Welcome to Red Bull Illuminati Ministry! We post links & posts about all kinds of music,videos,occultism,magick,A.:.A.:., with Aim of Religion and Method of Science as Thelema and Illumination. This is also about GOD JESUS ,Gnosticism and Hermeticism and non religious topics , & spiritual topics..This blog is mix of many things so interests for everyone. There are many writings / videos about topics above on this site just search blog in search box. These interests are ours and owner.
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Thursday, December 28, 2023
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Earth is in danger due to negativity and evil will GOD stop this massacre? -- Magnetic Pole Shift

Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Friday, December 22, 2023
Urantia Book - Paper 120 (The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia) Remixed
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Lucifer Abraxas Satan -- How it works rationally and intuitively

Thursday, December 14, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
The Unknown 13th God Agnostos Theos "Ptah-Sokar-Osiris" ,Mother God & Son Isis Horus ,Holy Spirit Ra/Re
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Secret occult history of Moldavite - Lucifer's Stone Cintamani
There is much hidden truth truth that most do not know about Moldavite as holy grail is green glass we have been told but space glass and earth created as above, so below
Link to information:
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Ptah is GOD before the bible was ever written Ptah-Atum-Ra-Ea
Ptah was reknown and mixed up with Ra the Sun God of Egypt. Ptah stayed out of what it manifested by heart and speaking it into existence all of reality from alpha to omega beginning and end but end is like waiting for eternally. There is gods, demigods,angels, etc. But all that is IS GOD period and neither Masculine nor Feminine but is in 2nd person of trinity of Urantia Book (Michaels) original one is Eternal MOTHER SON, rest are subordaint beings known as master Michaels, paradise creator sons like Jesus Christ aka Michael of Nebadon creator son 611,121st version of its only begotten self as that Michael whom was raised to same level as Eternal Son, merged, same Michael being, just 2 personalities One Emmanuel and Other Immanuel from Father God. Michael eternal mother son and Michael of Nebadon together = Christ Michael of Nebadon and existiantial and experiential. Also with energetic body of Archangel Michael which came from Marduk and Mithras, who beat the evil they were told in esoteric stories or allegories and most are gnosticism who started the whole Jesus movement, so many people believe in Jesus and Christ as all created a bunch of energy the false light feeds on your fears and anxiety and pain, demons are just negative beings from mankind spirits whom are wicked and are only evil there is in mortals evil needs subjugated and vastation of evil back to hells they are from and belong till they choose love of FATHER within them even in hells I follow you , I will follow you down...even if you fall from Grace like Satans.
I AM YOU you are in me, I am in you, and I AM in FATHER of ALL where we are just Oneness and unity.I need you to understand, this life is NOT ABOUT YOUR EGOIC self and materialistic problems, we are GODS living life which is GOD and all there is ,is God IS. Know this truth that you are not meant to change anything or anyone, GOD got it all fixed don't try to save people from sins and other negative things, sin is illusions and misinfo. GOD is in them so called evil persons and so called good, its all fantasy is all hell is,states of mind how many times do you notice yourself changing state of minds? GOD is living in you AS you, your imperfect "perfect" beings one and all and everyone. Ptah is a name for Father, Atum is Eternal Mother Son brought up to date as "Michael", Ra/Re is Holy Spirit/Infinite Spirit. You all are equal to GOD as God is not a respector of persons and has no chosen anyone unless he just takes your body and puts it to use to help those suffering like this human here Michael is, he is Eternal Mother Son here first time of Urantia Book. He will die protecting that identity as he is what it is, Ptah-Atum-Osiris.
Ea whose house is water is older than any Yahweh or jewish or muslim's God (its all ONENESS) it truly is, GOD is LORD, is the ALL in All and is all there is and isn't and all in between. Remember to fact check your own knowing with other's opinions of other godmen and goddesses. Don't forget the blood on church of Satan, Roman Catholic Church, they are devils and demons with minions who are corrupt in political bs.
