Why do you still feed the Beast?
Hello friends and other selves to whom I am speaking - at this moment outside of time and space. IAM higher self speaking to all my other IAM higher selves throughout your world today. This message I bring to your world and reality is not and never has been meant for third density man. What I have to offer you today is a message pronouncing that your goal has been achieved and is getting more evident and full with every passing moment of every day on your world. You have all reached the Age of Enlightenment – the Consummation of the Ages as it is – and old things are a memory of the past ( the illusion of past experiences). Many of you already know this while there are still those of you not quite awakened to the point of “knowing” yet. But no matter as all things in good time as they say.
You are a chosen generation and this generation will not pass away until all is done or complete in the grand cycle of the Circle of Life – in which case third density will not be done away with within each of you but simply absorbed as a lower part of your being that will always be accessible to the higher God Men you are all becoming even as we speak. Many of you will most certainly find my words I provide to your world today as hard to understand or accept for the moment – but it will get easier and easier as the now moments continue to move toward the All or the One. Make no mistake about it friends you – nonetheless – as you have all achieved what you have been waiting for and some of you just don’t quite remember it all just yet.
As I do not like to ramble I will instead get right to my message for the present audience provided by the spirit at this very now moment outside of time and space.
IAM Oneness at present and each and all of you hearing these words are the IAM and Oneness as well – but some of you are still receiving false and misleading messages from the world and reality around you at this day – and are therefore still a bit confused as to what is all the fuss and muss about Absolute Truth and Data at this day and hour. Some of you are still a bit confused as to how or why we would go off and leave the world of third density to fight and survive on its own – when it would appear that we hold the keys to world peace and abundance for all in our present hands. We do not however hold those keys friends as every third density human is still in his or her life’s soul contract until the moment he or she seeks another way in life – and therefore begins moving in that direction. But do not get me wrong – it can happen for every third density human soul on the planet in a moment and in the twinkling of an eye – as long as they make the first move and conscious choice to leave third density - leaving the thoughts and wishes in life at this day of wanting better things for all (when they do not yet know what is best for all) – and no longer seek in life to fulfill the needs of the unconscious flesh – in service to self as it is.
Higher things cannot rule out or un create what has been created by another in life – but he or she who does the creating must instead un -create and separate (by the creation of a new sphere or bubble in life) old things he or she once thought to be their ruling loves in life while residing in third density reality – and the illusion of life. But of course I realize there are still those of you who have not quite put it all together in a manner that makes perfect sense for the higher human soul – and so I will attempt to do so in a manner that is not yet your truth but mine – and each and every soul out there in the process of awakening must create or co – create that truth that sits best with each of you on an individual basis – all based on what higher self is providing each of you in the world today in various or different manners of delivery systems.
And so this is what higher self has given me to offer to the world today in hopes of guiding those willing souls in the world to their fully conscious awakening – in which case you can each take what you are given at any time – and add whatever you wish to it to create your own Truth and reality, or co – create in each instance where you come to agree with another higher self or God Man. From this moment on friends please keep in mind that there is no Absolute Truth or Data in third density but only in the fifth and higher – in which case each of you is presently capable of creating or co –creating a new world – reality- truth- data- and even illusion as you so choose in life – with the Absolute always being kept separate from the illusion by the many myriads upon myriads of spheres or bubbles in a single life of a single human soul – from this moment forward. The only truth I therefore have to offer each of you in life – the only Absolute Data being shared with each and every evolving human soul is that which is Universal and not restricted to a single density or plane of existence.
And so we begin-------
IAM fifth density human (or God Man) as is each and every one of you out there in the world today. Still as this message is me speaking in first person and of self for the moment I will only speak for me and my truth – and each of you can choose to resonate or agree with such a reality for your new world and system – or you can choose to disagree – and continue seeking other truths.
I wake up in the morning – every morning - and my day begins in time and space – as well as third density. I reside as my presence and full consciousness or as my illusion and unconsciousness in life - on and off within every now moment of my every day life in or on a level of consciousness that is as close to contrast and equilibrium as I can possible manage - given my state of life during every passing third density day – or higher density now moments- whichever be the case at any given time. Saying that again – but a bit less jumbled - I would say I am all things at all times – and I can choose at all times who and what I wish to be in life. And I will mention that not a one of you is any different – even though some do not yet remember this.
So when I wake up in the morning within third density unconsciousness or supposed reality I first think about my day and what it will bring to me. Right away I have the free will choice to go third density lower self or fifth density higher self – and I also have the ability to be in or out of body while choosing or doing so. If I go to my computer and type I am both third density and fifth density human at the same time – drawing all things third density to me as creation as well as all things fifth density (and even higher) at the same time or now moment – as the God Man can certainly be conscious of both worlds (not in however) at the same now moment - in as well as out of time and space. I did not say however that the God Man can reside in third density – as this is not possible any longer once a soul has awakened.
