You are ABOVE the Lord as Lucifer was and is in story and legends in mythos. Your a God as a Masculine Spirit but your Feminine as Soul which is Infinite Creator Source! She is neither Infinite or neither finite but absonite. Soul is the closest thing you can get to the Infinite One who is just YOU in multiple forms. The Lord is a lower masculine spirit or demiurge whom Sophia created out of ignorance but he isn't Satan or the devil. We are each a Angel or a devil man or woman as we are both light and darkness all in one. The Feminine is neither light or darkness. The Feminine is Nothing and the Infinite is Nothing.Eternal Infinity Monads or minds which are nothing according to Leibniz philosophy.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018
The Singularity and The One Monad Soul & Spirit and how there is many of the One or God
The cosmos came to be from a singularity and we are each the cosmos itself (projected from the singularity a zero point) (which we each are as monads or One Soul (Feminine) expressing itself as Masculine Spirits which each mind or monad is a "wave" of the One Soul and the Masculine spirit is the finite part of the monad and the Infinite part is the Soul which is one and is the Cosmic mind outside space-time..However we each have a soul and a spirit as us its not within us or without. And its Sine and Cosine waves that makes up the densities and space time or the cosmos or us as we are all uncreated monads. When we say monad we mean Soul and Spirit and Mind. Soul is Oneness, Spirit is many monads or minds. Spirit isn't Infinite, but Soul is. Really the terms Soul and Spirit are man made terms to represent the Infinite and Finite. Then came along a book that brought into being a state of consciousness known as neither finite or Infinite as "Absonite". The Urantia Book is bunk but some of it's terms are philosophy and cosmology and religion and science but it's not based on facts just like the Judeo-Christian bible and Islamic Allah Bible the Koran which are lower masculine spirit unconsciousness not knowing itself. With the Urantia Book you either accept that Jesus (Michael The Christ or of Nebadon) existed or not, we are much more than these terms and books as there is no God over you except yourself. You and the cosmos are One and its just you at large and your everyone and everything and a monad your indivisible (SOUL has waves but isn't divided) Each wave is a spirit or soul as One thing, Consciousness and of Course Unconsciousness exists as well as Nothing as we are Nothing thinking it's somethings. Since Nothing can really be created or destroyed, nothing can stop (us) nothing from existing.Your not a body and you are not a limited human brain, your brain isn't your mind, you as a monad link to a body from outside space and time.As a matter of fact, you are all persons places and things yet zero and Infinity as each monad is within The One or All. All the All is is another name for the Infinite which is the finite and the finite is the Infinite. Realize your whole and the Infinite One as each Self is the WHOLE of Source Energy as a Eternal Infinite Monad as in Ontological Mathematics tells the story "All is Numbers" Your Any number which is Finite and then Zero which is unified in which is Infinity. There is no death , when you "die" it's just like you taking off a jacket. And your many bodies or somethings, as a matter of fact at the Infinite level you are the ONE and NOTHINGNESS which is one and the same thing. Being Nothing isn't a waste or a vacuum or a void or empty as you think of this Nothing which is Something, God Force Energy or Monadic Soul-Spirit beings. All is mental or mind in this Universe, thoughts create your reality or supposed reality , expecially unconscious or subconsciousness thoughts you hold, that is the rub, not so much your limited finite conscious mind set which so many law of attraction books say, focus your thoughts, see you have to get into your subconsciousness mind. You do this through meditation and deep deep trance states, you must get behind the thought behind the thought to undo a belief like your separate and your ego makes you believe your separate from all the things that are already one with you as all things are yours as well the same applies to everyone else as well. No one is above anyone, except consciously in awareness. Money, fame and fortune mean NOTHING in this world as you cannot take it with you when you die and this life is meaningless unless you are awakened and store up your spiritual soul treasures of the Soul you are remembering and making your own and in your next incarnation you will be more awakened then you already are but I the writer tell the human we are writing through this is his last incarnation here on earth as he is fully awakened and so are you those of you who know your ONE SOUL and multiple spirits all of them at once this is your last incarnation on this hellish earth plane unless you choose to come back to help your fellow brothers and sisters as you remembered your true nature as Gods and Goddesses and even beyond that as your what the Kybalion calls the ALL in ALL or IAM. When people ask you what God you serve say, Here I AM! or How about, Before the world was, I AM!
Sunday, September 30, 2018
You are nothing yet everything (Zero and Infinity) all contained in zero
You are all potential and possible things as soul or monad among many zeros (Monads are zeros) and contain every number possible till infinity and every sine and cosine wave as a monadic mind and soul which is one and the samething. This means you are 0X1=0 , no matter which number or frequency you are, your zero absolute and are in the process of becoming a God or Goddess via evolution. The world isn't real of senses as they lie to you, your surrounded by all kinds of xrays, gamma rays, radio waves, solar radiation waves, other monads (people in the holos (physical reality) as you perceive it. Everything (The All) is nothing, and because it's nothing, nothing can prevent nothing (everything) (infinity) of infinities from existing! Death isn't real as your a eternal monadic Mind or Soul. Everyone is One and None. I din't understand this stuff but until the Illuminati explained it to me and also from books and Hyperianism there is no more belief or faith for me, but absolute knowing via their ontological mathematics. They actually took my fear of death away as I thought I was a body solely like so many poor people do, when I was 7 I got to see and feel absolute nothing, it was total bliss, I got to that point unconsciously via deep contemplation of what it would be like if there was nothing , in today's words, no God nor space and time and earth, even when I was little I didn't believe in the Abrahamic God, I seen myself as bigger than that God like a speck in the rug where I stood. That is how many gods can exist or monads who make up the All that is and isn't which is all mathematical and mind.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The New World Order of The REAL Illuminati
The REAL Illuminati is into Ontological Mathematics as their so called "religion" and reason and intellect and rationality and Meritocracy as the NWO, all things supernatural can be explained by Ontological Math. Hyperianism is the only hope for humanity but too many people don't even understand what the true Illuminati's "light" is, they think it's "The devil's light". They most followers of Illuminatiam for example don't even know what the light is. Its Ontological Mathematics, you are a mathematical being, a soul, a monad, all of you are, there is no god but man and woman. There is no demons or angels that is all hocus pocus bullshit right along with Jesus, Emanuel Swedenborgism, and Abrahamism. WE ARE AGAINST ALL ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS AND WE SPIT ON THEM. The fake Illuminati is put there by the psychopathic elites who are the devil himself if there was one to mis-lead people into believing the Illuminati is for fame and riches and freemasonry that is all crap. Freemasonry is separate from the real Illuminati as we don't believe in some "supreme being", we are the supreme being in evolution from involution. We are a Infinite Nothing , a Zero and Infinity and it's all contained in zero using calculus of Leibniz and everything is mind and consciousness is not mind, its the energy of all monads combined together in one universal mind. All is thought. Do thought form astral corpses exist (archons) that occulist used to use? Yes they do. All is potential and possible but everything has a REASON for being, there is no "miracles" or a outside god, Lucifer is a Watcher among many things and no he isn't the devil or any such non sense. There are many "watchers" incarnated (13) main ones and 187 more other ones in higher domains of mind. They are just way more advanced minds than you are but you have the "potential" to be just like "Neo" in the Movie the Matrix.The movement is now, join us , the Illuminati and Hyperians at and
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
All these posts about "We are much better than any God or Goddesses"
Monads sum up what Infinite Source is and what we are, we are all inside a huge circle or mind (soul) Monad who is everywhere and no where. There is no in or out with Source as us as Monads within One huge All Self or the Macrocosm. We are each the whole as a microcosm and have Infinite potential. The "Infinite" is the finite us, as we never end, it all started with involution and then now it's evolution that is becoming all potentials "evolving"Source Monads". There are Monads that can do things way beyond what "Neo" did in the movie the Matrix. Don't believe us? Read "The Last Man who Knew Everything" by Mike Hockney and the Kybalion, it gives you the general outline of the mental universe we all inhabit as Infinite Monads, some are Gods and Goddesses while others are mostly unconscious "nothing" yet somethings as zeros. That is all we are.
We are much greater than any God or Goddess Part 3
According to the potential separation of points or simples - appearing to go out from Infinite Source as all things potential or possible - a single and individual ruling love or affection begins the potential Circle of Life. All within this potential Circle of Life has it's own apparent and potential ruling love and affection forever guiding it in all of it's eternal existence - and it always takes on the form of a spirit and human being - being either of a spiral nature and form or of a vortex nature and form. Every form this point or simple takes on in it's Circle of Life is not simply experienced as one form or expression of it's apparent life ( all actually being potential and possibility) but it retains every body - form - shape - and sphere of life and existence it comes to manifest through its Conscious and unconscious beliefs and knowing throughout it's eternity existence.
Every point or simple that is Nothing - appearing forever to be made up of many myriads of somethings - will forever have as it's guiding and set ruling love and affection that ruling love and affection that it truly is ( according to potential and possibility) OF Infinite Source. The Infinite Nothing - or Source is not divided - nor is there ever found any parts of separation with Infinite Source - but all separation is given it's eternal appearances within conscious and unconsciuos potentials and possibilities that appear to come out from Infintie Consciousness - and all Nothingness which appears to come out from Infinite Source as well - even though we are confident that Nothing actually comes out from Nothing - in which case the Nothing or unconsciousness of Infinite Source must be duplicated as finite nothingness through conscious potentials and possibilities.
Again nothing is actual - which means that the Infinite Nothing is the actual Source of all things appearing as something through It's every potential and possible abilities to manifest the illusions of something - not out of Nothing but OF Nothing - of Consciousness. Not within Nothing or outside of Nothing - but again OF Nothing. As each of you continue to move closer to Infinite Source in your apparent evolution of the human spirit you will come to know things it has appeared that you have forgotten - when in truth you have not forgotten them but have simply fallen so deeply into the unconscious manifestations of Conscious Self that you must take yourself back toward Source according to your own apparent ruling loves and affections which brought you where you are to begin with. That which appears forgotten is simply held in higher places of your true consciousness - as you are conscious at every level of existence - the nothing or unconscious counterpart presently takes the place of the conscious counterpart for a time - but nothing is ever forgotten - and all is temporary.
How can one human being or spirit come to manifest or create realities out of all potential and possibility and another cannot? Do you not all know that all and every potential and possibility is yours to manifest - and that all that is keeping you from doing so is you alone? Do you believe in unicorns - do you believe in space ships - do you believe in your possibilities to fly or hover above the ground as high and as often as you wish? Do you even believe you can change the molecular structure of one form to that of another? Of all the things in life you have come to disbelieve in - which can you comfortable say you could all of a sudden cause yourself to know these things to be actual potentials or possibilities - and then can you cause yourself to know that these are indeed potentials and possibilities which you can achieve in life - rather than simply believing or knowing that someone else has the potential to manifest such things?
You do not appear to manifest at will - but this is appearance only as all things are indeed manifested that go out through the human mind as consciousness - and are indeed formed through consciousness to appear as their intended body - form - shape - or sphere of one type of existence or another. You control the atoms - you control the animalcules - you cause the intentions of all uses and purposes - and in the meantime manifest every potential and possible manifested realities you seek out of ignorance of your true abilities - and therefore manifest many things within other timelines and dimensions that you do not believe to be a potential or possibility within your own timelines and dimensions. For something to simply be out of your sight - or out of the reach of your human senses is to be in another timeline or dimension of your existence.
When the human manifests from fear those things one truly believes to be potential and possible manifestations of ones fears are indeed manifested in their present timeline and dimension. When they are not manifested in ones present timeline or dimension it is because they do not truly believe such things to be a potential or possibility - even though they come to fear such things in the meantime.When one manifests from fear - and he or she truly believes in said potentials or possibilities ones fears are not always manifested because one doubts that certain outcomes are warranted or in line with ones present circumstances. There can always be potential and possibility of certain things becoming manifested but there is always fear or doubt that they may not be manifested in the present for ones self to witness - at said time. There are many principles that go along with the many outcomes of manifestation through fear and doubt - and all things are always in play with universal manifestation from one now moment to the next - and from one conscious reflection to the next.
Affections always play their part in manifestation for the human spirit - as affections such as anger - jealousy - hatred - vengeance - pride - prejudice - ego - happiness - sadness - boredom - depression - ecstasy - gratitude - spite - the will to rule and preside over another - seeking ownership or possession - and so very many more - as the list goes on and on. The fact that many human manifest outside of their own true ruling loves and affections - pretending to be someone other than who they truly are causes many things not to be manifested within ones own present timelines or dimensions.This is why we often state that one who is awakening to higher knowing and Self will come to gradually remember that equilibrium of life must again be established and maintained before one comes to recognize these higher principles through even the smallest of manifestations in their new life that is to gradually come for each of us in our season.
