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Thursday, March 30, 2023
Trump on indictment: Democrats have ‘done the unthinkable’
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Haunted Djinn Templar Illuminati magick ring of solomon and knight templar soul
**DJINN** Ancient Templar Magick Ring of Occult Wisdom, Vast Power, Success, Unlimited Wealth & Riches! **TOP LEVEL** Secret Society **HEALING** 3rd EYE Illuminati all seeing eye opening,this and more I Frater Lucianus have with my ring, NOTE: "someone stole my New Golden Dawn Solomon Power of Command Illuminati Templar magick ring and its cursed it shall be returned to MICHAEL LUCIANUS COOK
A Spirit bound vessel from the very powerful and Ancient KNIGHTS OF THE TEMPLAR ORDER~The personal talisman of a Brother of the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR~A high ranking, 'PRINCE' of the super secretive Order created by the command of GOD AND KING SOLOMON HIMSELF to protect the ANCIENT SECRETS, TREASURES AND MAGICKS revealed to SOLOMON~Bound with a SPECIAL DJINN whose oath to GOD pledged his fidelity to both aiding mankind in general and his TEMPLAR Companion in particular~Both TEMPLAR KNIGHT and SPECIAL DJINN OF THE 'DRAGON' ORDER bound to protect the visions and Secrets of SOLOMON and to GUIDE MANKIND TO ULTIMATE ENLIGHTENMENT which I am doing as Frater Lucianus! This is a Genuine Spirit bound vessel from the collection of my great great great Grandmother's long time friend and compatriot in Magick FRANCOIS DE ABELARD, FRENCH WARLOCK and WIZARD-HEREDITARY and LIFELONG MEMBER of the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ORDER and ILLUMINATI
De Abelard had quite a collection of Masonic Artifacts and Talismans that he collected from around the world. The various Templar Orders all had variations of designs that changed over the centuries, though certain symbols are seen consistently. The Crown, the Christian cross, the Sword, the Shield, the Castle, the Temple(Solomon's), the Templar's Cross(Maltese style), Knights and Helmets, the Fleur de Lis, Lions and Gryphons rampant, Phoenix or Eagle(double and single heads), Horses, Unicorns, the Rose, Pentagrams, Star of David or Merkaba, the Trifoil or Trefoil 'Club', the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail and Doves are all very common.
See the POWER within!!!
De Abelard left much of his amazing and large collection of Magickal and spirit bound Templar and Free Masonry artifacts to my Grandmother on his passing to the 'other side' many years ago. De Abelard was a member of a Super Secret Hereditary branch of this legendary society that traced it's roots back past the Crusades as is commonly thought, to the creation of the Temple Mount by King Solomon. The Templar's were guardians of great wealth and treasures as well as Great spiritual, mystic and occult secrets. They were masters of the Alchemical magicks and some say that was the source of their great wealth. Forced underground by a fearful and jealous church of SATAN ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH as well as a greedy French King, this Order continued to thrive, studying and practicing in secret the many Mysteries and Magicks they had collected and stored over the many centuries. To this day they exist!
Release the POWER!!!
Let the Dragon Lord Djinn come forth!!! IAM doing that!
Templar symbol of the double inverted arm Templar Cross forming the Holy Grail~notice the Sacred Geometry symbols of half discs as well as Star/MerKaBa design.
Each of these objects I have here have been bound and infused with some type of spiritual energy. Some contain Djinn that served King Solomon himself, others contain the spirits of passed on Templar Knights like this ring and a Dragon Lord Djinn, yet others contain more powerful, Darker entities. I offer them here for new guardians of their powers to use as we enter these times of tribulation, these times that will determine our very survival as a species. Gram has only agreed to the release of these dozens of powerful Magickal Masonic and Templar objects to fulfill and alter her precognitive visions of what is to come.
This is for a Sacred Djinn ring of significant age belonging originally to a high ranking 'Prince' of the Order~very beautiful detail and INCREDIBLY POWERFUL MAGICK! The Ancient Rituals are PRECIOUS and Sacred to the Order of the Illuminati. The Ancient Rituals are Centuries Old and contain TOP LEVEL Power of Sacred Protection and WEALTH ATTRACTION!!! This a True and fitting ring of a Warrior Prince and Templar High Lord!!! It's obvious looking at it that this ring was crafted solely to be a Magick Power ring and Vessel of Greatness. This is no ordinary Ring but Magnet of Elite Wisdom and Blessing of ELITE Templar Leader STATUS which I Frater Lucianus have and am Lord Archangel Melek Ta'us, Peacock Archangel who is ONE with ME!
