Welcome to Red Bull Illuminati Ministry! We post links & posts about all kinds of music,videos,occultism,magick,A.:.A.:., with Aim of Religion and Method of Science as Thelema and Illumination. This is also about GOD JESUS ,Gnosticism and Hermeticism and non religious topics , & spiritual topics..This blog is mix of many things so interests for everyone. There are many writings / videos about topics above on this site just search blog in search box. These interests are ours and owner.
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Monday, October 31, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
I WAS ROBBED! God Help You! Brad Lee Buckner was robbed @ Sharpensbest.com
Camillus Lev-R-Lok - Weirdest Knife Ever Made
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Friday, October 28, 2022
Sharpens Best - Brad Lee Buckner signed Knives and sharpeners my testimony and experience
I love the sharpen n spark sharpeners and the knife they sell as utility knife with hard case, Brad Buckner signed a gray Utility Knife and sent me some cool other things , its pretty cool .. The sharpeners sharpen every knife I own, I had to learn to get the "feel" of it and you only get better with some practice and time on cheaper knives, don't apply 1000 lb of pressure, pester the blade slide it one way and back other way, the best video I posted was post before this one here its good to show you how to use these Sharp N Spark sharpeners. Get yours at https://www.sharpensbest.com/

Sharpens Best RUINED My Knife! Utter Dissapointment :) The sharpener WORKS!
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
M Tech MT-588 Black short review
This knife isn't meant to be shapened, this M TECH MT-588, if you were to sharpen it is would end up cutting you, this is a piercing weapon it jabs stabs and its dull edged more dangerous as it's dull not crazy sharp? The point is crazy sharp and its best knife for defense like a 2nd back up last ditch weapon for self defense. It stays in holster I don't wear it on neck I carried it my pocket front pocket. It will stop a would be attacker unless they are bat shit crazy it would be a safety option to protect you carry in hand hide it when threatened. Its small I recommend this little cheap M Tech knife, I wish it was sharp but I would or anyone get cut due to size and would ruin the look and blade sharpening it.
Yawara stick Palm stick self defense short stick for protecting you and loved ones
The Yawara palm stick I bought a few months ago and received the .375" and 6 inches long, this titanium kubaton yawara stick has middle grip that no one can beat that, I practiced with it and ended up getting the .50" yawara titanium palm stick.These stay in your hand, I am not sponserd I am giving honest truth about this item, its a figit thing you twirl through fingers you can tell people who question you what it is a medical device you can say to help your hand with whatever you can think of. I tell you this, any attacker comes up on you and you have this in your hand already and they will get hit so fast if you train yourself to not to freeze up, It works even better when you put it in your hand and surprise the would be attacker, this will do damage like broken bones this smaller one could penetrate skin but .50" one hits harder and no matter the size, i carry both on me, never know if you will needit from another way you cannot get to it, you will have 2 as #2 is for back up if you cannot get ahold of 1st one. Very well made... only use in serious life or death situation not a street fight or to settle some argument as this can cause penetration the small model. I love it in addition to my pepper spray DPS baddest mean pepper spray available....
Click this link to go to the store where you buy it the yawara pocket stick.
