
Monday, December 14, 2020


 So what's really happening?

It's a long story that as I have said, is going to shock many people.
There is a long list of the US and other countries' officials that are on the payroll of the CCP, the Chinese communist party but it's much bigger than that but let's deal with the microcosm aspect of it. It is multi-layered; a kind of 3D chess game.
Hunter Biden is just the tip of an iceberg that is very deep, so to peel this satanic onion you have to peel it one layer at a time. It goes right down to the root of the problem; the 11 royal and demonic family bloodlines on this planet. They are the real problem.
This problem is systemic because they created a system of control that controls our lives.
They created laws that control our courts and our legal systems. They create money out of thin air that creates money and puts us into debt that we have to pay interest on when they created the money in the first place that puts us into debt. A diabolical system.
They own the media and means of communication so they own information and intelligence that we rely on.
They created religions and own our belief systems so we worship some being "out there" that is greater than us, and enforce this notion with rock stars and beauty queens.
They decided what we may know, so they created a fantasy education and of science that has nothing to do with the reality we live in to keep us confused, to keep us ignorant.
It goes very deep in our societies but we will overcome this onslaught of our precious consciousness.
So what is really happening is the dismantling of the tyranny of the forces of evil that permeates throughout our societies, our consciousness and that is no mean task to undertake, but we can do it together. The people have awoken

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