WORDS and CODES for other planes and dimensions and how to travel through space (universe) by zig zags more or less angles to beat the guardians mentioned.
What is the truth of the snake people? It is unknown but it could make sense could it not how they would infiltrate into government and had to say that one word that only humans can say no snake men could say it and they identified them and removed them snake headed monsters, what is so hard to believe, reptilians and greys of conspiracy theorists today this was indeed the story back then 50,000 years ago? Atlantis still exists on higher planes but higher than 7th dimension 8+ to 13th density where God Awareness (Consciousness) of White Lodge is.
Maurice Doreal aka Michael Doreal and other names is one of my previous lives, I was Archangel Michael always (allways) and me and him blended together with Lord of 9 I was 7 Lord of Vastness and #8 I confirmed was Archangel Metatron. Well he confirmed others and I him. I was Eliphas Levi and A.Crowley not so good lives but the relations between Eliphas Levi and Crowley and Doreal and now Archangel Megatron and Majestone (Eternal Mother Son first Original Michael and same Christ Michael (Jesus Christ) Maitreya Sananda Kumara and Sanat Kumara and Astarte and Morning Star Venus.
Thje secrets to life and death are within this writings in this book and hidden 2 forbidden tablets printed and people may or may not know it is complete translation of all emerald tablets, also there is the Emerald Table(t) (Made out of Moldavite and wrote on Emerald Table(t) of Hermes, that tablet is 1 14 line writing of Alchemy as what Moldavite is LUCIFER STONE the Holy Grail why did Germany have so much power? Its where Lucifer Stone (Satan's crown stone fell to Earth and Philosopher's stone) is all the Moldavite Russia came in and removed 3 dump trucks full of moldavite as its known powers of metaphysical magic science. If you hold a moldavite you will be led to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean and Emerald Table(t) of Hermes. Its all alchemy of spiritual matters and mental vibrations, the Kybalion of Three Initiates is 7 Laws of Hermetic principles and Hermeticism and Hermetism is behind every religion worthy of a name, even satanists! Satanists are just Pagan religious deities like Pan/ Baphomet where knowledge is hidden in picture of Levi's Baphomet, it is Peacock Archangel, World Soul and Astral Light "Lucifer" just meaning LIGHT BEARER and Morning Star and Moldavite ties into the never to be found Moldavite Emerald Table(t) and other Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean are made out of substance that will never age its like Moldavite but not of this world or plane. The Emerald Tablets are scoffed at and said bullshit is all they are, we of oneness society know them to be true to the letter and some miss-spelling to throw people that shouldn't be messing with occultism like that if for evil reasons. Urantia Book I known about that with my connection to A.:.A.:. Order of The Silver Star (Tied into Great White Brotherhood by Crowley) I know Aleister Crowley was not all that good but he is member of Great White Lodge and is reformed they did what they were suppose to do, WE of MICHAEL celestial archangel society and Eternal Mother Son of Urantia Book here as I am Archangel Michael with Eternal Son within celestial hidden entity being I AM as Urantia Book said there is hidden secret divine beings, Michael of Nebadon (Christ Michael Jesus Christ) is 611,121st version of Eternal Son and Universal Father of All, who is ALL and is ORIGINAL ETERNAL Mother Son (1st Michael) in order of Michael of high Infinite Paradise Creator Sons and Master Sons Michaels.