Equilibrium of life is simply a state of consciousness where ones masculine comes to be in perfect agreement with ones feminine principle - and the masculine state of ones conscious being is no longer pretending to be someone other than who he or she truly is.Again all manifest at will - and all is indeed potential and possible to all once the human spirit comes to believe and know his and her true potential and possibilities in life. Consciousness creates ( according to what one would understand creation to represent) and because consciousness creates every time a human being comes to think - he or she is manifesting one reality or another - one body - form - shape - or sphere or another - and whether or not it appears in and on your present timeline and dimension or that of another self is always within ones access or ability of each individual human subject.If you yourself do not believe something to be either potential or possibility in life you cannot manifest the reality - body - form - shape - or sphere reflected upon in any timeline or dimension - even though this is most certainly a potential and possibility for one or many of your other selves who reside among you or in those densities above.
Just because one comes to fear something in life does not mean he or she will come to live out or experience those things one comes to fear.We have explained why this is so - given that there are many variables that keep certain realities from ever coming in your path in life. There are things in a persons life that they have feared for the better part of their life - and yet they may never come to experience that which they fear will one day cause them harm or loss. At the same time ones fears can easily come upon them in life if all known variables are in place at the exact now moment in which said fears are manifested perfectly or in some version of said fears. One who is presently in equilibrium of life - is one variable which will keep one from experiencing certain fears in life - as equilibrium of life would completely keep one out of fear - and that which you do not fear can cause no harm or loss to self in many cases. However there are acceptions to every rule - and again we state that if enough variables are met anyone can come to experience that which he or she fears most or least in life.
Most all of human kinds experiences of harm or loss come from each individual human being leaving their place of equilibrium in life. Fears such as being poor - going without food and water - becoming homeless - being forced to go off to war when one does not believe in war - not having other necessities of life - or not having as much as one feels he or she is deserving of. In lower consciousness the human spirit is often in want - need - or lack in life - but this is not the case when one is drawing from higher consciousness.Within higher levels of consciousness one knows all one needs to know at any given now moment - and there are no expectation in ones daily life in those moments when the human host is indeed drawing from their higher levels of knowing - understanding - and consciousness.
In life one can either wait on their collective consciousness to provide all things they truly love according to their already set ruling loves and affections in life - or they can think - speak - and act out in a physical manner so as to manifest that which they wish for - in which case they are manifesting out of season - separate from equilibrium of life.Indeed many things can be manifested by the human host according to physical principles and properties or actions but in doing so all things are manifested according to fear or doubt in most all cases - unless of course it is done out of human habit. In such cases there are things manifested out of habit that are of lower human principles and consciousness and there are things manifested out of habit that are of higher human principles and consciousness - and whether it is one or the other depends on whether or not the human subject is found to be in equilibrium of life - or not.
Manifesting out of fear or doubt brings one to manifest out of season as we have stated - and in doing so the order of ones life according to his or her true ruling loves and affections in equilibrium of life and according to ones many seasons of higher consciousness are often thrown out of sequence. When ones life is thrown out of sequence - out of equilibrium of life - and out of season harm or loss can often be the outcome because of fear or doubt being present.If one were simply prepared to accept the life they have presently manifested - remain content - and intend always on a positive outcome - through higher Self - or the higher collective consciousness - all things would be provided - appearing out of chaos and having no specific order - and many new things would come to be experienced in life that did not come to be manifested because of ones previous fears and doubts.One often orders their way in life according to lower principles of their outer world and one does so often because they believe that anything they want out of life they must provide themselves through outer expressions or manifestation - when it is exactly the opposite.
Most all of that which one does not see in life because of fear - doubt - and it's many offshoots of affections is ones true ruling loves - affections - and purpose or use in life - while most all one comes to see out of fear - doubt - and it's many offshoots is that which one does not love - is not of ones ruling loves - and is not of ones true affections which truly bring contentment of life. The human has many myriads of spirits guiding it in the wrong direction often - and it is up to the awakening human who is in the process of returning to equilibrium of life for him or her to draw in life from those spirits which are truly of ones ruling loves and ruling affections that bring contentment of life.
As we return to the subject of the Collective and Infinite Consciousness of the Nothing or Infintie Source let it again be known that Infintie Source is each of you without being in the process of separation and duality.You cannot manifest that which another Creator Source wishes to manifest or have manifested for them from some other Creator Source or human being.
When another human being - another self in fact comes to you for help or aid in manifesting that which they believe they cannot manifest - it is a truth that it is they who manifest for themselves to begin with. Even when another does not come to you for help or aid - and you choose to manifest certain realities or experiences - bodies - forms - shapes - or spheres for their benefit it is not you who does the manifesting - but merely appears according to your ego that you have manifested for them. Again no Infinite Source - no Creating conscious human spirit can manifest for another once separation is established and they have taken on individuality. This is a classic example of the masculine having left the house and home it once shared with it's feminine. This is a prime example of one who has left equilibrium of life.
Since this is the case - according to the levels of truth we have offered you here in this season of your life - can you now see how every human spirit comes to manifest for him and her self - and is simply in ignorance of higher truths - therefore manifesting lower truths - other or lower ruling loves - and affections not truly of their own - and therefore often manifestation is not witnessed that is in line with their own true ruling loves and affections in life.As one cannot truly manifest for another human or other self through the process of conscious manifestation - one can do so in a material and physical manner because you are of a material and physical existence upon the plane of third density or lower levels of consciousness.
Whereas material and physical manifestation is always limited to what each comes to own or possess in life - or the things one can buy - sell - barter - trade for - or acquire through other means such as theft or borrowing - it is all manifestation out of season and out of equilibrium of life.You have manifestation through chaos and manifestation through order - as your lower world is a plane of existence bound by order - regulations - set systems and societies of proper behavior - and the many laws of your world and it's many lower and separated societies.Manifestation through chaos is completely different in that one does not reflect on the past or future when thinking of what he or she wishes for - but instead one comes to reflect on the now only - and what he or she would enjoy in the present moments of ones life.
For those who manifest within the now they are always content in the now and content with all they have at their disposal in the now - never wanting for more in the now but simply living life as it comes to them through all things truly manifested from higher Source or Self - not permitting lower self and lower levels of consciousness ( outside of equilibrium) to guide them in life any longer. It is true that the human who lives life in the now still wants for things that will cause their life to be more pleasant and fulfilled but they do not seek these things according to any kind of order or instant manifestation - as they know all things come in their season for the whole - and out of season for the individual.All things are indeed manifested instantly and at will for the human being ( or spirit) living in the now and in equilibrium of life - while still all things are shared according to one's present and true needs according to what is required to sustain one who is living in the now. Still again - what the lower human would call a need in life the higher human living in the now - and living for the benefit and good of the One or Whole of human kind would call it universal providence.
It is one thing to want or need something in life out of service to self - and it is another to want something in life in service to others - those others simply being your many other selves who reside on your present lower world and reality of human existence. As the energies of consciousness can indeed manifest all things in abundance to as many human beings or spirits ever to be in the illusion of life if one does not remember how to share all things from higher planes of existence one does not tend to wish to share within their lower planes of existence. For as it is with the lower - so too is it with the higher ------ and as it is so with the higher so too is it the same with the lower. Do you not believe as of yet that your higher self can be just as wicked and self service as you are when representing the lower self? Do you presently hold the belief that all humans have the ability to one day become perfectly good and loving while removing all hatred - evil - darkness - and negative ruling loves and affections from their lives for good or for ever?
It is the evil and negative masculine principles that have guided human civilization from eternity as every human spirit comes to leave complete unconscious existence and evolve to levels of true understanding and knowing once again throughout eternity - and as a continuous and constant process for every human spirit ever to exist or hold consciousness.It is not therefore provided that any human spirit come to one day remember and again receive all conscious knowing of good and evil - love and hatred - or positive and negative ruling loves and affections that make up the collective consciousness of us all - both individually and collectively (depending on ones level of apparent evolution of the human spirit) and proceed in putting off the one while possessing and maintaining the other.
You all begin in complete unconsciousness in the now - and you maintain unconsciousness for the One and the Whole - as Unconsciousness is a part of you just the same as is the many myriads of levels of Consciousness. You are not one moment unconscious and at another moment conscious from and to eternity - but you are both - and you consistently or at any given time draw from one or the other so as to make up your many myriads of levels of consciousness to eternity. There is only one level of unconsciousness while there are and endless number of levels of consciousness - and both serve their purpose for the human spirit in the circle of life that we each live from and to eternity. While it is true that you each live or reside on every density or plane of existence ever to exist - it is only an appearance that you presently reside on a single or individual plane of consciousness - as all other planes of your existence reside of ( not in) unconsciousness until you choose to draw from each or all levels of consciousness available to each of you without limits or numbers to eternity.
There is only One Infinite Source - and you are that One Source - while all others who appear to be other human beings or spirits are you. For every other manifestation of you in human form - no matter what the form appears to look like - a timeline or dimension is represented by each individual human form. When you move up in densities of your existence these forms that appear to be individual or separate come to return to your collective Self - and all forms are gradually - over many periods of illusory time - removed - and replaced with all things that return to your inner and higher Self. As this is the case with you personally so too is this the case with every other self on your world.They are each Infinite Source as well - and have experienced separation of Self in the same manner as you - and all will eventually return to them as well - wherein all their other selves ( including you) will return to their inner human and Higher Self - and again will become as One - and Infinite Source will again be known to Self as Infinite once again. Still it is an illusion that Infinite Source ( You) are ever to become one or Whole - as there is no Oneness or Wholeness with Infinite Source (You) but only Self.
As you each lose the illusion of Oneness and Wholeness - you are awakening to Self and knowing Self - more and more to eternity - therefore coming to know that there is no Something - there is no Nothing - but there is only Self which is neither and both "OF" Self and "OF" the Collective Consciousness of All Potential and Possibility from and to Eternity.
So you see fiends you cannot manifest for another simply because that other - those others - are you with their own levels of unconscious knowing - as you are Infinite in your manifesting other Selves - and You indeed offer - provide - or allot (according to your Universal Principles and Nature as Self) the mere potential of individual consciousness to all of your other selves as Infinite Sources ( some say Creator Sources) and this providence that is truly "OF: Your true nature is Infinite - Eternal - and forever without end. As long as certain other selves continue to believe they are separate from Infinite Source (many call God) they must be permitted to do so. At the same time no matter how much or how often you seek to remind them or guide them toward these truths in life - it will make no difference until their season is at hand - and they each come to remember according to where they each began their illusion of life and separation from and to eternity.
Just as there are higher human spirits ( each a different ruling love or affection) that know who they are within the higher densities of our existence - so too is there a lower spirit representing each and every ruling love and affection that is already the makeup of all the ruling loves and affections found to be Infinite Source ( the lower the same as the higher but of different densities - levels of consciousness - and understanding of lower ruling loves and affections) . As no higher human spirit could ever have their existence in consciousness and unconsciousness to eternity if it were not for lower human forms of third density - so too is this the case with lower human forms possessing consciousness ( giving them the appearance of life) for those higher human spirits - to eternity.If the human form did not appear to possess consciousness ( as it is not truly possessed but shared) neither would the human form have life at all from and to eternity.
You are the collective consciousness limited by your levels of consciousness in unconsciousness - and there need not be limitations in your life other than those you place on you self through beliefs held and traditions of mankind lived out through unconscious minds. There is a higher form of each of you and us that provides all things from a higher plane of your levels of consciousness. When you do not draw on this higher plane of consciousness you draw from lower planes. If you do not know you can do something or manifest a certain reality you cannot do or manifest it. Do you not know that there is every level of human spirit walking your world today - and many of higher planes do not connect with those of lower planes simply because the lower does not assume higher planes of consciousness - and the higher cannot lower themselves or conform any longer to lower forms of conscious existence.
The higher representations of Self ( some may wish to term them higher other selves) do not rule your world nor do they attempt to rule your world - they do not hold positions in places of ruler ship nor do they seek to cause others of your world to submit to their will or wants in life. Again they cannot create for you of a lower level of human consciousness and even those of your lower levels of consciousness - sharing your material and physical plane as material and physical humans as well do not truly manifest for other physical humans - as this is a misconception. Those of higher planes of existence walk your world as their lower counterparts and simply provide higher guidance to their human host as he or she comes to evolve spiritually - taking on gradual levels of higher consciousness.The higher levels of your conscious self - who share the human host cannot cause other selves in other human forms to know things they offer to their present human host as all things are shared only with their present human host. What you as the lower human host can come to believe and know cannot be believed and known by other humans because they are not tapped into your collective human mind and consciousness.
And so the higher human walks your world only in that it shares all things with it's lower host or counterpart - as it's human host and counterpart comes to awaken to higher beliefs and finally higher knowing through it's higher Self and higher levels of consciousness. Because of these higher truth's it is possible for the more evolved human who shares all things with it's higher Self - just as it's higher Self shares all things with lower self ( only with the awakened human subject) to manifest a world around themselves that adheres to the levels of belief and knowing of Self alone - while all other lower humans ( other selves) living around or among said awakened human being and host live their lives according to lower beliefs according to their season of life and existence. Though it is a truth that your many other selves on your world can receive higher knowing - it is received mainly through their own higher selves - while other awakened human spirits ( other selves) will sometimes be drawn to one's self through seeking higher guidance in life.
