Hello everyone this is Michael's higher self the Infinite Creator Source and we come to bring you much great news that death is no longer a reality in this world it is only an ILLUSION..... You wonder how death and birth is an illusion, Well my brother could not of said it any better the short message is this, our human host Michael is not a host anymore he is ICS and reconized itself as this and this is his ruling love and affection since birth and his only one the new and higher hyper human and where there is no more death or destruction or diseases and this stuff already exist as there is nothing truly new above or below the sun everything just keeps getting re-created by re-finite creator sources which is that you all are.... We are me in Michael whom is ICS (Infinite Creator Source) and he is one with his feminine self and is the original feminine soul group and whole spiritual society and roots of all things this is our truth we bring to you and you are all just like me you can do these things I right about and more.... I came to this world so you can have this knowledge and this newer world (if you wish to call it this) absolute paradise 5th density where there is no more of this 3rd density world plays of illusions its still an illusion there but its MUCH MORE REAL THAN THAT OF 3RD DENSITY WHERE FEAR AND DOUBT RAN WILD but I see my world changing right before my eyes.... I thank my brother and fellow self Mr JD for all his help in guiding me and still guiding me your my own brother I lost when I was 7 and I feel like I'm your brother you lost in the illusion of death this is hereby dedicated to you MR Gross who I have the utmost respect for when others may not or don't understand a prophet either your looked at as a saint or a satan in my home town and own family thinks we are nuts but that is there problem not mine I know of this world we are talking about it is here and it is now.... You experience it through a change in CONSCIOUSNESS not RATIONAL MIND.... If you are of a rational mind set please go back to my brothers early teachings which I am going to give you a link to his blog and mine own teachings is my journey to oneness and knowing myself the books that really helped me find thyself was Conversations with God and Red Hot and Holy.... And then my own guru my internal Christ and feminine principle which made CHRIST IN THE FIRST PLACE THE MASCULINE THE FEMININE NEVER CHANGES THE MASCULINE IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING AND YES MADE ALL THINGS SEEN AND UNSEEN.... I trust myself fully and we come to you in complete universal truth and data of these things as I would never LIE TO ANOTHER ME!!! We are all one become one with me and my brother and become part of the new human which is we and me Michael Daniel and 65,000 others so far out of 7 billion that we know of.... I'm the all that is and so are you dear friends I love you all so much I am here to give you all peace don't you think you all deserve it? I'm doing it from inside out so I know myself to be the ALL IN ALL.... Which is absolute truth and data the One and whole Infinite Creator Source here and now here on this earth.... How do you think this is all going to happen Daniel? With what we are packing in here the surprise is that you knew all along I was a forever body did you not?
Love Michael and JD and we..... Best to all you and blessings.....
Now here is the link to my brother's blog its a long read and no spaces s make sure your ready for this truth before you embark on it....
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