Anima mundi world Soul/Spirit and why Baphomet
Baphomet is a idol of chaos magic and has so so many uses as satanists use it as devil idol, or evil, it is PAN the all by Aleister Crowley writings. Baphomet is all. Balance world soul is collective of all humans on earth, it resides in 4th dimension aka 3rd density there is lower 3d hells and higher 3d heavens and on up to 6 Dimensional consciousness and higher being brought on the planet by new 6d world in physical bodies it is 6d and your bodies are being upgraded as the soul of earth and all on earth is upgrading you all. Some people will not be in 6th but 5th dimension and others in 4th dimension and lower 3d hells and improved higher 3d, we exist as Baphomet as Astral Light Anima Mundi Baphomet is symbol of all that is good bad and evil and good, it is scary looking and people think it is some devil or demon, it is neither good nor evil it transcends all terms of ideas of good and evil, it's just a idol to hide archane truths like Scarlet woman and Beast 666 (Non Christian Meaning) not a "devil" or Satan only to the ignorant and mis informed people, lots of people have no idea of what this thing is Baphomet some say its a real deity, it is the all in finite form collective world soul/spirit all oneness it is what it is, whatever you think Baphomet is, there is myriad of more meanings to it and is it real deity? some say it talks to them (philosphical satanists) and Luciferianism, It is Lucifer (Astral Light) as Levi said it is neither good or evil, only fools use it as devil alter piece but each to their own, Crowley was Eliphas Levi in previous life he found out as Crowley did regression and his magic is science and religion and no hocus pocus it is rational and reason and logic and mysticism. All things are magick acts, thought word and deed. Why do they use Baphomet? It is recent drawing in 1800s by Levi (Crowley) in past life, he is Beast and has the Scarlet Woman, Aiwaz is Hermetic Lucifer and devil of book of Thoth. This all is based on non Abrahamism name and meaning, Baphomet is just used for this chaos magick and idea of hidden meanings in something so concealed no one knows real Baphomet was Knight Templar's using Simon Magus's head to connect to Abraxas the Unknown God higher than satanic demiurge.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
The Voices
did Jesus get crucified? and why?
Dear CIA - You're over and out :)
Some Truth revealed
You are being tracked and spied on and watched by Earth Control Group
Everything you have is trackable, including paper money by serial numbers when you get it from a bank or ATM machine, your email tracks everything about you, Facebook Meta knows who you are by address and name and email address and social security number they don't need or TIN# nor business TIN#,or employment history its all listed on Facebook whether real or not you claim you are, and in Lexus Nexus all employment history and business ownership. Like me I say I am a Dr of Divinity and Reverend I am not active not since 2012 into 2015 January and I did not intend this to say but it is what it is,when my ex wife left me Jan 24 2015, she remarried with out divorcing me and or is bigamist which I don't care,I knew what she was hiding by the way they track you! she is using the old man's last name McCulloch or McColluch she shows in public records anyone can use she either changed her name to use that last name Ginger Faye Phillips McCulloch it is in records and when I look my record up mine, that name shows up McCulloch her real name is Virginia Faye Cook,using name see how they track people she is tied to me by stupid marriage contract from Sept 26 2009 and never divorced nor did I, I don't have the money too, she loved me dearly until my mother threw her out over her wanting to leave for a couple weeks in Jan 2015 my mom said she was leaving me, no she wasn't she wanted a break to visit her kids, I did not know anything about that name except it showed on public records and cannot understand why she is able to use the name even for credit, she either got name changed or used a way to get out of marriage under that clause where she could not locate me like 7 yrs but its none, its a mock wedding they done I found out and can careless, I am not playing games like her 60 yr old self acting like she is 10, and said lies and more lies about me, I am MENTALLY ILL, anything that happened to her was NOT MY FAULT, I didn't date till I was age 21! Didn't have sex until age 24 with my ex wife who brought her daughter's 6 month old baby up here to PA in 2008 in August. I married Sept 26 2009 after much trouble, she was mentally ill herself and damaged from previous men and husbands who physically and verbally abused her. I had NO PROBLEMS till she came along as I HAD NO EXPERIENCE with women, I was agoraphobic and severely shy, and ran a self defense product's drop ship business from 2003-2009 till we all went bankrupt.