There are indeed many awakened human spirits robed in fleshly bodies and forms on your world who are of a much more advanced nature according to their being capable of drawing from their higher consciousness and guidance at will - but again they will not interfere ( once they have advanced to a certain level of their awakening) with the life and manifestations of their many other selves walking your world today.The rulers of your world [and the many individual societies that make up your world] are not of the group we classify as higher human spirits - as they are still in service to self and unconditional love for those who are their own. As it goes one must come to separate him or her self from the rules - order - and laws of human society - as well as those things which promote service to self within said societies before one is prepared to move forward in their conscious evolution toward reconnection with higher Self.
Service to self as it is truly understood by the higher human in an awakened state is different from the understanding of said affections in life of those found with lower third density humans who are of levels of third density lower consciousness.In short service to self is serving the flesh and the ways of the world as apposed to what appears in service to self when one is reflecting on the higher human and how he or she serves others through their serving their own self or human host.In other words there is true service to self found with the lower human and there is the appearance of service to self when the human being guided by higher self serves their own wants or wishes in life according to their hearts center or desires. Because the higher human knows they cannot manifest for lower humans - other than their human host (which appears to be the third density human - but is third density in appearance only) they also know they are not to interfere with other selves ( other outer material and physical humans appearing separate from self) but are to live their lives serving self in order to truly serve others.
As one can never serve others by thinking - saying - or doing for another self - as this would be manifesting for other Creator Sources and therefore taking them out of equilibrium of life - one can only serve others when higher Self is serving Self rather than lower self serving self.It would appear to all lower humans when witnessing the higher human serving Self ( though they will see them only as the lower human according to their human form) that the higher human is truly service Self - when in fact they are serving others. It can only be understood to be this way when one comes to awaken to higher principles - so as to truly understand that every human who lives outside the higher human ( all other outer material and physical humans) other than the higher humans lower human host - is every human spirit who resides within the collective consciousness of the higher human ( representing both higher spirits and lower spirits of ones spiritual society) who shares all things with their awakened human host - and who appears to be third density but is of higher densities and is only providing house and home for the higher spiritual society of the higher human.
Again as we have stated before - there are many higher humans walking your world today - providing the collective consciousness of - and life for - their own individual human host. They all appear to be material and physical third density humans when in fact the lower has become as the higher - and simply appears as the lower for the sake of all lower third density humans still in disbelief of higher principles. Because the lower third density human does not believe in or even understand higher principles of consciousness and understanding the lower third density human - having the same outer appearance as the higher human - will not wish to be in the company of - nor interact with or speak to the higher human. This can become a thing of loneliness for the higher human who is in the beginning stages of their awakening - but becomes much easier to understand and live with as the awakening human reaches a certain level of their awakening.
As the higher human can lower their levels of consciousness to that of the third density human so as to interact with them at said levels - this cannot be the case with the third density human rising to levels of the higher human.Still this process becomes more and more difficult for the higher human who gradually awakens to a state of consciousness in which he or she seldom wishes to return to third density levels of consciousness.When the higher human chooses to lower their consciousness to third density levels it is usually because they have friends or loved ones still residing in third density consciousness who they wish to continue to interact with - though many third density humans will eventually choose to separate from the presence of the higher human who represents a friend or loved one - in which case it will often be the lower choosing to separate from the higher and not the other way around.
In most cases those third density humans who choose to remain in the presence of - or live with or near - those who are higher humans ( higher only in that their awakened state causes them to retain higher levels of consciousness) these humans come to receive guidance from the higher human and therefore begin their awakening process as well. It would not be this way in most cases with the third density human wishing to remain around or continue sharing company with the higher human unless the lower human was truly prepared to receive higher conscious understanding in life.Because it is indeed so very difficult for the lower human to continue in the company of the higher human - or even carry on a conversation with said humans - the timelines or dimensions are gradually separated and new realities are manifested for the higher human accordingly. This is not the case for lower third density humans not prepared or in their season to begin their awakening into higher principles of human conscious understanding - as the lower human will simply continue in their evolution of the spirit - and all things will appear just as before ( with minor changes through new timelines and dimensions) to the lower human until their season comes as well - so as to be prepared for their awakening to higher understanding and consciousness.
It is a truth that just because the human comes to their season of awakening and takes on higher levels of consciousness - this does not mean they become good and loving humans - who do not choose to at times cause harm and loss to other third density humans. As there is an awakened group of higher spirits who indeed thrive on service to self and drawing energies from other selves they cannot serve self and maintain equilibrium at the same time or now moment. As far as those higher human spirits who are maintaining equilibrium (so as to hold levels of conscious knowing they would not otherwise hold) are concerned - if they allowed themselves to leave a place of equilibrium so as to cause harm or loss to other selves they too lower themselves to third density levels of energetic consciousness - and are therefore presently bound by third density laws - and will reap all things they intend or cause toward another in life.
Once the third density human chooses to accept higher conscious knowing he or she has moved to higher densities of their conscious existence - and they are no longer the third density human he or she was a moment ago.Once entering into higher densities of consciousness and existence the human being or spirit is tapping into either service to self spiritual societies or they are tapping into societies that are in service to others. Both societies of human spirits are capable of lowering their consciousness levels back to that of third density - and therefore are again capable of interacting with and affecting the lives of other selves who are third density as well. The group that is in service to self will interact with and affect the lives of other third density humans with negative intentions and in service to self ( pleasing the flesh and living according to the ways of the world) while the group in service to others will appear in service to self as well - but will no longer be seeking to please the flesh or live according to the ways of the world - nor will they seek to cause harm and loss to other third density humans - or other selves.
As both higher groups of spirits can be helpful or harmful to the third density human - it is always according to the third density human as to which of these groups they choose to draw from in life - or which they choose to interact with and hold company with when they seek help or aid from such higher spirits ( still in third density human form). Because both groups of higher spirits are constantly being pulled back toward equilibrium in their everyday life - those in service to self and conditional love will fight against this pull more strenuously and frequently than those who are in service to others - and unconditional love. The one group in Sts will often wish to interact with and affect the lives of other third density selves (other physical humans) and will always act according to the good of themselves - while those in Sto will act only when their heart guides them to act - and only when discernment is exercised - so as to always decide what is best for their other selves (other physical humans) according to their hearts guidance - and not according to pleasing the flesh and acting according to the ways of the world around them.
So you see whereas it appears both groups live their lives in Sts - it is only an appearance based on the understanding of the lower third density human consciousness. Therefore when another self comes to the human of higher understanding - (living life in their natural state within equilibrium of life) and seeks help or aid the human of higher understanding and in Sto will not always act in the favor of the one seeking help or aid - while if it is the higher human living life in Sts they will either help their other self ( another physical human seeking help or aid) or they will not - and this will always depend on whether their actions will benefit their fleshly cravings in life or will conform to the ways of the worldly systems around them.No higher conscious human being or spirit in Sts ever re- enters third density consciousness and life unless it is for their own benefit or happiness - while no higher conscious human in Sto ever re- enters third density consciousness and life period!
Every point or simple that is Nothing - appearing forever to be made up of many myriads of somethings - will forever have as it's guiding and set ruling love and affection that ruling love and affection that it truly is ( according to potential and possibility) OF Infinite Source. The Infinite Nothing - or Source is not divided - nor is there ever found any parts of separation with Infinite Source - but all separation is given it's eternal appearances within conscious and unconsciuos potentials and possibilities that appear to come out from Infintie Consciousness - and all Nothingness which appears to come out from Infinite Source as well - even though we are confident that Nothing actually comes out from Nothing - in which case the Nothing or unconsciousness of Infinite Source must be duplicated as finite nothingness through conscious potentials and possibilities.
Again nothing is actual - which means that the Infinite Nothing is the actual Source of all things appearing as something through It's every potential and possible abilities to manifest the illusions of something - not out of Nothing but OF Nothing - of Consciousness. Not within Nothing or outside of Nothing - but again OF Nothing. As each of you continue to move closer to Infinite Source in your apparent evolution of the human spirit you will come to know things it has appeared that you have forgotten - when in truth you have not forgotten them but have simply fallen so deeply into the unconscious manifestations of Conscious Self that you must take yourself back toward Source according to your own apparent ruling loves and affections which brought you where you are to begin with. That which appears forgotten is simply held in higher places of your true consciousness - as you are conscious at every level of existence - the nothing or unconscious counterpart presently takes the place of the conscious counterpart for a time - but nothing is ever forgotten - and all is temporary.
How can one human being or spirit come to manifest or create realities out of all potential and possibility and another cannot? Do you not all know that all and every potential and possibility is yours to manifest - and that all that is keeping you from doing so is you alone? Do you believe in unicorns - do you believe in space ships - do you believe in your possibilities to fly or hover above the ground as high and as often as you wish? Do you even believe you can change the molecular structure of one form to that of another? Of all the things in life you have come to disbelieve in - which can you comfortable say you could all of a sudden cause yourself to know these things to be actual potentials or possibilities - and then can you cause yourself to know that these are indeed potentials and possibilities which you can achieve in life - rather than simply believing or knowing that someone else has the potential to manifest such things?
You do not appear to manifest at will - but this is appearance only as all things are indeed manifested that go out through the human mind as consciousness - and are indeed formed through consciousness to appear as their intended body - form - shape - or sphere of one type of existence or another. You control the atoms - you control the animalcules - you cause the intentions of all uses and purposes - and in the meantime manifest every potential and possible manifested realities you seek out of ignorance of your true abilities - and therefore manifest many things within other timelines and dimensions that you do not believe to be a potential or possibility within your own timelines and dimensions. For something to simply be out of your sight - or out of the reach of your human senses is to be in another timeline or dimension of your existence.
When the human manifests from fear those things one truly believes to be potential and possible manifestations of ones fears are indeed manifested in their present timeline and dimension. When they are not manifested in ones present timeline or dimension it is because they do not truly believe such things to be a potential or possibility - even though they come to fear such things in the meantime.When one manifests from fear - and he or she truly believes in said potentials or possibilities ones fears are not always manifested because one doubts that certain outcomes are warranted or in line with ones present circumstances. There can always be potential and possibility of certain things becoming manifested but there is always fear or doubt that they may not be manifested in the present for ones self to witness - at said time. There are many principles that go along with the many outcomes of manifestation through fear and doubt - and all things are always in play with universal manifestation from one now moment to the next - and from one conscious reflection to the next.
Affections always play their part in manifestation for the human spirit - as affections such as anger - jealousy - hatred - vengeance - pride - prejudice - ego - happiness - sadness - boredom - depression - ecstasy - gratitude - spite - the will to rule and preside over another - seeking ownership or possession - and so very many more - as the list goes on and on. The fact that many human manifest outside of their own true ruling loves and affections - pretending to be someone other than who they truly are causes many things not to be manifested within ones own present timelines or dimensions.This is why we often state that one who is awakening to higher knowing and Self will come to gradually remember that equilibrium of life must again be established and maintained before one comes to recognize these higher principles through even the smallest of manifestations in their new life that is to gradually come for each of us in our season.
Equilibrium of life is simply a state of consciousness where ones masculine comes to be in perfect agreement with ones feminine principle - and the masculine state of ones conscious being is no longer pretending to be someone other than who he or she truly is.Again all manifest at will - and all is indeed potential and possible to all once the human spirit comes to believe and know his and her true potential and possibilities in life. Consciousness creates ( according to what one would understand creation to represent) and because consciousness creates every time a human being comes to think - he or she is manifesting one reality or another - one body - form - shape - or sphere or another - and whether or not it appears in and on your present timeline and dimension or that of another self is always within ones access or ability of each individual human subject.If you yourself do not believe something to be either potential or possibility in life you cannot manifest the reality - body - form - shape - or sphere reflected upon in any timeline or dimension - even though this is most certainly a potential and possibility for one or many of your other selves who reside among you or in those densities above.
Just because one comes to fear something in life does not mean he or she will come to live out or experience those things one comes to fear.We have explained why this is so - given that there are many variables that keep certain realities from ever coming in your path in life. There are things in a persons life that they have feared for the better part of their life - and yet they may never come to experience that which they fear will one day cause them harm or loss. At the same time ones fears can easily come upon them in life if all known variables are in place at the exact now moment in which said fears are manifested perfectly or in some version of said fears. One who is presently in equilibrium of life - is one variable which will keep one from experiencing certain fears in life - as equilibrium of life would completely keep one out of fear - and that which you do not fear can cause no harm or loss to self in many cases. However there are acceptions to every rule - and again we state that if enough variables are met anyone can come to experience that which he or she fears most or least in life.
Most all of human kinds experiences of harm or loss come from each individual human being leaving their place of equilibrium in life. Fears such as being poor - going without food and water - becoming homeless - being forced to go off to war when one does not believe in war - not having other necessities of life - or not having as much as one feels he or she is deserving of. In lower consciousness the human spirit is often in want - need - or lack in life - but this is not the case when one is drawing from higher consciousness.Within higher levels of consciousness one knows all one needs to know at any given now moment - and there are no expectation in ones daily life in those moments when the human host is indeed drawing from their higher levels of knowing - understanding - and consciousness.
