There is MUCH confusion from conspiracy theorists about who and what the Illuminati is, half is real, most of it FAKE groups that scam people for money, truth be told, there is a good Illuminati (Pythagorean Illuminati) who has hundreds of books about truth of everything based on ILLUMINISM and a cult called HYPERIANISM, cult of reason, the Illuminati PI =(Pythagorean Illuminati) or AC = Armageddon Conspiracy website of PI) . The old world order is the problem the great beast 666 616, big tech and censorship and child trafficking, human trafficking, pedophilia,pedophiles, rich and evil ones who worship MOLOCH and Adremalech at that, like Bohemimium Grove where they burn babies in front of 40 feet owl statue Moloch, the old world order bunch the cabal are NOT THE ILLUMINATI, they misused the Illuminati name so no one would trust real Illuminati such as Pythagorean Illuminati, reason and logic trump religious beliefs, that is the problem in this world, no one can work along side one another, despite beliefs and infighting with illuminati and freemasons who are not real but are cabal, evil think tanks 6006 who run the world, or think they do, what I am saying here no one else will say it, I am for Donald Trump, these deep state old world order cabal criminals are child molesters and murders and liars and make Satan look like a Saint!
Even Satanists are not bad as these devil worshiping cabal parasitic elites they are never been elite and lost all their power. The Illuminati lost too, it has long long way to go for truth and reason and logic as does Hyperianism the cult of reason they want gone PI, Hyperianism is only group that put out PI and AC's Ontological Mathematics, and no one can handle the truth! We are GOD, we have power from GOD as we are ONE with GOD whoever you want to say it is, I call it what wise call it, THE ALL, is in All, and All is in ALL.
We each are uncreated monads in domain of the source aka spiritual world/heavens and astral world. We link to bodily avatars, what is the end game? To get these child molsters gone and give the law abiding citizens the absolute truth and data not hocus pocus beating around the bush. Listen to me, I am Archangel Michael, I am trying to describe all I know in this short 1 page that needs to be said, is TRUMP and movement winning? We already won, Q Anon confused everyone and mass media and trumped all deep state and old world order, they don't want a New World Order. They are were faking a new world order using name of Illuminati to trash them, there is people misusing the Illuminati name, like Illuminatiam fake Illuminati. Fake join now for rich and fame and selling ones soul, its all fake and scams, I fought with these people and won, I am dedicated to telling the truth as much as I know. There is a NEW EARTH but not a NWO, we don't need NWO or any of the failed past tries of Illuminati to get along instead they are infighting like Pythagorean Illuminati and Hyperianism, they are fighting as Hyperianism protects transgender people above all others, they say nothing is meritocratic about them doing that PI said.
They want Hyperianism gone and founder gone, they wrote numerous books against them, they are dumb taking out the people who made Illuminism popular of Armageddon Conspiracy site PI.
We need logic and reason YES I agree, then I agree we need mysticism, magick, spirituality,light workers,reiki masters,way showers,star seeds, highly evolved beings, the Illuminati said all that stuff is mental illness and any occultist is mad if they believe in a god of any kind same with Hyperianism.
