
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Reincarnated Highly Evolved Beings "Gods" IAM One with Source and am all, are you IAM to?

 Organic human machines are Gods in physical form as Gods cannot exist in physical form without your's and my forms. They are not separate forms that are not human but actual physical forms of the Gods who have been stripped from their memories of being Gods so that the Gods can bind them in slavery or illusion. It does not bother the Gods that we will one day know who we are because it is all of us who do not know who we are in this Circle of Life that does their bidding. Once we again realize ourselves as Gods we will be them and it will matter not that we have awakened. Just as we as human beings evolve form and to eternity so too do the Gods - through us. Where were you one hundred years ago before you had incarnated into this present world of physicality? Again - you were Gods who did not remember that you were Gods. You created things - or should I say you recreated things that existed before with one difference. Those ruling loves you possess now are not the same ruling loves you possessed in prior incarnations into this world we presently reflect on. And with new ruling loves comes new manifestations ever so different from prior manifestations of what appears to be all the same things as in past lives. But even slight differences cause your world to gradually become more and more evolved and different from past lives. Indeed you create your world by knowing or believing you can create that which you seek in life while at the same time those who fear those things you co-create in your world create those things as well - again with slight differences. So creation comes not only from intentions of what we want in life but also from the fears of things others do not want in life - in a way that we are co- creators with those who do not wish for the same things we wish for. By those creating the same things over and over again out of fear and doubt one comes to interact with said things in live simply because they lose those fears they once had because it is staring them in the face and they become curious - or for other reasons that allow them to interact with their fears. Either way all things of this world have been created - and recreated over and over again from the very first time you in fact created them in prior incarnations in this reality. Because it is you who have created all things in this world it is you who must put them off again and cease the recreation process of everything you no longer wish to see or interact with in this world. You cannot do it in an instant because you did not create it in an instant based on time and space. Indeed in reality you did create all things in an instant but because you imagined those past creations from things previously created by other "you's" it did not make sense to you in your reality that in fact you just recreated what was already there - but with all the slight differences you brought to the table of creation. Therefore you cannot just un -create anything in this present reality as one would assume a God could do. Yes instant manifestation in the Celestial and spiritual realms is very possible but not in the physical realm where all creation is stretched out over increments of time that create the illusion of time and gradual change. Therefore if you wish to change your present world you must do so in a gradual manner so as to allow for all things - all change (in increments) to fall into place according to universal change. Things will not just disappear as soon as you wish them to no longer exist because many other versions of you exist in this vibration or timeline - and they too must come to conform to your wishes. So say you have fifty little spheres floating in the air - and each of these spheres is a human being. All spheres are either attracted at any given moment based on their ruling loves and affections at the exact moment - or they are repelled or separated according to dislikes or different ruling loves and affections. As you - being one of these human spheres as you come to hate or dislike a material something - ruling love - or set of affections in life and begin to no longer create or manifest these affections of material things those other human spheres will gradually begin to float away from your bubble or sphere - and if you continue this repelling of said things for a long enough period of time eventually all human spheres who once shared the same ideas as you and according to those things you no longer wish or love - they will all float away and move on to other spheres who share common interests. Just it it works this way with all spheres so too is this how it works with all forms - including humans - who are also made up of spheres.

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