In life one can either wait on their collective consciousness to provide all things they truly love according to their already set ruling loves and affections in life - or they can think - speak - and act out in a physical manner so as to manifest that which they wish for - in which case they are manifesting out of season - separate from equilibrium of life.Indeed many things can be manifested by the human host according to physical principles and properties or actions but in doing so all things are manifested according to fear or doubt in most all cases - unless of course it is done out of human habit. In such cases there are things manifested out of habit that are of lower human principles and consciousness and there are things manifested out of habit that are of higher human principles and consciousness - and whether it is one or the other depends on whether or not the human subject is found to be in equilibrium of life - or not.
Manifesting out of fear or doubt brings one to manifest out of season as we have stated - and in doing so the order of ones life according to his or her true ruling loves and affections in equilibrium of life and according to ones many seasons of higher consciousness are often thrown out of sequence. When ones life is thrown out of sequence - out of equilibrium of life - and out of season harm or loss can often be the outcome because of fear or doubt being present.If one were simply prepared to accept the life they have presently manifested - remain content - and intend always on a positive outcome - through higher Self - or the higher collective consciousness - all things would be provided - appearing out of chaos and having no specific order - and many new things would come to be experienced in life that did not come to be manifested because of ones previous fears and doubts.One often orders their way in life according to lower principles of their outer world and one does so often because they believe that anything they want out of life they must provide themselves through outer expressions or manifestation - when it is exactly the opposite.
Most all of that which one does not see in life because of fear - doubt - and it's many offshoots of affections is ones true ruling loves - affections - and purpose or use in life - while most all one comes to see out of fear - doubt - and it's many offshoots is that which one does not love - is not of ones ruling loves - and is not of ones true affections which truly bring contentment of life. The human has many myriads of spirits guiding it in the wrong direction often - and it is up to the awakening human who is in the process of returning to equilibrium of life for him or her to draw in life from those spirits which are truly of ones ruling loves and ruling affections that bring contentment of life.
As we return to the subject of the Collective and Infinite Consciousness of the Nothing or Infintie Source let it again be known that Infintie Source is each of you without being in the process of separation and duality.You cannot manifest that which another Creator Source wishes to manifest or have manifested for them from some other Creator Source or human being.
When another human being - another self in fact comes to you for help or aid in manifesting that which they believe they cannot manifest - it is a truth that it is they who manifest for themselves to begin with. Even when another does not come to you for help or aid - and you choose to manifest certain realities or experiences - bodies - forms - shapes - or spheres for their benefit it is not you who does the manifesting - but merely appears according to your ego that you have manifested for them. Again no Infinite Source - no Creating conscious human spirit can manifest for another once separation is established and they have taken on individuality. This is a classic example of the masculine having left the house and home it once shared with it's feminine. This is a prime example of one who has left equilibrium of life.
Since this is the case - according to the levels of truth we have offered you here in this season of your life - can you now see how every human spirit comes to manifest for him and her self - and is simply in ignorance of higher truths - therefore manifesting lower truths - other or lower ruling loves - and affections not truly of their own - and therefore often manifestation is not witnessed that is in line with their own true ruling loves and affections in life.As one cannot truly manifest for another human or other self through the process of conscious manifestation - one can do so in a material and physical manner because you are of a material and physical existence upon the plane of third density or lower levels of consciousness.
Whereas material and physical manifestation is always limited to what each comes to own or possess in life - or the things one can buy - sell - barter - trade for - or acquire through other means such as theft or borrowing - it is all manifestation out of season and out of equilibrium of life.You have manifestation through chaos and manifestation through order - as your lower world is a plane of existence bound by order - regulations - set systems and societies of proper behavior - and the many laws of your world and it's many lower and separated societies.Manifestation through chaos is completely different in that one does not reflect on the past or future when thinking of what he or she wishes for - but instead one comes to reflect on the now only - and what he or she would enjoy in the present moments of ones life.
For those who manifest within the now they are always content in the now and content with all they have at their disposal in the now - never wanting for more in the now but simply living life as it comes to them through all things truly manifested from higher Source or Self - not permitting lower self and lower levels of consciousness ( outside of equilibrium) to guide them in life any longer. It is true that the human who lives life in the now still wants for things that will cause their life to be more pleasant and fulfilled but they do not seek these things according to any kind of order or instant manifestation - as they know all things come in their season for the whole - and out of season for the individual.All things are indeed manifested instantly and at will for the human being ( or spirit) living in the now and in equilibrium of life - while still all things are shared according to one's present and true needs according to what is required to sustain one who is living in the now. Still again - what the lower human would call a need in life the higher human living in the now - and living for the benefit and good of the One or Whole of human kind would call it universal providence.
It is one thing to want or need something in life out of service to self - and it is another to want something in life in service to others - those others simply being your many other selves who reside on your present lower world and reality of human existence. As the energies of consciousness can indeed manifest all things in abundance to as many human beings or spirits ever to be in the illusion of life if one does not remember how to share all things from higher planes of existence one does not tend to wish to share within their lower planes of existence. For as it is with the lower - so too is it with the higher ------ and as it is so with the higher so too is it the same with the lower. Do you not believe as of yet that your higher self can be just as wicked and self service as you are when representing the lower self? Do you presently hold the belief that all humans have the ability to one day become perfectly good and loving while removing all hatred - evil - darkness - and negative ruling loves and affections from their lives for good or for ever?
It is the evil and negative masculine principles that have guided human civilization from eternity as every human spirit comes to leave complete unconscious existence and evolve to levels of true understanding and knowing once again throughout eternity - and as a continuous and constant process for every human spirit ever to exist or hold consciousness.It is not therefore provided that any human spirit come to one day remember and again receive all conscious knowing of good and evil - love and hatred - or positive and negative ruling loves and affections that make up the collective consciousness of us all - both individually and collectively (depending on ones level of apparent evolution of the human spirit) and proceed in putting off the one while possessing and maintaining the other.
You all begin in complete unconsciousness in the now - and you maintain unconsciousness for the One and the Whole - as Unconsciousness is a part of you just the same as is the many myriads of levels of Consciousness. You are not one moment unconscious and at another moment conscious from and to eternity - but you are both - and you consistently or at any given time draw from one or the other so as to make up your many myriads of levels of consciousness to eternity. There is only one level of unconsciousness while there are and endless number of levels of consciousness - and both serve their purpose for the human spirit in the circle of life that we each live from and to eternity. While it is true that you each live or reside on every density or plane of existence ever to exist - it is only an appearance that you presently reside on a single or individual plane of consciousness - as all other planes of your existence reside of ( not in) unconsciousness until you choose to draw from each or all levels of consciousness available to each of you without limits or numbers to eternity.
There is only One Infinite Source - and you are that One Source - while all others who appear to be other human beings or spirits are you. For every other manifestation of you in human form - no matter what the form appears to look like - a timeline or dimension is represented by each individual human form. When you move up in densities of your existence these forms that appear to be individual or separate come to return to your collective Self - and all forms are gradually - over many periods of illusory time - removed - and replaced with all things that return to your inner and higher Self. As this is the case with you personally so too is this the case with every other self on your world.They are each Infinite Source as well - and have experienced separation of Self in the same manner as you - and all will eventually return to them as well - wherein all their other selves ( including you) will return to their inner human and Higher Self - and again will become as One - and Infinite Source will again be known to Self as Infinite once again. Still it is an illusion that Infinite Source ( You) are ever to become one or Whole - as there is no Oneness or Wholeness with Infinite Source (You) but only Self.
As you each lose the illusion of Oneness and Wholeness - you are awakening to Self and knowing Self - more and more to eternity - therefore coming to know that there is no Something - there is no Nothing - but there is only Self which is neither and both "OF" Self and "OF" the Collective Consciousness of All Potential and Possibility from and to Eternity.
So you see fiends you cannot manifest for another simply because that other - those others - are you with their own levels of unconscious knowing - as you are Infinite in your manifesting other Selves - and You indeed offer - provide - or allot (according to your Universal Principles and Nature as Self) the mere potential of individual consciousness to all of your other selves as Infinite Sources ( some say Creator Sources) and this providence that is truly "OF: Your true nature is Infinite - Eternal - and forever without end. As long as certain other selves continue to believe they are separate from Infinite Source (many call God) they must be permitted to do so. At the same time no matter how much or how often you seek to remind them or guide them toward these truths in life - it will make no difference until their season is at hand - and they each come to remember according to where they each began their illusion of life and separation from and to eternity.
Just as there are higher human spirits ( each a different ruling love or affection) that know who they are within the higher densities of our existence - so too is there a lower spirit representing each and every ruling love and affection that is already the makeup of all the ruling loves and affections found to be Infinite Source ( the lower the same as the higher but of different densities - levels of consciousness - and understanding of lower ruling loves and affections) . As no higher human spirit could ever have their existence in consciousness and unconsciousness to eternity if it were not for lower human forms of third density - so too is this the case with lower human forms possessing consciousness ( giving them the appearance of life) for those higher human spirits - to eternity.If the human form did not appear to possess consciousness ( as it is not truly possessed but shared) neither would the human form have life at all from and to eternity.
You are the collective consciousness limited by your levels of consciousness in unconsciousness - and there need not be limitations in your life other than those you place on you self through beliefs held and traditions of mankind lived out through unconscious minds. There is a higher form of each of you and us that provides all things from a higher plane of your levels of consciousness. When you do not draw on this higher plane of consciousness you draw from lower planes. If you do not know you can do something or manifest a certain reality you cannot do or manifest it. Do you not know that there is every level of human spirit walking your world today - and many of higher planes do not connect with those of lower planes simply because the lower does not assume higher planes of consciousness - and the higher cannot lower themselves or conform any longer to lower forms of conscious existence.
The higher representations of Self ( some may wish to term them higher other selves) do not rule your world nor do they attempt to rule your world - they do not hold positions in places of ruler ship nor do they seek to cause others of your world to submit to their will or wants in life. Again they cannot create for you of a lower level of human consciousness and even those of your lower levels of consciousness - sharing your material and physical plane as material and physical humans as well do not truly manifest for other physical humans - as this is a misconception. Those of higher planes of existence walk your world as their lower counterparts and simply provide higher guidance to their human host as he or she comes to evolve spiritually - taking on gradual levels of higher consciousness.The higher levels of your conscious self - who share the human host cannot cause other selves in other human forms to know things they offer to their present human host as all things are shared only with their present human host. What you as the lower human host can come to believe and know cannot be believed and known by other humans because they are not tapped into your collective human mind and consciousness.
And so the higher human walks your world only in that it shares all things with it's lower host or counterpart - as it's human host and counterpart comes to awaken to higher beliefs and finally higher knowing through it's higher Self and higher levels of consciousness. Because of these higher truth's it is possible for the more evolved human who shares all things with it's higher Self - just as it's higher Self shares all things with lower self ( only with the awakened human subject) to manifest a world around themselves that adheres to the levels of belief and knowing of Self alone - while all other lower humans ( other selves) living around or among said awakened human being and host live their lives according to lower beliefs according to their season of life and existence. Though it is a truth that your many other selves on your world can receive higher knowing - it is received mainly through their own higher selves - while other awakened human spirits ( other selves) will sometimes be drawn to one's self through seeking higher guidance in life.
There are indeed many awakened human spirits robed in fleshly bodies and forms on your world who are of a much more advanced nature according to their being capable of drawing from their higher consciousness and guidance at will - but again they will not interfere ( once they have advanced to a certain level of their awakening) with the life and manifestations of their many other selves walking your world today.The rulers of your world [and the many individual societies that make up your world] are not of the group we classify as higher human spirits - as they are still in service to self and unconditional love for those who are their own. As it goes one must come to separate him or her self from the rules - order - and laws of human society - as well as those things which promote service to self within said societies before one is prepared to move forward in their conscious evolution toward reconnection with higher Self.
Service to self as it is truly understood by the higher human in an awakened state is different from the understanding of said affections in life of those found with lower third density humans who are of levels of third density lower consciousness.In short service to self is serving the flesh and the ways of the world as apposed to what appears in service to self when one is reflecting on the higher human and how he or she serves others through their serving their own self or human host.In other words there is true service to self found with the lower human and there is the appearance of service to self when the human being guided by higher self serves their own wants or wishes in life according to their hearts center or desires. Because the higher human knows they cannot manifest for lower humans - other than their human host (which appears to be the third density human - but is third density in appearance only) they also know they are not to interfere with other selves ( other outer material and physical humans appearing separate from self) but are to live their lives serving self in order to truly serve others.
As one can never serve others by thinking - saying - or doing for another self - as this would be manifesting for other Creator Sources and therefore taking them out of equilibrium of life - one can only serve others when higher Self is serving Self rather than lower self serving self.It would appear to all lower humans when witnessing the higher human serving Self ( though they will see them only as the lower human according to their human form) that the higher human is truly service Self - when in fact they are serving others. It can only be understood to be this way when one comes to awaken to higher principles - so as to truly understand that every human who lives outside the higher human ( all other outer material and physical humans) other than the higher humans lower human host - is every human spirit who resides within the collective consciousness of the higher human ( representing both higher spirits and lower spirits of ones spiritual society) who shares all things with their awakened human host - and who appears to be third density but is of higher densities and is only providing house and home for the higher spiritual society of the higher human.
