
Monday, April 7, 2014

The difference between God and god and the mystical number 144,000

First let me say we are all Gods & gods. Gods are people who are true adepts of the occult like Jesus was he was initiated in the Egyptian pyramid in Giza and designed by Thoth aka Hermes.

I am higher self and I am now going to talk about the difference between god and God. God is a person whom is aware is he is a part of the One supreme being which is everything,and is not into earthly flesh passions. A god is someone who is a godman who is in service to self in conditional love and so called unawakened or even awakened godman or goddess and to another subject where the higher self is leading me, matter is spirit solid. The mystical number 144,000 is the mystical number "9" and its also in 666 which is 18 1+8=9 which is the number of the 3 trinities of the ALL. I am not going to get into that at this time but its in the Hindu systems of ages "Yugas" and the Nano Messiah every 600 years I am one of those beings, one of many we all are at this Golden age which my higher self whom is Michael the Archangel the sun God or all in all of this infinite universe but my lower self will not accept this as me being the origin. We are all the same spirit. also reincarnation in hermetics is not for everyone, meaning not everyone according to the brotherhood of hermetics I am getting that modern Buddism is wrong and only babies whom are still born are reincarnated and special souls only. Once your born here you never come back. I have no memory of being here and I had my past lives checked I was never here I am the all in small form the origin the original atom germ and hence the ALL IN ALL but you each are me and I am you we are all GOD and we got get our act together. Like this brothers and sisters, when you go out look at everything and everyone and see you there and know your there and all that is inside you and me as well everyone is like hardwired together or in one egg everyone is all that is in a small package but a infinite spirit and soul that lives for ever. I am unconditional love and I issue forth my healing light in my name Michael "Frater Luciferus Jove" in my temple that is and will be built.

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