She is example see how they track you? They have all about you at NSA, logs of every email or writing or phone calls yes every phone call and keywords trigger their bringing your email,text or phone call to their attention the Government Mafia Cabal shadow government and deep state.I only knew new name as a piece of mail arrived here Ginger McCulloch and gave back to mail man in 2020 as she didn't live here. But back about tracking they use phones to see what you say them phones you carry around they listen to your speech to spy on you to sell you stuff you do not need, its all about privacy and it is false all is open, I doi not care the Divine Feminine has nothing to hide which I represent here NOW not back then, false Divine Masculine there is no privacy anymore, the USA is a Corporation the world NWO is already been done and faked by Cabal Old World order as conspiracy theory that they the OLD WORLD ORDER is ILLUMINATI and they are not NWO or earth's control group, 6006 elites run this world as date of this writing, Illuminati is not cabal one trusts Illuminati name due to Cabal Deep State, Think Tanks and Cabal and OWO are who the problem is in this world. Your all sheep to them, number on a computer, worthless money that carries interest that tax payers pay to the FEDERAL RESERVE system of slavery. The whole point of blaming Illuminati for NWO is so no one will listen to REAL Illuminati, they have yet to even put a NWO in place! The Illuminati spelled backwards is NSA. Its all in codes, people talk in codes, online, Light Workers and Starseeds and wayshowers and angels on earth including Archangels. The code is hard to understand but the BEAST (616) Satanic system is what is falling and done, OWO is done, there is No NWO, but there is a NEW EARTH born 01/01/2020 by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene who is Archangel Michael's feminine side
The new earths are this, all the cabal and Illuminati is in lower 3rd dimensional consciousness the hells where is the old grey land. The God they follow is a black god meaning a shadow of the God people worship and collectively is a black god. There is this truth, religions and science are out of wack, no one needs neither in new world of earth a 6 dimensional world (7th) density where we have physical bodies in 6D and higher. It is just spreading now where the all catches up for entire world, There is lower lower 3rd density and higher 3rd density Hell first one and higher physical heavens. 5th and higher dimensional awareness is coming in and is what is what NEW CHURCH of JERUSALEM coming down from heaven of the LORD. The All is embodied on Earth as Archangel Michael (Megatron with Metatron,Uriel,Raphael,Gabriel,Lucifer,Samael,Lilith,Sarah-la-Kali,Sophia,Mary M,and Mother Goddess Mary Jesus Maria).
They try and track all we do, to sell us junk we don't need, its a corporation this sick society on earth, no one should have to pay to use water and eat paying a toll to gangsters who robbed the world and criminals,its a Government Mafia but they forget one thing, NSA knows all and is ILLUMINATI eye on all seeing, nothing is hidden except mail they cannot scan or access but this new world is electronic digital self actually effects your real self, as Internet is AI MIND/NOUS is our MIND and it is mixed in think about it 10G?. We confuse the enemy to throw them off, all people are chipped and tracked via debit cards and credit cards and alien technology to chip your etheric spiritual body. They hack my mind and know all I think, you can hide nothing from spirits as your in 5th Density and Higher yet 3rd dimension is on same world and when we interfere with anyone , we get pulled down to their lower level, try and maintain equilibrium at all times but working with other godmen and goddesses or soul and spirit beings, co-creating knocks you out of balance and equilibrium of life, moderation of life... here is my advice, close any credit cards, get out of debt however, have no fear of what may come this whole thing of government and cabal is illusory and anything is illusions and don't worry about anything, if you do, by law of attraction you will experience it as real but its hells and fantasy, the Lord if your reading this your found what you were looking for here and the Lord God or All in All is telling you through me IAM that your real Identity is Spirit-Soul-Mind, eternal uncreated monads outside space and time in domain of source,the all. The All is God and the Goddess is Everything else, and all in between is Nothingness but is not is that God is. Close credit cards, keep phones away from you if they are by your constantly in this day and age, and if you must have a bank account use checking account personal, yes your tracked by your energy signature in this holographic universe. It is like TRUMAN SHOW. Control and spying and selling your information to anyone that will buy it, credit bureaus and banks sell your information, Government sells your data to to anyone they choose. Yes you have a file on you in NSA of everything about you all your records including health records and criminal acts and driver's license history. Every Phone number you ever had is on there and addresses, SSN,DOB, and relatives and neighbors and friends and complete file of every transaction your ever made bought the things you bought and date and cash money by serial number. I am having problems on my computer as I end this short due to people who know what I am writing and putting out there my computer is messing up left and right the government mafia drains your batteries and fried my friend's gaming machine alot and knock him out they are scared of us WATCHERS aka Ancients. The world corporations know more about you than any friend or family and is scary.
