
Thursday, December 28, 2023


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Earth is in danger due to negativity and evil will GOD stop this massacre? -- Magnetic Pole Shift

Urgent Notice ⚠️
Your planet faces an imminent threat of cataclysmic upheavals due to disruptions in the magnetic field. These disruptions have been triggered by the overwhelming negative vibrations humanity has generated over thousands of years.
Hatred, wars, murder, and atomic experiments have collectively burdened the Earth with a surplus of negative energy at its poles. As a consequence, the planet is at risk of tilting further on its axis, leading to widespread devastation, including earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes, and unprecedented windstorms.
What can you do to help?

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

2024 Annual Energy Update: HUMANITY’S Coming GREAT SHIFT

Lucifer Abraxas Satan -- How it works rationally and intuitively

~True Esoteric Science~
Here is the highest wisdom:
1.Thesis: 🔥Lucifer – GOOD.
2.Antithesis: 😈Satan – EVIL.
3.Synthesis:👹🔮🦉👁️ Abraxas – BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL!
💯🎯 Abraxas, unlike Lucifer, completely understands evil and individuation, but he also understands the Oneness. Lucifer is limited because he is obsessed with Oneness and understands only that aspect
of existence. Satan is the opposite and understands only individuation and separation. Abraxas is the True God who understands EVERYTHING, who is not limited by any partisan, restricted view.
Evil is dialectically compulsory. Lucifer thinks it should be abolished entirely, hence fails to understand its dialectical necessity.
Likewise, Satan wants to abolish the One (the union of all beings as equals), so that he can stand as the eternal ruler of the Many.
Inequality is what he seeks, with himself as the First amongst the Unequals. Only Abraxas truly comprehends the dialectic.
So, the final dialectic progression is this:
Thesis: The One = the Good = Light = Lucifer.
Antithesis: The Many = Evil = Darkness = Satan.
Synthesis: The One-Many = Beyond Good and Evil = Light and Darkness = the dialectical Omega Point = Abraxas, the completion of cosmic evolution, the apex of existence, the maximum actualisation of the original cosmic potential, the attainment of Absolute Freedom and Knowledge.
PERFECT GOODNESS IS NOT A PROPERTY OF THE TRUE GOD. That would be to limit him and reveal that he was ignorant of evil, hence incomplete and lacking full knowledge of existence.
Evil defines good. Evil gives good meaning. Evil, in a sense, perfects good. The two must dialectically co-exist until they are finally transcended by the ultimate synthesis in Abraxas.
Abraxas does no evil, though that’s not because he is incapable of it but because it serves no rational purpose when you are the True God. To whom, and why, would he do evil? He is the One-Many. He
understands the needs of the One and the Many. To harm one of the many would be to harm the One itself, hence to harm that aspect of himself. Hence he would never do such a thing. He refrains from evil through knowledge and reason, not through any inherent absence of evil in his character.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Directing A Stranger with Fred Walton

Alcyone Illumination -- "Adam/AA Sandalphon" and "Ealiyah and me" is Archangel Michael

The Goddess Isis/Sirius Star Transmission: Clearing Ancient 3D Patriarchy sexual abuse

How I Got To Be a Satanic Priestess, My Initiation Rites, From The Gnostic mass Black Vatican

The Unknown 13th God Agnostos Theos "Ptah-Sokar-Osiris" ,Mother God & Son Isis Horus ,Holy Spirit Ra/Re

The 13th Ancient is Father God Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, Mother God, Isis, and Son Horus and Holy Ghost Spirit Ra/Re, the 12th Ancient is main ancient/godman with pagan cross leaning into 13th ancient.

Monoatomic Andara Crystal Meditation/Transmission with this Gem Quality ...

How to Find YOUR PURPOSE (Follow the Life Force)