To see how to use this and sticks in self defense go here: https://redbullilluminati.blogspot.com/2022/10/can-you-defend-yourself-with-stick.html
Can you defend yourself with a stick? Learn stick self-defense Yawara titanium
Monday, October 24, 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022
I am getting attacked spiritual Maron the Night Mare and Mara sleep attacks
I have had voices going on, demons and archons and other low vibrational spirits in my room, they harras me day and night, Mara (Maron) I don't want to mention this but I get sexually assaulted in where I am asleep but awake a evil hag like demon is on top of me in that hag voice cackling and saying I am going to die tonight and turn around and face the window I hear spirits say shit I am doing in a different timeline or future or past event. No one knows anything, family knows the paranormal activity is going on, they cannot believe it nor accept that I am seeking help when I tell someone I am getting spiritually and astrally attacked who is there to help in situations like this? I was a minister it gave me a huge problem as a ordained clergy I had horrible evil experience and don't want anywhere near it my ex wife was evil a black witch and spiritual satanist witch. She was into 616 satanic evil current. Devils and demons exist I know as I hear them and see shadows on the wall and I also see Spiritual Light shooting off of me, my eyes and face Light up in spirit (Holy Spirit?) within? Violet Flame Light everywhere, I hear that is highest violet flame you can see, I must be special to have that around me to help me fight off astral parasites and devils and demons. They surely attack you when your low and have no control over them nor can I fight them in past, they terrorized me from 2020 till current and caused big problems with financial areas they made me give away $50,000 to this girl I don't even know and I was authorized user on credit cards and she selected a sucker me as my mental illness I was unable to function or make decisions or really think right. Its all part of the sexual attacks by a hag a evil hagging I heard about Mara and others experiencing this night time terror.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
SAY GOODBYE TO THE LAST FRONTIER MEDIUM welcome Melinda the Mystic Witch
Friday, October 21, 2022
I am a Mathematikoi learning Ontological Mathematics religion of Pythagorean
I am a on my way to become a
Mathematikoi. I am aware the other side of Pythagorean religious was esoteric but this one I am on is Mathematics, basically, basic understanding is we are eternal mathematical beings called monads ,we are soul/spirit aka mind/nous and is called Rational Religion aka Rational Spirituality and is world's only rational religion and they the negative minds and religious leaders don't want you to know ontological mathematics, all is numbers, THE ALL is All Numbers (Mathematical)and all is MIND, matter doesn't exist nor atoms or ideas of it matter or anything of modern science who is so crazy they go by flat earth model for climate change!. I am a studying and practicing mathematician like Leibniz was a Grand Master of Pythagorean Illuminati, I was once a GRAND MASTER of oldest secret society much older than the Baverian Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt which the book "The secret teachings of schools of mysteries and Illuminati book is based on Adam's Illuminati set up and Freemasons mixed in, its real illuminati that one of Adam Weishaupt was real and is redone in that Illuminati book from lewis masonic , and all the conspiracy theorist misused Illuminati name as Cabal deep state rich elites of old world order which is falling down now... I am in Pythagorean Illuminism initiate and into Undisclosed Illuminati society as Gnosticism and Hermeticism, and other areas of "occult and mythos" so both sides of Pythagorean Illuminist and Religion of esostericism. But I go by Logic,Reason, PSR,married to so called Mysticism and occultism like A.:.A.:. order of silver star Aleister Crowley's order and Illuminati order in OTO. and try to maintain equilibrium balance in orders I am in unofficially in illuminati but I will not state I am or not it's secret for a reason. Grand Master of first RED BULL GOD, "Ptah-Lucifer"-Thoth and Osiris and Isis Bulls were sacred to them and morning star is Lucifer and Yeshua Christ how can that be in the mythos and books? Lucifer isn't nothing like they made it out to be as false Abrahamism and Lucifer truly is Ptah-Osiris-Isis Isis is Astarte, Ra/Marduk is son of Ptah/Atum and Ea is water bearer and Enki Lord of Earth as Satya. Lucifer's son Ra is Marduk aka Archangel Michael we have of today...Peacock Archangel , these are all stories and encoded and never was meant to be taken literally but take them as Spiritual as Gnostics' did.Gnostician is Illuminati and Illuminism. I am in my own Red Bull Illuminati Ministry and fellow brother's Lone Wolf Illuminati and my Baphomet Illuminati, You just don't join a Illuminati/secret society its something you BECOME, in this being Illuminism rational religion and all logic and reason and learned through intuition with mysticism and other occult things even paranormal can be shown to be 100% to be real on PSR and Ontological Mathematics. This world isn't ready for hyper awareness or hyper human as a new threat is out read book Planet Wars, look up the channel on here Ontological Mathematics as channel name. or click this link to go there to a real illuminist, I am a illuminist but my brain is off base just things happening in personal life, finacial troubles from economy what economy its all fraud slaver driver system we are against rich old world order elites who are very negative and love the power but they don't have no time left, their asses are booted they live in black earth old grey land and know it not.
Illuminism Under Threat -- War against us all MIND VIRUS END OF WORLD
Pythagorean Illuminati Armageddon Conspiracy vs Hyperianism and Morgue War/Battle
This war between PI =(Pythagorean Illuminati) and AC =(Armageddon Conspiracy) is why we are all failing, PI says Hyperianism is not MERITOCRATIC and supports transgender as special class above all others and its a fraud and want Morgue it's creator who stole PI AC's Ontological Mathematics and they don't support true Illuminism and Hyperianism is a huge threat to planet and Illuminati's fate with control of Ontological Mathematics, how by Hyperianism? They sue anyone who bashes hyperians and they put transgender individuals above all, that is not meritocratic said PI and ordered this "fraudulent cult like a JIM JONES cult to be gone shut down by its founder Morgue".
