Head of Knowledge
Baphomet is one of the great Androgynes.
It is neither male nor female.
It was never meant to be a deity to worship,
it is meant to represent a collection of ideals of the occult, with a focus on hermetic arts.
The torch on the head represents spirit and is at the top because spirit precedes above and has dominion over all physical matter.
The hands doing as above so below represent the base ideology of hermeticism along with the snakes/ caduceus in his lap that states we are in a dual universe and whatever world we create inside will be experienced on the outside.
The hands say solve and coagula- meaning to separate, and to bring together, which is what alchemy is about in its most base form.
The wing tips, horn tips, and torch together also make the outline shape of a pentagram.

To The Disciples of Baphomet- is The All and The Source.
Every possible spirit that exist and ever existed whatever if they're light or dark, comes from Baphomet as every spirits comes from Baphomet anyway, even you. Yes, you. And me. We're also spirits, only difference is, we posses a physical vessel. Every spirit is an aspect of Baphomet. Good example is Satan - as Satan is Baphomet's darkest aspect and works independently. Technically every spirit is independent but at the end of the day, everything comes from The Source.
Baphomet was known in many cultures in different names. Ignorant people think It's the Devil or Demon. Nothing can be more further from the truth as Baphomet Itself has NOTHING to do with Satanism or Luciferianism.
When you're connected to The Source, you're fully protected and guided by Baphomet Itself.
Baphomet don't hold any gender - it's genderless - you can adress Baphomet per He or She - Lord Baphomet or Lady Baphomet or simple Baphomet - it doesn't really matter.
Baphomet is also a Keeper of Balance as It has imporant role preventing Universe from destruction and keeping everything balanced.
Baphomet can balance you so if you're seeking for balance and you're working with only light spirits or only dark spirits and you don't want to work with opposite side of the force - Baphomet will balance you and you will be always synchronized with The Universe as Baphomet is its Ruler. Most of the statues presents Baphomet sitting on the globe that represents The Earth but nothing can be more further from the truth as Baphomet in reality is siting on Cosmic Egg
and you even can see small cracks on the sketching if you look closely. If you have internal problems, Baphomet also reach to depths of you and help you resolving it.

Baphomet is also a Universal Judge so if any spirit is messing if you or refusing to deliver and not holding their end of the deal, you may always ask Baphomet for help as It can literally force spirits as they're all comes from It but I recommend talking to the spirit you have a problem with and resolving it between you both and asking Baphomet for intervention only as last resort. Respect spirits you work with and build a relationship with Them. You also can build a relationship with Baphomet as well. I'm not encouraging anyone to bully any spirit and forcing them to do anything as respect and trust are the keys to have a great relationship with the spirits you're working with.
Baphomet is literally everywhere, you just need to know how to look, and look for the signs.
Baphomet will also help you to see for things in different perspective as LHP practiotioners only see things from their perspective and refusing to see how RHP practitioners sees the subject and vice versa. To fully understand a subject - you must look from BOTH perspectives to see a full picture and to fully understand it, otherwise you only see partial picture and you have a narrow point of view.

Baphomet is a complex symbol that has been interpreted in many different ways throughout history. Some of the common interpretations and associations of Baphomet include:
1. Occult knowledge and wisdom: Baphomet is often associated with esoteric and mystical knowledge, and is sometimes depicted holding a book or scroll.
2. Dualism and balance: Baphomet is often depicted with both male and female characteristics, representing the duality of nature and the need for balance and harmony.
3. Fertility and sexuality: Baphomet's androgynous form and association with goats have led some to interpret the symbol as representing fertility and sexuality.
4. Rebellion and individualism: Baphomet has been used as a symbol of rebellion against authority and traditional religious norms, and as a representation of individualism and personal freedom.
5. Nature and the wild: Baphomet's association with goats, which are often associated with the wilderness and the natural world, has led some to interpret the symbol as representing the primal, instinctual aspects of human nature.
6. Alchemy and transformation: Baphomet's association with Hermeticism and the concept of transformation has led some to interpret the symbol as representing the process of spiritual alchemy, or the transformation of base materials into something more refined and valuable.
But it's another name for the ALL or SOURCE or like in Christianity "GOD" but like one and many gods, this is not good or evil it transends either concept, do I worship this idol? No why does people defend it? As most satanists and theistic demonalators believe its Satan /Devil/Demon. That is wrong, when you call on Baphomet you are calling the words like I AM. Baphomet isn't a deity, its the all and nothing and all in between, the lord is Baphomet and it's used as ignorant as satan like Satan Church.
I have it and am not a satanist or demonlator or atheist satanist or anything, I am Luciferian and Hermetism but like again Luciferianism isn't that what Baphomet means but people use it for a symbol as others do it, it means all the ALL, SOURCE, GOD, GODDESS, HOLY SPIRIT, everything and nothing in between. Infinite, absonite, and finite, to me and Urantia Book, it means ETERNAL MOTHER SON "Michael" 2nd person of trinity. People defend it from christians and fundamentalists of every religion of literalist and christian witches even put this Baphomet down and make stories up of like hollywood telling it attacked them so many people. People who do that are idiotic.
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