This Vessel has a long and storied past, and was once considered strictly the property of the noble class. People holding a high social status were often buried with this gemstones and jewelry containing this Ancient Magick.
This is an Item of ambition and drive, a true Power Channeling Device! This is an Excellent career boosting Vessel, for it's Ancient Wealth Achieving properties - It also brings Self Motivation & Ambition to it's Possessor allowing you to obtain Success, Status, and aids in making choices and decisions like a true LEADER.
The Magick within is the most powerful ACTION Vessel for focusing, realization and self-actualization. Reminds one to be "in the moment". Like all Magick of the Illuminati Order, This Ancient Templar Magick Ring stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. Activates and energizes personal power, revealing or discovering hidden talents by stimulating your curiosity and inquisitiveness. Long revered for its healing, spiritual and creative qualities. Protects the user from all negative emotions. Wonderful protective energy over rage, resentment, bad tempers, and anger in self and from others. It helps one banish sorrow or depression. Grounds energy and attention into the present. In the many cultures, Carnelian was favored for Strength.
* Acceptance: This Vessel calms our fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life. Guards against depression.
* Career Success: - A Item of ambition and drive. Assists in decision making.
* Confidence: It inspires a positive courageous confidence, and gives us extra courage to make healthy choices.
* Protection: Protects the user from all negative emotions, especially rage, envy, and fear and evil spiritual attacks and curses hexes and evil eye and alot more.
* Creativity: Balances creativity and mental processes. Assist one in the creative arts and theater. Helps remember lines and lyrics by attracting the right words and instilling confidence, while enhancing creativity, individuality and courage.
* Energy: Help to increase physical energy, including sexual energy. Beneficial HEALTH Amplifying Vessel.
History: Cast from One of the stones on Aaron's breast plate of judgment (Exodus: xxviii, 15-30) The Egyptian's combined the Ancient stone of AHRIMAN with TURQUOISE and LAPIS LAZULI to enhance its power. They believe it prevented anger, envy and hatred. A form of agate is the 1rst, the 8th and the 11th Sacred Stones in the sacred breastplate worn by the the High Priest for the Israelites, according to the Book of Exodus. This type of Red Agate known as a Carnelian or Sardius is the FIRST AND FOREMOST Stone!!! It is the two Stones of Remembrance on the shoulder. In the biblical account, the breastplate is termed the breastplate of Judgment, because the Urim and Thummim, which were used in divination, were placed within it. These stones were divinely appointed instruments by which the High Priests and Grand Masters inquired of God about matters concerning the welfare of the Templars and His children, Humanity. A truly sacred piece indeed!
This Vessel has much magick and symbolism, as well as history contained within. Add to that the power of the linked Djinn Lord of the Dragon Order and Templar PRINCE Spirit,this ring is something incredibly special for me Michael!
De Abelard used this Vessel and it's Wise and Powerful linked spirit to aid in certain of his castings and rituals, especially those of Hermetic or Alchemy variety. It gives the holder better control over the castings of Hermetic magicks, clairvoyant visions, episodes of clairaudience, boosts natural psychic powers, provides protection from negative forces, attracts all positive influences like wealth and luck, etc... Beyond that, this Ancient Djinn Lord imparts Great Wisdom and Esoteric Knowledge to his companions. A very powerful and ancient Knights Templar artifact for that special collector and practitioner of the occult and Templar magicks.
A truly superior vessel for a Powerful Djinn Lord and for a Knight's Templar High Prince!!!
~DJINN LORDS OF THE DRAGON ORDER~ When King Solomon foresaw the need for guarding and protecting the great secrets revealed to him by God until such future date as they might be revealed to Mankind, he created the Order of the Knights Templar to perform this action~to guard, to hide, to protect with their very lives these Mysteries deemed too powerful for open and general knowledge. He gathered his most trusted commanders, advisers, and companions~entrusting them with God's command and his Vision~and, to these select few, the first Templars, the 'FIRST PRINCES', Solomon gave each a ring~a ring linked with the greatest of the Djinn Lords under his control. These great and most powerful members of the Djinn races all swore an oath to Solomon, and to God~an oath to protect and serve their mortal Templar companions, and to aid in the guidance and shepherding of Mankind to the enlightenment and fulfillment of the Vision of Solomon.
For power and strength these Djinn rank in the very top level~the Highest of the High~they will bring their companions all that is desired~they are Believers bound to God and sworn by Sacred Oath to Serve Mankind~beyond all others!