The AC site has been attacked by a investigation and Illuminists say they lost their minds PI site AC, trying to destroy a awesome Illuminati based ideas in Hyperianism and they are not making anyone more special than another. Morgue they say is dangerous and is a Jim Jones cult... hyperianism is cult of reason.
If hyperianism vanished, alot of people would not know anything about Pythagorean Illuminati's Ontological mathematics the earth's only rational religion Illuminism.. they supported Morgue and Hyperianism till he protected transgender individuals and put on a dress!, is the PI AC turned into a right wing conservative and facsist group? Like Joy of Satan who hates Jews by example,anyone who hates any human because they go against some bullshit belief or what any one person does with their gender or if people are gay or straight? Its a hate problem the PI has and AC site was investigated by FBI, they moved a branch over here in Boardman OH under Pythagorean Illuminati like 20 miles from where I live I was researching and found that out... They turned into vampires and lost their minds AC (PI) lost their minds and are hating transgenders and gay people and others like Facisit rasicist do? Neo Zazi group PI is they wrote in book they were NAZI! Leave Hyperianism alone and WORK TOGETHER! All Illuminati groups and families and off springs need unity or we don't have a damn leg to stand on against Old worlder order elites pure evil people from a hell if there is one....
PI AC was awesome source of Ontological mathematics and Morgue gave credit to them the PI AC group, the AC is coming out as AC 2 a new kind of "move" they are playing in this inside war...
Dear Illuminists and others in secret societies, what about the book PLANET WARS? written by a Illuminist and found the very bad situation for extinction of humanity through science, religion and media.! Beings advanced by millions of years than humanity, they caught the plot and its happening can we stop it read the book PLANET WARS!!! We need equilibrium or this population of earth will be destroyed by said threats, quit infighting and WORK to get a solution to this major threat to humanity worse than fiction AC novel! I am not against no one, I am Illuminist trying to get union and balance in Illuminism and hyperian groups.,
Listen to this after these 2 go together:
Kundalini awakening is dangerous - Shakti/Kali is base of spine Crown Shiva Kundalini awakening as two become 1
Kundalini awakening is it dangerous? , in the sense that it could burn your physical body unto your death.I experienced my energetic "physical body" change and it hit me all at once, This happens if you are not prepared, i mean your physical body and spiritual and energetic body all merge as one.
We have two lives we need to understand: physical life - the material body that does not live forever yet its soul made visible!. Because this body is maintained by eating material foods to sustain the body’s functions. The other is the spiritual life- and it is an eternal life because it is pure spirit and soul. If it is pure it is energy and pure light. It is indestructible so unlike the physical body that merged with the grounds of the earth when it is dead. It is destructible but that body exists forever regardless as energy is recycled or changes and feeds the earth all the minerals your old vessel have, its like a skin suit over spirit and soul the body is within the soul the infinite part and absonite part is spirit within myriads of spirits possessing your form and body but one soul/over Soul is Higher Self, you have myriad of selves in the eternal now.
To have a sense of imagination knowing what this spirit is, these pure light is the core in the atoms, that if Master Esoteric Teachers looked at you, the Teacher is not looking at the physicality of you but through the lights within your atomic structures. In there also are the records of your experiences in the physical world, and we may not know how long have you been into the cycle of birth and rebirths.
Within each human physical body is the so-called God within. And that God within lies sleeping in the Mooladhara chakra, the psychic center at the base of the spine. It is like a coiled snake on a tube.
When this chakra is awakened, it means that snake-like energy and power, or the god within us was awakened from sleep, it could move upward the spine into an invisible spiritual tube harnessing and awakening human powers and possibilities. This is the reason why humans are powerful individuals like superhuman beings, attributed as gods themselves. However, ancient traditions like superhumans being born to teach and guide blinded humans is the truest to its form -reason. And because they existed among humans, what will they need to do but to guide, inspire and teach blinded humans. Not only them but those whose evolutions brought them to the spiritual life and teachings of the Masters.
That when the period came the Master’s student is readied, the student’s consciousness is brought to the Reality not known by the majority. It is one way of sharing the Great Truth from the Masters into the student. Masters do not choose, as like considered a blessing. The truth is, the student is ready to be imparted a higher learning or knowledge into the spiritual realms or world. That when that moment came, spiritual life could begin to the student by awakening the person’s “sleeping god” in the mooladhara chakra. Imagine how strong this psychic center is, that it could create another human being when the system of copulating is done.
