
Monday, December 26, 2022

Facism of Parking tickets and booting cars and trucks - petty motoring laws Book of The Law

 Did not Aleister Crowley with Aiwaz/Aiwass predict "petty motoring laws" like we see on parking wars in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Detroit on TV as examples with Book of the Law and Thelema as a new aeon of the child was born April 1904 EV? Yes Horus is both Aeon of Isis and Aeon of Osiris into two making a child with new synthesis? But HORUS has hidden twin within, Harpacrates 2 aeons plus son with secret inner twin.

We believe everyone has the right to be free of menus's like parking tickets and booting cars and towing other people's property against their will and is this not robbery making people pay hundreds of dollars for a simple parking mishap and stupid tyranny in Philadelphia PA, Philladephia PA is evil trying to forcing people to live their way democrat ruled, wanted to ban all guns against Commonwealth of Pennsylvania laws on making illegal gun laws as only the commonwealth can make gun laws! Philladelphia PA I would never live there and I speak for the people who are victims of the lawlessness and bigots in Philly PA who are doing evil and are illegal bigots and are monsters like we have in Swamp in Washington DC.

Detroit is another bad city for communism and facism and racism and discrimination and making people pay a toll like a mafia operation to city or state for parking on public spaces? They all need shut down all evil and illegal parking laws and booting of automobiles raking in illegal tolls they make people pay to get their own property back? They did no wrong, the bigots in Philladelphia and Detroit and elsewhere where do they have any rights to tell people they must pay a toll to get their car/suv back and ticketing commercial vehicles? I hear by write against these tyrants and ask people to rethink their rights they are violating when they boot your car, if you got a boot on your car, cut it off with torch and if not lock back wheels with emergency brake so they cannot move the car with boot on it, give them hell. I cannot believe the racket they got going on like gangsters ripping honest people off with foolish parking pickets and petty motoring laws and look at Electric cars vs oil based gas run vehicles, #Weainthavingit keep your electric cars and shove them up your asses DC Swamp, take back this country, vote Donald Trump back as president and these things and more will get met with the TRUMP Card.

As for a experience, a woman ticket woman in New Castle PA wrote my mom a ticket when she was with her car for 2 minutes, this meter maid's ticket got ripped up and thrown at her after the fight argument, this meter maid got her karma when people said she won 2 million dollars everyone and their brother came to her house seeking money, be careful who you mess with parking tyrants and are scum anyone who enforces parking laws (Not Police) Police deserve respect and let them do their jobs but due to very bad organizations they cannot do much and crime is through the roof and as socialist and liberals let criminal scum back on streets, one broke a elderly person's ribs and was back out on the street in NYC with revolving door policy the liberal DA and Judges let them go, police cannot even do their job over fear of bad actors protecting criminals. I am not a conservative nor liberal, I'm Meritocracy Party.

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