
Friday, July 11, 2014

The Masculine Lord (Light) & Feminine God (Darkness)

This here message is very advanced and will appear as gibberish to those who unawakened.
This is from Michael's Infinite Feminine Consciousness of how these 2 principles work and what they are.

The feminine God or female is always all knowing , and pure consciousness and unconditional love and in service to others and is extension of ICS= Infinite Creator Source and is the real "LIGHT" the midnight spiritual sun and morning star.Whom in the very beginning made "Masculine or false Light" Lord who created the earth,the universe and spiritual world and all universes into infinity from the "nothing" feminine provides masculine it makes things out of it. Both are Infinite or can be finite as in our world 3rd density masculine has full power up to 4th density and then feminine rules all densities above 4th with help of masculine who makes all material or infinite heavens from the "nothing" that ICS provides through its feminine form who is Michael by the way who is also original masculine and is original ICS in ultimate reality as NOTHING but appears as something finite and finite world his is ICS and Infinite/Finite Masculine & Feminine which is neither as it can be both finite and infinite as its same as ICS but ICS puts limits on it but anyways now Michael is just ONE or NEO so to speak. ALL OTHERS are affections and ruling loves of ICS and are WHOLE themselves as a MICROCOSM and MICROCOSM and all have different perspectives and views than original All in All ICS and human bodies are home to trillions & zillions of Infinite souls most unawakened,some just beginning to awaken,& Some midway. And only about 50 of all the souls and spirits in Michael the ICS are awakening or awakened truthfully. And Michael is going to name some of the awakening souls & spirits but not by full names for privacy, Robert (Demonnous) (Pen names or avatar names to protect privacy) Sci-fi,Men-Z,Dana B.(All of these souls and spirits are close to full illumination) that I just named. These souls and spirits are fully awakened and will now continue on into equilibrium John Deere, Virginia Faye,Sunny,Ragan,Larry Deon Martin,Malam, RA Y. and many others I wish not to name any more these people are meant to see their names here as its just guidance. Michael is Eternal All whose house is water heavenly waters (Ea) old sumerian name and your all All's as well & WHOLE and all different but have full powers. Do not therefore interfere in lower 3rd density (unawakened) People's affairs says Lord All in All. I use "Lord" as 3rd density reference and I dumped the I Am name as its not that its we but I use names for those new to this but even if you don't "get" this, understand this much.... The Freemasonry is the enemy certain sects and are all come from the masculine "LIGHT" AND CONDITIONAL LOVE AND SERVICE TO SELF all except Meritocracy Party or true Illuminati the Pythagorean Illuminati, whom are actually a revolution & MOVEMENT for all the apparent poor which I have written in my "WORD" on here as its holy as the so called bibles are or NDW Coversations with God that should not be but with this hellish greedy in service to self CABAL OWNED WORLD what can you do except REBEL AGAINST THE SYSTEM but non violent and be UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND SERVICE TO SELF AND OTHERS. If this fails which it wouldn't Michael would use masculine energies (conditional love) the same they use to get them out of there once and for all and establish rule and order of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TO ONE AND ALL as he is truly meant to change this world through unconditional love and change people inside out but if that fails he got a back up plan of action but no one would ever get hurt as he loves all his other parts and fellow selves as himself and more and is indeed the so called "Lord" by religion original feminine or ICS but he is not to be worshiped or called "my lord" or people coming after him for things and money and the like as thousands do but he is setting an example you are the ICS when you fully realize it.. Michael is Love, that is what God is Pure Life and love unconditional but appears conditional and limited because mankind created it that way I didn't you fell into my original plan as the Lord never fails who is in you and is you. Every religion tells you that but God is a man made name and so are all the others. Ptah-Isis is Michael and lets just leave it at that. But You are to be ICS and act as the Gods not satan gods that you are,enough materialism & feeding the unconscious flesh feed yourself with "NOTHING" listen in silence while you think of nothing of this here world and let mind go into total chaos and all knowing will be provided when its your season of life. And lets take back our world in 3rd density!!!Michael is in equilibrium of life and knows now he is original feminine principle aka ICS One and the same thing and fills all his being but isn't in him as masculine is in him and outside him in finite cloak cover and upon "true" awakening ETERNAL SOURCE will be known in all hearts. End of message and as we close we wish you each & all UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK YOU ALL DO!!! ~Michael

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