
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Perfection Includes Ignorance and Delusion - Shunyamurti Teaching saidutafakdwoo

They Hate that You Won’t Bow to the Beast but You Would Rather Burn. 🔥🔥🔥

Its the LAST TRUMPet

 New  Earth is coming and is speeding up, the many myriads of GOD in bodies will return to all in ONENESS, ALL is now "All" the writer human I am using to write these words for someone not everyone it don't matter what you are sin any of that stuff, its all dying the whole corrupt system the beast 616 666 whatever, and little horn United Nations and clowns in America all is in deep trouble with the all/God.

We are MA spiritual society of Archangel Michael, society of Michaels Urantia Book and bible goes together and Emanuel Swedenborg and your own perspective... All that don't serve all and everyone is being perged and all egos begone and no NWO or fake new ways bull crap.... I am channeling and it said Michael of Nebadon is Archangel Michael mix up in bible and Urantia Book. Judeo Christian Abrahamism is a bunch of dogma like ALLAH koran was never meant to be taken literally and same with bible there is a hidden spiritual meaning and celestial meaning being highest, the Word is God and is YOU I AM embodied children of God of itself... This world and discords even death shall be perged from you as we transition to new earth and Michael of Nebadon is here (Jesus Christ) Michael the Christ, and BIG Michael is here, never was in physical world before Eternal MOTHER Son, 2nd of Trinity and Jesus Christ is absorbed by it, Father is within every mind and Infinite Holy Spirit is Male and Female and neither..... I will return and write more as I am channeling. MA

Free Your Self from the Prison Structure of the Ego ~ Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions

The One Prerequisite for Union With the Absolute - Shunyamurti Early Morning Meditation Teaching

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Unleashed| FULL EPISODE! | S3EP4| A Haunting

Your Higher Self Will Take Over The Whole Situation. Just Step Aside.

Moldavite and black star diopside benefits testimony review

 I have been working with reiki and shaman magic and healing for decade or so and many years of being a divine dr of divinity and philosopher and reverend in Universal Religion @cookilluminatim Cook Universal Ministry aka Red Bull Illuminati Ministry aka MCC Illuminati Ministry LLC and Lone Wolf NWO Illuminati INC (Lone Wolf is my brother's group) demonnous1 (Robert). 

These two stones together are so POWERFUL they reach all chakras and especially 3rd eye chakra and heart and root and earth STAR chakra and crown and sacral basically  every chakra you can have some same they are in mental domain (spiritual) not in physical world, there is no spirit and physical world its just ONENESS One multi-dimensional universe multiverse we are in mind of the all in all of ALL (GOD) itself... GOD led me to find these stones in a vision that they heal microcosm but also macrocosm... Moldavite and dark nuummite and black star diopside are super power for any person healing, they shock my left hand (receiving hand) if your right handed, if left handed, right hand is receiving some say, I say left hand is receiving hand... either wearing diopside on your body or rings and moldavite (watch out for fake moldavite) as real moldavite and black star diopside is very expensive from Germany the moldavite and diopside from INDIA is real deal.... it comes in tumbled stones but more pure higher quality it is super more effective the diopside and same with moldavite it is a tektite the holy grail stone from Lucifer's crown in myths and legends. 

It protects you black star diopside and moldavite as well... Selenite would be great to charge the black star diopside to charge up your chakras root and heart and 3rd eye... sage is cool to cleanse the stones one is natural crystal other moldavite is space glass and very powerful and science cannot confirm anything but just think the energy they give off like quartz its in many electronic devices and are like batteries crystals and amplifiers and moldavite don't need charged, using any of these stones mentioned will raise your vibes up very very high... it helps intuition and psychic abilities all clairs and I also recommend Monoatomic Gold which Anunnaki beings used when here getting it from ocean waters and also Nano Gold water, I take these and been on these since 2017 it morphes your body into a conductor of super power ultimate etheric energy and these chakras are all balanced and that nuummite I mentioned it is a super power stone too real ones from GREENLAND.... I use all these stones, quartz black motion quartz and smokey quartz and regular quartz also mystic merlinite. I don't have to tell you these stones and crystals and tektites are super powerful, I recommend those new to crystals or people who doubt give this a try and see how your are, watch reiki healing videos online, listen to different videos on tik tok and youtube of healing frequencies when holding / wearing moldavite and black star diopside. Don't confuse black star sapphire with black star diopside! Stone of Diopside is Indias super power house stone. 

I am not a medical doctor and this is just my testimony and review and advise I was told by angels too write this good or not to  each their own. I love writing and these stones broke my writer's block!