Again as we have stated before - there are many higher humans walking your world today - providing the collective consciousness of - and life for - their own individual human host. They all appear to be material and physical third density humans when in fact the lower has become as the higher - and simply appears as the lower for the sake of all lower third density humans still in disbelief of higher principles. Because the lower third density human does not believe in or even understand higher principles of consciousness and understanding the lower third density human - having the same outer appearance as the higher human - will not wish to be in the company of - nor interact with or speak to the higher human. This can become a thing of loneliness for the higher human who is in the beginning stages of their awakening - but becomes much easier to understand and live with as the awakening human reaches a certain level of their awakening.
As the higher human can lower their levels of consciousness to that of the third density human so as to interact with them at said levels - this cannot be the case with the third density human rising to levels of the higher human.Still this process becomes more and more difficult for the higher human who gradually awakens to a state of consciousness in which he or she seldom wishes to return to third density levels of consciousness.When the higher human chooses to lower their consciousness to third density levels it is usually because they have friends or loved ones still residing in third density consciousness who they wish to continue to interact with - though many third density humans will eventually choose to separate from the presence of the higher human who represents a friend or loved one - in which case it will often be the lower choosing to separate from the higher and not the other way around.
In most cases those third density humans who choose to remain in the presence of - or live with or near - those who are higher humans ( higher only in that their awakened state causes them to retain higher levels of consciousness) these humans come to receive guidance from the higher human and therefore begin their awakening process as well. It would not be this way in most cases with the third density human wishing to remain around or continue sharing company with the higher human unless the lower human was truly prepared to receive higher conscious understanding in life.Because it is indeed so very difficult for the lower human to continue in the company of the higher human - or even carry on a conversation with said humans - the timelines or dimensions are gradually separated and new realities are manifested for the higher human accordingly. This is not the case for lower third density humans not prepared or in their season to begin their awakening into higher principles of human conscious understanding - as the lower human will simply continue in their evolution of the spirit - and all things will appear just as before ( with minor changes through new timelines and dimensions) to the lower human until their season comes as well - so as to be prepared for their awakening to higher understanding and consciousness.
It is a truth that just because the human comes to their season of awakening and takes on higher levels of consciousness - this does not mean they become good and loving humans - who do not choose to at times cause harm and loss to other third density humans. As there is an awakened group of higher spirits who indeed thrive on service to self and drawing energies from other selves they cannot serve self and maintain equilibrium at the same time or now moment. As far as those higher human spirits who are maintaining equilibrium (so as to hold levels of conscious knowing they would not otherwise hold) are concerned - if they allowed themselves to leave a place of equilibrium so as to cause harm or loss to other selves they too lower themselves to third density levels of energetic consciousness - and are therefore presently bound by third density laws - and will reap all things they intend or cause toward another in life.
Once the third density human chooses to accept higher conscious knowing he or she has moved to higher densities of their conscious existence - and they are no longer the third density human he or she was a moment ago.Once entering into higher densities of consciousness and existence the human being or spirit is tapping into either service to self spiritual societies or they are tapping into societies that are in service to others. Both societies of human spirits are capable of lowering their consciousness levels back to that of third density - and therefore are again capable of interacting with and affecting the lives of other selves who are third density as well. The group that is in service to self will interact with and affect the lives of other third density humans with negative intentions and in service to self ( pleasing the flesh and living according to the ways of the world) while the group in service to others will appear in service to self as well - but will no longer be seeking to please the flesh or live according to the ways of the world - nor will they seek to cause harm and loss to other third density humans - or other selves.
As both higher groups of spirits can be helpful or harmful to the third density human - it is always according to the third density human as to which of these groups they choose to draw from in life - or which they choose to interact with and hold company with when they seek help or aid from such higher spirits ( still in third density human form). Because both groups of higher spirits are constantly being pulled back toward equilibrium in their everyday life - those in service to self and conditional love will fight against this pull more strenuously and frequently than those who are in service to others - and unconditional love. The one group in Sts will often wish to interact with and affect the lives of other third density selves (other physical humans) and will always act according to the good of themselves - while those in Sto will act only when their heart guides them to act - and only when discernment is exercised - so as to always decide what is best for their other selves (other physical humans) according to their hearts guidance - and not according to pleasing the flesh and acting according to the ways of the world around them.
So you see whereas it appears both groups live their lives in Sts - it is only an appearance based on the understanding of the lower third density human consciousness. Therefore when another self comes to the human of higher understanding - (living life in their natural state within equilibrium of life) and seeks help or aid the human of higher understanding and in Sto will not always act in the favor of the one seeking help or aid - while if it is the higher human living life in Sts they will either help their other self ( another physical human seeking help or aid) or they will not - and this will always depend on whether their actions will benefit their fleshly cravings in life or will conform to the ways of the worldly systems around them.No higher conscious human being or spirit in Sts ever re- enters third density consciousness and life unless it is for their own benefit or happiness - while no higher conscious human in Sto ever re- enters third density consciousness and life period!
We are much Greater than Any God or Goddess Part 2
We are much greater than God Part 2
Imagine if you will a vast stretch of space out there in the multiverses of Infinity - but this space is not truly space in that it is anti - space or completely and fully Nothing. Within this space that is nothing comes to appear out of no where little dots or points - dots or points so small that they each have no actual dimensions - mass - volume - or measurements such as height - depth - or width given said point or dot is so small that it cannot even be measured or seen by the human eye or nay device the human may ever come to create. This dot or point ( known to some as the simple) fills all of Nothingness with its apparent existence - as it is not true or actual existence but the potential and possibility to exist as one or many bodies - forms - shapes - or spheres of finite somethings ( human form or one of the many offshoots of the human form).
So imagine this point or simple having no measure - no motion - and no change - or form as of yet - as it is the pure collective consciousness of Infinite Source in such elementary form as to not actually even be form as of yet.Again we say that it is only the potential and possibility of form. As this point or simple is Of Infinite Creator Source - it is therefore Infinite in actuality - but appears finite to the unknowing mind. It is therefore not a single point or simple found out there some where in empty Nothingness - but it is both simple and single as well as Infinite in number - meaning it cannot be truly counted as to how many points or simples are the true and complete makeup of Infinite Source except through lower mind and consciousness that would see it as a single point. Therefore it is not truly ever a single point or simple but can be imagined for lower understanding so as to guide one to higher levels of understanding when reflecting on the point or simple. Therefore what Infinite Source truly is in potential essence is an unlimited and Infinite number of points or simples with no possibility ever to be counted.
Within the finite realms of existence therefore when one see's self as an individual - such as seeing the point or simple as a single or individual point or place within Infinite Source - this can never truly be a possibility with things Infinite - but only with things finite.If one were to be capable of imagining a single point or simple held or possessed within the Infinite realms of the Nothingness of Infinite Source All that appears to be single or individual would possess All that is Nothing - All that is Something All that is original - All that is Infinite - and All that is potential and possibility within a single or individual point or simple. There can be no part of Infinite Source - there can be no division of Infinite Source - and there can never be lack of Infinite Source whether residing in a form of elementary ( microcosmic) particles or in the form of the greatest microcosmic form ever to be imagined.
One would now possibly wonder how it is that consciousness can create actual things from its potentiality of possibilities - or it's true nature - essence - or principles of Infinite Source - as we have often been sought for our guidance on this subject.
Upon your plane of existence wherein things appear real according to your understanding of real - when you lay down and dream you reflect on a world or reality that can often feel and appear just as real as your own awakened state of consciousness.As it goes the world you dream of is your spiritual self living and existence which is truly the potential of all that is your apparent real or awakened state of your existence. To the human spirit experiencing consciousness as the material and physical human one might come to reflect on the spiritual simply as potential material and physical things - and one would be correct in thinking in this manner. All things spiritual are corresponding things to the material and physical world - as the spiritual is a more pure and less dense configuration of all things material and physical. The same ruling loves and affections which apply to a single body - form - shape - or sphere of material and physical existence are the same corresponding ruling loves and affections your spiritual or inner human self is reflecting on simultaneously.
Because however the material and physical is bound by time and space - and is a world of selected order - bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of the spiritual realms are of a different selection - they are of a different order. What is manifested as a single thought in other words for the material and physical world corresponds to hundreds or thousands of thoughts within the spiritual realms for the one individual human thought. Because of this all bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of the spiritual realms are more pure - appearing more clear and attractive - and are of greater detail no matter what the body - form - shape - or sphere. Everything of the spiritual realms - just like all things of the material and physical realms - is manifested of Consciousness - Of Infinite Source (Self) From the Feminine ( or duplicated Nothing) - through the Masculine - and for the human spirit (self in lower case).
Consciousness manifests all forms for all individual densities of your existence - all as apparent (real for the one experiencing that level or density of evolution of the human spirit) and all Of - From - Through - and For Self - as well as self. Just as it all appears real - set - solid - liquid - or gas for you within your density of conscious existence so too do all things appear real for your other selves living their conscious existence at higher or different levels of apparent human evolution as well. Where you each come form originally is where you have always been - and the fact of the matter is - you experience each and every new reality in appearance only - as a dream - or in a dream like state of consciousness. The closer each human spirit comes to returning to original or Infinite Source ( according to one's knowing Self or self) the more you ARE Infinite Source. We see that some of you still seeking wish us to provide further understanding on this subject - and we will do so.
How can consciousness cause that which is simply conscious thought or reflection become so real in feeling and appearance to the human spirit (living the life of reality in the material and physical - the Spiritual - and the Celestial realms of his and her conscious existence) and come to actually feel and have all it's senses satisfied according to a set and solid world of apparent mass and matter?
It is true that all finite existence begins without solidity - without foundation - and without shape or form? It is also true that all things that are something truly begin their conscious existence ( from a place of non - existence) as all conscious potential and possibility "OF" a realm of Nothingness - not really within or from the realm of Nothingness but rather an actual being of Nothingness. When the point or simple appears ( not actually leaving) to leave the true realm of Nothingness and takes on something - which is happening within every now moment (while constantly moving in and out of consciousness and unconsciousness) {existence and non- existence} it is no longer Nothing but Something once it reaches a state of the third finite. To explain further - there is a realm of Nothingness that is Conscious of Self and therefore Conscious and there is a realm of Nothingness which is not Conscious of Self and or anything that is not Self - and is therefore not conscious.
Infinite Source is therefore Infinite Conscious Nothing and Infinite Unconscious Nothing - and what appears as two to the lower human mind is actually One.
The host realizes the explanation for the above highlighted questions has not yet been answered - but the explanation to said questions will indeed be given shortly.
Getting back to what we were speaking of above------- Infinite Source is not only one but the other as well - indeed Infinite Source is All things potential and possible ( potential somethings) from Conscious Nothingness and All things that are Nothing - being unconscious and having no potential or possibility. Again we say - Infinite Source is Nothing - and yet It is Conscious of It's Nothingness in one state of It's Non - Existence - while It is Unconscious of It's Nothingness or anything that is not of It's Nothingness - therefore being nothing. Just as there are opposite planes of densities - opposite planes of timelines - and opposite planes of dimensions for finite Existence so too are there two realms of Non - Existence ( opposite realms) that are Infinite Source.One realm as you might call it is Infinite Unconscious Nothingness - and It's anti realm (which you might call it) is Infinite Conscious Nothingness.
Points or simples can therefore have their non - existence within Infinite Source as Infinite Consciousness in the appearance of form which represents the conscious point or simple that is nothing but consciousness alone - still representing the Nothingness of Infinite Source. Whereas there appears to be a point or simple therefore - there is not - as it is nothing more than a conscious manifestation of Self in the appearance of the simplest form - which is yet to be something and is therefore presently Nothing in the appearance of form. The two different states of Non - Existence of Infinite Source are truly two different planes of Non Existence - while both planes (or a plane and an anti - plane) still represent Infinite Source in one state of Consciousness or the other ------anti state of Unconsciousness.
Wherein the state of unconsciousness is a duplication and appearance for the finite realms of existence ( as nothing that is finite or something can truly possess unconsciousness) as there is no finite nothingness but only the appearance of nothingness provided for by the illusions of space and time. Yes there is such things as anti - space and anti - time - but these too are illusory places of nothingness reflecting even greater levels of nothingness in finite existence. Space and time with the finite would correspond to the Conscious Nothingness of Infinite Source while anti - space and anti - time would correspond to the Unconscious Nothingness of Infinite Source.
From what we have reflected on so far one should now come to understand that the Unconscious Nothingness is Infinite in It's Non Existence as something or anything just as It is also Infinite in It's Conscious state of Nothingness where it is potentially all finite somethings. Because there is no time and no intervals of time either with the Unconscious or the Conscious state of Non - Existence for Infinite Source - It does not change or move from one state to another in It's Consciousness or Unconsciousness - but It is instead both simultaneously. Whereas it is easily understood that the one state of Infinite Source is complete Nothingness (knowing and being nothing - not even potentially something) it could be quite difficult for the lower human consciousness to fathom that It's other state - being Conscious of Self - and All things Of Self - could still actually be Nothing as this state of Non - Existence that is Infinite Source would have to be something if indeed It is Conscious in said state.