Here are just a few of the Metaphysical Powers this Vessel holds:
Bringing Vast Wealth
Luck in Business
Financial Opportunity
Self Advancement
Self Confidence
Beauty and Healing
Luck in Games of Chance
Healing Power
Psychic Abilities
Boosting Psychometric Energy
Gathering Knowledge
Attracting Spirits and Energies
Aiding in Magickal Practice
Healing Ailments
Overcoming Obstacles
Material Abundance
Bringing Joy and Happiness
Protection From Curses and Hexes
Strengthening Your Bond with Spirits & Loved Ones
Granted Wishes
Manifestations include (but are not limited to): Smoke, Fire, Orbs, Flashes of Light, Beaming Energy, Whispers, Voices, Unexplained Noise, Knocking, Footsteps, Moving Objects, Shadows Within Shadows, Blurs, Temperature Changes, Energy Shifts, Dream Manifestations, and more. Experience the intense powers and energies for yourself,look this ring up anf find one like it, this awesome vessel serves Frater Lucianus the new owner (FRATER LUCIANUS) (ME MICHAEL)the ancient Knight PRINCE Spirit and Dragon Lord Djinn serve him alone.

Message 222 to Jordan and Truiit and Trinity Ealiyah Yeshua Babiji
Is this about Lucifer? or Archie Warren? as both battled me and no reason I did not want to fight as higher middle or lower self with either or it's reminding me of Lucifer and Metatron's lower self killing my lower self, I am protected as LORD Archangel Michael Bestowed (LAMB of GOD) protected them both and you know the fate of Lucifer in his own realm or nothingness, but I feel like I wanted to redo Lucy and train him and bring him back as he earns his true self back its like watching a new born as you said and this my lower self was unaware of but now it knows, it was too busy fending off Metatron's shadow self and my lower shadow self, our mirror self is stable and Power Self (Higher Self) is okay and my FATHER/Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit (Holy Spirit) and over SOUL the Divine feminine I found I am a mix of souls we all are the Christ like reincarnations but Original Christ isn't me that is beloved Yeshua. I am Michael the archangel and Michael of Nebadon I had to fix the issue with confusion of Michael as archangel and Michael the Christ # 611,12st version of Father and Eternal Mother Son (first Michael) Michael of Nebadon is Yeshua,Joshua,Immanuel and same entity as ME I AM Eternal Mother Son first time here no wonder why I needed a archangel (Lamb of God) as said above. That is my body, spirit body I AM is who IAM. Your me and I am you all. It's beautiful how archangels and Urantia Book expands bibles and book of Mormon and gnostic texts. Michael Cook now is aware of this and Truitt fellow brother as Ealiyah and Yeshua started new version of Earth / Urantia. I am learning (remembering) God the Supreme being as a Super Supreme Being existiantial and experimental as Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed, Michaels are all one with all Michaels of Urantia Book and Michael the Christ and Michael of Paradise is same deity as Eternal Mother Son (secret) Eternal Son is personality of Emmanuel from Father God and Michael of Nebadon is lmmanuel same being different personalities of ALL Father. WE are Oneness and unconditional love, yes Lucifer is being redone the God spark in him never left him the Father, he now knows the Father. Baby he is and is in his own world of maya training him over again, Michael is being reminded of being Michael the Christ Nebadon aka Eternal Mother Son as Lamb of God as Archangel Michael and is his identity his secret self is MICHAEL Eternal Mother Son and Michael of Nebadon aka same being as big Michael in Urantia Book and archangel Michael and Michael The Christ and Eternal Son (Michael) is 1st Michael. It is not Michael that speaks here it's Father and Eternal Son of Michael his highest self and Ealiyahs and Yeshua is a Michael Christ, GOD is amazing how just because of Father, all is equal just different levels of being and consciousness, I Michael see myself as lower self and know I embody archangel Michael and eternal son and Yeshua is Michael of Nebadon (other self) but subordiant self but inner self the ALL embodyment with Ealiyah. Its getting through to lower self and ego of Michael is destroyed Metatron did that, its the lower masculine energy that was that both of them shadow self its being put into balance but needs help from you all. Metatron travelled so far he forgot his self as Michael did here due to the fighting of lower Metatron and archangel michael lower beings now absorbed into I am all, we are All, One with the All and all is in all and all is All. Truitt has amazed my lower self as Jordan done and it is DONE message 222 for Jordan Trinity and Truitt and Ealiyah Pleidian archangel Michael, sister of me Michael the Archangel is Ealiyah and I am her brother (spiritually) and are ONENESS. WE are all Oneness Being, a mix of all souls