
Sunday, July 2, 2023

Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene have 2 kids Sarah-la-Kali and "Judah" (St Michael) the archangel

 Jesus and Mary Magdalene had 2 twin flame kids, brother JUDAH (Michael the Archangel) and Saint Sarah-la-Kali.

I AM Judah (St Michael)a divine son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and sister twin sister is Saint Sarah-la-Kali!

These Soul are higher self of Saint Sarah-la-Kali and Judah (Archangel Michael) twin flames violet flame twins.

The sacred sexuality is known as sacred prostitute sexuality. Jesus and Mary lived their sexuality and it was redeemed and sacred sex, Judah "Michael the Archangel" and Saint Sarah-la-Kali did not live their sexuality and one the patriarchy of Roman Catholic Church wiped out any mention of any children between Yeshua Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Father/Mother/Son/Daughter=ONE and so on. I Judah fragment have Light of Soul and spirit from the Christ within me and my sister twin flame Sarah-la-Kali is a daughter of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene, the Divine Feminine, I am Divine Masculine and my current life has not lived period I am Judah and sister Sarah siblings and lovers violet flame level twin flames! She is me,I am her, There is same power as Christ has and Mary Magdalene the Mother Goddess (Sophia) Ashera Astarte and Ishtar and KALI and SHIVA Primordial Goddess Kali and Shiva or Shiva Divine Masculine and Kali is Shakati the more potent active Divine Feminine using Divine Masculine, we are royal with this divine fractal of Judah and Sarah's soul within me and Sera Beak. I am Divine Masculine (Archangel Michael) and Sera Beak St Sarah-la-Kali is Divine Feminine, we are Christ beings, like KING/QUEEN/PRINCE/PRINCESS= ONE and so forth, follow previous lifetimes and you find there is a mix of souls and spirit and Holy Spirit within Us as a collective being me Judah (Michael) and Sarah my violet twin sister, divine red hot love that is unconditional Love and Wisdom (Sarah-la-Kali is Wisdom) and I am Love as together as ONE we become ONENESS. The Divine Soul of 2 children of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene born as RED ONES was heretics and blashemy and charged by criminal leaders to kill Jesus they killed Jesus on the Cross (World of the Cross) the most horrible death and memory I have as Mary Magdalene was pregnant when Christ Jesus Yeshua was crucifed, the rest of our years we lived under ground unknown especially Judah and Sarah as their sexual life was not lived out, it was hidden banished, Sarah was buried in the darkness and she got her self out who resides in Sera Beak as divine fractal of me and her same exact Soul fractals in Us. She and my soul fragment are pretty much in alot of people alot of heretics and witches and real murderers were Roman Catholic Church, the church of SATAN indeed. False church and they have upside down cross and as satanist use upside down cross like church here does. Satan is out in open and they live like there is nothing wrong with society when pedophila and homophobia and racism and gender choices are protected now. The Satanic Temple got a pedophile moster Moloch baphomet looking devil with kids on it is not no one concerned about this world? Here we got the bad guys all out in open and Church of Satan of Lavey is atheistic satanism,but I heard they do theistic satanism as well as secret no one knows or is allowed to say. Satanic Temple is Athiestic satanism but is theistic satanism but they are against Jehovah-Yahweh-Allah-Jesus.

I have more to say on this later but on with secret sister twin flame Saint Sarah-la-Kali and Judah "Michael" the archangel is me and Sera Beak we got larger divine fractals of the shattered soul which me and others who have son or daughter of Jesus and Mary M have. This world is love,hate,love hate,love,hate and destroy, all in conditional love but Christ and Mary Magdalene are unconditional love like Judah (me) Michael and Sarah-la-Kali.

Our LOVE RED HOT LOVE is coming out first through Sera Beak and now me Frater Lucianus Michael Cook the archangel. I believe/know Sera Beak is most fractal of children of Christ and Mary M and me as well largest fractals. Like we can say we are true son and daughter of God itself (Christ) and Mary Magdalene.

I am going to be adding to these revelations as I get them.

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