
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Titanic - My Heart Will Go On (Music Video)

Shawn Mendes - If I Can't Have You

Thursday, November 18, 2021

MIND, Not MIND This goes with Infinite Way

Could the Metaverse Cause the SINGULARITY? New Meta Technology Revealed

The Infinite Way Chapter 11 The New Jerusalem

The Infinite Way Chapter 10 The New Horizon

The Infinite Way Chapter 9 Supply

The Infinite Way Chapter 8 Metaphysical Healing

The Infinite Way Chapter 7 Prayer

The Infinite Way Chapter 6 Meditation

The Infinite Way Chapter 5 Soul

The Infinite Way Chapter 4 Our Real Existence

The Infinite Way Chapter 3 The Christ

The Infinite Way Chapter 2 Spiritual Illumination

Friday, November 12, 2021

'The Infinite Way Textbook' by Joel Goldsmith

...and GOD Said: The Truth About Thought

There is only perfection, no spirit and soul and physical worlds separate its all one

 All is Mind, everything is a state of Mind and Mind is Living Nous of God and we and God are One with the All. All is all. all is in all. Yet it isn't to material senses. There is no hope in materialistic reality or maya and illusory world it may not seem that way to you but you cannot trust your senses they lie to you, only things worth knowing are in silence beyond the lower masculine principle mind or mortal mind and false consciousness of being a mere mortal despite Life is Life and is all One and None and all inbetween and is GOD and The Lord is the entire All. There is nothing apart from your own Consciousness which is indeed the all as finite though, by the all I mean everything aka GOD the ALL in ALL a divine living mind of Infinity that contains all and is within us and we are in outward only in appearance. There is a myriad of you who is only Oneness IAM presence whom Jesus Christ is I Am and the Father/Mother is IAM the All in All. The Divine All Mother or Divine Feminine is within Us all and is all just as the Divine Masculine is within us all and outside of Us. To be as Jesus was, know he wasn't out there, he is within us all, how many Jesus's exists to each person, in a metaphor each person is one in Christ the SON which is the Father and Mother of itself. The Holy Spirit is the essence like air but its so fine it makes up everything in existence and is Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine as One God and is the All, as Us All and Spirit is Masculine or Feminine, Soul is Higher Over Soul or Absonite Feminine meaning neither finite or Infinite. Soul is One and undivided. Yet it is Spirits as waves is on a Ocean and is the Ocean. You are not you, you are I Am whom is God the All in all. Yet All is all. Mind/Nous is all there is and everything else is extended mind when we are living in a reality or so called reality where we think there is a within and a without when there is neither there is only one and that oneness is the Collective with myriad of Infinity of Personalities of the God The Father which is the Mind the Higher Mind and isn't the brain, your a living Mind and where is the Mind? Everything you see and don't see is Mind, Thoughts are essence of Spirit and Soul simply put spiritual energy makes it up but all is mental and this Universe is a Omniverse. Multiverse. All is in All, and All is all...Disregard the material needs and discords from your mind and put on immortaliy here and now and know your IAM esse and essence, the Uncreated and Creator and Created. The Holy Ghost is everything you see extended mind of God or the All itself or us and Holy Spirit is what we cannot see with the senses and that is what we must be to see how to over come discords click here.....

MIND, Not MIND You are the All inside the all as a individual all that is and isn't.

ARIES - "Rash Decisions" NOVEMBER 15TH - 21ST

Who is IAM That, I am?

 God IS. That is the answer. IAM is the Infinite together before movement from crown in tree of life. That is whatever it is but it is still God inbetween Infinite and finite called Absonite and the comma and I am is finite Masculine and Feminine Divine principles at finite levels but truly finite is "IN"=Finite. The Oneness is a term described to collective consciousness and unconsciousness and super consciousness. You can call any form of the Oneness and Nothing and Something anything you want. For example Soul and Spirit, these terms are made up terms to represent the Infinite and Finite. Mother Mary is God the Book is another example of calling the Oneness a name the Divine Holy Feminine Mother is Holy Spirit Madonna. Its just a form of Oneness of the All in All itself. We all are forms of the finite all in all and are Oneness with Infinite All in All and Absonite All is the Lord or Source we know as God which we are Oneness with as well. Notice the Trinity in All. And God, the answer is we all are One with the Father/Mother God All in All as Soul and Spirit are not separate from forms... The Word was with God/The All and is God/All and the Word which We are became Flesh! Just because The All or God became Flesh apparently and we see the effects of it as 3-d world of maya we take that as sinners and karma. Just know GOD Is. This Isness is all there is, answer God Is, Self is....