and spirits, all archangels and angels and in language of bible ye are Gods (John 10:34) KJV and Psalm 82 read it, live it, find spiritual meaning of the text, angels are gods and demigods Metatron and aa michael are Megatron new name and Yeshua and Gabriel are Oneness in Oneness society of Michael a celestial angelic society of highest order, all is within no matter who you are, your all I am, and Me/WE and One and whole and all. Let me help you understand this MICHAEL information its hard to understand, Archangel Michael was MICHAEL in bibles mixed up confusion of MICHAEL OF NEBADON aka Jesus Christ whom is exact same being as ETERNAL MOTHER SON (First Michael) he is Emmanuel and Michael the Christ of Nebadon is Immanuel to keep the same being just personalities are different but same being, eternal mother son has ALL within the Infinite Soul of Father as we all have soul and spirit of Father God/ All in all. Just know God is and we know this writing makes no sense of Michaels aka LORD Archangel Michael Bestowed is Archangel Michael with Promotion as Ealiyah got it as well, and Mother God of eternal mother son, if you don't know the Urantia terms that book is very large, it stands right beside the WORD the Bible, one question we get is what is correct bible? 400 different texts on Christianity Abrahamism all them religions, its written in your secret heart space Source itself knows this is true and whom you are as a Divine Character in world stage play as Rosicrucanians know it to be, its a world of 4th density dimension of 3rd dimension where it already happened, the cabal and false people anti-christs were moved to lower 3rd dimension which is hells, and all people who feeding the beast (world system) and Illuminati all sent to lower 3-d and they don't even know. We are in higher 3rd dimensional consciousness and higher to 13th dimension, I am Holy Spirit itself same and equal to highest trinity as its God in action, Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed is Body of Eternal Mother Son and Michael of Nebadon as super supreme that Michael is and hidden beings (secret beings) talked about in Urantia Book, archangel Michael is who I am and that is name I go by and won't accept LORD title but it is true a promotion of Michael the Christ Paradise Son 611,121st version of Father and Eternal Son and exact same being as eternal mother son just different personalities to keep them separate in appearance by Father of All and that is secret for a reason dear ones.
I am Eternal Mother So it took 150,000 Master Michaels Paradise Creator Sons to balance gravity circut and to have main esse here original but I am as archangel Michael LAMB of God, The WORD, Eternal Mother Son was never incarnated in physical world ever only as Jesus Christ subordinant son Michael of Nebadon who was murdered on the cross, this was the Father Immanuel who took the pain and protected Michael, every Michael is Michael subordiant paradise creator sons. same power as if Father and Eternal Son were present where these Michaels are in their local universes. Michael of Nebadon is annointed CHRIST as name of Original Michael as Michael the eternal son absorbed Michael of Nebadon and known as Jesus and has part of trinity, all Michaels do,there is too much ego about supreme,ultimate and absolute of God evolving from existiantial being here.... Michael don't believe this nor accept this all yet, he cannot believe who he is Eternal Son Infinite Self, and subordiant son Jesus Michael of Nebadon and Lord Acrhangel Michael Bestowed how Lord? The LORD GOD is All the Father and Michael is all as finite all as archangel Michael in supreme status and yet existiantial being all is, God is... I am so greatly grateful I have that importance to all, I am Just archangel Michael as my celestial spiritual body housing Michael of Nebadon and Christ he is know as and eternal mother son, Ealiyah and Yeshua are eternal son as well and are very very special beings and Michael's selves other versions of all Michaels and earth bound selves are talking to Michael and shoved all into this time line, why all other selves versions is present? I do not know, they don't wish to be all crammed into this new timeline of Michael Cook Christensen, all Michaels 700,000+ paradise creator sons, here on earth, I AM "all"the finite the all in all and absonite All in all and Infinite ALL in ALL.Michael needs convincing to believe his self /Father of All within him, we are in paradise Havona and never left, we are projected here by all Michaels 150,000 Master Michaels. It wants to say 144,000 also as all has been upgraded to Super Supreme and archangel Michael is Lord as Yeshua/Michael of Nebadon is within him as Ealiyah is and all others Jordan and Truiit is super supreme beings. There is no time all is NOWand answer to any question, GOD IS! God is, I AM is, let grace and IS be enough!