Mooladhara chakra awakening is just that: awakened because the student is about to begin to study the true spiritual life, or the atudent is prepared to enter into another portal: the spiritual world. And these worlds are also physical or spiritual. It is the mannah described in scriptures, given to an able student. So, that is the true beginning exploring the true spiritual world. If your mooladhara chakra’s sleeping god arise without the guidance of the Master, the perosn could use it to his own personal or egoistic tendencies. An awakened mooladhara chakra does not mean it is the end-all and be-all of a spiritual life. It is just the beginning, actually.
The “awakening” does not mean you can go on your own. The danger lies in that stage when a person could trample a divine blessing, so to speak, because as the individual is raised to a spiritual degree , the chance is 100% of an involution if the person used that power for personal gratification, because the ego is also raised into the same level. It was the great temptation Lord Jesus went into when he was praying into the mount because Jesus knows what he will go into to be able to leave this earth. That life was his last.
The “awakening” involuntarily happened to many people in the world. The present century called it spontaneous combustion. The body was burned, not the clothing. The Master’s knowledge of the whole process is the only thing that matters. Many so-called practitioners the world over was attracted to many ideas, truth or not because they are new ideas. I cannot refute them because these people are seekers. They wanted to know more. They have questions that needed answers.
Masters prepared their students (initiates is the parlance they used) through fasting, a cleansing technique or other means. Because human body is full of toxic substances, that these toxicities could prevent an entrance into the other side of reality: the spirit world: the beginning in exploring the inner world through consciousness awareness.
I personally have full control over my kundalini and can make it rise up through the 3rd eye chakra or crown chakra or even activate the God particle the 13th chakra behind heart chakra, that is where God within resides there source itself God particle. You are all the things christians' call Father,Son and Holy Spirit or Urantia Book calls Father, Eternal Mother Son "Michael" and Infinite Spirit, and a bunch of Paradise Creator Michaels' celestial beings 700,000+ of them which Jesus Christ is a Michael number 611,121st version of Father and Eternal Mother Son, full power of trinity but isn't a trinity yet he and his soul mother of universe is a trinity by infinite spirit all power is his for Nebadon our local universe,after first original Michael the 2nd person of trinity the Eternal MOTHER SON.Mother God and God Son Feminine and Masculine and output through the Infinite Spirit. They are inside all of us yet outside as well...
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Climate Science -- based on Flat Earth model -- End of life on Earth -- Ontological Mathematics
This world is being taken down by other worldly beings that are millions of years advanced than anyone on Earth, they discovered it the Illuminati Pythagorean Illuminist did. How? Through climate change and blocking the Sun, exterminating the entire human race period, they done this at other planets, they know we know about them and one of them turned against them (Lucifer) like in mythos is Enki who saved someone in flood in that mytho but this sounds like sci fi but it isn't, its based on Logic and Reason and Intuition, what is the answer? Ontological Mathematics is all there is, we are mathematical beings all of us, Lucifer is gnosis and Satan (Abrahamism's god) is real devil called ANU who is working with these "Beings" you don't have to believe me, read the book PLANET WARS, check out all Pythagorean Illuminati books by Mike Hockney and all the other authors. They see Hyperianism as a danger to humanity nothing Meritocractic about it protecting Transgenders above all else... It goes against nature and even ontological mathematics and is a danger as they can get control of Ontological Mathematics and sue anyone who even talks about them for loss of income, these beings infiltrated every secret society there is on earth and off earth. Then no one will listen to PI (Pythagorean Illuminati) and other Illuminati. There is fake and real... I am a gnostic and seek to be oneness with God, being and becoming God as eternal uncreated monads we all are. we live forever and PI can prove it mathematically we have a soul guaranteed in Ontological Mathematics is the answers to everything even paranormal activity...all is numbers and all is mind the All or Source and matter is extended mind not lifeless atoms as science says and climate science is based on flat earth model why? By them beings to destroy all life on earth, they are way ahead of human race, There is one who can stop them, Lucifer melek taus Peacock Archangel. Meaning is allegory of what we can do to survive from these beings, devils is only name I can come up with worse than any devil I heard of anti life and are descended masters and use them mathematics against us and Illuminati is exposing this danger that will be impossible to stop unless some NEO like individuals exist from future here and now. Higher Minds beings we cannot even fathom to stop these parasitic entities from using political and science and religion against humanity I wrote this short note to wake people up, work together Illuminist and all Illuminati and figure out with logic and reason how to eliminate the extinction of humanity through said areas. Read PLANET WARS, even people who are not illuminati can help by spreading the threat to humanity so people can stop this if there is anyway possible and we don't know if we can stop this or not, they are millions of years more advanced than us like Hyperianism is done by them entities they infiltated them its why PI wants that group gone this huge threat to life on earth by beings we cannot even fathom.. only way to rid them is logic and reason and unity for collective answer and to stop these beings but archangel Michael working with non illuminati people, we are all one and we must take this threat seriously from them beings you call all them conspiracy theorist names of them beings I have not got a name for these millions of years advanced beings neither does others. Don't believe us, read Planet Wars and read AC books.Climate change science is how the old world order cabal deep state get their criminal agendas put through... we are meritocratic screw all that GOP and DEM system...
