
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Its the End of the World, end of AGE and Apocalypse means Lifting of the Veil

Its correct the conspiracy theorists.... most things they say are TRUE of the OLD EARTH and OLD WORLD ORDER... The Old world order is trillionares who run the world behind the scenes they are not ILLUMINATI despite conspiracy books.... There is the confusion that there already is a NEW WORLD ORDER, there is not one, but due to collective consciousness and unconsciousness this Covid-19 stands for Certificate of Vaccination ID act of 2020 (Real ID and Vaccination ID) Bill Gate's will stop at nothing to get the vaccines mandatory.... he is their cabal puppet like Obama was and #Obamagate is real and all the sicko rich elites who own the centralized banks and the FEDERAL RESERVE slavery system of eternal debt that this country cannot pay back the FEDERAL RESERVE...Coin shortage and cash not being accepted..What is up with that? QAnon said its end of the FEDERAL RESERVE some believe and cash will be worthless in this "New Normal" which is not a NWO but a reorganization of their assets and One world Government the Cabal...They WANT CASHLESS SOCIETY! Deep State is them as well....Its the end of their world as they know it, the Universe God or what ever you wanna call it is dishing out KARMA ON MANKIND.... Rich cabal mafia and rich pedophiles and sick satanists the OLD World Order former elites are, they are all gonna go down the Illuminati and QAnon is taking on the rich elites, let me to tell you, your the real POWER AND ELITES! Not them con artists deep state criminal mob and Radical Left and Right is by same Cabal of devils and they get their powers from Archons (fallen beings) like fallen angels as in book of Enoch.... Watchers exist and so does God if they exist not as Bible makes old testament God out to be a Satan.... God is within your mind as you and God are ONE and the same, God is Macrocosm, you are Microcosm, a MACROCOSM POSING AS MICROCOSM ALL IS WITHIN YOUR MIND WHICH IS INFINITE.... Monads is what we are, eternal Minds and soul and spirits., we are UNCREATED AS ENERGY CANNOT BE CREATED OR DESTROYED... ALL THINGS EXISTS ALREADY IN SO CALLED UNMANIFEST.... Its all there within a Unisphere called Earth - Urantia...Earth plane is INFINITE AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, AS BELOW, SO ABOVE...the evil will be caught and the hells will be subdugated. (Put back in balance by return of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS... in one and all people....) There is gonna be alot of HELL ON EARTH TILL 10 YEARS 20 YEARS IF Trump isn't re-elected.... Vote for TRUMP he is QAnon Q+! The things you will see coming up aliens from outerspace to distract all people and more fake news... turn off the tel-LIE-vison... stay away from all Main stream media aka fake news... make no mistake there is hell going on as effects of the GREAT AWAKENING happening all over....The riots and corruption.... and anarchy has gotta go... law and order equilibrium must be obtained. Love one another, don't hurt and kill each other stop it! Enough! Archangel Michael is here on EARTH linked to a body avatar as in Book of Daniel Old Testament "Michael the Prince" will stand and protect Israel and all others that means....  Why is he referred to as  PRINCE? see Urantia Book as Christ is MICHAEL.... and was Jesus Christ.... Michael the archangel is another name for CHRIST by bible error.... he is a warrior Michaels there is 700,000+ Paradise Master Sons and only ONE Trinity mentioned in Urantia Book, PARADISE FATHER, ETERNAL MOTHER SON, AND INFINITE SPIRIT/SOUL... The Eternal Mother Son is Original Michael from which all Michael sons come from as did Jesus # 611,121st version of Father/Eternal Mother Son....Don't worry everything is gonna be alright trust us.... New Earth is here a new Paradigm and new Age of Aquarious the water bearer....And Nothing or no one can stop what is coming you turning into being Heaven on New Earth while those dependent on their OWO system,will remain in wasteland until you WAKE UP they will remain in hells with archons....the deep state that is.... their world ended they act like they don't know, they KNOW, WHY ALL THE CENSORSHIP? Why all kinds of distractions before a election? They lost, we won already victory SEALED....Know you and God are ONE and your equal to GOD The Father and Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit through Jesus Christ aka Michael of Nebadon Michael the Archangel or upgrade LORD ALMIGHTY MICHAEL BESTOWED...= LAMB OF GOD...You are the One in charge as Your God incarnate as when your ONE with God there is no separation.... You have 2 choices, EVOLVE AND USE LOVE and RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS TILL YOUR NOT DEPENDING ON THE BEAST SYSTEM OF CABAL... or REPEAT THE HELLS YOU BEEN THROUGH FOR COUNTLESS LIFETIMES... THERE IS GONNA BE EARTH QUAKES IN STRANGE PLACES AND FALLING STARS (HOLLYWOOD) AND FALSE PROPHET MEANS MYRIAD OF EVIL ONES....lots of strange freaky shit is gonna be going on....don't be a victim, in Gods world there is no victims and villans... They are One with dark side of God of this world Calagastia the devil....Lucifer isn't devil and Satan isn't right now they are locked up"Jesus" is Prince of this world..... "

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