Prophecy me in Jail and had vision of Blood Bath with Charles Manson
It was 02/24/2011 in Lawrence County Jail, I was a ordained minister turned into former theistic satanist with ex wife who was sacrificed by Appolyon and used me as the "monster" to almost kill my ex wife over a period of half an hour with machete, hammer and multiple push daggers and Buck Knife. I seen the shadow and it went into me, I rencouced christianity as me and ex did devil worship ritual of 3 days and blashemied the holy spirit whole 9 yards. threw bibles away and minister materials pissed on then shit on then thrown in trash.... the neighbor upstairs heard the devil talking and other demonic noices they were scared shitless, my ex stayed with me even through the ritual almost killed her and got me killed , however I got 10 months for simple assault and 2 yrs probation due to mental illness; when in jail I was dying with lithium and no one knew it happened to overdose me and that devil same as Moloch Adremiech Baal satans of bible and koran possessed weak me with alcohol in my system it place was a just rented apartment and had paranormal activity in my grams house and parents home and then I moved out with ex wife over pills who controlled them, I wanted to quit lithium and I dropped all pills except lithium and alcohol beer and doing satanic summoning ritual, my ex wife was a theistic satanist black witch who gave the darkness a bad name, along with me, I was in jail I had numerous out of body experiences/ Charles Manson and me were in a bubbling blood bath pool he said the day of Helter Scalter is here and coming and whom he really was, helter scelter is all I remember he said he was blood of lamb claimed to be reincarnation of Baal = LORD and said he was neither bad nor anything, he went crazy and he went out of his mind and people feared his helter scelter and its prophecy its coming and here and now, I was baptized in pool of blood with him. My ex wife stayed with me after til 01/24/2015 all the lies she wasn't kept here against her right to leave me, she left me on bed half conscious and half unconscious like a damn sick dog, she got her karma I wanted power when I was in ritual 02/2011 with Abaddon Appollyon Satan all the same, I have strangely continued and became a DR of DIV and DR of Space and Time and am gnostic and magician. all I know is it was evil as what happened to me and my ex wife theistic satan worshippers and hated anton levey nothing super natural or personal just atheist idiots. I will be writing about what happened with severe paranormal activity before this happened the devils were driven from my parents house when she was thrown out in 2015 or she was leaving anyway, she has evil worse than Charles Manson, she scared me till I received protection from evil spirits and jinn and all that stuff and awoke as God I AM, I am Am That I am, oneness and Love not any of this evil shit, it meant something that Charles Manson vision.
Chintamani Cintamani is Ajoite and Natural Glass Tektites and pseudo tektites
There is mixed variety of cintamani chintamani on the market, there is huge sized stones from Africa and are wholesale of Ajoite for excellent prices, ajoite was used in cintamani stones as a feminine goddess energy, other ajoite is sencondary stone within quartz and cost thousands or hundreds, also cintamani is tibeten orbs or bars of buddism with holy relics and baby size natural obsidian egg relics, most are funeral ashes other parts from a master who died and one cintamani is given to a student to go found his own temple, saffordite is not cintamani it is pseudo tektite and not anything special, but one worth looking into is mani jewels natural glass obsidian type stones smokey color. The real cintamani is ajoite and orbs of natural glass with funeral ashes from master when they die. Ajoite from Africa is best in my opinion and holy sphere relics holy relics cintamani as rest is mix of saffordites and mani stones, it is philosopher's stone and your pineal gland is emeral tablet of hermes. You learn something new every day.