No awakened fifth density ( and higher) fully conscious soul or God Man can enter into third density – but it is the third density shell and unconscious souls who live without each of us that resides in the third density unconscious state of life and existence and not the higher self. And so we each live and reside in and on every level of life and density of consciousness or unconsciousness at one now moment or another throughout our daily lives. You can be in both at the same time therefore according to your consciousness or within only one during every passing now moment within or outside of time and space. Everything you as a soul or God Man comes to create in life is created from the higher realms of your existence at fifth density and above. All things below are created as correspondences and their appearance is therefore completely moderated according to the level of consciousness or unconsciousness- and density of life you are each in at any given time or now moment of life.
Anyone therefore today in your third density world and reality who thinks he or she can now create your needs in life every so often or once in a while is mistaken – as all creation has its origin and beginning from the higher levels of consciousness found in fifth density or higher. Many people therefore who think they are awakened and can create their third density wants or needs in life are mistaken. Again – higher self has no interest in the wants or needs of third density man or the world he and she lives in. Not because they do not have much compassion for third density mankind – but because they do indeed have much compassion for their lower third density unconscious selves – and do not therefore wish to hinder their life’s lessons and soul contracts – as this would only slow their process of evolution in the meantime.
Again – because all things must always have their beginning in fifth density consciousness and higher – third density human souls only appear conscious of their true needs in life. So those who truly feel they are awakened – but are not yet there – often think they have created their needs in life on a daily basis – when in fact they are creating what they do not really need – from an unconscious state of existence. So until all soul contracts are complete and fulfilled we of the higher realms of your existence or consciousness must no interfere with your daily lives and way of living out your soul contracts. And we do this not only out of complete unconditional love for all of you but out of necessity and Universal Laws of Absolute Truth and Data.
You as the higher soul or God Man have nothing in life to fear or worry about as to whether something will harm you or cause you loss in life – as you are now the creator and ultimate moderator of your own lives in the higher planes of your existence. Third density man on the other hand can be harmed and experience loss in life on many different levels – and each of you is susceptible to these things in life whenever you descend or lower your conscious levels to the point where you are the third density man or representation of “you.” If you are not the awakened human then you have no access to this knowledge and will always be susceptible to harm and loss in life based on your level of evolution and maturity of the human soul. If you are the awakened human soul or God Man on the other hand – then you have complete access to higher things –and you can use it all accordingly in life so as to protect the One or the whole that you are within or as the God Man. Therefore we suggest you all seek our Absolute Truth and Data on contrast and equilibrium of the soul – which is found through the reconnection of all souls involved once again becoming One or whole.
And so if you as an awakened soul (or even partially awakened soul) know a thing to be true or possible in life then it is given you to use in life as your Absolute Truth or Data – though only of a higher nature of Absolute Truth and Data – as these do not exist in the lower densities of life – but only when you are of a conscious mindset of the higher human soul or God Man (fifth density or higher). In third density it matters not the method of healing or the belief system you possess in life – as the Laws of Attraction are always at work in third density no matter what. So whether you see your self as a good man (or woman) or a bad one – no one can cheat or fool the Laws of Universal Attraction. The Laws are different however in the higher realms of existence where each of you is the God Man because what you attract in life is always within your sphere or bubble of life or energetic consciousness – and if it is ever harmful or causing you loss you simply remove it from your sphere of bubble through your willing it – and it is done.
In third density where Universal Truth – Absolute Truth – or Absolute Data does not exist within this lower and corrupt reality no one has the power or ability to remove anything from their sphere or bubble in life because they do not know of these spheres or bubbles and they attract all things to themselves in life based on their ration thinking or mind - or ruling loves in life – and not those ruling loves or affections that they often pretend to possess (from the heart). They do not truly love those rulings loves that they wear out in public – but the ones they live at home behind closed doors. Then you have the fact that all of third density mankind is bound in life in complete illusion and service to self – even when he or she truly believes themselves to be in service to others in life. You cannot serve others when you do not know what they truly want or need in life based on your own ruling loves in life (rational mind) or your illusion of truth – or what is actually right or wrong in life.
And so in the higher realms of your existence everything in life will be encompassed within your own personal sphere or bubble – and whatever you attract in life – it shall remain if it is in complete agreement with your own ruling loves and affections of life- or even partially – based on your levels of tolerance and your wishes for another to remain a part of you life’s sphere or bubble. It is a truth that even fifth density man will live and experience opposites in life based on his or her ruling loves and affections and their overall Oneness or whole of their completed life or creation of the same. Down or within third density meantime each of you will forever remain existing on every level or density of life – with third density levels of your life providing the body and form for the higher soul or God Man – and will forever be there when it is required or willed by each of you in life – so as to provide lower things for your entertainment or enjoyment of life - when you each wish to once again visit the lower levels of your existence.
