
Monday, March 6, 2017

The Law of Love or Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is all about love, its what religions call "God" its what holds everything together and like attracts like so if your in fear or irritated you will attract people places and things to make you severely more of those negative feelings. Its all in how you feel and think. Know this you are infinite source and also part of the macrocosm or the whole universe is in you. Also know that whatever it is you want already exists in the universal storehouse or feminine principle of knowing. To get anything you want you simply must think about what you have CHOSE from the universe knowing its already yours and use your feelings while thinking about what you want and really feel good about it and imagine doing things with said desire all the while feeling it like your ALREADY HAVE IT. Feelings are the whole key to the law of attraction you MUST FEEL GOOD PERIOD AND BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE IN YOUR LIFE EVERYDAY WITH ALL YOUR BEING AND THE THINGS YOUR ALSO WANTING AS WELL. That is the secret of the secret your feelings you must feel good and joyful and excited everyday. Know this a positive thought is hundreds of times more powerful then a negative thought so if you generally happy you cannot be thinking negative thoughts at the exact same time as that would contradict the law of love. Love your self and know you and all others are ONE and know there is no lack of anything in the world. There is an infinite supply of love,things,people and cars and money.

To those individuals who feel just "okay" you consider that a good feeling it really is not a good feeling but if they got you on some kind of mental medication or other medication that takes away your feelings you may feel nothing but with the power of love or law of attraction all things are possible. Know in your heart you have already have enormous power within you and be grateful to be able to be do or have anything you want.

Also know this fear attracts things like a magnet as does love. These are the 2 universal poles of love what love is and love's opposite "fear".  Me myself I am afraid or in fear about sharing my feelings with other people or talking to them or even saying " I love you " to my own family but not to a girl friend isn't that strange. You can and will use this law to change your life and know this you are one with life and life is God and God is love so in reality love is all there really is fear had to be created for us all to exist to be able to experience love which is unconditional love not conditional love based like in religious mythology. Remember have no doubts in your mind let no thoughts of doubt to enter you mind or bad feelings when they come think of something that you love be it whatever it maybe to shift your whole day. Once you get on a role start writing things down everyday that your grateful for until you have an attitude of total gratitude for things like your clothes, shoes car if any, your perfect eye sight or the glasses or contacts that enable you to see. I have used this law of attraction to attract small things and I live around some very negative individuals who complain all day about everything and are ungrateful you reap what you sow with your thoughts words and deeds. So you can imagine how difficult it is to remain positive around negativity but I do. I know I will receive whatever it is I ask for from the universe because the universe is one with me and all others. You need to be in love with life be glad for all other's abundance and you'll attract that to you but you must really feel it with all your heart since all is one you and all people are you know this at heart level and you will never be jealous or envious again of what a rich person has and you apparently don't. What they have, you have in the invisible realm. Everything that has ever been created has ALREADY BEEN CREATED. There is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN meaning the spiritual sun in 4th density, The best read for changing your life is The Kybalion or "Divine Magic" by Doreen Virtue a new up to date version for beginners who don't understand the origiinal kybalion. I am studying the kybalion and find new wisdom in it all the time. You find very few good books on hermetics unless you join a secret society or read up in the golden dawn books available which I am doing right now. I'm using the law of attraction to make me the best I can be in the golden dawn tradition as far as the books can take me without joining a order. I was a member of the OTA but I let my membership lapse due to the living conditions living with parents who are christians and anyone who knows what this is like trying to do occult work or even meditate they think your into satanism the law of attraction changed all that for me as they don't bother me no more with that so if your ready to change your life use the law of attraction now.

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