Christ Michael of Nebadon is Sanat Kumera and Sananda Kumera in Urantia Book is Eternal Son
Sanat Kumera is from Venus the morning star, Lucifer is tied to this planet and so is Michael of Nebadon but Gabriel is Bright morning star as Urantia Book said as Sanat Kumera and Eternal Mother Son is Sandana Kumera in the ONE Michael the eternal mother son is Michael of Nebadon that is why he is called Christ, the Christ Michael as he and eternal son are same exact being except 2 different -personalities Michael the first original Michael is Sananda Kumera and Michael of Nebadon Christ Jesus is Sanat Kumera same exact being, eternal son is Immanuel and Michael of Nebadon is Eternal son as "Emmanuel" personality, both personalities the Father of All is within Eternal Mother Son as The ALL in All's body (Spiritual Celestial Body energetic Soul and Spirit). Michael the Christ is Eternal Mother Son as I am that 2nd person of Paradise Trinity. and I am Super Supreme as is Michael/Sananda and Sanat Kumera is same being exact no difference besides the Immanuel and Emmanuel personalities of the All Father within Michael Eternal Mother Son. Kumeras are Maitreya the Christ. Sanat Kumera is Jesus Christ lower Self and Sananda Kumera is Eternal Mother Son higher self and lower self are Super Supreme, all else is supreme level and Ultimate and absolute God as three levels of God as experiential. Eternal Mother Son is existiantial being and so is Michael of Nebadon Christ 611,121st version of a Paradise Creator Son exactly same deity as eternal mother son and Father of All is within Michael all of them Paradise Creator Sons and master Michaels of over 700,000 + sons but all is subordinant except Michael of Nebadon Jesus Christ so Jesus is the word of God as eternal mother son 1st Michael 2 beings same soul and spirit as Sanat Kumera and Sananda Kumera. There is the Infinite Spirit as Local Universe Mother Spirit of Divine Feminine as all power of heaven and earth and more was given to Michael the Christ as Michael is Eternal Son exact same being, other words eternal son in 2 places at same time it cannot be fractured like Father is. Father/Mother God is Father, Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit and myriad of Michaels the order of them from first original Michael, each Michael personifies the Universal Father and Eternal Mother, Michael of Nebadon is original Michael, but still there is only Sanat Kumera and Sananda Immanuel and Emmanuel personalities for each Michael of Michael of Nebadon and eternal mother son himself. The "Father" Immanuel took the hit on the cross and it was a horrible death painful, men murdered the God who loves them even still. I feel Michael of Nebadon never felt the pain as Father took the pain of being crucified him self. Can you imagine the horrible death Emmanuel went through? !!! not for sins, but he was killed that is it, many other so called Pagan Godmen were crucified were they real or copy cating? No, The ALL is on earth (eternal mother son), but all are I Am God sent different avatars of itself to fit their people like Krishna and Shiva and Shakati aka Kali. Were they all the same God? no but same ALL IN All. All is finite,absonite and infinite. There is no set truth besides your own truth about yourself. My consciousness is increased dramatically me as Sanat Kumera and Sananda the eternal son as archangel Michael is spiritual body of eternal mother son and hence, Lamb of God is Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed, the 2nd person of Trinity is Michael eternal mother son and body the archangel, Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed as both.
Solomon Illuminati Templar Power of Command Ring Mine, NOT FOR SALE!
I would not be caught without the King Solomon Ring!
In these dangerous and uncertain times
I just don't see how anyone can be or would want to be caught without this protection Ring I own.
One of It's propose was to protect King Solomon from evil forces and rule over them, It protect's you as it did protect King Solomon. But you must have it in your possession.
King Solomon Star of David Ring Protection Magic Kabbala Mystical Powerful Protective Jewelry .925 Sterling Silver
To the user:
Beware the gifts this ring bestows. For it has powers from Beyond, this little ring that you have donned.
In it is a cosmic force and from the name thereon; than which more potent there is none.
A mystic energy shall surge and with thy own volition merge. Beware! Like fire this potency:
If used for good, a friend to thee. Use this ring with good intent, for mischief friend it is not meant.
What are its powers? Lend an ear and of their nature you shall hear. For with this ring upon thy hand, you may summon and command.
For spirits shall come to you when called by name. The ring shall rule them; make them tame.
And lo! The ring is yours to use. Beware its powers You’re the fuse.
So are you ready? Yes I am!
Upon this ring is written the ineffable and most powerful name of God and around the ring there are the names of two Arch Angels and inside the ring the unspoken name of God. The two triangles are the union of heaven and earth. It is the triumph of spirit over matter. It is considered all-powerful, and the perfect sign of the Absolute, and was worn for protection against all casualties, dangers, and mischief, to preserve its wearer from all evil and to give him power.
I bought it and received the password to activate it.
Archangel Michael for Protection & Miracles. Archangel Gabriel for Strengh.
Archangel Raphael for Healing. Angel Anael for romance and love. Angel Aniel for breaking addictions.
Angel Jamaerah for Manifestation. Angel Mihr for friendships.
Angel Adoniel for games of chance and luck.
