Michael is Lamb of God, God the Father was last bestowed on planet when Christ Michael and Immanuel *(talked about in Urantia Book) Michael 611,121st version of Original Michael the Eternal Son and Universal All Father and Infinite Spirit is original Paradise son (Jesus Christ) is Christ Michael also Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed. Others are all gods John 10:34 AV Bible and psalm 82. https://urantiauniversity.org/1003-Part-2-Overview-of-The-Urantia all is Original God the Nous is Father and Eternal Son is body of Father and is Mother and Son and Infinite Spirit (pneuma) neither gender...Michael Charles Cook is lower self of Eternal Michael the Christ 611.121st version 8th bestowed LAMB.

Metatron was Enoch before he found the philosopher's stone, God itself and ascended into the heavens and became God more or less of earth or Urantia and that is everything in one, the Source is right here and no where..., Metatron is God's left hand and Archangel Michael is God's right hand so to speak,that is why it is said Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. Many say Metatron is evil and of the darkness and with Anunnaki beings... No he isn't.. He actually is Immanuel Michael the Christ's brother! See Urantia Book... Emmanuel is another being a name for Michael of Nebadon in the bible. Michael of Nebadon is the projection of the 1 Original Eternal Mother Son named Michael of all the paradise creator sons Michaels. There is a avonial son here too to judge the world all in one human being as Christ Michael of Nebadon is serving as that now whom is Jhesus Maria in Soror Tisha Magdalene Martin... Metatron is holding the earth grids in place and myriads of grid keepers are at work... This earth is Infinite now and never ends, there are countless earths or Urantias and each human is a Earth or Church mentioned in Revelations... All is Michael. Mi-cha-EL. Your Jesus living out his and her life yes we said her as the Eternal Mother Second person of Trinity is Feminine and Masculine and The Universal All Father is basically the Eternal Mother Son and is myriads of beings and all humans who are God the Father an Infinity of them by the 3rd person of Trinity the Infinite Holy Soul/Spirit... Soul is Divine Feminine Mother of the Universe and ONE and Masculine is spirits and duality. THESE ANTI CHRISTS ARE CAUSING DISRUPTION IN EARTH ASCENDING AND WE ARE AFTER THESE BEINGS THEY WILL BE BINDED WITH SATAN WHO IS JUST A TITLE FOR BEINGS LIKE CALAGASTIA AND THE ANUNNAKI . These beings or human Gods will be given a chance to ascend and quit fighting and claiming they are their own Messiah over everyone when there is no Messiah besides yourself one with Jesus Christ aka Michael of Nebadon the all in all of earth and Havona which is now earth! There is a being called "Enki" "Ea" who is a Anunnaki being... He is the only one of them to trust with Enlil his half brother .Anu joined up with Calagastia and Delagastia the DEVIL. Gabriel will bind them and recycle them in due time these beings we mentioned if they don't choose to accept the reality of the Universal Father in everyone and as everyone and human and other beings..The Lucifer Rebellion really was the Anu Rebellion! Lucifer is Enki who is EA! Lucifer was named the devil in the King James Bible only and no other hebrew texts mention that name Lucifer... The translators got confused when they wrote the Urantia Book and got names mixed up. Lucifer is benevolent and is Source as you all are we are setting the record straight. Satan means multiple enemies not just one being... We are not naming the humans they took form as they will know what their fate is to be recycled and because of their karma they will have to start out at the bottom as lowest form of Life of God there is if they refuse God The Universal Father and Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Holy Soul/Spirit as Michael and Michael of Nebadon. aka Jesus Christ... Jesus did not die for your sins... !!! You are flawless... You are imperfect perfect evolving Gods and Goddesses as humans on Urantia (Earth) and you are EQUAL TO THE WHOLE OF SOURCE WHICH IS THE HAVONA TRINITY! As humans you are God the Supreme being some of you in spiritual societies and groups... Some are God the Ultimate being and Some are God the Absolute! Evolving God to recreate God anew...!See Urantia Book about these evolving beings...