
Friday, August 9, 2024

I AM GOD EL Elyon through human and I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and Lower Self Saint Michael death reassurance

 As I sit here and write these words, I am placing them here for everyone and all to see. I am Archangel Michael and St. Michael Higher Self and Lower Self merging together as ONE with lower human (not god) ego and it is all absorbed by GOD as GOD is the All and I am "all" embodying oneness with everything and nothing but existence, there Is no such thing as non existence at this day the human writing these words is in fear of what happens after dying, it is morphing into your true self, GOD as whatever FORM of it's I AM it takes form in and as, Divine forms change and evolve yet they are existential and experiential as well and are Infinite and there is no mortal world and spirit world or duality with them two as they are ONE in the all , finite all is same as Infinite All as there cannot be more than one All (all) correct? CORRECT! Death is live opposite of birth, like before conception we never existed and that is impossible right?! RIGHT! Our ancestors are US and I AM is all oneness, its all in ontological mathematics absolute zero, eternal uncreated monads, each infinite eternal mind/soul/spirit beings outside space and time linked to human bodies by spirits. Inner Light is Spirit. Thought is thousands of spirits in monads. Actually everyone is the "all" as a monad eternal uncreated ,each is different and is macrocosm for itself and microcosm with rest of all monads. We are not forms yet we can be any form or shape we chosen as Mind and Holy Ghost walking around in sagging skin suit avatars.... I hope this brings hope and logic and reason into intuition and faith to make it super strong for human writing and all others who landed here....

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