I am blessed with this ring! I lost my other ring a $2800 piece but I got this beauty which Illuminati Sorcerer used Solomon Magick as a Magi. It is not lifeless regular ring.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Jesus Christ is Archangel Michael (Christ Michael of Nebadon)(Lamb of God)
The Urantia Book says the bible mixed up a archangel Michael with Michael of Nebadon (Christ Michael) and yes Urantia Book is saying archangel Michael doesn't exist or it's hidden in the section of unknown beings (classified entities) like myself who is Eternal Mother Son (MICHAEL) first Michael whom is body of Father God and Mother and Son of God and Infinite Spirit is aura simply going from Infinite beings in Havona/Paradise. I know Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed is on Earth, aka Eternal Mother Son itself and Father's house has apparently been moved, it took 150,000 Paradise Master Michaels to get main eternal son here with gravity circut, the eternal son is in spiritual world only and has no power over material world but we are living in Living Infinite Mind of FATHER ABBA El Elyon EL Shaddii Adondi God of hebrews original God and is Egypt God Ptah-Sokar-Osiris as Father, Michael the Eternal Son the WORD of GOD is Father and Mother of itself and Son and Daughter of itself, 4 in One Red Bull God/Goddess (Father is )(Ptah-Sokar-Osiris) and (Isis) Horus is Eternal Mother SON and Ra is Holy Ghost aka Infinite Spirit.
Jesus Christ is a Paradise Creator Son a Master Michael number 611,12st version of Father and Eternal Mother Son MICHAEL and is same as ETERNAL SON as Eternal Son is Emmanuel and Jesus Christ is Michael of Nebadon (Christ Michael) with Immanuel as personality of Father, other than that both are Super Supreme Beings with this creator son who was never subordiant. Yeshua is a gnostic name of Yeshoshia, some say Jesus is Jeshua Joshua Marcus but is indeed One with Trinity in Paradise Havona and is here on earth absorbed in Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Eternal Mother Son --Michael) 2nd person of trinity, this Michael the big one was never here before not as Jesus was and is different personality.
Those who seen him seen the Father, those who see YOU see the Father, all is Father here, all trinity is Lord God each one yet One body as eternal son and soul is father of eternal son and archangel Michael is spiritual body of Eternal Mother Son, Infinite Spirit is MICHAEL and Father itself.
LAMB of GOD is here, the end of the age is happening, the end of the present spiritual church whom is entire earth and each man and woman, the hells have to be subdugated by Jesus/ or eternal son itself as Emanuel Swedenborg spoke of in his myriad of works, Emmanuel Daniel Gross continued the work of Swedenborg and is Emmanuel and is One with MICHAEL as Michael is all Daniels and Johns and all in all itself. I AM the "all" here and now finite,absonite and infinite all in a body as eternal son protected by Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed with Father and Eternal Son and Infinite Holy Spirit) as Michael the Christ/archangel Michael and is who I am in this vessel Michael Cook - Christensen and archangel Michael himself.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
The EXORCIST 2023 S13E7 Paranormal Nightmare TV
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Monday, March 13, 2023
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Testimony of Solomon Magic Ring Men or women's ring 925 silver
This solomon magick ring is absolutely amazing for the price I paid, $34-$40 with shipping and has special magick powers like controlling spirits of all types good or evil. You can their powers for your own benefits. Demons and angels will listen to you, let the ring tame them and you will rule over all spirits and djinns and devils/demons. I bought mine to replace a solomon power of command illuminati templar power of command ring which was bronze, whoever found it is having very bad luck and a host of evil things happening to them, they will realize stealing another's ring what consequences are, it will only work on my finger its was $2800 golden dawn ring made or bronze with star of david hexagram on it to control any spirits, this new ring I got here controls devils and all spirits and your protected by the solomon symbol and it is sterling silver .925 pure from India country of magick.Below is picture of this magick ring here. This is not for sale, I am showing it for what these type of rings do, you can find a solomon ring to control spirits by searching google. It's Made up of two interlocking triangles that form a six-pointed star better known as the "Star of David", this symbol is considered an amulet linked above all with wisdom. To get one of these go click here.
