
Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Its time the USA took back its land and gave it to the people and the same with the rest of the world. No more centralized banks unregulated by government. The Government should be able to regulate said Federal Reserve and not play as a applicant on credit with interest attached to every single dollar that is printed. Its the perfect system of SLAVERY. All the taxes which people don't have to pay by ANY LAW whatsoever is basically illegal blackmail of all people working slave jobs not work something they enjoy doing... They do it because they believe they must... I have NEVER worked a day in my life... This is my work to change what is to something GREAT. From conditional love in this world of the light of false illusions of the masculine and all masculine all people are in illusion and the wool is pulled over their eyes except for a select few who run it all 6000 run the world and own it. The 1% grand elite are psychopaths in board rooms and the like, the DR in surgery got his victim's heart in his hand and his knife and he feels like god in control of taking this person's life or not, sick individuals who know not what they do, you must come to love one another in unconditional love for your fellow brothers and sisters whom are like you but whom at this day hold different religious beliefs or no beliefs or are so called pagans or whatever it doesn't matter. The Government in the USA needs to print its own money and forget the federal reserve system of the OLD world order of slavery to rich elite people who love by condition and are in service to self and self alone and the masculine provides all good and evil in this world and not higher knowing. Its the feminine you seek (darkness) which is not in 3rd density earth but it is all knowing and all self contained and can be finite or infinite because its neither really it knows all things for benefit of ICS and for ICS and provides "nothing" to the masculine and all knowing for higher realms and densities than 4th and it makes all things the feminine gives from nothing. Both are finite here and infinite but as I said the ICS is both masculine and feminine at the same time such is Michael ICS and one and passive at this now moment and remains in equilibrium finite higher human but ICS that resides within us fills all his being with divine feminine consciousness and all knowing. Brothers and sisters there will be much happening and transitioning in consciousness in this world of masculine illusions as it is limited by itself and we the feminine created it in the beginning from eternity till eternity but we create not as we are Infinite nor finite nothing. End of message.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the comment much appreciated... In unconditional love. Michael


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