These stones do many many things, a super finite level of power and a wonderful book I recommend is the Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith for further illumination awakening the great awakening is happening and wwg1ww all in all Jesus Christ within yourself.

The Dark Side | FULL EPISODE! | S3EP10 | A Haunting

The Possessed | FULL EPISODE! | S3EP8| A Haunting

Friday, August 9, 2024

You are Not In Your Body

I AM GOD EL Elyon through human and I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and Lower Self Saint Michael death reassurance

 As I sit here and write these words, I am placing them here for everyone and all to see. I am Archangel Michael and St. Michael Higher Self and Lower Self merging together as ONE with lower human (not god) ego and it is all absorbed by GOD as GOD is the All and I am "all" embodying oneness with everything and nothing but existence, there Is no such thing as non existence at this day the human writing these words is in fear of what happens after dying, it is morphing into your true self, GOD as whatever FORM of it's I AM it takes form in and as, Divine forms change and evolve yet they are existential and experiential as well and are Infinite and there is no mortal world and spirit world or duality with them two as they are ONE in the all , finite all is same as Infinite All as there cannot be more than one All (all) correct? CORRECT! Death is live opposite of birth, like before conception we never existed and that is impossible right?! RIGHT! Our ancestors are US and I AM is all oneness, its all in ontological mathematics absolute zero, eternal uncreated monads, each infinite eternal mind/soul/spirit beings outside space and time linked to human bodies by spirits. Inner Light is Spirit. Thought is thousands of spirits in monads. Actually everyone is the "all" as a monad eternal uncreated ,each is different and is macrocosm for itself and microcosm with rest of all monads. We are not forms yet we can be any form or shape we chosen as Mind and Holy Ghost walking around in sagging skin suit avatars.... I hope this brings hope and logic and reason into intuition and faith to make it super strong for human writing and all others who landed here....

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

410 Federal 2-1/2 Personal Defense 410 Hand Gun 4 #000 triple ought buckshot review

This is my opinion I felt the NEED TO POST ON The Federal Personal Defense 410 2-1/2" #000 Handgun Buckshot it goes 16" in bare ballistic gelatin
It will go 11 to 15" in denim-covered ballistic gelatin
Why do people just make up nonsense like 500 fps??? Or fake reviews the truth is in this video it hits HARD.....

At nearly $30 per box of 20, Federal’s 410 “Revolver” 000 Buckshot loads are very effective and cost-efficient. With a center hold, groups like this single headshot can be yours at dining-room distances. The four 73-grain .36 caliber pellets consistently hit within four inches of each other. Traveling at 850 fps from a 2.5-inch barrel, they collectively deliver about 468 lb-feet of energy with multiple wound channels.

This single round would produce nearly the same trauma and incapacitation as four shots from a .380 ACP FMJ. No wonder some people look to the Smith & Wesson Governor (or Taurus Judge) or Bond Arms as a bedside home-defense gun. But why stop with a single shot when your cylinder holds six or for those with only 1 shot we get about equal to 4 38 special rounds or 4 .380 ACP rounds simultaneously!? If your target holds still long enough, you can multiply the mayhem with additional shots but 1 shot of this stuff will do the job, especially the upper area shots in my opinion. Short barrel I have 2 26.5 mm flare gun old 1950's models and have 1 45 colt/410 bore 2.5 insert and this is my back up bug out only gun with that insert and .22 lr in second flare gun, my main guns are a Taurus Judge and I wrote about these inserts as I have them as emergency guns and want people to know this Federal 410 round holds up 825 FPS almost 500 ft lbs, its bad ass and is the best self defense round over any other 410 bore 2-1/2 hand gun round for self defense.


Your Enemies Put the Spotlight on You Now Their Purpose in Your Life is OVER

Monday, August 5, 2024

A Demon's Lair | FULL EPISODE! | S8EP14 | A Haunting on Brownsville road

There is a war under way against your soul and spirit, The Holy Spirit is fighting in you as YOU

 Do not give in, nor give up for GOD is within you, by The Infinite Way Book by Joel S Goldsmith who I was in a previous life, do not fret or freak out or worry, be your best, knowing, I AM IS, GOD IS, God is YOU, each a all within a infinite ALL in All.Uncreated Monads is who we are (Mind-Soul-Spirit) Eternal Uncreated, everything that will ever be manifested already has, in time it an appearance. Infinite Appears as nothing not absence or nothing there, rid finite mind set mortal concept. The LORD Jesus Christ is returning within each and everyone of US to clean the world up outside appearance is DONALD or KENNEDY. It is last TRUMPet.

Black Magic | FULL EPISODE! | S6EP3 | A Haunting