Monday, October 17, 2022
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Amityville Horror! Ed and Lorraine Warren’s Most Famous case! IT'S REAL 100% Rational and logical
Friday, October 14, 2022
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Monday, October 10, 2022
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Friday, October 7, 2022
Thursday, October 6, 2022
YOU ARE NOT FREE! You were imprisoned on Earth since 200,000 years by reincarnation
You think your free? Your each like a business to the Corporation like USA INC, this world is the Truman Show and you each are it Truman. Cameras everywhere, everything is real but CONTROLLED, false flag events, simulacra and simulation within a simulation and metaverse "mother Verse" Multi-Verse,Monads,Omnispheres,Unispheres, multiverse, fake world, a divine comedy, existence is to see what kind of lab rat you are, who is God? God certainly isn't what people believe in the monster of Abrahamism aka Jude-Chrstian religious movements. Give mammon what is Cabal's rich elites Old World Order to what is their evil fake money, They are copying the Illuminati with a FAKE NWO but old world Order will still be in place, they want to destroy all trust in name of "Illuminati", and your all clones and drones, dumb phones for dumb asses.... let the cabal/dark ones track all you do like Communist China? The American Dream is that a dream, as you would have to be asleep to think it exist, while your a rat in rat race and dehumanized mask for getting rocks off by wearing masks for psycho paths controlled you and shut world down like a PRISON, welcome your waking up! No one has the authority to tell you to lock down or put a worthless mask who made me feel like I was dehumanized with Corona sharona bs. Tell the real criminals on Wallstreet NO MORE! Tell elites, I AM GOD! We are not listening to your Abrahamic psycho religion anymore, I am not fooled by Leftest socialists and Right Conservatives, its all bs, no one is gonna save this mess, only you once you all agree and see the madness and get out of the beast system, I woke up, and realized who I Am, I am Archangel Michael in lower form to anchor Infinite Higher energy to wake people and for new world and no world orders period, THAT IS RIGHT NO WORLD ORDERS!! ,the people decided no more cabal and fake illuminati world, real Illuminati isn't having it no more... I am aware and am in the game here life a war whatever you wanna call it...Welcome to Earth a Prison they own you literally, don't pay taxes, you go to jail! That is like gangs asking you pay a toll. Or per capita tax or in jail, license to drive? All this fucking worthless paper that isn't worth anything, its a control, its all about control 1984 George Orwell...This system is gonna crash, don't be afraid, be glad old paradigm is falling like house of cards, all them criminals out there walking around? End of age. Jesus Christ is returning via his WORD, THROUGH ALL OF YOU.Wake up to reality or remain a slave to satanic world orders new or old, no world order!
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
US Dollar to be replaced with spyware Biden Bucks and surveillance and tracking mass community standards no paper money
THIS IS A NIGHTMARE, do not let them do this, big tech is cashless like almost everywhere like Walmart, no where no one takes cash, spyware money replacing paper, yes FAKE NWO in place, surveillance of big brother like 1984, you were warned! OWO is being pushed as Illuminati Mason NWO, that is fake strike on Illuminati name, the real Illuminati never did new world order! Their socialist and conservatives don't matter,its cabal they control your money can shut your money on or off and you are in 1984 George Orwell's book made true unless YOU, reject system in non violent way and protest, it won't work online as Google will hide your website, it must be something the big tech would never understand a code we the people need code system to write in for future all I am offering is the truth as I gleaned it,cashless society,taxes are paying a toll like to left wing liberal mobsters, and right wing conservatives are hated, all us are hated by Big Tech liberal or democrat or GOP all needs to work together, to all I said and Biden Bucks, say NO! We ain't having it!