They all promise big changes, people must love being a fucking sheep and told what to do and what is fuckable and what isn't if not they shut you up or surely kill those who are threats, the end is coming and can happen bam bam bam quick, depending on collective soul of Earth. Ea is Enki whom is a GOD they called on to rid demonas and evil spirits in Babylonia.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Email LETTER to Melinda Kay Lyons the Mystic Witch (Last Frontier Medium)
This is exact email that was sent to the Melinda the Mystic Witch copy and pasted, I am showing it as to show I am serious about huge problem of evil spirits harassing me since 2019 and voices terrorized since 2020.And BIG FALL OUT from a user girl who used mentally ill person (me) for 2021- into 2022. She was a fortune teller and could get long long time in federal prison I seen a similar case and fortune teller got 30 yrs in prison for same thing. I sacrificed myself for her welfare as she brain washed me a devils and demon voices convinced me to do it being terrified now I am just plain sick of them and get extremely angry at them they used to get up in my face but have not since I stood up to them, my house is infested with clutter and dirt as no one sweeps or dusts and (BUT so no bugs at all it ain't that bad horrible) but there is spiritual parasites from clutter and dirt and because ex wife a black witch lived here in bedroom affected 2009-2023 always some kind of paranormal activity but no voices to 2020. A girl Heather Lynn Wilson Hutton of Ramey PA faked her death and I was so sad and depressed for 2 yrs till my uncle told me she sent a note to him on 01/01/2020 saying she faked her death and all these other people are fooled to or put up to it, that was very very cruel and evil from these damn devils and demons and spirits unclean one from hells. She almost made me kill myself that day 01/01/2020, some guy named ZEKE YARGER is guy who was jealous of Heather and me and hated me he told me she died 01/01/2020 and I told him what my uncle said he said he seen her in casket, but he said if this is true I will kick her ass for everything she put us through, I believe there was a plan to get me out of this hell hole I am living in parents house to leave with some people (Heather) I don't know. Its extremely weird the activity that happens and situations and people who say they are angels or God people and can read my mind like my brain is chipped and right hand In jail in 2011 I had a vision of that remembering implant in right hand and is red blinking light and base of neck medula. My head shocks me, yes a psychic told me I am of Lucifer and that is BS and am Archangel Michael , lower form of him that is true. Look at other writings on here.
Dear Melinda,
Monday, November 27, 2023
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Thursday, November 23, 2023
The Notebook Video , After All by Peter Cetera and Cher for Ginger Phillips McCulloch COOK
New Earth Vs New World Order - Higher and Lower Timelines NWO is evil faked by old world order, new earth isn't
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Monday, November 20, 2023
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Friday, November 17, 2023
Urantia Book - Paper 6 - Section 1 (Identity of the Eternal Son) youtube.com/@michaelcookEmmanuelALL
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Monday, November 13, 2023
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Michael's Blog: Why am I hearing speaker noise in my ears that big...
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Tony Beckley -- Villain in When A Stranger Calls 1979 he died in 1980
Not many people know who he is, Tony Beckley, he died after making his last role as a bad guy psycho in when a stranger calls in 1979 in 1980 I believe.
He was terminal ill when making when a stranger calls, he did a excellent job, the opening seen in beginning was best scary beginning that left me with looking everywhere in the house from watching that horror movie, like how Curt Dunkan hid in closets and where ever else, he is mysterious how he gets in character's houses, and the kids being killed 2 little kids and they did not even know they were dead for hours after JILL JOHNSON the baby sitter arrived and parents of kids left, no noises or screaming, he probably put his handover their mouths, how brutally they were murdered, ripped apart by this man with his bare hands and played in their blood, all over him, he was so sick twisted in this movie, and he looked like a crazy psychopath and acts like one, he was dying from cancer but other places say he had HIV/aids I don't know but in respect to him, I say its sad that the talented actor had to die so young, 50 about, he is one of my favorite actors as a villain and celebrity and is overlooked where he is buried, no one brothers to check out legacy of this awesome actor, doing such a great acting job when super ill terminally ill from cancer the aids conspiracy theory is false.
