
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Slavery and Capitalism and OWO and the new Revolution the New World Order Hyperianism and a message to my enemies

An example Like my father who has made the same income since 1990 $38,000 gross annual income and is a slave and 60 years old ,been working at the same 4 in the morning slave job until 5pm 5 days a week. Why do most people put up with this satanic system of the old world order of the 6006 people who think in their minds that they rule the world and are gods of everything? Because they are brainwashed victims of the elites and they know not what the hell even a real life is as they are Abrahamist and get down on their knees to some god outside of them and hope and pray like mental illness people talking to the clouds. They are mentally ill and just don't know it due to organized religions. See I never worked for anyone nor did anything except a brief ownership of a self defense products business and ever since I was little I was against work and slavery and the god of the christians even though I became a ordained minister and then went into satanism then found the Illuminati and no satanism has nothing to do with the real Illuminati. Jehovah-Yahweh is a fake made up egregore of a cancer that eats through the masses and it must be ended but how can even #Hyperianism end such a system when there is religious freedoms? The pagans and witches and occultists are not the problem, its the whole Abramhamic religions brain washing everything and everyone. No one will do anything as they are mind controlled and told what to do and never question anything nor ask why I have to bow down to some god and 10 commandments?Given the USA every president swears on a bible, the most evil and satanic book to exist right along with the koran. And every court room has a bible in it. The whole system has to be crashed literally, their precious stock market, capitalism must end and the masses must make a stand against the rich elite, in a NON VIOLENT WAY... We should quit buying their bullshit stories of history as what does "HER-Story" have to say? I don't totally agree with books on Jesus as I see him as a fake godman the gnostics made up for their mystery schools of magick and the occult mixed in with hermeticism. The Jesus story some say was Christ Lucifer in the Gnostic legends. There was tons of gnostic systems so each differs as some say the snake was Christ Lucifer, the serpent of salvation in Gnosticism and the occult. I myself am involved in Hyperianism and the Occult as well. I woke up the hard way after my parents shoved Abrahamic non sense down my throat, I went mentally ill back in 2010 and became a ordained minister and then right after went into rebellion as a satanist and moved out and that story was written in my other writings and needs not need be repeated here. But all in all I realized ever since I was a child, I knew I was different from the world, I knew my higher self was a being of indescribable light with flashing eyes and it manifested at age 26 or I became aware of it and the Pythagorean Illuminati showed me (through people from there) and Mike Hockney's books what it was, living mathematics, that is all light is, sine and cosign waves from my monadic self. I figured out I am a watcher, a being that forgot its mission. in me I am so enraged at the world and system, I just want to crash it and let the Hyperian age begin, the age of REASON. So many people bash the Pythagoreans and Hyperianism as they are strictly light workers and see nothing but love and light, you cannot love your enemies sorry I can accept them but I will not stand for loving them. The only way to get them the (elites) out of power is to stop buying things and just like in the book "The Last Bling King" form a group like that that no longer puts up with their bullshit and Hyperianism is the answer. Not love and light! People are scared of the new world order because of all the bullshit the elites put out there that the conspiracy theorist eat up.Sorry the "Illuminati" isn't behind anything of like what the elites want you to believe. They are the ones who want to end this satanic slave system where the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. They want to liberate women and give them back their rightful places. Ontological Mathematics is their religion, not some faith system, but a system of absolute facts and reason and intellect and rationality. Ontological Mathematics explains everything from so called "Miracles" and the supernatural even. And some say the Hyperianism has no place for feelings or intuition. That is not true. They see love and love you enough to stand up against these tyrants of the old world order when no one else will!

You want to know what I'm tired of, "its all about the money" bullshit. These groups that charge people to have access to the teachings of a certain society. Take NEO Thinkers, they charge you to be in "their group". Lots of people I know say they are fraudsters and fake. I don't know about that but I wish to be part of their group but I just cannot afford $50 a month for some club. #Hyperianism is open to everyone who is smart and puts reason and rationality above all else and doesn't believe in Abrahamism and they charge NO MONEY. also charges no money for membership. Anyone that does is fake Illuminati to me straight up!Did you get your pope card yet? LMAO you might as well join Brotherhood of the White Temple as some of these groups are faking it till they make it.  I am going to be forming my own group of the occultism and hermeticism. I surely wouldn't be charging people to be in my group Red Bull Illuminati. One day, My Illuminati brainchild will be as a legacy as I put my shyness asside and fear and just face reality and build this thing myself.
To the rich elites I'm a no body like in the last bling king. Yeah well this "No body" is actually much more than you know and I have powers beyond your conception and you put me to sleep once and I'm AWAKENED again and I remember everything.... This message is aimed at a certain enemy of mine that thought they did away with my mind, try again, I remember you trying to kill me but I was aware of this before my birth. I'm nothing and you cannot destroy nothing, go ahead try and shoot me down, I dare you fools, you would surely regret it. You seen some of my "powers" at Lake Erie of telekinesis and power over the elements. Ontological Mathematics can accurately say why I have them or anyone else through reason and intellect. Lucifer is my Hermetic Self, ever since I embraced "Lucifer" not the devil in occultism I awakened to my secret self HADIT in Thelema. Unconsciously and automatically one and all is taken care of for me and I don't know why but through Feminine knowing I know BUT THE FINITE MIND CANNOT GRASP IT. I am glad that IAM and I'm here to say your "drugs" are not going to limit me anymore from a psyche quack you people have me going to. I am taking a stand right here and now against all fake illuminati assholes who rip people off and the fake rich elites which in the Hyperian world your money means absolutely fucking nothing. What will you do when the people, this generation of people take a stand against one and all government and elites and crash down the old world order and rebuild it the the AGE OF REASON through no violence whatsoever? 

Its up to you people, read Mike Hockney's books all of them and quit throwing troll comments about something you know nothing about. Its not about the "christian and islam satanism" but spiritual satanism is real but as the other "satanism" that is bunk and fake, there is no devil except men and women who act like devils. Read Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley, he says the devil was a invention of the dark brothers aka the elites. Do you want to be a slave the rest of your life to fakes and die for a slave job that cares nothing about you? You think the rich give a fuck about you or victims in this world? Hyperianism is offering you the red pill or the blue pill, which one will you take? Too many of you accept the blue pill and forget things you read and do worthless facebook posts and keeping up with the latest bullshit trends instead of liberating yourself as a God and Goddesses which you truly are!  You are Source period, end of story and its all mathematical. I'm coming into my own as a Sourcer of Hyperianism and I know there is something inside me hiding and waiting for the correct time and place to manifest itself if the old world order enemies try anything... I have nothing but respect for the Pythagorean Illuminati and Morgue of Hyperianism. I too fell for a "guru" and light working and its a trap, you cannot turn the other cheek against these tyrants of the Old World order as they are the strong man and they will chew you up and spit you back out.The choice is yours!

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