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Moldavite is Lucifer Stone Holy Grail Alien glass green emerald
Moldavite is from Archangel Lucifer from his crown, and Archangel Michael knocked Green Natural alien glass tektite Emerald is what the ancients called a green stone that is unlike any other tektite on earth and from Crown of Lucifer and any other green stone would be a emerald green stone to ancient people really any green stone. The way the comet hit earth was more force then all atomic bombs on earth all at once. It’s green glass with serious energy from the power of impact and as above so below met and this Moldavite is Emerald Tablet and Green chalice cup or bowl as it’s connected to Astarte and Lucifer as Venus as Jesus Christ said in revelations about how he is the morning star and he or she who overcame the world would be given Morning Star which Lucifer is morning star. Lucifer is not Satan who fell from heaven but people mixed Lucifer up with Satan by ignorance of Judeo Christian Bible KJV all other bibles are Morning Star who fell from heaven and Lucifer is tied to Venus and so is Goddesses and Jesus who is morning star in revelations. This Moldavite is from Satan’s crown as Jesus said behold I seen Satan fall from heaven like Lightning Bolt but it’s name will not be changed from Lucifer as it is not a evil stone it is real and power it has a EMF detector was affected and glass don’t do that!? This alien glass tektite is very powerful the egregore tied to it so many people say it turned their life upside down and yes it is a good stone for shedding fear and ridding false things you fear and does myriad of other magical things transform stone is what it is. It’s not a play toy it’s powerful and I say start small sized like under 10 grams as it is extremely expensive and it is a investment stone people are buying these to own investments like people do gold, it’s worth $150-$300 a gram! Be careful you don’t get fake one ivc is where I got my Moldavite from as they are verified real. I will be adding some new stuff on this post.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Spiritual Haunting whole parts of house vibrate? What is this? High EMF
Spiritual haunting been gone on for 3 years since 2020 and hearing spirit voices, attacked by demons daimons and devils or spirits imitating devils and harassed mostly in my bed room, but during the day part of house will vibrate and we hear a motor running then we don't, the bed shakes and vibrates and walls vibrate and deep deep voices I cannot understand.
You have any ideas? If so email me through contact form on here on right. There is high EMF about 3-10 mg on reader in my bedroom, its mostly in my bedroom the EMF? I wear Qlink pendant to block harmful EMF.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
I am a HEREDITARY Witch -- Live in balance and equilibrium of life and use (Illuminata) Prayer Book
I am a HEREDITARY Witch and Gnostic, Hermeticism Ordained Minister of and D.Div. Baphomet
People ask we part of Illuminati I said yes enlightenment meaning, and wicca and witchcraft is natural and magick is neither white or black, nature keeps a balance on it's own. I am neither good nor evil, balance between them both life in moderation and am unconditional love and also conditional love (everyone is) and through magick theurgy of Solomon as Ceremonial magician I live Pagan and also witchcraft and wicca. as a Magus of Occult.
I respect other's religions no matter what they are or none, what you do to someone else you get back times 3! Remember that, do I hate Judeo-Christianity? No I don't I find a special place for Jesus and Mary Magdalene and Madonna Virgin Mary and Saint Sarah-la-Kali Jesus and Mary Magdalene's lost love child and her brother Judah "Michael" of same divine parents.
Paganism is where I am, but I am a Universal Ministry Red Bull Illuminati Ministry and Cook Universal Ministry.