I wrote this short note here to honor him and as I watched that movie when a stranger calls when I was a kid in 90s I thought it wasn't too full of action, yes when I learned what it was doing, super creepy start and tense moment when he comes out of room upstairs, and his voice and other things made this movie creepy and scary especially the ending with Jill Johnson in bed and he was there and the private detective got a call Jill had a police incident involving Curt Dunken and when he tried calling the line was basically why the detective showed up at the house in end and shot him 3 times Curt with a 38 special snubnose revolver 6 shooter.
May he rest in peace, I watched the movies remake one too and When a stranger calls back from 1993 with original people in it, both are good, the remake from 2006 is just girl in house and what happens with a sadistic killer who killed a bunch of kids and baby sitters and JILL JOHNSON in remake stopped the psycho path is remake but best is original to me anyways, I like all 3 movies but 1979 is best one but its worth watching all 3, When a Stranger Calls 1979, When a Stranger Calls Back 1993 s under rated and good as first actually better! and remake in 2006. I say they need to remake this movie again and change somethings around and make it super creepy but I doubt that will happen.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Monday, November 6, 2023
The Best Horror Sequel?! "Over the Under-Rated" Jill Schoelen on 'When a stranger calls back
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Amy Grant scams that people tried on me and lost money
Amy Grant has a alot of people using her good name for "scams" from fraudsters pretending to be her or her manangment. First in 2017, @amygrrant on twitter and @amygrant735 profiles were there , @amygrant765 messaged me, I have no idea how they knew I LOVED AMY GRANT'S music mostly all of it, this account I thought was real and she said "When I am in your home zone (where I reside) she wanted to invite me for to hang out and eat a dinner sort of like a private secret meet and greet.
Then @amygrrant on X twitter, messaged me about a suit case $100,000 value, she by scammer wanted to find someone to store this with and for the effort on doing all this I could keep $20,000, it seems like real as hell, until the so called "security" company was going to bring it here after all back ground checks and all that jazz, Illuminati was reason I was hit with scammer, I never told no one I even listened to Amy Grant like Baby Baby, christian music as well that she does and did since a kid I am 39 yrs old born in 1984 in April on 10th, she kept on saying I had to pay for delivery of her suitcase and how this scam ran with security company was closing that branch and needed someone "trust worthy" to hold this stuff of hers except $20,000 to help me become a new person and help more or less. I felt like it was a test, they wanted money I said I am sorry I don't have it I told them both. And she found out I sent a tweet to official Amy Grant account on twitter to warn the real one that someone was using her good name to commit these horrible scams on people like myself who are vulnerable mentally.
Then in 2021 I had a run in on youtube with Amy Grant official channel typing comments to me as fan community on google on chat she started, she kept saying how was I doing, and told this one scammer or not about other run ins with her involved. She knew I was super broke and poor on SSI and they preyed on me for my love of her as a singer and music and being a celebrity, I talked to real celebrities before as Illuminati when I was in it active not not bad one, Just a name like this site here, but anyways she kept saying why the delay for $250 for one VIP package for meet and greet, then she dropped it down to $100 and I got took for $100 sent via Paypal to some name, I have all this info stored on computers and cell phones. All communications , I said I get it someone was playing me for the love I have for Amy Grant as a singer and all that and person she is wonderful person, I said I know its a scam, and nothing will change my MIND.
She responded "Lol when we meet, during the meet and greet, trust me all your doubts will be resolved." like meaning urban meaning of sexual activity meet and greet and NDA. I wish to God I could meet real Amy Grant to tell her how her music saved me from severe problems and loneness and how upbeat it made me. that was in 2021 and she disappeared as some kinda accident. Google Chat has all the stuff where I was going through a mental break down and was confused and had strong strong feelings to meet her like she said, I have no life and she said I could hang out with her during her back singing here and there and back on feet again, it seemed legit as $100 to show I at least tried to help a poor kid. Fan package she wanted to send and meet and greet meeting place and what happens during after she said that "all my doubts will be resolved) lol when we meet, during the meet and greet, trust me all doubts will be gone. They played my lonelness and all that over a stupid fake donation, they complained I was to speckticle and had no reason to be, they got $100 from me and she just quit messaging me but I pulled it back chargeback on card.She wanted gift cards and pictures of receipts and all she cared about was delay and bullshit, I thought it was real I was so lost when I got a 4th time on youtube someone used her account and put a note to me that some woman in 4th dimension was using a evil mirror to attack me and prayed it was done and gone and 2 charities to donate to.. I was like how do ppl know I love Amy Grant so much I told no one! Be careful about anything I told you here if it happens to you brothers and sisters, Christ will protect us from bad evil and scammers and all the crazinenss in this world right now we need the help, all the help we can get.
