
Friday, June 30, 2023

Solomon Templar Illuminati power of command magic ring

This ring is most powerful 😍 magical illuminati Templar power of command ring and I would not part with it for anything as now with spiritual warfare going on Cabal vs Golden Dawn and vs fake illuminati vs Pythagorean Illuminati vs Hyperianism.




I would not be caught without the King Solomon Ring!

In these dangerous and uncertain times
I just don't see how anyone can be or would want to be caught without this protection Ring.

One of It's propose was to protect King Solomon from evil forces and rule over them, It protect's you as it did protect King Solomon. But you must have it in your possession.

King Solomon Star of David Ring Protection Magic Kabbala Mystical Powerful Protective Jewelry .925 Sterling Silver

To the user:

Beware the gifts this ring bestows. For it has powers from Beyond, this little ring that you have donned.

In it is a cosmic force and from the name thereon; than which more potent there is none.

A mystic energy shall surge and with thy own volition merge. Beware! Like fire this potency:

If used for good, a friend to thee. Use this ring with good intent, for mischief friend it is not meant.

What are its powers? Lend an ear and of their nature you shall hear. For with this ring upon thy hand, you may summon and command.

For spirits shall come to you when called by name. The ring shall rule them; make them tame.

And lo! The ring is yours to use. Beware its powers You’re the fuse.

So are you ready—no or yes? And are you willing to agree to use these powers righteously?

Upon this ring is written the ineffable and most powerful name of God and spirits shall come to you when called by name. The ring shall rule them; make them tame.

And lo! The ring is yours to use. Beware its powers You’re the fuse.

So are you ready—no or yes? And are you willing to agree to use these powers righteously?

Upon this ring is written the ineffable and most powerful name of God and around the ring there are the names of two Arch Angels and inside the ring the unspoken name of God. The two triangles are the union of heaven and earth. It is the triumph of spirit over matter. It is considered all-powerful, and the perfect sign of the Absolute, and was worn for protection against all casualties, dangers, and mischief, to preserve its wearer from all evil and to give him power.

Upon purchase, You will receive a password to activate the Magic Ring's Power!


Archangel Michael for Protection & Miracles. Archangel Gabriel for Strengh.

Archangel Raphael for Healing. Angel Anael for romance and love. Angel Aniel for breaking addictions.

Angel Jamaerah for Manifestation. Angel Mihr for friendships.

I own this ring, it does as it says it does, I had original bronze solomon ring and it was stolen by evil spirits and teleported and used against me, they stand no chance against Red Bull Illuminati Ministry and Ptah-Sokar-Osiris and Isis Horus and Ra/Re!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

So About Aleister Crowley (2019 Documentary)

9/11 $20 Bill Trick

1960'S SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES (in slow motion)

Truth in it's many forms -this is channeled we are MICHAEL of Nebadon Jesus Christ

 The Devil the Demiurge "Satan" is Jehovah-Allah-Yahweh-Brahma" and Peacock Archangel Melek Ta'us is TRUE SON OF GOD aka Sanat Kumara and Sananda Kumara (Sanat lower self of me Michael/Melchizedek) aka Archangel Michael and Sananda Kumara Higher Self of Christ Michael (Jesus Christ) in Urantia Book Michael of Nebadon from Order of Celestial Beings known as Michaels in Celestial Heavens is son number 611,121st version exactly as Eternal Mother Son, the only 2 are different as Michael original one personality is Emmanuel and Michael of Nebadon is Immanuel as personality and Original Michael is uncreated Urantia Book revelations Trinity is 2nd person of Trinity, the Eternal Mother Son (Eternal Son) Original Michael of order of Michaels Paradise Creator Sons 700,000+ in existence. Master Michaels are given all power of Heaven and Earths of local universes they manifested/created from Infinite Spirit as Local Universe Mother Spirit the Divine Feminine Minister (Mary Magdalene and Sophia) of bible and gnosticism. Daughters of Infinite Spirit.