However to be conscious of Self and All that is Of Self does not exclude that which is known to be nothing from actually being Nothing. What appears in the realms of the finite { whether of the Celestial - Spiritual - or material and physical realms} as actual things - actual bodies - forms - shapes - or spheres ------- is truly potential for things of lower existence - as all things higher in the realms of the finite is truly potential of all things being manifested as lower things - lower bodies - lower forms - lower shapes - and lower spheres of finite existence. Therefore what appears as something to that which is higher is seen as nothing to that which is lower- as all things higher are of a less dense makeup - and of different planes - densities - timelines and dimensions of ones existence and corresponding potentials and possibilities.
Therefore that which is seen or understood as nothing by the eyes or understanding of the lower form when reflecting or attempting to reflect on the higher is how it is with all things lower and higher - becoming less and less seen and understood as something - and - more and more as nothing the closer one( the human spirit) moves up in densities of finite existence -to a point where if it were at all possible one would truly end with the point or simple - which is truly Nothing as far as mass - volume - dimensions - bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of existence or non - existence are concerned. In other words the Highest or most pure Nothing from and to Eternity is Infinite Source - and where all lower level conscious humans or offshoots of humans would see Infinite Nothing truly as Nothing - the Nothing Itself knows Self or is Conscious of Self and that All things or somethings are indeed of Self ( Infinite Nothing) which need not be considered as something but is truly the original Source of All things ever to be duplicated or created "OF" the Infinite Nothing. Infinite Source or the Infinite Nothing cannot in fact ever be considered as something - as all things lower cannot see that which is higher or more pure as something but indeed as Nothing alone.
It has been said over and over again in days of old that All things came from nothing from a process known by the lower conscious human as the 'Big Bang." This is truly a misunderstanding coming from the lack of knowing things higher in ones existence - and indeed all things higher will eventually be returned to every human spirit ever to have finite existence "OF" (not from) the Infinite Nothing. You are the Infinite Nothing living in one state where you know nothing of self - another state where you know some things of self - and at even higher levels or states of your existence where you know all things of Self. You live a life of ( not illusion) unconsciousness when you are reflecting the Unconscious Nothing that you are and in another state of less unconsciousness and more consciousness - reflecting the Infinite Nothing that is you as well. You are constantly and forever blinking in and out from one state of Infinite Nothingness to another state of Infinite Nothingness throughout your daily lives - and you are doing this so very quickly and frequently that it cannot even be measured by any human instrument ever invented or created.
How do things feel hard in and on your world? How do things feel soft - wet - dry - sticky - solid - flimsy - broken or not broken - and so on? How does the human form feel pain or pressure in or on ones body? If consciousness is simply potential and possibility and not actual manifestation how does one experience all the things potential as truly happening - to a point where one can easily assume all things are there - rather than not there - being instead a potential of something that could be there in your presence? These things we will explain according to higher understanding for those of you who are prepared to receive said understanding.
At this time we feel that our human host is getting to his limits of understanding of higher things we presently offer up - and so we will move into our explanation with ease and simplicity - so as to offer sufficient reflection on things we provide at this time.Keep in mind that it is not the collective human host who is having difficulty receiving our guidance at these levels but rather certain spiritual members of his society who are not as evolved as the collective whole at this day and hour. All will receive that which they are meant to receive in their season - and so we tell you to relax and enjoy the message or transmission as we move forward - and we remind our host that we have much trust in his abilities to receive and again ask that he relax - enjoy - and receive.
How is hard felt as though it truly was hard - given that in explaining this we would explain many things of your world. Imagine if you will that where ever there appears to be something there is in fact nothing - and all somethings that appear to be something are simply ones imagination or beliefs at levels so very dense or bound in unconscious belief that all things come to appear as they should - always according to the levels of consciousness along with their corresponding unconsciousness which provides change of states often enough that one does not even have "time" to reflect on the fact that it is all a grand void of nothingness.If all things or something indeed have their origin from Nothingness - and no something can truly become from nothingness - then it would all have to be the illusion of somethings - would it not?
Just as Infinite Source has the ability to manifest all somethings at every level of the human senses so too do each of you possess this ability - with some according to that which they know to be true or real and - with others that which they simply believe to be true or real. Consciousness has the ability to cause all potential and possibilities to become as though they were real somethings - while at the same time this consciousness can cause all things to manifest according to their set or predetermined ruling loves and affections -their uses - or their purpose in ones finite existence. In other words that which one comes to know to be true or real can actually be made to appear true or real - according to what is added in consciousness and what is taken away or kept from the human host through unconsciousness.
In it's original state of Infinite Consciousness all somethings that are of the Nothing are indeed nothing - other than potential and possible somethings. In other words all somethings are known to be a potential and possibility as the Conscious Nothing in a manner where all somethings can be made to appear to work and perform according to their use or purpose as they move through their different lower finite states of manifestation as potential somethings (actual somethings to the lower conscious human being and it's conscious offshoots - but potential to those who are of higher densities of consciousness). All somethings are actually potential somethings as there is always a higher potential which provides the necessary order to all actual somethings within lower realms or densities of manifestation of all potential and possible somethings.
Every something no matter what it's body - form - shape - or finite sphere represents in the finite realm sees itself as an actual something until each finite something comes to evolve(appearance only) to levels of consciousness where knowing is again received of the Infinite Conscious Source of all somethings - in which case said body - form - shape - or sphere comes to be conscious that it is potential and possibility alone - and all illusion of being actual somethings in ones apparent past was of a lower conscious understanding of the Infinite Nothing - or Self.That which is conscious knows it is conscious while that which is unconscious knows nothing of self or Self - or other selves for that matter.
For something to appear hard - set - or unmovable in and on your world limits or boundaries simply need to be placed where said use or purpose is fulfilled in order to cause the appearance of stopping or binding forms of mass or matter to a limited space - causing the illusion of something being hard - with less binding or limits in certain forms through less dense animalcules (smaller forms or spheres) so as to allow for the illusions of soft and moving ability as well.Because the higher human consciousness or spirit has instilled within it's consciousness many potentials and possibilities which cause the lower illusions to actually be believed as truth and set laws of a more dense plane of your existence - the higher guides the lower through their unconscious knowing in all things - so that the lower form truly believes and knows they cannot put their hand through an apparent solid object.
These higher principles not only guide the collective human body and mind but the smaller parts within as well so as to cause the human spirit to believe and know a thing is hard and set - and all boundaries are therefore set in the material and physical as well as the spiritual planes of yours and our finite existence - where nothing is truly as it seems.Therefore if the lower human conscious and unconscious spirit were to know all things higher he or she would truly know they could put their hand through an object which only appear to be solid in form and feel - according to their ordered senses. Above in higher realms of consciousness where equilibrium is truly established it is a known truth that actualities are only perceived by the lower human and all somethings are actually nothing more than different levels of potential and possibilities for the conscious human spirit at all levels of his and her existence.
We will continue to explain further as we see our human host is not as of yet satisfied with what has been explained - and is still in doubt as to his understanding of how the spheres of your planes of existence come to be actualities rather than simple potentials and possibilities.
As long as there are more dense and less dense spheres of your existence and consciousness walls can be placed as limits or boundaries between one sphere and another - limits or boundaries which are given their reality or appearing absolute simply because the lower human mind and all conscious animalcules making up the human mind and form - cause one to stop or cease all motion or - change of state - place - or position simply because all limits in the form of walls or doorways are put in place through unconsciousness in the human mind so as to truly cause one to believe and know that the body cannot go beyond these many set limits to their existence in their present plane of finite conscious and unconscious life.
There is a realm of your existence which is lived in chaos and there are many lower realms of your existence that are governed by set rules or laws of the principles of your known universe. When chaos is the new type of reality one comes to live - all past and lower forms of rules and laws once binding one in their many past realities have been done away with and one no longer believes and knows according to lower unconscious human understanding. Conscious chaos allows one to move about and think - speak - and act according to how their ruling loves and affections truly guide them in life - rather than according to lower guidance that was once prevalent in their material and physical planes of lower existence - where man made laws and rules of society manifested all limits and boundaries according to the collective levels of belief and knowing in and on ones world or sphere of existence.
In an awakened conscious state of one's existence hard no longer has to be hard - soft no longer soft - real no longer limited to rationality and logic - based on those principles held by lower humans sharing one's present reality but in lower levels of consciousness. As consciousness is added to the human spirit who is truly awakening to higher things in the Age of knowing ( not human wisdom) one comes to know that it is not the spoon that bends but it is you who bends according to your new makeup of potential and possibilities. In other words a spoon is made up of mostly unconscious spirits that therefore know nothing and are not conscious of self - but serve a use or purpose for the energies it provides and the forms of mass and matter brought together by the human consciousness in order to provide certain uses or purposes for the human spirit.
Nothing of inanimate matter on your world moves in and of itself but it is the human being or conscious spirit within or of the human which causes all things to appear as they are meant to appear - always according to levels of consciousness and unconsciousness with the human being or spirit. It is therefore indeed a truth that every human at an awakened level - being in equilibrium according to levels of consciousness and unconsciousness has the ability to make that which is straight become crooked - that which is hard to become soft - and that which is the one become the other. This is not accomplished by the human being and spirit that is in fear or doubt still - neither is this possible if there is any ruling love or affections present with said human which can continue to place limits or barriers on their creative abilities or levels of knowing that many new things can truly be accomplished by the awakened human spirit.
You cannot put your hand through an apparent solid wall presently simply because you still believe it to be nothing but solid. You cannot walk on water simply because doubt still exists which causes you to know according to your present levels of truth that water cannot become as a hard or solid surface to the levels in which one could possibly walk on water.If all forms of matter and mass of your world is made up of smaller forms of matter (animalcules) and there is an equal amount of empty space between these animalcules so as to provide more elasticity or movement for one form of matter or another - in a manner where the smaller you venture into the realms of the microscopic or animalcules - the more open space you have even though equilibrium of space and matter is always achieved and maintained in the higher densities ( where all is less dense or less packed together) you would find that what was once a hard or solid form in your present reality is now seen as soft - translucent - or much more porous.
And so - if one were capable of following all forms of matter or mass down to its most simplest terms or forms what one would find is more empty space and less matter or forms. Equilibrium of space and non space are still maintained in every form - but the size of the form continues to dissipate into something more simple the farther one ventures toward Source - or toward Nothingness. Every form of your material and physical realm has it's own vortex and center of said vortex that is a form as well - manifested in the same manner all mass and matter is manifested - which is of the human consciousness. Again every body - every form - every shape - and every sphere is found to reside within it's own personal vortex - each having it's own center or zero point ( Source) as well.
Every human spirit and every vortex has it's own properties - it's own universal rules and principles - and it's own laws of set order - not necessarily ever bound by the set rules and principles of another spirit - body - form - shape - sphere - vortex - or center of it's universe.Every human spirit or being which is most certainly it's own Creator Source cannot create or manifest for another human being or spirit - even though ones creations or manifestations can be shared with another. Therefore when one human spirit no longer requires the presence or manifestation of a certain thing or something - a certain body - form - shape - or sphere - still another human being or spirit can come to continue manifesting said things for self - and continued creation or manifestation is maintained in process for as long as there is a human being or spirit that requires or wishes said body - form - shape - or sphere to be duplicated - over and over again in ones life.
You do not create or manifest at will in life simply because you do not yet remember how to do so. In remembering how one must also remember all limits - all things of order - and all principles attached to manifesting ones true ruling loves and affections through body - form - shape - and spheres of their heightened existence.Again that which is hard and set on your present plane of existence is simply ignorance at play. Things of your world cannot change in principle and universal order because you have not yet heightened your principles and released yourself from rational and logical order presently found in and on your material and physical plane of existence. If it is a truth that the human being or spirit is responsible for forming all the different bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of your world through the formation of atoms or animalcules do you not also see that it is the human being or spirit who is also capable of separating all of the atoms or animalcules to whatever levels they so choose - when their time or season comes to remember these things?
To separate atoms or animalcules is to cause your world or plane of existence to become more fluid - and more giving according to all of it's potentials and possibilities - all of it's principles - and all of it's levels of rule and order to ones society and collective as well as individual world of reality. At the same time if you are now capable of breaking down all things to their simplest forms does it not also make perfect sense that one can now put all things back together again - according to new order - new principles - new potentials and possibilities - and therefore manifest new bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of you existence? If one were to reflect or do some research one might even be capable of finding that this process is already being completed and carried out in and on your world - and it is just a matter of time or seasons before each of you are capable of the same results.
Now let us reflect on this idea for a moment ------- How is it that Nothing can become so tightly packed as to manifest something that appears hard and rigid - not giving and not not easily moveable in it's natural state - body - form - shape- or sphere? And if this is not the case where can something hard or rigid and unmoving in it's natural state come to be manifested of the Conscious Infinite Nothing? If It is All potential and possibility of All somethings then let us first reflect on the term potential or possibility. As Infinite Source is complete Nothingness truly something cannot come out of or from this Nothingness. And as we have spoken before there is no in or out with Infinite Nothingness - this is indeed a truth according to what we speak. However we have also said that All somethings do not come out of or from the Nothingness but are of the Nothingness - and so we will explain in more detail for those still in unconscious doubt.