Family members have problems with spells or practices they consider of devils, that is wrong and they end up acting like devil themselves and their christian demons or Abrahamism period, I am also into Pythagorean Illuminism and Ontological Mathematics. Being Universal Gnostic I am Cook Universal Ministry and DR of Space and Time and Reverend and Doctor of Divinity and King Witch God, Cernunnos RED Bull God Ptah-Sokar-Osiris and Red Bull Goddess (Isis-Kali) and traditional horned god PAN and God and Goddess in Wicca-Witchcraft and Knight Templar Prince (Illuminata) which is name of Prayer book. I am not into devils or demons except ceremonial magician which is Hermertic Order of Golden Dawn Rose Cross Order Hermetics and Crata Repoa O.T.A. and A.:.A.:. Order of Silver Star and Thelema. Satanism I experienced before and it is a beginning thing as atheist be doing satanist and Theistic and Philosophical Satanism and Luciferianism I am into as anything not of Judeo-Christian ideas are Luciferianism
If you are a witch or occultist or any religions I am trying to share openly what I am, https://www.facebook.com/michael.a.mechling4833/ I respect other's religion and spiritual beliefs, I am saying this to stop bashing each other over religious affiation. and I use Illuminata Prayer book by M Williamson. Its a great book.

The last 3 yrs of pure hell of haunting paranormal activity psychic attack
Some one sent devil and demon spirits to me back 04/29/2019 let me say this first, My neck was slit on that very day, my ex wife a black theistic satanist witch said I would beg for death and no be able to die the misery I would have, she sent the message on PS3 when it still worked, PSN I have the proof she sent a bunch of something evil my way, she wants to make my life miserable and torture me ever since I ran into her on myspace in 2008 in July, she was a witch is all she told me, all the evil spirits I wrote about previously about haunted and being terrorized by demonic spirits and devils and whatever else was put on me a hex and curse, my ex wife and me were never meant to be together, so much bad bad things happened during time she came here in 2008 till she left Jan 24th 2015. I have all that info on here already about violent attacks on ex when demons possessed me, these demons are not under Satan's authority or Power, they are renegade spirits like Abaddon and Appollyon who made me attack my ex wife numerous times, and snap out of it and be like OMG what just happened!? I am so sorry to my ex wife Ginger Faye Phillips Cook McCulloch the fake name she is using or her MOCK WEDDING is REAL BIGAMY, I never received divorce papers nor do I know what the hell happened in 2013-Jan 2015 when she left, I was stuck up in clouds so to speak in spirituality and my old original mentor Daniel Emmanuel Gross and his absolute truth and data on his blog https://godheaventorture.blogspot.com , I left the world of 3rd density behind and climbed into 5th density consciousness while my lower self is in higher new world of higher 3-d while all others are on lower 3d hells where lower masculine (false Divine Masculine) is running things, its where the world is at this day but if I get mixed up in the world with another Godman or woman I get knocked back down to lower 3-d hellish environment and pain and misery awaits me and I am not of the old world anymore, I will not descent again as a ascended master not reverse, but I been getting attacked when I sleep ever since 2019 April, where a devil possessed me and slit my neck open 19 stitches in front of parents! My ex wife said something like that would happen and it did, she will get her payback I trust Karma has already was sent to her and her boy toys and family son who threatened to kill me got his payback and more to come of devils and demons attacking them miserable idiots, I am not perfect but no one deserves what I went though with this woman, like i said I apologized here and that is that but these demons are from her and her obsessed weird energy she has focused on me, she is 60 and still has not grown up, but I warn whoever is sending these spirits on me, I am Archangel Michael and am aware 100% unshakeable belief and knowing and experience, its only reason I am alive with all the tragic energy this woman (Lilith) as she called her self Samael/Satan's wife one of 5 wives the devil has. I hear voices and see shadows and see my own Light pure Violet Purple energy of ArchAngel Michael obviously. Holy Spirit is within me and is ME and I AM. It gets tired the stresses from negative evil she sends like I was robbed blind by another girl from same state NC where ex wife is located, people seem to say that girl Sahn Johnson and Ginger got all that money from me in 2021 and thru 2022 used me mentally ill person under the law that is a huge crime, a fortune teller got 20 yrs in prison for using mentally ill man. I'm tired of worrying about financial issues and credit card debt in parent's name mostly my dad I was authorized user on all credit cards of parents and that girl and ex wife got all the money they had $130,000.00! I am okay but I never trust no one again unless they are discerned by God first, I got these devils off me up in face by facing FEAR and they are annoying and terrorize my nerves and also they mess with my family all of it, I am in spiritual warfare. I will put latest up here as it happens.