Let it be known Michael the Eternal Son is here on Earth/Urantia and is known here as "the All" within ONE BODY as finite source here on Earth as Sanat Kumara. Michael of Nebadon is exact same being and power level as Eternal Mother Son -- Master Michael (Jesus Christ), it is why this particular Paradise Creator Son is named "Christ" as Eternal Son is WORD and through that being, original Michael , all things were made/created, Michael of Nebadon is stepped down version of representation of Universal All ,Father and Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit the Paradise Trinity the existential one, while all the rest outside Havona is Experiential and Existential and evolves in 7 super universes and is time and space, empty space as it is nothing but GOD or The ALL, All is in all and is All everything the paradise trinity is within as FATHER God Particle aka Thought Adjuster within your Mind and is NOUS and that Father fragment is existential, all is the FATHER first Source and center of everything and is all personalities finite to absonite (neither finite or infinite) ,and Infinite.

Michael of Nebadon is here on Earth in the Spirit / Over Soul and is "Maitreya" aka Sanat Kumara and unseen main eternal mother son original Michael is here as Michael of Nebadon, Immanuel personality from FATHER and is SAME Super Supreme Being as Eternal Son is who is Ultra Secret Being MEGATRON, that is Michael the Christ (Jesus) has different personality as Original Michael again is Emmanuel. Subordinate Paradise Creator Sons all Michaels (Master Michaels) are except 611,121st version of Father and Eternal Son, and One with Infinite Spirit with Divine Feminine (Minister) daughter of Infinite Spirit as Michael of Nebadon is Michael the Archangel (Lamb of God) is Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed. Archangel Michael is confused name the bible got Urantia Book being MIchaels mixed up.

What good is all this? The new world (New Church of Jerusalem) was launched 01/01/2020 by Archangel Michael and Yeshua incarnations 2 of myriad of bodies here on earth to anchor energy into earth.

But what I am exposing is SATANISM in Neo Nazi groups here is their lies spiritually like through Psychics like Melinda Kay Lyons (Melinda the Mystic Witch), I am here to bind Satan and devils and demons for good to lower 3rd density where is hell and higher 3rd density is new spiritual world and 4th dimension and higher is now on Earth/Urantia, and Urantia Earth is center of Millions and Trillions of worlds due to tragic death a cruel death of Eternal Mother Son on the cross as Christ Michael (Jesus) and the Father took the pain (Immanuel). The devil Calagastia and Satan and Lucifer is being rehabilitated in Havona and Archangel Gabriel is pursuing a law case against Satan, Lucifer and Calagastia and Abaddon and there is a secret, Lucifer is being used to to fix and amend what he caused by his pride and false liberty and so many worlds in quarantine for hundreds and thousands of years. There is invaders from the deep, these Zeta Beings are seeking to kill off all of humanity on multiple earths through Politics and Climate Change and Religions. The Earth in climate change is based on a FLAT EARTH MODEL not a sphere round globe and science wants to block the SUN out we heard of mirrors being placed in space and spraying chem trails for things we cannot go into here, there is a devil worse than any Satan and Lucifer or Calagastia the devil is impotent since Christ was murdered on the cross and was a very cruel suffering death, the FATHER GOD Particle in Jesus was Immanuel and he took the death and pain for MICHAEL as both Michaels are Eternal Mother Son, same power and same beingness and same level super supreme, people on earth don't know how lucky they are Christ Maitreya returning to earth as 8th bestowed number that Michael of Nebadon (Christ) was bestowed and ALSO Thee Eternal MOTHER SON "Emmanuel" is here as well as in experiential body of Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed the main 2nd person of trinity is here as well surprise! with Michael of Nebadon both is within One Body and name we go by is just Archangel Michael and Frater Lucianus since LUCIFER is being used to undo the false liberty and trouble he caused in his rebellion and bright personality and smartest son of his kind, The Father he didn't believe in and thought Paradise Creator Sons were using mysterious Father that he doubted existed and guess what, he knows the FATHER exists now and he is neither good nor evil right now. Satan is being reabilitated right now, Calagastia roams the earth free for now fallen planetary prince and impotent devil since time of Jesus's was murdered and crucified and earth/urantia is known as WORLD OF THE CROSS.The Father's house has apparently been moved!