I WISH @realamygrant would find this writing and old ones I had from back yrs ago. maybe I would get real meet and greet and actually maybe see Vince Gill on top of it all! It would be a experience of a life time if I met her or him, favorite artist in gospel and pop music.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Monday, October 30, 2023
Carol Kane on 'When A Stranger Calls'
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Friday, October 27, 2023
The Sitter (1977 Short Film) When a stranger calls prequel
THE NWO is a trick done by CABAL Not Illuminati to make them causes of conspiracy theories
The cabal is old world order, and is doing or trying to do a NWO but it is not a new world order, except more the same old world order bs, centralized bank in every country,facism,racism,communism,confederate and north as one,government mafia, by social engineering uses harassment electric equipment on citizens and they are black/dark fake named "illuminati" secret police, they record every call, everything is planned out as false flag attacks and incidents and more bs of old world of no more religion or mentally ill people they attack all that go against capitalism and cabal satanists and pedophiles, these people mental and minority and white people will be saught out and drove as "Targeted Individuals" claim I need not say here what they all go through as me I go through it all as well, Satanic Temple is proof of satan's ugly face, and removing GOD from schools and putting programs from Satanic Temple in schools!
This is it people of q, its the tribulations and rapture in spiritual meaning not literal meaning. There are a few people who were part of conspiracy theory who have it just right, Redpilltheworld Melissa and others, conspiracy became conspiracy FACT, this is a physical and spiritual war between satans and demons and their minions on earth like Biden crime family and government (shadow government mafia) CIA and NSA and Homeland Security and your all walled in and cannot get out once they make their play, your either with us or against us meaning you wish to remain a free citizen or you stand up and fight for your birth right you never received and civil war if needed by militias formed if all else fails we the people are the ones they are afraid of especially us spiritually gifted beyond human beings demigod beings and we all have power of Christ within as we are all oneness or you go along like a sheep to the slaughter house as cabal told you too with mind control via dumb phones for dumb asses all day obsessing over social media government sites like Facebook Meta and X Twitter used to be not no more, Mr Musk fixed the free speech problem on that platform.
Do you agree this is end of their end of their ways and world? and will you fight if needed to protect your future generations in freedom or sit and do nothing and bury your head in the sand, do research people! ALL is FAKE and history is fake as well made up horse shit what about "Her-Story", the Divine Feminine will cause massive changes in collective and bad days are soon to be left behind if you fight cabal and brain washing and religions trap of that and tv and CELL phones which mean your tracked and spied on, no privacy, deep state cabal is bad Illuminati I say that so you get it, but truly Illuminati isn't behind these massacres cabal deep state is, the fed, the whole system needs crashed and burnt and REAL Illuminati wants to do just that! End all false religions made to control everyone, replace politicians with Meritocracy Party and we need EQUILIBRIUM between people of different religions and need balance and get rid of hated of gay or transgender people stopped, we are human gods (John 10:34) (psalm 82) KJV NIV as well so be as Father/Mother All in All wishes you to be, justice will be served by Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Michael of Nebadon) 611,121st version of Father and Eternal Mother Son in Urantia Book. All is one,cosmic consciousness is happening and people are waking up to the bullshit they are fed and shut fake news off, but them ppl still wearing masks are fools you cannot change no matter how you explain the truth to them, let the dead bury the dead meaning hell with them kind of people no hope for them besides GOD waking them up.
The FBI and CIA are in with Biden Crime Family & Obama & Right to bear arms infringed
https://x.com/wendyp4545/status/1717568379026842103?s=20 Also below, deep state made it appear as 3rd picture says about shootings in schools and right to bear arms they are taking that right away illegally