
Friday, December 4, 2020

Say To "Them" The Cabal and Deep State, #WeAintHavingIt that is no more unconstitutional LOCK DOWNS..TRUMP SAID NO MORE LOCK DOWNS

 THESE GOVERNOR'S ORDER LIKE NATIONAL MASK MANDATE,AND WORST TOM WOLF IN PENNSYLVANIA WANTS TO CLOSE PENNSYLVANIA AGAIN DESPITE PREDIDENT TRUMP SAYING "NO MORE LOCK DOWNS" AND GOVERNOR'S NO THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY POWER THE CABAL OR PUPPETS BESIDES FAKE NEWS ON MSM AND SOCIAL MEDIA CENSOR SHIP...WELCOME TO A NWO, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? ALL YOU WANTED GLOBAL GOVERNMENT SO HERE IS THE ISSUES, IT'S TRUMP AND HOW ELECTION WAS STOLEN FROM HIM AND IT WAS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT, CABAL AND DEEP STATE CANNOT FIGURE OUT WHO Q MOVMENT IS. What is the problem all these BIG TECH censors all info they deem threatening to their Beast 666 Biden and Harris and POPE. Trump will WIN and already has, mark my words, there is gonna be some major action reported by MSM in next 3-4 weeks max as he Trump is speeding up the process....Trump has POWER to bring Military (National guard) and all military here for to arrest tyrants and murderers' Governor Tom Wolf and Health Secretary Rachel...They both killed by putting people with who knows what in nursing home.. the enemy is falling right into trap, all goes to Military Court *Tribunals* ... Trump may have to declare martial law to rid this country out of cabal's touch and shut it all down and wipe out all debt owed to China and Troops ready to war if needed against China.Remember don't fret its all been thought of a head of time... Yes we follow "Q" anonymous group of silent majority.... This is true, Biden and Harris will never make it and TRUMP will stay and use forces of power if he Military in interest who and why these tyrants are not locked up yet....THE STORM IS NOW....Don't worry #TrustThePlan  For Q is highest level of knowing clearance and Q+ they think will stop and allow a fraudulent Biden and Harris right on a news media a fake sign in, they are arrested and never gonna happen but if it did it means they the good guys behind Q are myriad of them....Big Tech will lose pretty soon and have to face the truth they Facebook is Clown's In America set up....80 million legit votes but fake Ballets are gone and some will bewater marked.. Their and Trump is showing look my fellow Patriots and Citizens look at the DEEP STATE Conspiracy Theorist have know all along....David Ike banned him completely like Q movement FBI has Q down as violent terrorist group like Antfia and  and evils of KKK and BLN, ? Both just alike....sit back I know its hard if they shut down your governor tell them #WeAintHavingIt  #DEEPSTATETAKEDOWN, Trump will end this nightmare with all the 25 other countries involved here with FRAUD and DEATHS OF PEOPLE WHO DID NOTHING WRONG ARE PROTECTED DO YOU NOTICE THIS? I know the darkness they call on, before I awakened I had no clue what that term was,, 2012 is this year 2020 Dec 21 2020!

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