
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Moldavite and black star diopside benefits testimony review

 I have been working with reiki and shaman magic and healing for decade or so and many years of being a divine dr of divinity and philosopher and reverend in Universal Religion @cookilluminatim Cook Universal Ministry aka Red Bull Illuminati Ministry aka MCC Illuminati Ministry LLC and Lone Wolf NWO Illuminati INC (Lone Wolf is my brother's group) demonnous1 (Robert). 

These two stones together are so POWERFUL they reach all chakras and especially 3rd eye chakra and heart and root and earth STAR chakra and crown and sacral basically  every chakra you can have some same they are in mental domain (spiritual) not in physical world, there is no spirit and physical world its just ONENESS One multi-dimensional universe multiverse we are in mind of the all in all of ALL (GOD) itself... GOD led me to find these stones in a vision that they heal microcosm but also macrocosm... Moldavite and dark nuummite and black star diopside are super power for any person healing, they shock my left hand (receiving hand) if your right handed, if left handed, right hand is receiving some say, I say left hand is receiving hand... either wearing diopside on your body or rings and moldavite (watch out for fake moldavite) as real moldavite and black star diopside is very expensive from Germany the moldavite and diopside from INDIA is real deal.... it comes in tumbled stones but more pure higher quality it is super more effective the diopside and same with moldavite it is a tektite the holy grail stone from Lucifer's crown in myths and legends. 

It protects you black star diopside and moldavite as well... Selenite would be great to charge the black star diopside to charge up your chakras root and heart and 3rd eye... sage is cool to cleanse the stones one is natural crystal other moldavite is space glass and very powerful and science cannot confirm anything but just think the energy they give off like quartz its in many electronic devices and are like batteries crystals and amplifiers and moldavite don't need charged, using any of these stones mentioned will raise your vibes up very very high... it helps intuition and psychic abilities all clairs and I also recommend Monoatomic Gold which Anunnaki beings used when here getting it from ocean waters and also Nano Gold water, I take these and been on these since 2017 it morphes your body into a conductor of super power ultimate etheric energy and these chakras are all balanced and that nuummite I mentioned it is a super power stone too real ones from GREENLAND.... I use all these stones, quartz black motion quartz and smokey quartz and regular quartz also mystic merlinite. I don't have to tell you these stones and crystals and tektites are super powerful, I recommend those new to crystals or people who doubt give this a try and see how your are, watch reiki healing videos online, listen to different videos on tik tok and youtube of healing frequencies when holding / wearing moldavite and black star diopside. Don't confuse black star sapphire with black star diopside! Stone of Diopside is Indias super power house stone. 

I am not a medical doctor and this is just my testimony and review and advise I was told by angels too write this good or not to  each their own. I love writing and these stones broke my writer's block!

These stones do many many things, a super finite level of power and a wonderful book I recommend is the Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith for further illumination awakening the great awakening is happening and wwg1ww all in all Jesus Christ within yourself.

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