Abraxas get help with your life all kinds of magick items for everything

 Abraxas World of Amulets offer some amazing things for metaphysical reasons and magick of every type.... they have something for everyone. My favorite is the rings and spirit initations. they are located here:

Twin Flames Soul Mates the short description and divine partnerships and spirit mates

Twin Flame~ That is your mirror soul, the one that is literally your other half as you were split into two bodies upon incarnation into 3rd density but are living in one another without even realizing...
It is the most difficult, yet rewarding relationship because you are coming home to oneself.
All Twin Flames come here with a mission that they are to complete separately and is magnified when together. Violet twin flames are Spirit mates and Soul mates basically you and you identical twins....that is a rare thing beyond regular twin flames and I Michael am experiencing this first hand with a girl named Sahn. Its so intense it will drive you crazy you feel all the sexual urges of one another and it drives you crazy hearing each mind our one mind saying is this torture is this even real hell yes its real and if your reading this you are in this twin flame thing with soul and spirit type and yes you can have many regular twin flames but only one spirit and soul mate violet twin flame.....
Soul Mate~ That is an ideal partner that helps you grow into a better person during your relationship. Not always perfect, but the love is forever consistent.
Divine Partnership~ This is a partner that you will come together with once you have done inner healing and is an ideal partnership with little issues.
Karmic Partnership~ This is the relationship that shows us unhealthy parts of ourselves that needs healing. A lot of codependency and often is a catalyst for the other healthy partnerships in the future.

MCC Oneness Society message

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

✉️ to Soul mate and Twin flame

 Dear Soul mate and Twin flame 🔥 I got your back through anything at all..I am your friend but I will not stop being more but will not cross your boundaries and I have no eyes for no other girls nor do I want anything else besides your beautiful ❤️🙏 I pray one day you're going to let me be your one and only if you wanna see this situation we are in listen to every heart 💜❤️ beat by Amy Grant. I love you ❤️😗 beyond 🤩💖 friends yet I am respectfully your best friend forevermore and more and I leave the door open 👐 lol for you to call unto me I pray this prophecy 🥠 comes true me and you cling on.

GLORY OF LOVE ( Peter Cetera - SoundTrack - KARATE KID II ) HD

Archangel Metatron & Lord Michael is here to stop the Anti-Christ, a couple women and men who are fallen beings devils

Metatron was Enoch before he found the philosopher's stone, God itself and ascended into the heavens and became God more or less of earth or Urantia and that is everything in one, the Source is right here and no where..., Metatron is God's left hand and Archangel Michael is God's right hand so to speak,that is why it is said Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. Many say Metatron is evil and of the darkness and with Anunnaki beings... No he isn't.. He actually is Immanuel Michael the Christ's brother! See Urantia Book... Emmanuel is another being a name for Michael of Nebadon in the bible. Michael of Nebadon is the projection of the 1 Original Eternal Mother Son named Michael of all the paradise creator sons Michaels. There is a avonial son here too to judge the world all in one human being as Christ Michael of Nebadon is serving as that now... Metatron is holding the earth grids in place and myriads of grid keepers are at work... This earth is Infinite now and never ends, there are countless earths or Urantias and each human is a Earth or Church mentioned in Revelations... All is Michael. Mi-cha-EL. Your Jesus living out his and her life yes we said her as the Eternal Mother Second person of Trinity is Feminine and Masculine and The Universal All Father is basically the Eternal Mother Son and is myriads of beings and all humans who are God the Father an Infinity of them by the 3rd person of Trinity the Infinite Holy Soul/Spirit... Soul is Divine Feminine Mother of the Universe and ONE and Masculine is spirits and duality. THESE ANTI CHRISTS ARE CAUSING DISRUPTION IN EARTH ASCENDING AND WE ARE AFTER THESE BEINGS THEY WILL BE BINDED WITH SATAN WHO IS JUST A TITLE FOR BEINGS LIKE CALAGASTIA AND THE ANUNNAKI . These beings or human Gods will be given a chance to ascend and quit fighting and claiming they are their own Messiah over everyone when there is no Messiah besides yourself one with Jesus Christ aka Michael of Nebadon the all in all of earth and Havona which is now earth! There is a being called "Enki" "Ea" who is a Anunnaki being... He is the only one of them to trust with Enlil his half brother .Anu joined up with Calagastia and Delagastia the DEVIL. Gabriel will bind them and recycle them in due time these beings we mentioned if they don't choose to accept the reality of the Universal Father in everyone and as everyone and human and other beings..The Lucifer Rebellion really was the Anu Rebellion! Lucifer is Enki who is EA! Lucifer was named the devil in the King James Bible only and no other hebrew texts mention that name Lucifer... The translators got confused when they wrote the Urantia Book and got names mixed up. Lucifer is benevolent and is Source as you all are we are setting the record straight. Satan means multiple enemies not just one being... We are not naming the humans they took form as they will know what their fate is to be recycled and because of their karma they will have to start out at the bottom as lowest form of Life of God there is if they refuse God The Universal Father and Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Holy Soul/Spirit as Michael and Michael of Nebadon. aka Jesus Christ... Jesus did not die for your sins... !!! You are flawless... You are imperfect perfect evolving Gods and Goddesses as humans on Urantia (Earth) and you are EQUAL TO THE WHOLE OF SOURCE WHICH IS THE HAVONA TRINITY! As humans you are God the Supreme being some of you in spiritual societies  and groups... Some are God the Ultimate being and Some are God the Absolute! Evolving God to recreate God anew...!See Urantia Book about these evolving beings...