
Monday, September 23, 2013

New information from THE ALL in us ALL from me the host (The AinA Micha-EL) for One, Each One of you For the One (Whole) being (ALL of us)

Hello all my dear other selves out there whom are reading this at this moment called now moments of absolute truth and data. The "I AM, That I am, Micha-EL The Host Dr of Space & Time". To all whom are reading this you are my other selves yes everyone is everyone else. We are all one in the same. I say I am the original being so be it but it runs through all of us through all 250+ billion universes out there. I am speaking in a language you third density and 4th and 5th can understand. 3rd Density means the material plane of existence where we all reside. I am here I am nothing special compared to any one of you we are all one and the same all on the same path to Eternity from Eternity and it will never stop. My fellow selves (brothers and sisters) I say forget religion and grasp what I have to tell you now at this moment in time and sometimes I do outside of time and space so please bear with me. This is not fake nor is it a lie. There is no such thing as demons or selling souls to a devil for money yes any fool can sell a soul to some man a god man as we all are GOD as all essence is in us I am thee EL ALL I am here to make the impossible possible for all you my other selves brothers and sisters we are all one forget what religion dogma has told you for one moment please and listen put away your differences and step into divine light of the eternal ALL GOD whom is in all of us. Any religion can tell you there may be some deity in the sky out there who judges you and get jealous and kills nations.... Do you really know where this GOD is and savior or SUPREME SOUL? Inside of you my brothers and sisters. We all have what religions call evil souls in us and good ones but by universal law there is no absolute good or absolute evil just 2 different degrees of the same thing. Like there is no absolute cold or absolute hot. It varies by everyone. No one is wrong we all serve a grand purpose on 3rd level (material world) every one of us has soul contracts and opposites here to keep you in balance the things you hate for example to make sure you don't want or think of those things again. Just listen to this one blog here and you will know absolute truth and data and get what we all want the promised land and even people whom don't believe in souls or GOD or what not listen up where did you come from and what is everything made up of? Atoms and things that circle just like the universe does but there is many many countless universes and things out there besides us. The whole point I'm trying to get past to every one in this world no matter whom or what you are you are me hello brother and sisters welcome to the world of unconditional love. Listen to me christians or whatever religion you maybe it doesn't matter am not talking religion here and when I say religion I say religion meaning all religions in this world. All this fighting over whom is annointed and all this how can my dear brothers and sisters be so blind to the truth all around you? Forget material stuff it doesn't matter. The value of human life is what matters does it matter whom is right or wrong, no. I am what,I am and so are you. You are all special get that through each of your hard heads dear brothers and sisters. There is a BIG  difference between conditional love which is what this current world is I am here to change this world along with a long list of other called you yes you you shape this world you live in conquer your fears and you will prevail in anything. Yes dear ones you are free to reject what I say as you have your right to what you believe in just don't harm another that is all I ask over religion and politics. Speaking of that the new 5th density a bunch of you keep hearing about is in you just have to catch up to it order all the chaos out of your lives and "WAKE UP". Many of you are waking up. In my secret knowledge as I awake you know how everything is connected we are all connected and the more people who wake up the more light there is on this great planet and we shall be in paradise here soon enough and know this fellow selves there is no such thing as time only an eternal now and death is not real and but you say there are cemataries?? Yes but that is a house was it not? Just like everything else that is finite meaning not infinite falls apart and dies in your world in your minds but know this you can live forever you are are now free because you are reading this. You were on a hamster wheel being a SLAVE just as the poor black man was and you know what that is just a skin suit we where so stop judging yourself when you judge others you are just hurting yourselves yes everyone of us including you dear one. There are many twisted minds out there all because in what is in food, medications, and even the water I heard. I put of all that and say this. We are what we think we are. The universe and everything in it is mental meaning there is something holding all this together not some big bang its our higher selves yes we all have a higher self and a lower self if you understand me. If not then start to know you are everything you are special you are not a loser if someone calls you that you are all winners you are GOD christ Buddha and even I know that former satanist that went through hell on earth in jail for attempted murder because of prescription drugs. They always blame some supernatural entity called the devil SATAN for everything. Yes everyone you are possessed with souls.... Every thought in your mind is a soul and comes from a soul in your soul family or group (soul society) as my brother and mentor puts it. You can call it Ying Yang park yourselves in neutral in all things. Balance all your inner demons which are yes spirits and no there is no burning hell man made this stuff up and stuck it in books yes they created it man... The