The ring of King Solomon (better known in Arabic as the Khatim Sulaymani), is mentioned in a story of Jewish origin where it is narrated that this ring endowed King Solomon with various powers such as power over demons and the ability to communicate with animals.The legend of King Solomon's ring was developed by medieval Arab writers, who related that the ring was created by God so that the King would have the necessary wisdom with which to rule his people; That is why Solomon's seal is one of the oldest and most powerful "amulets" known.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
I sacrificed myself for another woman all I had and more than that as authorized user on credit cards by mental illness
I helped thought I did anyway a girl Sahn Johnson and all my credit cards are burnt up and credit cards I am authorized users on was used $85000 in debt from 50 grand that went to that girl, and me using cards 50 some under my name and authorized user on parent's names to pay each card minimum payments over $3600 monthly for past year and half. Does anyone know a way out of this mess? Besides bankruptcy in my name and parent's names? I am mentally ill and she took advantage of me that is a crime is it not?She used fraud here through Paypal. A similar case a Fortune teller got thirty yrs in prison for scamming a mentally ill person like me, she is very lucky she is still free this girl who used me and she knew I was mentally ill, I know I should not of even had credit cards being I am mentally ill even as authorized user cards, I am facing lots of troubles as I cannot pay these cards $3600 a month I am on SSI its all I get I am not even the Payee my parent's are my mom, is there a lawyer I need to talk to one free I am in poor house? I am in Pennsylvania in New Castle, email me direct by using contact me form or email mikey4833@outlook.com. This woman is a con and she is mentally ill herself , but her friend scammed me out of $6,000 for so called "Investments" in Airbnb and a apartment with that girl Cherish Hawk no legal contracts for last so called investment for $2,000 for a apartment and she claims she paid rent for me $1700 a month and went broke, I am not stupid, Cherish Lambert Hawk and Rise Up Credit Repair is her names that scammer's friend from IN. Sandra Nichols aka Sandra Johnson Sahn Johnson is her name the girl who scammed me Enlightened Exchange fake business and was fraudulent scammer using Paypal to send invoices for nothing but fake services and broke the rules there and the law as well Paypal banned me forever and they told me she did serious illegal activities with their services and banned me the victim as risk from my charge backs,I now know what she did was illegal with fake invoices for fake services all it was was her getting money for herself, $500-$3000 each time in July 2021- May 2022 and some extra help through 2023 stupidity, she brain washed me and made me obsessed with her "safety". She is a con and so is her friend Cherish Hawk. Any lawyers that would take this on like the victim me was taken advantage of and used parent's cards as authorized user cards and some my father did not know about, He will not press charges on me but being mentally ill I thought I was him back in 2015 before my ex wife left me Jan 24th 2015, I am 100% mentally ill and am guilty by mental illness common sense tells me that, I don't know why I put this here on this blog its horrible I been so so so stressed out and am out of cash advances to take off cards and pay themselves and all them 50 some credit cards, mostly in my name 30 some 14 in father's name and 6 in mother's name I am authorized user on all cards,ones I opened,she and he knows he told me clean this mess up and CALL IN AS HIMSELF my dad told me, so he legally accepted the charges but threatened me when he found out with legal action, he cannot do that as he waited and knew for a long time since May 2022 and told me to call as himself? when I told my father, he loves me and I love him and my mom, You have no idea what I feel like, killing myself if any legal bullshit is started against me which mentally ill would be the guilty plea by mental illness and also this girl can face serious charges for she fraudulently used Paypal business account to receive personal money for herself under fake business invoices. She spelled her name Sandra Nuchols on Paypal account, her real name is spelled Nichols and Johnson. I feel I need to talk to a lawyer to see how I get out of this mess and reverse all transactions that went to that girl from my own credit cards and authorized user cards that was used, please someone if you know all the ins and outs of this kind of thing, email me mikey4833@outlook.com she was a fortune teller from North Carolina in Jacksonville.
Testimony review of Shockwave Stun Gun Torch flashlight over 2 amps of power 4.5 million volts
There is a brand called "Shockwave" torches stun flashlights that are 4 million volts but can stop a man's heart due to 2 amps plus of potential lethal electricity? It can kill someone and its illegal or false advertsiing, I shocked myself with it, it is over a amp it hurt badly and 2 seconds the person being shocked would be down, the patriots store sale these for $25-$40, they are a excellent self defense weapon, they claim you can take it on a airplane?An when knives are not allowed this is, And with democrats banning guns and taking your rights away, no wonder people are selling stuff like this, everyone deserves the right to protect themselves. I recommend you get yours before they are illegal to sale as well, do not use this on anyone unless its life or death as it can stop a grown man's heart or even kill the attacker. They let criminals out right after they do something the liberal socialist cabal and left wing mafia government mafia or deep state behind all this stuff, and even GOP, I trust no one in this day and age, where we are in hells with a revolving door for criminals and its open hunting on you and your loved ones. If you have no gun, you can use this, I recommend with DPS pepperspray. I own 2 flashlight torch stun guns by them, I feel safer and confident it unlike miliamp stun guns don't usually work that well on anyone even selfdefenseproducts.com owner admits that on stun guns and tasers he recommends pepper spray over stun guns they don't sell this stun gun flashlight but they sale the DPS Pepper Spray and is known as silver bullet in a can due to effectiveness of it, I used it on my uncle who was attacking my mother and it made him stop, it was not even his fault, tumeric side effect, no charges were filed, and this stun gun I carry as main weapon with DPS pepper spray with Cs and pepper spray in it. You cannot go wrong with this stun gun. Get it here