Potential something that is Of Nothing can only become something in thought - or to be more precise Conscious Thought - rather than unconscious thought.As we have mentioned earlier the use or purpose of "Unconscious Thought" is provided within the finite so as to provide a duplicated Nothing - which has no potential or possibility - and will always and forever continuously provide for the appearance of nothing and unconsciousness.Conscious Thought coming out "OF" Infinite Conscious Source (The Nothing) is pure potential and possibility of All things that appear as something and the potential becomes more discernible as actual as one moves farther and farther away from Source. Just as all things appear in ones dream state as actual - causing one to often question as to whether he or she is asleep or awake - so too is this how it works with Infinite Consciousness found with the Nothing. All begins as Infinite potential and possibility OF Infinite Consciousness and takes on more and more appearance of reality as it appears to move out from Infinite Source - thought it all goes no where given All and Everything is pure original essence of Infinite Source.
Whatever appears to go out from Infinite Source is Infinite Source in every circumstance or every apparent body - form - shape - or sphere.Nothing changes really in that all remains potential and possibilities of somethings - and forgetfulness or unconsciousness are gradually added to cause the many illusions of all the many realities ever to come to be manifested from and to eternity. What one assumes to be substance or essence - mass or matter is nothing more than a conscious manifestation of forms - all forms - with limits and boundaries providing the illusions of stopping and again having movement when one comes upon a solid form which appears to be a barrier in their present actions or movements.Ones consciousness believes all solid forms to actually be solid and permanent barriers to their moving past or through said solid objects - and unconsciousness is responsible for all doubt which goes along with conscious belief or knowing - and perimeters - limits - and boundaries are set in a world and plane of reality bound by rules and set universal order.
There is nothing solid - the spoon does not bend even - as it is you who unknowingly choose to believe all limits and boundaries in life - and it is you who choose to bend or stand firm in every situation in life where the illusions of limits and boundaries are set by the unconscious human mind. Remove consciousness from the mind of the human being and spirit - and what is left that is hard or soft - firm or forgiving - what can one smell - taste - hear - or touch even? All is given it's appearance or reality and life through the collective consciousness of the human mind that is originally - in it's most pure state provided OF Infinite Conscious Source which is Infinite Nothingness.
There is no Big Bang - and all of a sudden everything comes into being. All and Everything is forever and constantly being - it is All Omnipotent - Omnipresent - and Omniscient ( all powerful and having no power or abilities- in all places and in no place - all knowing and all not- knowing) All things are also provided at every different level of consciousness and unconsciousness - being and not being - knowing and not knowing - having power and having no power in a manner in which there is a body - form - shape - or sphere for every level of evolved and UN-evolved human spirit from and to eternity. There is not a point or simple sitting out there in empty nothingness waiting to act or move - or getting prepared to create and manifest all that it will continue to manifest on in to eternity. There is rather an endless and Infinite number ( never having the potential to be counted in it's most pure state) of potential and possible points or simples that are "OF" Infinite Source ( Infinite Nothingness) - that are the makeup of Infinite Source in It's purest state and they are indeed infinite - never to be numbered - forever without end or limit - and forever appearing to move out from Infinite Source OF Infinite Source - and it is all potential and possible creation or manifestation of Conscious Potential and Possibility.
What is not known or understood by the lower human mind - and indeed is not understood by all human spirits presently residing in unconsciousness (this can change in the blink of an eye) is that every point or simple that goes out OF Infinite Source represents - and truly is - a different ruling love or affection - wherein All of these ruling loves and affections combined together as a collective would be the makeup of Infinite Source. At the same time every ruling love and affection causing the makeup of Infinite Source is also found to be the complete makeup of every apparently individual point or simple. Again we must state that in truth there is no individual points or simples causing the makeup of Infinite Source as they are only potential or possible points or simples - only potential or possible ruling loves and affections.
All and everything is a potential and possibility and all will forever remain nothing but potential and possibility - and thanks to the "Unconscious Nothing" - or the Unconscious Infinite Source that is Nothing - all things can be lived and experienced as real - as actualities - instead of potentials and possibilities alone.
Imagine if you will a vast stretch of space out there in the multiverses of Infinity - but this space is not truly space in that it is anti - space or completely and fully Nothing. Within this space that is nothing comes to appear out of no where little dots or points - dots or points so small that they each have no actual dimensions - mass - volume - or measurements such as height - depth - or width given said point or dot is so small that it cannot even be measured or seen by the human eye or nay device the human may ever come to create. This dot or point ( known to some as the simple) fills all of Nothingness with its apparent existence - as it is not true or actual existence but the potential and possibility to exist as one or many bodies - forms - shapes - or spheres of finite somethings ( human form or one of the many offshoots of the human form).
So imagine this point or simple having no measure - no motion - and no change - or form as of yet - as it is the pure collective consciousness of Infinite Source in such elementary form as to not actually even be form as of yet.Again we say that it is only the potential and possibility of form. As this point or simple is Of Infinite Creator Source - it is therefore Infinite in actuality - but appears finite to the unknowing mind. It is therefore not a single point or simple found out there some where in empty Nothingness - but it is both simple and single as well as Infinite in number - meaning it cannot be truly counted as to how many points or simples are the true and complete makeup of Infinite Source except through lower mind and consciousness that would see it as a single point. Therefore it is not truly ever a single point or simple but can be imagined for lower understanding so as to guide one to higher levels of understanding when reflecting on the point or simple. Therefore what Infinite Source truly is in potential essence is an unlimited and Infinite number of points or simples with no possibility ever to be counted.
Within the finite realms of existence therefore when one see's self as an individual - such as seeing the point or simple as a single or individual point or place within Infinite Source - this can never truly be a possibility with things Infinite - but only with things finite.If one were to be capable of imagining a single point or simple held or possessed within the Infinite realms of the Nothingness of Infinite Source All that appears to be single or individual would possess All that is Nothing - All that is Something All that is original - All that is Infinite - and All that is potential and possibility within a single or individual point or simple. There can be no part of Infinite Source - there can be no division of Infinite Source - and there can never be lack of Infinite Source whether residing in a form of elementary ( microcosmic) particles or in the form of the greatest microcosmic form ever to be imagined.
One would now possibly wonder how it is that consciousness can create actual things from its potentiality of possibilities - or it's true nature - essence - or principles of Infinite Source - as we have often been sought for our guidance on this subject.
Upon your plane of existence wherein things appear real according to your understanding of real - when you lay down and dream you reflect on a world or reality that can often feel and appear just as real as your own awakened state of consciousness.As it goes the world you dream of is your spiritual self living and existence which is truly the potential of all that is your apparent real or awakened state of your existence. To the human spirit experiencing consciousness as the material and physical human one might come to reflect on the spiritual simply as potential material and physical things - and one would be correct in thinking in this manner. All things spiritual are corresponding things to the material and physical world - as the spiritual is a more pure and less dense configuration of all things material and physical. The same ruling loves and affections which apply to a single body - form - shape - or sphere of material and physical existence are the same corresponding ruling loves and affections your spiritual or inner human self is reflecting on simultaneously.
Because however the material and physical is bound by time and space - and is a world of selected order - bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of the spiritual realms are of a different selection - they are of a different order. What is manifested as a single thought in other words for the material and physical world corresponds to hundreds or thousands of thoughts within the spiritual realms for the one individual human thought. Because of this all bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of the spiritual realms are more pure - appearing more clear and attractive - and are of greater detail no matter what the body - form - shape - or sphere. Everything of the spiritual realms - just like all things of the material and physical realms - is manifested of Consciousness - Of Infinite Source (Self) From the Feminine ( or duplicated Nothing) - through the Masculine - and for the human spirit (self in lower case).
Consciousness manifests all forms for all individual densities of your existence - all as apparent (real for the one experiencing that level or density of evolution of the human spirit) and all Of - From - Through - and For Self - as well as self. Just as it all appears real - set - solid - liquid - or gas for you within your density of conscious existence so too do all things appear real for your other selves living their conscious existence at higher or different levels of apparent human evolution as well. Where you each come form originally is where you have always been - and the fact of the matter is - you experience each and every new reality in appearance only - as a dream - or in a dream like state of consciousness. The closer each human spirit comes to returning to original or Infinite Source ( according to one's knowing Self or self) the more you ARE Infinite Source. We see that some of you still seeking wish us to provide further understanding on this subject - and we will do so.
How can consciousness cause that which is simply conscious thought or reflection become so real in feeling and appearance to the human spirit (living the life of reality in the material and physical - the Spiritual - and the Celestial realms of his and her conscious existence) and come to actually feel and have all it's senses satisfied according to a set and solid world of apparent mass and matter?
It is true that all finite existence begins without solidity - without foundation - and without shape or form? It is also true that all things that are something truly begin their conscious existence ( from a place of non - existence) as all conscious potential and possibility "OF" a realm of Nothingness - not really within or from the realm of Nothingness but rather an actual being of Nothingness. When the point or simple appears ( not actually leaving) to leave the true realm of Nothingness and takes on something - which is happening within every now moment (while constantly moving in and out of consciousness and unconsciousness) {existence and non- existence} it is no longer Nothing but Something once it reaches a state of the third finite. To explain further - there is a realm of Nothingness that is Conscious of Self and therefore Conscious and there is a realm of Nothingness which is not Conscious of Self and or anything that is not Self - and is therefore not conscious.
Infinite Source is therefore Infinite Conscious Nothing and Infinite Unconscious Nothing - and what appears as two to the lower human mind is actually One.
The host realizes the explanation for the above highlighted questions has not yet been answered - but the explanation to said questions will indeed be given shortly.
Getting back to what we were speaking of above------- Infinite Source is not only one but the other as well - indeed Infinite Source is All things potential and possible ( potential somethings) from Conscious Nothingness and All things that are Nothing - being unconscious and having no potential or possibility. Again we say - Infinite Source is Nothing - and yet It is Conscious of It's Nothingness in one state of It's Non - Existence - while It is Unconscious of It's Nothingness or anything that is not of It's Nothingness - therefore being nothing. Just as there are opposite planes of densities - opposite planes of timelines - and opposite planes of dimensions for finite Existence so too are there two realms of Non - Existence ( opposite realms) that are Infinite Source.One realm as you might call it is Infinite Unconscious Nothingness - and It's anti realm (which you might call it) is Infinite Conscious Nothingness.
Points or simples can therefore have their non - existence within Infinite Source as Infinite Consciousness in the appearance of form which represents the conscious point or simple that is nothing but consciousness alone - still representing the Nothingness of Infinite Source. Whereas there appears to be a point or simple therefore - there is not - as it is nothing more than a conscious manifestation of Self in the appearance of the simplest form - which is yet to be something and is therefore presently Nothing in the appearance of form. The two different states of Non - Existence of Infinite Source are truly two different planes of Non Existence - while both planes (or a plane and an anti - plane) still represent Infinite Source in one state of Consciousness or the other ------anti state of Unconsciousness.
Wherein the state of unconsciousness is a duplication and appearance for the finite realms of existence ( as nothing that is finite or something can truly possess unconsciousness) as there is no finite nothingness but only the appearance of nothingness provided for by the illusions of space and time. Yes there is such things as anti - space and anti - time - but these too are illusory places of nothingness reflecting even greater levels of nothingness in finite existence. Space and time with the finite would correspond to the Conscious Nothingness of Infinite Source while anti - space and anti - time would correspond to the Unconscious Nothingness of Infinite Source.
From what we have reflected on so far one should now come to understand that the Unconscious Nothingness is Infinite in It's Non Existence as something or anything just as It is also Infinite in It's Conscious state of Nothingness where it is potentially all finite somethings. Because there is no time and no intervals of time either with the Unconscious or the Conscious state of Non - Existence for Infinite Source - It does not change or move from one state to another in It's Consciousness or Unconsciousness - but It is instead both simultaneously. Whereas it is easily understood that the one state of Infinite Source is complete Nothingness (knowing and being nothing - not even potentially something) it could be quite difficult for the lower human consciousness to fathom that It's other state - being Conscious of Self - and All things Of Self - could still actually be Nothing as this state of Non - Existence that is Infinite Source would have to be something if indeed It is Conscious in said state.
However to be conscious of Self and All that is Of Self does not exclude that which is known to be nothing from actually being Nothing. What appears in the realms of the finite { whether of the Celestial - Spiritual - or material and physical realms} as actual things - actual bodies - forms - shapes - or spheres ------- is truly potential for things of lower existence - as all things higher in the realms of the finite is truly potential of all things being manifested as lower things - lower bodies - lower forms - lower shapes - and lower spheres of finite existence. Therefore what appears as something to that which is higher is seen as nothing to that which is lower- as all things higher are of a less dense makeup - and of different planes - densities - timelines and dimensions of ones existence and corresponding potentials and possibilities.
