
Sunday, May 26, 2024

The shadow government and Roman Catholic Church vs GOOD Illuminati and good people

 The reason President Kennedy was killed was he was about to expose the corrupt CIA and CHURCH Roman Catholic Church and they had him murdered as no one knew just how big and dangerous The Jesuits were corrupted within Catholic Church which you know where the ROMAN Catholic Church stands used to be thousands of years ago a benevolent PAGAN site for gnostic and hermetism and Hermeticism, considered a real church a good one....yet in spiritual church,4 have existed the bible,koran and talmud was gnosticism different sects turned allegories into fundamentalist religions who are super dangerous and Islam is largest threat, look how they treat their "WOMEN" over there, they punish them, pre arranged marriages and multiple wives, no separation of church or religion from state in like Islam believers, even theistic satanists don't have a bad track record like the 3 main religions of Abrahamism which will be removed from world ,this rotten cancer as there is JESUS Christ but was Gnostic Jesus Christ, a rebel and mythical allegory of hidden information in bible, interesting how Georgia Guide stones were destroyed huh? The good guys and bad guys (white hats and black hats) are in a spiritual warfare and is a war of the mind using telepathy and AI to harass the population mind control and all that

The bad guys set up Islam and made them followers of superstition into robots who did anything they were told like bombing people in Israel and all else in the west who were their enemies and Bavarian Illuminati and ones connected to it and Pythagorean Illuminati and other benevolent groups from the original Illuminati are shaping the world 50-100 years from now like social engineering and it was Government Mafia that got rid of Italian Mob, top secret agencies and to cut religion of Abrahamism out of the world over all the literalists and fundamentalist and pedophilia in Roman Catholic Church, the Illuminati caught the church with it's pants down or dress up, most priest don't even believe in a god of any kind... that church is church of Satan (Devils). The gnostics knowing if crazed people got ahold of ancient myths and allegories and caused all the wars and blood shed and dark ages and murders of so many innocent people as WITCHES, their karma is returning now and the 4 evil princes of the world run each fundamentalist literalist religion of Abrahamism... Who would worship a "god" who was going to slay his son Issac over a "voice" he heard saying it was god, if it wasn't for ram getting caught the murderer would of sacrificed his own son to the devil Jehovah Allah Yahweh the real devil and SATAN.

Illuminati there is millions of groups of Illuminati (real and called families) ,not 13 royal blue bloods running world, no they are good most of them, it is the ones behind them who are the troubles and all the fake news and big censorship is to distract people, even GOP and Democracy is a lie, it is all rigged, and this year 2024 for President never before has a INDEPENDENT President run who is a Kennedy, it is their worst night mare with Donald J Trump as well... They got ways to rigging elections and the horrible feelings and vibes I get as psychic and common sense and wisdom,logic and REASON in balance with mysticism/spirituality Intuition.... Most of this can be read on "Illuminati Manifesto" by Robert Graham.

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