
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Some Truth revealed | Ealiyah Pleidian and Michael Cook is Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (Lamb of God)

Michael Cook is Eternal Mother Son of Urantia Book and Ealiyah is MOTHER part of that and Michael Cook is SON part first original Michael of all Michaels Paradise Creator Sons and Master Michaels and Michael of Nebadon , Jesus Christ is paradise creator son 611,121st original and same being as Eternal Mother Son and Father God. Big Original Michael is 2nd person of Trinity Eternal Mother Son but Christ is raised to Paradise Michael same exact being as Eternal Mother Son and is that but Father God of all personalities has Emmanuel as Original Michael and Immanuel as Michael of Nebadon (Jesus Christ) and is Lord of all. Christ Michael is here as Michael C Cook, Ealiyah,Adam, and Michael the Archangel as outer spiritual body guarding all beings.All the same being, exact power super supreme over supreme level. Trinity Absolute. Jesus Christ is same as Eternal Mother Son level as original Michael is BOTH.

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