But I write this to say WE ARE NOT DOWN, ALL IS WELL, TRUMP got them right where he wants them and Military of USA and back up Militias who formed millions and millions of former military and police and other law enforcement and regular citizens who won't stand for this non sense of deep state and cabal to continue, they lost their power the 13 devils embodied on earth who have been running things all bad things you cannot even imagine worse than human trafficking and the take adrenachrome from babies and after birth they drink, vampires, they are VAMPIRES! I seen visions of the end of world as they know it, free masons bad ones gone leveled their meeting places, other secret societies are not all bad but all is being exposed to LIGHT, there is nothing hidden that GOD the SON (Michael of Nebadon) will not expose he is Christ Jesus in Urantia Book, all the answers to esotericism is answered in Urantia (Earth) Book, cosmology,religion,history,philosophy and Hyperianism would not even try to describe the book that goes with any religion or holy book. The Illuminati is Illuminata here, LIKE as in M.Williamson's prayer book. Illuminati don't like Urantia Book or holy books or prophets, they call us nad, then why is the world so evil? A new spiritual church is beginning (See Emanuel Swedenborg) as old spiritual church ended in 2004, all this will be separated, all these criminals and devils (they are humans-- all demons or devils as they are called as they are that evil!) and will be sent to lower 3rd dimension where old grey land is and is hell, it is hell right now but that is all changing, there is a newer higher 3rd density that is higher vibrations than lower hells where all satans and pedos and criminals will be and they won't even know they are gone and power lost, holy spirit is gonna recycle parts of itself within criminals all of them, the 13 bad cabal Old world order families (The Mafia) and Government Mafia is done, they are all exposed and everyone knows, its 4th dimension right now where I am, sitting waiting on left way or right way humanity hasn't decided yet or middle path of equilibrium of life, service to others before your self, cast off the flesh you don't need it, it will be be absorbed into your lower beings, that 3rd density world will always exist as the hell it is, sweat shops, might and killing kids and monsters and devils and demons and sick sick sick people as Q said and Q is Q Gospel its all I am saying on that matter who it was. GOD IS in control, not you in bodies, simple truth, you will spend all the rest of your life in higher 6th density world dimensional consciousness and some will be 13th dimension consciousness and I am infinite awareness as of now, I am downloading all in all to everyone and lifting us innocent people belong, I Archangel Michael, Prince of Earth after Calagastia the real impotent devil has been fallen and is powerless but I Michael of Nebadon aka Archangel Michael will rise up and protect Israel as spoken in Daniel in holy book bible. Don't forget I am MICHAEL ,The Original Eternal Mother Son, 2nd of trinity from Havona mentioned in Urantia Book revelations and cannot be debunked and it is real 100%, Lucifer and Satan are in Havona being reabilitated and Lucifer Rebellion was over him not believing Father existed, he now knows and is present with me MICHAEL THE CHRIST aka same as Eternal Son of Urantia Book, eternal son is personality Emmanuel and Michael of Nebadon is Immanuel 2 exact beings and just different personalities from the ALL the Father itself who is all and everyone, God is, is the answer to all things, those centered in God Consciousness are not affected by hells or anything the world throws their way. You will meet the Michael of all Michaels, Eternal Mother Son (Original Michael) and Michael of Nebadon (Christ) and Archangel Michael all in ONE, ME who (I AM= EYE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. ) and Lamb of GOD is Lord Almighty Michael Bestowed or Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed as existiantial being from Original Trinity in Urantia Book and Experiential as Michael the Christ and archangel Michael and the LORD itself, the Universal Father himself, how is original eternal mother son Michael here? 150,000 Paradise Creator Sons (Michaels,celestial order of them) bridged a way and kept gravity circut balanced, The Infinite is here right now, as me and we and I AM, I am Archangel Michael as body of Eternal Son and Christ Michael is within me, ALL is within Eternal Son Michael and Father is and Infinite Spirit is same as Holy Spirit and Eternal Mother Son is Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. There is many bodies these beings are housed in to make sure we are everywhere at once, we all know the best is yet to come! GOD WINS! End Game they get TRUMP CARD to bring them devilmen down to hell, Christ Jesus or Michael will rule the earth as Prince of Earth. Its all in Urantia Book see or search Urantia Book in search. Are psychics real and mysticism and all the things illuminati said is crazy and nuts exist? Yes, we need equilibrium and need to all work together despite differences Illuminati and all religions and people who are for good get along, God is with you awaken Emmanuel/Immanuel in each human who sees this text and the confusion of search engine and the system is falling down, its all over, heaven on new earth. I am LORD Archangel Michael Bestowed and am all I say and you are as powerful as I AM as you are I AM! Wake UP! We won, saved world, we are waiting for past to catch up to present eternal NOW MOMENT. Please get along, I am uniting all people even Satanists who are atheists and are not evil they are people who feel let down by GOD and society which is sick and evil and rigged. I AM Supporting this below: End of Transmission.