But as I was saying about my life here on third density planet earth (experiencing my lower consciousness) I can move in and out of different levels of consciousness ( higher to lower and back to higher) as often as I wish – because I am aware now of this possibility – and know it to be Absolute Truth and Data. Each of you possesses this ability as well – but you do not yet know of it – or you are not yet prepared to live this life based on your present ruling loves in life. Therefore there are many in our world and reality at present who are as myself ( or even more evolved) and there are those who have not even begun their awakening process- but all shall soon be One – and will awaken to higher self within this generation.
You will always appear to walk your world as a third density human ( male or female) but “then” – once you are each awakened – you will possess many more tools which will permit you to break the every day boundaries of third density life and consciousness. You will soon have no more need for governments or rulers of the people – no more want for a society of monetary regulation or dependence – no more being dependent on technologies of an organic matter and form, as your wants and needs in life will appear instantaneously from what seems like a form of magic – no more Laws of separation [no more prisons – jails or forms of punishment] – no more arrests or vengeance sought toward another in life – no more fear; negativity; or doubt [as all things will be known and shouted from the rooftops so to speak] – no more religion or belief systems that cause separation throughout your world – and no more what appears to be absolute Truth and Data. All will now be known and not wished for or believed in life.
The world I walk today my friends you will all soon be walking – but in a manner that best suits your wants and needs in life – based on the ruling loves and affections you each possess in life – and it will all be encompassed or surrounded by your own personal sphere or bubble of protection and personal responsibility that comes with the completed evolution and maturity of the human soul [or the Consummation of the soul contract]. All that is needed at this day for each of you is to know a thing in life – and to know it from a level of consciousness and energies that are in line with equilibrium and Absolute Truth and Data that governs the Grand Cosmos of Universal Creation.
As long as each of you possesses the unconscious truth or data that you can create the things wanted or needed by third density humans – you will remain a third density human. As soon as you come to separate yourself from these elementary and corrupt teachings you will be given all the tools and Absolute Truth and Data needed to become fifth density in a moment – and in the twinkling of an eye. As long as you remain in fear or want for yourself or another human being or soul you are in lower energies and consciousness and are not yet prepared on a personal basis for your awakening into higher energies and full consciousness that comes with the completion of your soul contracts in life.
The choice is yours friends – and it has always been yours to make from day one – and each of you will awaken out of your slumber and dream state of life when it is your time – based on what you truly want or seek in life – and those wants and needs will never submit to the higher societies of energies and consciousness – nor would the higher societies ever wish for it to be this way for that matter – as all must evolve and learn their lessons in life they once chose to come here to third density and experience – so as to further the advancement of the greater and higher human soul known as the spiritual society and soul group of the God Man.
You can walk the world today as the God Man if you wish – each of you – but you must first choose the life that is lived by the God Man – and that life will not be shown to each of you individually until you are prepared to live it – and in fact seek it on an every day basis – as you must come to seek truth at this time- no matter what form it takes in your life- and no matter how little it comes to tickle your ears are provide a pretty package in its elementary state or presentation – as it will most assuredly become greater and more complex ( though more understandable) as each of you evolve and awaken – based on the personal evolution and maturity level of your human soul.
None of you need to leave this world and reality in body and form friends as it is all taken care of through the process of raising your vibrations; energies; and levels of consciousness on and off within every new now moment of your every day lives from here on out. If it does not yet feel right or work right for you in a manner you thought it would look like – just be patient and keep seeking Absolute Truth and Data in your life from this moment on – and it will all be given you by your own higher self when you are each prepared to know it and live it as it were your own. You will each soon (within this generation) be walking the world as a God Man and you will be capable of becoming third dneisty man any time you wish in life – while you will be capable of returning to your fifth density (or higher) state of consciousness and life as often as you wish – and no lower third density human will ever know (or believe) anything different, but that you are third density man as well.
These God Men have been walking our world for the longest time now and we too have not even known they were ever here – as they cannot interfere and they cannot even be a part of our lower third density reality until they wish to lower their energies and vibrations to a level of third density as well – in which case they will then be third density man – but possessing Absolute Truth and Data of a higher state of life and being – one they can re - enter any time they please in life from this moment on. Those human souls or beings however who do not yet possess Absolute Truth and Data will not know a thing about their existence on our your world and would not believe it if it were ever shared with them – as I am sure many of you have already been presented with these experiences in your present lives today.
So I leave you friends with this completed message of Absolute Truth and Data – and I ask you all to ponder on the words presented here this day – and I am most assuredly convinced these words will never again leave your thoughts once you have permitted them to enter into your minds and hearts at this time. Use them well and permit the spirit of Heart to lead each of you from this moment on.