
Thursday, December 3, 2020

Old World Order is dead and going, gone ,it's over tyrants -Cabal - Bad Illuminati -Earth's control group and Think Tanks

 The old world order is absolutely over... Now it's waiting for REAL Illuminati everywhere to band together as One for survival of man kind or humans and aliens on earth helping this finite hellish state of world to be ended and here it is and now people will know it is over for former ELITE Cabal members who are the Deep State owners in government beracrats and western think tanks and doing 60% of things The Government does is illegal under international Laws, hence Universal Law Enforcement for on and off planet at this time, space force is working with Ashtar Command and operation Star Warden for any threats to all humanity... the collective is being purged and false belief systems of slave drivers and millions in fear of a rapture, relax there is nothing of the kind.... Its not going up in sky in physical bodies both alive and dead? NOPE, just living beings and humans and animals and all is alive who have died and who knows how many times they played as a human body on this make belief , fake socialism society global at that but remember its all a world stage play and all the goons you see are like make believe all is like news and MSM and social media shares? Hell no! This is your invitation to Play the Game of Life (Avatars) are what these bodies are and how many we are linked to? No way to know for sure but each fractal it's a divine whole Microcosm which houses and protects the macrocosmic world...

Your each ALL FATHER as Urantia Book calls 1st Source and Center whom is within Itself and It lives within Eternal Mother God and Son and Holy Infinite Spirit which is all there is or can be besides God evolving to match existiantal Paradise Trinity, past is Super Finite, Present is Absonite and Future is God Absolute. God the Supreme is super finite, God Ultimate is Absonite neither finite or Infinite and God the Absolute Infinite God created new version it pulls back all things back in time and space and worlds all are within Havona where Infinite God is and all Michael's believe they are out there, the battle is over friends and brothers and sisters, your each used to having some enemy to fight, on every dimensin from now till kingdom come has been taken care of for you and all Karma like from past gone for good, you gotta get your head outta the sand and make yourself known and demand you soverienity and You are equal to Whole of Paradise Trinity all within Eternal Mother Son original Michael of all Michaels' Paradise Creator and Master Sons packing same powers as Paradise Trinity has in Havona...Just know and just BE,forget what they doe to you and stand up for your planet Enki EA AUM HA! You are not winning or not winning, your already there where you desire to be, you have it all available, once you remember your in underworld in a cave while other high vibrational beings live on surface of planet and you as well once you ascend to 5th dimension and higher is consciousness. Your all eternal soul/Monads uncreated as God the Father resides in your MIND and all the rest is Feminine and Spirit of Infinite Spirit manifesting all you see, one big hallucaion via brain filtered, everyone is different and separate yet all ONENESS despite "Social Distancing" and why 6 feet? Three people in line at store, 666 , this isn't the devil, its archons and evil spirits or unconsciousness that isn't made conscious of shadow self of each of you.... You will understand more than Urantia Book says once your from Moronia incarnations of Soul (Feminine and human soul (Finite Feminine Principles, all knowing without explaining via the brain which it cannot make sense of divinity, you must be out of your mind literally and get into what is behind HEART Chakra Key to Love Unconditional or Conditional Love or FEAR.. One key opens both and works at your command simply via moods and states of minds individually and collectively....from now to eternity as your Eternal Creator Source or ALL IN ALL, yet finite your all in all and are all....In between your Absonite Gods and Archangels and myriad of other beings of heavens and demons (evil spirits) of hells where this world is at now due to Calagastia and Satan Rebellion.... This planet has been saved since Michael of nebadon who was crucifed here on cross aka Paradise Son 611,121st version of full power of Father *Immanuel* who is Fractal of Christ Michael... Eternal Mother Goddess and Eternal Son is here in Urantia Earth right now to take back this world in all ways physically and spiritually which are one and same... Its battle of armageddon of rich parasitic cabal members and BAD ILLUMINATI AKA FAKE ILLUMINATI to discredit the name Illuminati, so its conspiracy to masses or most don't know what Illuminati Consciousness of Illumination....and 100% world peace, its happening right now as our human host (Finite Creator Source as Archangel Michael and LAMB of God Eternal Mother Son). There is NOTHING TO FEAR, JUST LOVE AND LET YOU FLOW WITH CURRENT DON'T FIGHT IT GIVE IN, THAT IS WHAT IS NEEDED THIS INCARNATION LORD OF HOSTS SAINT MICHAEL THE LORD ARCHANGEL MICHAEL BESTOWED...ALL IS EQUAL AND WE SHOULD ALL BOW DOWN TO OUR OWN INDWELLING SPIRIT OF ALL FATHER AND Soul as well.....

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