
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

5G, Aliens and Conspiracy Theories and David Icke

London Real was taken down all videos of David Icke? Why? this proves they are right 100%? NO! They already got a scared bunch of people hyping up Covid-19 and making fake death numbers less than flu but good guys are taking back the world from the deep state Trump and VP Pence are Q Anon and JFK JR ...5G does it kill you and can it be used to kill.... Actually yes silent weapons, Pythagorean Illuminati under Hyperianism says 5G doesn't hurt anyone yet they agree with their supposed LOGIC and REASON and Ontological Mathematics but to understand their Mathematics you must have to believe them on BLIND FAITH DO YOU NOT UNDER PRINCIPLE OF SUFFICIANT REASON THEY USE AS WELL? That is us who don't understand Ontological Mathematics ... But missed the point I wear Q-Link Pendant SRT 3 and SRT 2 my old one and Orgone pendant I take no chances and Orgone is Black Tourmaline and copper spiral and Metatrons' Cube and 7 Chakra crystals...Aliens? Yes they are real and are US all as we evolved since we all are different races... aka Illegal Aliens! Aliens highly evolved being read Conversations with God book 4... and the Urantia Book.... it will open your eyes to I and the Father are One... You are no different than Jesus Christ aka Michael of Nebadon if you wanna include all different views... then the Gnostic Christ and Cosmic Christ of Universal Christ Consciousness... 

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