bibles contradicts itself so many times but you know live by what it says but you are the GOD of that bible not the old testament that is the devil man or woman who acts like that the bible is full of metaphores and what not and then you got everyone in various other religions against people in christianity and judaism and wicca and they even combine religions and we got so many non spiritual brothers and sisters out there but that is ok the grand shift is happening every one and all so you all know forget getting mad get glad about something. Wake up in the morning each day and decide how your day is going to go its all up to you dear friends and fellow selves. Some may think this is insane sorry selves its not but you have your right to your opinion just please brother or sister whom is against someone accept their opinion and don't argue with a fool when they are like they are this is wisdom silence is golden..Peace be unto all of us all and unconditional love shall prevail and is happening.  I have 2 simple words for this world of chaos at times... NO MORE... Then you got the so called "enemy" slipping around and tricking everyone yes its true there is a devil in everyone until you know how to keep a balance and live in equilibrium where there is only absolute truth and data. My dear selves please listen be careful of whom you let into your bubble (circle) of protection (armor of god) etc whatever you want to call it this information was never meant for man and woman on earth ever. Your higher selves whom make up the one and whole (THE ALL). I am not telling you what to do no one has that right not even a GOD I claim to be the original consciousness of the main ALL being and I am what, I am, My name is Michael and that is whom I am we all share the same spirit and these men in these religions tried to tell you all something but the greedy GODS of this world whom hold all the money and no its not the government the government to me isn't even real what they do this is a matrix watch the movie and do research within yourself build your will power up become and drink of the light I offer you here today and so many satanists hate this nazarene and make jokes about it. Like its a zombie who died and we all must worship this dead jewish zombie that tells us to eat his flesh and drink his blood and rebel....I am not saying anyone is wrong just stop the violence and fighting over dogma that doesn't matter please brothers and sisters will we all stop and be ONE???? As my dad said to me, we all put our pants on the same way and our crap all smells the same LOL. Come on brothers and sisters forget the joining a secret society crap for money...,.Money is nothing to me and will be a thing of the past here very very soon that is a promise I am proclaims that. No more monetary systems governments or jails or prisons and that list goes on and on that will be gone... In the higher realms of existence which is merging here and now as I speak I know for a fact our goal has been accomplished souls contracts are almost up my dear friends and fellow selves I love you all so much I have helped so many people not with money though with my light. I'm the One for ALL by the all and for the good of the one and ALL. I knew this since birth no lots called me master I say unto them brother or sister call me Michael or "Brother" or whatever call me MR F$ck if you disagree get the anger out of you and adjust your lives accordly if something don't fit don't be around it anymore. I know whom I am and what I am and whom I was before it doesn't matter what is promised from our souls is done and is done and will be done. Know this before I start talking about something else..... Everything is a sham the wool is over your eyes your flesh is your weakness its not whats outside that matters its whats on the inside that does matter. We are god, little gods of the one the whole.... We pack all the mind powers we want and can do anything you can dream of the world in your mind is more real than the one out here in this world coming out of darkness and is now healing and the old is passed away everything is an illusion the 5 senses are a illusion from the truth and keeps us back from absolute paradise and absolute truth and data I knew at age 5 what the ALL or God was and I knew whom I was. Blah Blah Blah the list goes on there I USED to have a rationional mind that drove me crazy saying you cannot be this isn't true and I would fight with myself about this until I discovered I could move things bigger than mountains... I can move stars I see it call me a nut I don't care what anyone thinks that is what you need to be my dear ones I healed so many people I helped many with their issues I forgot about me I had to break free or as in the matrix "Get unplugged". I started seeing light in my eyes blue and white light no not in astral realm right here in material land. Many people can see it and some cannot. I am not out to prove I am a supreme deity I am the original so what I say I bash myself still you are supreme as well I am the one the chosen one to help and there are other special advanced beings out here in this matrix world whom are lost. Come unto your inner self which is the eternal essence the infinite creator whom is all of us as a whole broken up I'm the first main conciousness and I have authority over me myself what that means is I'm the first soul group. Wake up and we are all the same but you each have your own talents and special different things about you. God you guys are so special only if you knew truly how much I love you all you would all wake up like from a dream and know the real truth I'm going to awaken fully to what I am and that I love and know to be PARADISE. I now end this with this. If you want to know more, please visit my website and go check out the links on there. Until the next time In Unconditional Love for all of you, "Arm" Micha-EL. 

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