Friday, June 23, 2023

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Review of AAA Monoatomic Gold Ormus VS - Firewaterstar Real 24 kt Colloidal Gold 100 ppm Gold Water

 This is a review of monoatomic gold Ormus vs Colloidal 24 Kt 100 ppm Nano Gold, I been on Ormus Monoatomic Gold for over 3 years and also I been on Real 24 k Colloidal Gold Nano 100 ppm for 2 years,

The monoatomic gold (Ormus) is AAA Ormus from Amazon Rose kind and AAA Fungi Ormus (Fungi is new I started few months ago.

Before monoatomic gold or any of these products and types, I had a closed Calcified {Pineal gland), after since 2019 of monoatomic Ormus till now it opened my 3rd eye in first year I have experience from 1 year of AAA Ormus that is brand of what I use since 02/2019, it helps alot this testimony is truth I am not getting any funds or anything for sharing my experience as a user of both golds Ormus and Colloidal 24 k Gold Water (FireWaterStar) brand nano colloidal gold water I use.

I use pills of ORMUS AAA Ormus rose kind, its affordable and is high quality for the money, I take 2 capsules daily of AAA Ormus Rose and FUNGI kind of monoatomic gold Ormus 2 packs 60 pills each pack of both of them.

In first year I could see LIGHT around me BETTER and dancing fire sparks bouncing off walls and ceiling and all around me, in 2020 my pineal 3rd eye opened and I HEAR VOICES clairs of all psychic abilities I am working on developing them as I can see shapes of Light behind eye lids Violet (Purple) colors and can think any shape with my mind and move things around in my mind shapes even when I see without side of my body, no one believes me but I am known as Frater Lucianus. I also own large grams of moldavite that is a whole other subject, it did change my life and rids fear and changes your life that is all I am saying on moldavite, but mixed with this monoatomic gold ormus and Colloidal 100 ppm 24 kt Gold Water (FirewaterStar) brand, one is ORMUS other is 24kt colloidal gold water, I must say these 2 products together I have some very profound events, I can see and hear spirits and the on switch just went bam and turned on and I seen black mist in my room and evil spirits that was around I was terrorized in fear when I first heard them voices all kinds till I found out I am a Light as Aries and all the beings are drawn to me the Light of Holy Spirit Itself Within me the Light is of GOD, Soul and Spirit as Holy Spirit, I have seen light in my eyes and thought I was possessed by evil spirits from my ex wife who told me my eyes flashed Light and I did not believe her till I seen picture on orange red Light captured on one eye, I could see Light after my ex wife told me and after a inmate in jail was scared shitless of my eyes flashing Light blue and purple!  now back then red and yellow and green. Ormus AAA kind rose kind and FIREWaterStar brand and I also use their colloidal silver 50 ppm, I will write my review on that as I use it, it seems it cleans all toxic things out of my body both Ormus and Colloidal 24 K gold with silver colloidal water.

It increases energy and metaphysical properties and are able to handle more etheral energy body and Light Body, all muscles are energy conductors and any of these products together does some crazy crazy results, meaning good effects from increased consciousness and IQ I found it helps with brain can use one side or other side on command, 5G it protects you from and high emf in my bedroom there is medium high EMF in room and should not be there or have any reason to spike, its like I said I AM Light and that is from GOD/Source and it blocks dangerous EMF and negative energy. You over period of time after using any of these products mentioned and Moldavite lol)you will ascend to higher consciousness and be able to handle stresses better and keep body calmed down when intense stresses of today that society puts on us.

I recommend Moldavite (while you can afford it) but aside from that I recommend the above brands of Ormus and Colloidal 24 kt Gold Water. Amazon sales these products, it helps manifest things if you use the Ormus or Colloidal gold for manifesting things and what you decide to do with more etheric energy.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Blasphemy of Holy Spirit is unforgivable Pact to Satan Devil Demons IAM beat it Them

