
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Hekate -- Hecate Goddess of All and Mother of all, many named Mother Goddess Light & Dark

 Hecate is a misunderstood goddess who is simply put like this as Conversations with God said, There is God the All and The Goddess is everything else.

She is Hecate/Hekate same thing, masculine name or counterpart Hecatos Hekatos or she was involved with Hermes (Thoth) who could be considered a consort but not really she is known as VIRGIN like Black Madonna?  they worked together however. Hermeticism exists in every religion from Hermes. She fits in basically any goddess known with myriads of names and associations. 

She is Dark Mother and LIGHT Mother Goddess, like every human is both Light and Dark, duality exists and cannot say anyone is all good or all bad/evil. Witchcraft is not evil never has been, there is no black magick or white magick, nature is both and keeps a balance equilibrium of it's own and needs no judgments. 

Judge and you shall be judged, condemn and you shall be condemned, remember Jesus Christ of Christian's Gnosticism? 

He fits right in here, Other names for Hecate or Hekate is Sophia as wisdom and bride of Christ consort.

Fallen Sophia made gnostic demiurge separate from any male seed and with out permission of "Divine Parent or Father". All these stories come down the centuries and change names and evolve into whatever humans wish to call these gods and goddesses demi gods and angels and demons and devils and ascended masters and descended masters.

Hecate is known as goddess of witchcraft and underworld and many others and is easy to work with, she will help you as a friend would or sister or mother. She will not pamper you however, she will bring evil upon all who disrepect her or her people who is anyone, she works with dead, and alive, truly she is a being who Lights the way, key bearer and key to all, she has keys for every door/gate. Hounds are protection, you may call upon her and ask for her hounds, she will always be there for you, empower you to become a powerful witch or goddess yourself or male working with her a God. There is the All and gods and goddesses. 

She is known as dark evil dark mother, that is medieval rubbish . They demonized every god spirit soul who wasn't a Christian literalist or Abrahamist who they are satan worshipers come on flying planes into buildings for Allah? Wake up world. Let Hekate protect you and empower you!

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