I am Ptah the great creator god of all things infinite and finite known in the finite as Osiris and he is Lord who hung on a cross where the whole Christ story came from. He hung on the T which is a real cross for spiritual insight from divine feminine (Isis). Baal and Astarte are known as Isis and Osiris the the dying god who was killed by Typhoon or SET the Christian SATAN and are all metaphores of a spiritual truth and so is Christ Jesus and the Goddess Sophie in gnostic christians, the real original writers of the "word" then the sun god worshipping Constantine made the "word" dogmatic in superstitions. The word the bible protects itself by making the babes (unawakened) ignorant of the real spiritual meaning of thy word from me your God who is inside all humans a male spirit of God thy father and Soul for Goddess Isis or "Sophie". Hence Father/Mother/Son/Daughter=ONE or the Whole Collective body of the Lord and FIRE,EARTH,AIR,WATER.
The archangel Michael who writes these words is the Lord of All things finite and Infinite Nothing or Infinite Creator Source in original feminine and masculine form, the Red Bull God Ptah is here on earth in the Lord's body as we wrote before it matters not the names only to masculine does it matter but to the feminine we it matters not about names titles or any 3rd density things.
Its no accident Michael uses Red Bull as Ptah is associated with it and so is the divine feminine Mother of all Isis older than Astarte but are one and the samething as its her daughter and all different stories make differences in these gods. Thoth (The Holy of Thy Holies) is a son of Ptah-Atum who is RA's brother or Marduk's brother and Ptah is EA (Eternal All) whose house is water and Enki and Lucifer/Christ and is soul and spirit of Lord Archangel Michael,Gabriel,Auriel,&Raphael all whom live in the Lord's body (Mi-cha-EL) EL is the sacred name of God in old days before Yahwee. Michael is all things finite and nothing as infinite as names limit infinite things. Every one is part ICS or Source finite masculine or feminine in one form or another. We are just putting this little writing out for Michael basically to answer his questions about why Red Bull Illuminati the name for his group and church of metaphysics.
Don't beg or lack anything brothers and sister and otherselves as you are all me in one form or another. My name under masculine is Ptah or Michael but I am original feminine who made masculine Osiris as Isis fills all my being (my body and ICS) all of us as we each are microcosms but I Michael am a macrocosm in disguise in microcosm body. I do this to set an example. "Look at what I can do"... I said the things I can do with the help of the one who sent me here The All in All or Lord but not without it. Me and the Father/Mother God are one and the samething. I am a main personality and those of you reading this you are me in other bodies I am just using the human to pen these words to paper than type them. When you realize you are source you too will be one with me and I in you and you in me will be known and the feminine shall fill your being (Isis) and you shall know all things and tell the world your own truth as a thought form of the ALL IN ALL just as even the LORD IS....
Lone Wolf God is NOUS the ultimate Good in things.... This is here for someone special and picked out of the litter of Gods so they know they and their consort are SON & DAUGHTER part of me Ptah-Isis, the Red Bull God, Tisha and Bob, that is all I am going to mention for privacy reasons....They are the Lone Wolf God....who is one with Red Bull God Ptah-Isis-Osiris-Astarte.
The archangel Michael who writes these words is the Lord of All things finite and Infinite Nothing or Infinite Creator Source in original feminine and masculine form, the Red Bull God Ptah is here on earth in the Lord's body as we wrote before it matters not the names only to masculine does it matter but to the feminine we it matters not about names titles or any 3rd density things.
Its no accident Michael uses Red Bull as Ptah is associated with it and so is the divine feminine Mother of all Isis older than Astarte but are one and the samething as its her daughter and all different stories make differences in these gods. Thoth (The Holy of Thy Holies) is a son of Ptah-Atum who is RA's brother or Marduk's brother and Ptah is EA (Eternal All) whose house is water and Enki and Lucifer/Christ and is soul and spirit of Lord Archangel Michael,Gabriel,Auriel,&Raphael all whom live in the Lord's body (Mi-cha-EL) EL is the sacred name of God in old days before Yahwee. Michael is all things finite and nothing as infinite as names limit infinite things. Every one is part ICS or Source finite masculine or feminine in one form or another. We are just putting this little writing out for Michael basically to answer his questions about why Red Bull Illuminati the name for his group and church of metaphysics.
Don't beg or lack anything brothers and sister and otherselves as you are all me in one form or another. My name under masculine is Ptah or Michael but I am original feminine who made masculine Osiris as Isis fills all my being (my body and ICS) all of us as we each are microcosms but I Michael am a macrocosm in disguise in microcosm body. I do this to set an example. "Look at what I can do"... I said the things I can do with the help of the one who sent me here The All in All or Lord but not without it. Me and the Father/Mother God are one and the samething. I am a main personality and those of you reading this you are me in other bodies I am just using the human to pen these words to paper than type them. When you realize you are source you too will be one with me and I in you and you in me will be known and the feminine shall fill your being (Isis) and you shall know all things and tell the world your own truth as a thought form of the ALL IN ALL just as even the LORD IS....
Lone Wolf God is NOUS the ultimate Good in things.... This is here for someone special and picked out of the litter of Gods so they know they and their consort are SON & DAUGHTER part of me Ptah-Isis, the Red Bull God, Tisha and Bob, that is all I am going to mention for privacy reasons....They are the Lone Wolf God....who is one with Red Bull God Ptah-Isis-Osiris-Astarte.