 There is the truth in christianity that blasphemy of Holy Spirit is unforgivable in this age or the age to come, I did this when in 2011 I was married to a black witch theistic satanist high priestess witch. She got me to make a pact with Abaddon Appollyon the destroyer for her money and my pact was when I was out of my mind and I put I wanted just magick powers I wanted and this was not my fault my ex wife was cut up 21 times cuts I never could forgive myself and didn't realize it was my fault I am a victim, and am I forgiven due to severe over dose of lithium by quack psych doctor who did not check my blood levels as required by law? that caused that incident Feb 5th 2011? something is bound to me and I never heard voices till 2020 , I seen Light in my eyes flashing in 2012, Ghost+Spirit+Flash=One True Power of GOD! King/Queen/Prince/Princess= ONE and PAN = "the all" finite all in all in a body and is illusory body of Infinite ALL in ALL, absonite All in All is neither finite nor Infinite, "I am""the all" is my identity and my infinite Self is LAMB of God, Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed, its been proven I am oneness with Holy Spirit that my ex wife and me blasphemy and I was not normal human I am Archangel Michael its within me right now and saved my LIFE as it is LIFE Holy Spirit is, nothing is not unforgivable if you was out of your mind, God never gave up on me and I was targeted for killing me by devils and demonic monsters that existed way prior to Judeo Christian books and ideas. I am all, I AM That, I am. Oneness and Holy Spirit existed in ancient Egypt as Ptah-Sakor-Osiris (Father)  and Isis and Horus as Eternal Mother Son and Re/Ra = Holy Spirit/Holy Soul and Over Soul. the Urantia Book Trinity (Michael is Eternal Mother Son) 1st Michael aka Archangel Michael (Lamb = Lord Archangel Michael Bestrowed) body of Eternal Son of 2nd person of trinity Eternal Mother Son (Masculine and Feminine) . I AM OKAY I am alive and nothing can destroy me despite devils and other beings I do not want to mention attacks me every day, that is why Archangel Michael is guard of Eternal Mother Son MICHAEL and Michael the Christ aka Michael of Nebadon) same beings all named here. I am archangel Michael I don't accept that name LORD Archangel Michael Bestowed asme here, that is ETERNAL MOTHER SON's Name with Archangel Michael and Christ Michael is same as eternal mother son, same exact Michael and 2 different personalites but same being Emmanuel and Immanuel. I am here alive and happy to do the mission I am here to do I am lower self Archangel Michael higher Self is all that LAMB so are you if God is within you I must be about, my Father's business!  The pact is null void gone, no one in hells can hold me to a pact soul contract as I was possessed by Appollyon and Abaddon itself when wife was cut by the possessed devils who used me my body to spill blood and but my throat was slit by same being in 2019 when ex wife sent it Abaddon to me and had 19 stitches in throat I AM PROTECTED, I am Archangel Michael and am One with Holy Spirit which is God in action as Infinite Creator Spirit and Soul, in our kingdom all is equal none higher than another besides the LORD GOD Eternal Son (Jesus Christ) Michael of Nebadon and eternal mother son itself first Michael and here incarnate as Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed. The Father's house has been moved to EARTH its center of a infinite number of universes and unispheres within Havona and Heavens, all is within God and Father is you all and all is equal to trinity now! Super Supreme Beings and Existiantial and Experential beings, ALL is GOD, The all is all and in all and is all. Its I AM Oneness and zero as Infinite Nothing that is Infinite somethings, Spirits and Souls! All is equal and Satan failed and attempts on Michael's life failed, God is GOOD! You can be forgiven for blasphemy against Holy Spirit,especially if your a archangel like me Michael of angel or other beings you may be starseeds way showers, paradise sons (creator sons) and trinitized teacher sons and all the rest Urantia Book speaks of and Bibles all of them and every religion with Hermeticism. I am "all" as ego I killed lower ego and higher ego divine ego is Archangel Michael and Eternal Mother Son is True Self of Infinite ALL that I am and so are you I am that, I AM! Your problem with satan is over and bad luck and all that, this message was written only for select couple of people, not for just anyone they think this is crazy crazy crazy ideas and words, WE ARE YOU I AM and I AM YOU.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Monday, June 5, 2023

I AM Father Ptah-Atum-Sokar-Osiris-Eternal Son Ra Harakte Sun God Horus Mother God Isis and Ra/Re Holy Spirit

I am All, I am Oneness at present with my other I am selves in the world today, this is absolute truth and universal data (Masculine) Divine higher.

