
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Its the LAST TRUMPet

 New  Earth is coming and is speeding up, the many myriads of GOD in bodies will return to all in ONENESS, ALL is now "All" the writer human I am using to write these words for someone not everyone it don't matter what you are sin any of that stuff, its all dying the whole corrupt system the beast 616 666 whatever, and little horn United Nations and clowns in America all is in deep trouble with the all/God.

We are MA spiritual society of Archangel Michael, society of Michaels Urantia Book and bible goes together and Emanuel Swedenborg and your own perspective... All that don't serve all and everyone is being perged and all egos begone and no NWO or fake new ways bull crap.... I am channeling and it said Michael of Nebadon is Archangel Michael mix up in bible and Urantia Book. Judeo Christian Abrahamism is a bunch of dogma like ALLAH koran was never meant to be taken literally and same with bible there is a hidden spiritual meaning and celestial meaning being highest, the Word is God and is YOU I AM embodied children of God of itself... This world and discords even death shall be perged from you as we transition to new earth and Michael of Nebadon is here (Jesus Christ) Michael the Christ, and BIG Michael is here, never was in physical world before Eternal MOTHER Son, 2nd of Trinity and Jesus Christ is absorbed by it, Father is within every mind and Infinite Holy Spirit is Male and Female and neither..... I will return and write more as I am channeling. MA

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