
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Living the Soul and Spirit and the difference between the two and Sera Beak Redvelations

This is a strange post, even for me, she Sera Beak a women or "Goddess & Human" told everyone how to be divine and wake young women up with her RED BOOK. Then Red Hot and Holy, then finally Redvelations, A Soul's guide to being human. I'm a man but I see men can or anyone can read any of her awesome books and apply it to your life.... Let me tell you a strange story with a ruby ring of mine...

Okay 4 and 1/2 years back in 2014 my ex wife was still here, I mis-placed my Ruby Ring, I happened to put it in the bag of The "Red Book". BTW my wife was a red head.... Anyways I never read that book back then than I got ill then my ex left me for another man, after I recovered from the illness and my ex of 9 years leaving me, I was searching for my lost RUBY RING, I was reading Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, THEN BAM! I remembered Neale's introduction to the RED BOOK and I looked for it and bam there was my lost ruby ring!!!!... Then I find Red Hot and Holy and read it and find out Sera Beak was looking for a large oval RUBY RING she did not own! Talk about weird.... I knew my SOUL was drawing me to these 2 books of hers (Redvelations book wasn't out then, it comes out 2 days from now I cannot wait! BE SURE AND BUY A COPY!!!) but any way my guide and friend Daniel told me previously Spirit was Masculine and Feminine was SOUL and in Sera Beak's book Red Hot and Holy she mentions the same truths (RED Truth) I am red and have a long strange story of red color rays of light I see emitting from my eyes and blue sometimes, now I know this is the Holy SOUL or Ghost inside me showing "Hey here I AM" , Michael you have been running on masculine spirit,meet me your soul" which is on the tree of life the Chokmah (Understanding) and the Feminine is Binah and is WISDOM. See the terms Soul and Spirit are made up terms to represent the Infinite and finite. 

You need not embrace the masculine in you as he takes care of that for you, let your spirit (divine masculine) lead you to your SOUL (Divine Feminine) and remember its okay to be HUMAN and know you are the GOD or Source you have been worshipping outside yourself, it is YOU , your the all that is in small form, yet a drop out of a infinite ocean of consciousness is the whole ocean in a drop! The Feminine is beyond masculine as she MADE HIM UP. The two are similar yet different, the other cannot exist without the other. Both are Infinite, Absonite and Finite. And at the highest and purest level there is neither masculine or feminine as they are ONE yet there is the Infinite Masculine and Infinite Feminine as well. The feminine is all loving and all knowing...The masculine is belief alone of all things potential and possible while the FEMININE IS KNOWING this!!! Both men and women have the feminine filling their beings and the masculine fills your being as well but both reside in NO-THING. We humans are all ONE SOUL and also individualized souls and spirits which come from CONSCIOUSNESS WHICH IS LOVE AND LIFE AND GOD AND SOURCE which are all oneness as we are all one with each other, there is only ONE OF US. I will be adding more to this post... Date: 5/22/18 6:18pm EST

Okay its 05-23-18, The Soul or Over SOUL is different from each other... See Soul who resides within you (only apparently) is the fallen Sophia while the Over SOUL is the Infinite SOUL Consciousness of this Universe (Risen Sophia)and is the Celestial Angels realm of 3 heavens with 3 levels each, celestial, spiritual and natural each. Is (Spirit) masculine in the celestial heavens? Only the higher masculine spirit when he is in equilibrium or moderation of life with the Feminine Soul or Celestial Angel which the Soul is. Spirit has its own heavens and hells as well which are simply states of mind. Where are we all living right now? We are living within the mind of some physical human being right now, yes even you who think you are purely physical are not! Fine if you believe us or not , if you follow the works of Emanuel Swedenborg you shall know these truths.

Now what are you here for? To know every aspect of being physical as a Soul and Spirit and then being metaphysical and then LIVING BOTH AND JUST BEING... From now till forever as there is no eternity there is only NOW, so embrace it meaning there is no space and time as that is illusory.  WE are all ONE Source living out myriads of countless lives yet are the same SOUL and Spirit. Can Spirit be described as feminine and masculine or neither? Yes people have used that word "Spirit" to describe Source/US and God who is said to be SPIRIT not SOUL, so GOD is a created being right? Yes he is by the Feminine. So who is your Mama? Sarah-la-Kali is Jesus and Mary's DAUGHTER .... This has followed me around ever since I heard of it, when the truth hit me, I knew the Urantia Book was white washed as well just like the Roman Catholic Church yet with all the RED BLOOD of all the innocent people the Vatican murdered back when.... Heretics.... Someone once told me this little truth: "Father/Mother/Son/Daughter=ONE" Ghost+Spirit+Flash (my eyes) and some people I know who experience this is TRUE POWER WITH GOD/DESS!! Source/Sourcess .....

June 06 2018 (I read REDVELATIONS) and I was stunned by what I read, but as above I already knew Sera Beak's soul is Sarah AS ARE THE REST OF US as nothing is divided, she may have a special thing going on with bloodlines but in the end, none of that stuff matters, Soul is Feminine and Spirit Masculine, we are all living inside out of each other that is all I have to say on this subject as far as the book READ IT, Read it is to be transfomed, her experience isn't any more crazy than my own as Eternal Mother Son of Urantia Book,(which the Urantia Book I dumped after reading her book)  but then I say everyone is that, if you resonate with a truth of another self of yourself, then you and them are one and you BECOME THAT TRUTH, you already are in Sera Beak and she in you and Sarah is a repressed part of ALL OUR SOULS. Like the Eternal Mother Son real in and as YOU if you believe in that truth.... All truths are valid as there is nothing but potential and every possibility.Imagine that!

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