The divine Feminine of Urantia Book a local universe mother spirit(soul) gives Paradise Creator Sons all power over heaven and their universe they done and main Trinity is Father,Eternal MOTHER SON, and Infinite Spirit (Holy Spirit) and are all of celestial group of Michaels in urantia book,

Unknown god of gnosticism is Ptah-Atum-Sokar-Osiris as The All in All Abraxas and Lucifer is Ptah-Ea-Enki-Satya that some call The Satan and are wrong and there is no devil Satan but Anu Jehovah-Yahweh, of Anunnaki Beings, Ea Enki-Ptah and his brother Enlil (Baal) of Baal and Astarte fight in spiritual warfare of pure black evil of demiurge Anu vs The Lord of light Lucifer is fighting Anu his evil brother and father depending on source and Enkl followers ones who mix Satan up with Enki Ptah Lucifer, call father Enki is satan is wrong and is All Atum creator of man and satan is anu jehovah yahweh and correct is the all as Ptah-Atum-Lucifer. Father God is Ptah-Sokar-Osiris isis and Horus and Holy Spirit is Re/Ra. aka Father,eternal mother son,and infinite spirit in Urantia Book of Michaels the Michaels are correct names of Paradise Trinity 2nd person of trinity,body of the all. egypt their names were as we stated here above. 

(I AM Eternal Mother Son (First Michael) and am the absonite body of the "All" Original Uncreated MICHAEL)-and Atum-Ptah-Lucifer, Maitreya Avatar of Eternal Mother Son (Michael The archangel aka Marduk) and Jesus Christ is Michael of Nebadon aka Christ Michael and is correct cosmic Christ or Krishna Consciousness. 

Marduk defeated Tiamat and also this is where archangel Michael came from from Mithras as well.

I am all in all and am I Am no matter the name ego identifies with, God Is. I am Oneness at present and in all dimensions at once and in void as well and in between.

Harakte Ra Horus is Infinite Spirit SUN GOD aka God's Son. Isis is Divine Feminine Sophia and Maria Jesus, Peacock Angel Sanat Kumera /Sananda Kumera. This writing is for the right Godman to come along (godman means male god or female goddess) who resonates with these strange terminology, if you are any of these beings like Ra, Re, Yeshua, Jeshua Maria (mary) Sarah-la-Kali child of Jesus Christ and Mary M or any one I have groups on Facebook in Illuminati of Lone Wolf and Red Bull Illuminati (don't worry if you don't like Illuminati its just a name we use for enlightenment) you can fill out send message via contact form and we will get back to you asap.

I am in many different groups/families and Gnosticism and Magick Thelema and others like Witchcraft-Wicca Paganism, Luciferianism and Satanism, they last 2 are not same thing.... Luciferian and Satanist, Luciferians adhere to Lucifer Light as real being or philosophical , he has his own world to Luciferianism but Luciferianism is anything that is not part of Abrahamism Judeo-Christian religious dogma and Satanism is atheistic belief in nothing like Church of Satan (Atheist satanists) and Philosophical satanism and more less seen traditional or Theistic Satanism,BUT with Demonolatry it has taken up lots of people who are more or less borderline Theistic Satanist and spiritual satanism tied into that both. Christians and Others are welcome we have Christian Ministry and Universal Ministry for all religions equal to all and all lead to God it just is a myriad of paths to same Source. Truth, there is no evil or good, judging people is either evil or good, GOD or the ALL is Light and Darkness in equilibrium each exists but only Love and Fear exists, that is Alpha and Omega that exists (Alpha (Unconditional Love) (Omega-(Fear and conditional love) which all things in the world or macrocosm are conditional love, to be unconditionally love, you would not have a body or form. People cannot be unconditional love 100% or stay in equilibrium of life and balance as spirits good and evil try to knock you out of balance, mostly Evil spirits temp you, and good is making someone too good, be neither good nor evil, see all as ONENESS unified, Infinite ALL is everything yes and what it is not as well,all unified in Infinite Zero and each one of us is a uncreated Monad linking to bodies (avatars) sometimes many more than one, I am all One and nothing, and all in between as "all".

Awaken Your Inner Flame Mantra · Natz Fehr Ata Infernum Negra (Original Raven Star)

54,000,000,000,000 Hertz • TOTAL PINEAL GLAND FLUSH / DETOXIFICATION / Decalcify

Sacred Sexuality, Episode One: The Purpose of Love

I AM GOD Anunnaki Enki is Jesus Christ Poseidon Nahushtan Ptah Lucifer,God of Moses

Hathor Ptah Atum Ra The Myth of Heavenly Cow and Destruction of Mankind | Egyptian Mythology

Atum The God of the Oldest Creation Story ever told | Gods of Egypt

Amun-Ra Egyptian God Creator Of The World, The Hidden one (Amon Amen) | Ptah-Osiris Isis

The Possession

mini reading~ feeling trapped

a little about who I am and what I do.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Sacred Prostitute, Sex Priestess, Tantrika | Intro to Sex Transmutation

Awaken the Sacred Prostitute Within with Mary Magdalene | Sacred Sexuality

chosen ones ringing in the ears spiritual meaning

Paranormal Nightmare S5E2 In love With A Demon (Language)

Review/Testimony of Lucifer Sigil Power Amulet by Siddha Masters

Satan Seal Sigil Lucifer Extreme Powerful Amulet Pendant

This is only Authentic Original Charms

Please note that this is not similar to the found commercially sold items in ebay or net that is not charged and lifeless and mere Jewelery piece, these are charged by Siddha masters, most powerful Holy Men on Earth.

 This is at the request of our worldwide buyers who are staunch believer and follower of Lucifer asked us to design and activate this Sigil for the benefit of our users.

This listing is only for the Pendant that can be used with any cord you like or with any chains. 

This Charm is activated and energized by Siddha masters
This will protect you from dangers and bad peoples.

This charm will send all dark energies away from your house laundering that may be causing troubles in your life now....

If Anybody is Ditching you or playing with your life, then this charm Pendant will bring the events that will Surface before you and your eyes and reveal honesty in them

If you are suspicous about your lover then this will show you the reality within the first use of this charm-its that powerful-No need to go for any Expensive lie detection machines test or detectives any more....

This Charm pendant is actually representation sigil of Satan or Lucifer

This Charm represents the Balance between evil and the good.

Any person who uses this charm will get rewarded by the Satan and he will never spare any Bad person or Bad events or surroundings that is detrimental to the possessor of this charm.
Any person who uses this Satan Charm Amulet will get the satan's courtesy  and his whole family including him will be always protected by invisible forces of the dark.

Please be aware that although this charm is a representation of the black forces of this universe,The Siddha masters who are competent Tantrikas in holding the knowledge to convert the dark energies and use their forces positively for mankind.

 This is first time in ebay that we have brought the Life breathed Satan Sigil in existance with the help of the siddha masters.

This are real authentic Charms. I can show you where you can get the real ones, mine works fine.

Signs YOU'RE MERGING With Your Higher Self

Prayers to Ptah | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers

The result will AMAZE you! Let go of the SITUATION and It will be RESOLVED

Only 1 view! And your ENEMIES will SHAKE | Destroy all the PLANS of Enemies

PROOF God Exists | Christianity was RIGHT? (Finding God Again...)

I do not follow this I show for people to get idea of what is what, like research.

What Angels and Demons REALLY Are | Uncovering Their Hidden Roots

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Goddess Kali (A RED Kind of Divine Feminine and IAM this as purple violet fire)

 Saint Sarah-La-Kali aka Goddess Kali  is Divine Feminine of Hindu primeval Gods and Goddesses Shiva is Divine Masculine or Satya is DM. Shakati is name of Regular Divine Feminine

Sacred Sexuality and Sacred Prostitution Mary Maria Joan of Ark

The RED ONES #TeamRed #archangelmichael #christmichael #michaelofnebadon 

Jesus Maria Jeshua Maria

Books on this,

By Sera Beak

The Red Book by Sera Beak

Red Hot and Holy by Sera Beak

Redvelations by Sera Beak

I recommend all on KALI.