Therefore that which is seen or understood as nothing by the eyes or understanding of the lower form when reflecting or attempting to reflect on the higher is how it is with all things lower and higher - becoming less and less seen and understood as something - and - more and more as nothing the closer one( the human spirit) moves up in densities of finite existence -to a point where if it were at all possible one would truly end with the point or simple - which is truly Nothing as far as mass - volume - dimensions - bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of existence or non - existence are concerned. In other words the Highest or most pure Nothing from and to Eternity is Infinite Source - and where all lower level conscious humans or offshoots of humans would see Infinite Nothing truly as Nothing - the Nothing Itself knows Self or is Conscious of Self and that All things or somethings are indeed of Self ( Infinite Nothing) which need not be considered as something but is truly the original Source of All things ever to be duplicated or created "OF" the Infinite Nothing. Infinite Source or the Infinite Nothing cannot in fact ever be considered as something - as all things lower cannot see that which is higher or more pure as something but indeed as Nothing alone.
It has been said over and over again in days of old that All things came from nothing from a process known by the lower conscious human as the 'Big Bang." This is truly a misunderstanding coming from the lack of knowing things higher in ones existence - and indeed all things higher will eventually be returned to every human spirit ever to have finite existence "OF" (not from) the Infinite Nothing. You are the Infinite Nothing living in one state where you know nothing of self - another state where you know some things of self - and at even higher levels or states of your existence where you know all things of Self. You live a life of ( not illusion) unconsciousness when you are reflecting the Unconscious Nothing that you are and in another state of less unconsciousness and more consciousness - reflecting the Infinite Nothing that is you as well. You are constantly and forever blinking in and out from one state of Infinite Nothingness to another state of Infinite Nothingness throughout your daily lives - and you are doing this so very quickly and frequently that it cannot even be measured by any human instrument ever invented or created.
How do things feel hard in and on your world? How do things feel soft - wet - dry - sticky - solid - flimsy - broken or not broken - and so on? How does the human form feel pain or pressure in or on ones body? If consciousness is simply potential and possibility and not actual manifestation how does one experience all the things potential as truly happening - to a point where one can easily assume all things are there - rather than not there - being instead a potential of something that could be there in your presence? These things we will explain according to higher understanding for those of you who are prepared to receive said understanding.
At this time we feel that our human host is getting to his limits of understanding of higher things we presently offer up - and so we will move into our explanation with ease and simplicity - so as to offer sufficient reflection on things we provide at this time.Keep in mind that it is not the collective human host who is having difficulty receiving our guidance at these levels but rather certain spiritual members of his society who are not as evolved as the collective whole at this day and hour. All will receive that which they are meant to receive in their season - and so we tell you to relax and enjoy the message or transmission as we move forward - and we remind our host that we have much trust in his abilities to receive and again ask that he relax - enjoy - and receive.
How is hard felt as though it truly was hard - given that in explaining this we would explain many things of your world. Imagine if you will that where ever there appears to be something there is in fact nothing - and all somethings that appear to be something are simply ones imagination or beliefs at levels so very dense or bound in unconscious belief that all things come to appear as they should - always according to the levels of consciousness along with their corresponding unconsciousness which provides change of states often enough that one does not even have "time" to reflect on the fact that it is all a grand void of nothingness.If all things or something indeed have their origin from Nothingness - and no something can truly become from nothingness - then it would all have to be the illusion of somethings - would it not?
Just as Infinite Source has the ability to manifest all somethings at every level of the human senses so too do each of you possess this ability - with some according to that which they know to be true or real and - with others that which they simply believe to be true or real. Consciousness has the ability to cause all potential and possibilities to become as though they were real somethings - while at the same time this consciousness can cause all things to manifest according to their set or predetermined ruling loves and affections -their uses - or their purpose in ones finite existence. In other words that which one comes to know to be true or real can actually be made to appear true or real - according to what is added in consciousness and what is taken away or kept from the human host through unconsciousness.
In it's original state of Infinite Consciousness all somethings that are of the Nothing are indeed nothing - other than potential and possible somethings. In other words all somethings are known to be a potential and possibility as the Conscious Nothing in a manner where all somethings can be made to appear to work and perform according to their use or purpose as they move through their different lower finite states of manifestation as potential somethings (actual somethings to the lower conscious human being and it's conscious offshoots - but potential to those who are of higher densities of consciousness). All somethings are actually potential somethings as there is always a higher potential which provides the necessary order to all actual somethings within lower realms or densities of manifestation of all potential and possible somethings.
Every something no matter what it's body - form - shape - or finite sphere represents in the finite realm sees itself as an actual something until each finite something comes to evolve(appearance only) to levels of consciousness where knowing is again received of the Infinite Conscious Source of all somethings - in which case said body - form - shape - or sphere comes to be conscious that it is potential and possibility alone - and all illusion of being actual somethings in ones apparent past was of a lower conscious understanding of the Infinite Nothing - or Self.That which is conscious knows it is conscious while that which is unconscious knows nothing of self or Self - or other selves for that matter.
For something to appear hard - set - or unmovable in and on your world limits or boundaries simply need to be placed where said use or purpose is fulfilled in order to cause the appearance of stopping or binding forms of mass or matter to a limited space - causing the illusion of something being hard - with less binding or limits in certain forms through less dense animalcules (smaller forms or spheres) so as to allow for the illusions of soft and moving ability as well.Because the higher human consciousness or spirit has instilled within it's consciousness many potentials and possibilities which cause the lower illusions to actually be believed as truth and set laws of a more dense plane of your existence - the higher guides the lower through their unconscious knowing in all things - so that the lower form truly believes and knows they cannot put their hand through an apparent solid object.
These higher principles not only guide the collective human body and mind but the smaller parts within as well so as to cause the human spirit to believe and know a thing is hard and set - and all boundaries are therefore set in the material and physical as well as the spiritual planes of yours and our finite existence - where nothing is truly as it seems.Therefore if the lower human conscious and unconscious spirit were to know all things higher he or she would truly know they could put their hand through an object which only appear to be solid in form and feel - according to their ordered senses. Above in higher realms of consciousness where equilibrium is truly established it is a known truth that actualities are only perceived by the lower human and all somethings are actually nothing more than different levels of potential and possibilities for the conscious human spirit at all levels of his and her existence.
We will continue to explain further as we see our human host is not as of yet satisfied with what has been explained - and is still in doubt as to his understanding of how the spheres of your planes of existence come to be actualities rather than simple potentials and possibilities.
As long as there are more dense and less dense spheres of your existence and consciousness walls can be placed as limits or boundaries between one sphere and another - limits or boundaries which are given their reality or appearing absolute simply because the lower human mind and all conscious animalcules making up the human mind and form - cause one to stop or cease all motion or - change of state - place - or position simply because all limits in the form of walls or doorways are put in place through unconsciousness in the human mind so as to truly cause one to believe and know that the body cannot go beyond these many set limits to their existence in their present plane of finite conscious and unconscious life.
There is a realm of your existence which is lived in chaos and there are many lower realms of your existence that are governed by set rules or laws of the principles of your known universe. When chaos is the new type of reality one comes to live - all past and lower forms of rules and laws once binding one in their many past realities have been done away with and one no longer believes and knows according to lower unconscious human understanding. Conscious chaos allows one to move about and think - speak - and act according to how their ruling loves and affections truly guide them in life - rather than according to lower guidance that was once prevalent in their material and physical planes of lower existence - where man made laws and rules of society manifested all limits and boundaries according to the collective levels of belief and knowing in and on ones world or sphere of existence.
In an awakened conscious state of one's existence hard no longer has to be hard - soft no longer soft - real no longer limited to rationality and logic - based on those principles held by lower humans sharing one's present reality but in lower levels of consciousness. As consciousness is added to the human spirit who is truly awakening to higher things in the Age of knowing ( not human wisdom) one comes to know that it is not the spoon that bends but it is you who bends according to your new makeup of potential and possibilities. In other words a spoon is made up of mostly unconscious spirits that therefore know nothing and are not conscious of self - but serve a use or purpose for the energies it provides and the forms of mass and matter brought together by the human consciousness in order to provide certain uses or purposes for the human spirit.
Nothing of inanimate matter on your world moves in and of itself but it is the human being or conscious spirit within or of the human which causes all things to appear as they are meant to appear - always according to levels of consciousness and unconsciousness with the human being or spirit. It is therefore indeed a truth that every human at an awakened level - being in equilibrium according to levels of consciousness and unconsciousness has the ability to make that which is straight become crooked - that which is hard to become soft - and that which is the one become the other. This is not accomplished by the human being and spirit that is in fear or doubt still - neither is this possible if there is any ruling love or affections present with said human which can continue to place limits or barriers on their creative abilities or levels of knowing that many new things can truly be accomplished by the awakened human spirit.
You cannot put your hand through an apparent solid wall presently simply because you still believe it to be nothing but solid. You cannot walk on water simply because doubt still exists which causes you to know according to your present levels of truth that water cannot become as a hard or solid surface to the levels in which one could possibly walk on water.If all forms of matter and mass of your world is made up of smaller forms of matter (animalcules) and there is an equal amount of empty space between these animalcules so as to provide more elasticity or movement for one form of matter or another - in a manner where the smaller you venture into the realms of the microscopic or animalcules - the more open space you have even though equilibrium of space and matter is always achieved and maintained in the higher densities ( where all is less dense or less packed together) you would find that what was once a hard or solid form in your present reality is now seen as soft - translucent - or much more porous.
And so - if one were capable of following all forms of matter or mass down to its most simplest terms or forms what one would find is more empty space and less matter or forms. Equilibrium of space and non space are still maintained in every form - but the size of the form continues to dissipate into something more simple the farther one ventures toward Source - or toward Nothingness. Every form of your material and physical realm has it's own vortex and center of said vortex that is a form as well - manifested in the same manner all mass and matter is manifested - which is of the human consciousness. Again every body - every form - every shape - and every sphere is found to reside within it's own personal vortex - each having it's own center or zero point ( Source) as well.
Every human spirit and every vortex has it's own properties - it's own universal rules and principles - and it's own laws of set order - not necessarily ever bound by the set rules and principles of another spirit - body - form - shape - sphere - vortex - or center of it's universe.Every human spirit or being which is most certainly it's own Creator Source cannot create or manifest for another human being or spirit - even though ones creations or manifestations can be shared with another. Therefore when one human spirit no longer requires the presence or manifestation of a certain thing or something - a certain body - form - shape - or sphere - still another human being or spirit can come to continue manifesting said things for self - and continued creation or manifestation is maintained in process for as long as there is a human being or spirit that requires or wishes said body - form - shape - or sphere to be duplicated - over and over again in ones life.
You do not create or manifest at will in life simply because you do not yet remember how to do so. In remembering how one must also remember all limits - all things of order - and all principles attached to manifesting ones true ruling loves and affections through body - form - shape - and spheres of their heightened existence.Again that which is hard and set on your present plane of existence is simply ignorance at play. Things of your world cannot change in principle and universal order because you have not yet heightened your principles and released yourself from rational and logical order presently found in and on your material and physical plane of existence. If it is a truth that the human being or spirit is responsible for forming all the different bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of your world through the formation of atoms or animalcules do you not also see that it is the human being or spirit who is also capable of separating all of the atoms or animalcules to whatever levels they so choose - when their time or season comes to remember these things?
To separate atoms or animalcules is to cause your world or plane of existence to become more fluid - and more giving according to all of it's potentials and possibilities - all of it's principles - and all of it's levels of rule and order to ones society and collective as well as individual world of reality. At the same time if you are now capable of breaking down all things to their simplest forms does it not also make perfect sense that one can now put all things back together again - according to new order - new principles - new potentials and possibilities - and therefore manifest new bodies - forms - shapes - and spheres of you existence? If one were to reflect or do some research one might even be capable of finding that this process is already being completed and carried out in and on your world - and it is just a matter of time or seasons before each of you are capable of the same results.
Now let us reflect on this idea for a moment ------- How is it that Nothing can become so tightly packed as to manifest something that appears hard and rigid - not giving and not not easily moveable in it's natural state - body - form - shape- or sphere? And if this is not the case where can something hard or rigid and unmoving in it's natural state come to be manifested of the Conscious Infinite Nothing? If It is All potential and possibility of All somethings then let us first reflect on the term potential or possibility. As Infinite Source is complete Nothingness truly something cannot come out of or from this Nothingness. And as we have spoken before there is no in or out with Infinite Nothingness - this is indeed a truth according to what we speak. However we have also said that All somethings do not come out of or from the Nothingness but are of the Nothingness - and so we will explain in more detail for those still in unconscious doubt.
Potential something that is Of Nothing can only become something in thought - or to be more precise Conscious Thought - rather than unconscious thought.As we have mentioned earlier the use or purpose of "Unconscious Thought" is provided within the finite so as to provide a duplicated Nothing - which has no potential or possibility - and will always and forever continuously provide for the appearance of nothing and unconsciousness.Conscious Thought coming out "OF" Infinite Conscious Source (The Nothing) is pure potential and possibility of All things that appear as something and the potential becomes more discernible as actual as one moves farther and farther away from Source. Just as all things appear in ones dream state as actual - causing one to often question as to whether he or she is asleep or awake - so too is this how it works with Infinite Consciousness found with the Nothing. All begins as Infinite potential and possibility OF Infinite Consciousness and takes on more and more appearance of reality as it appears to move out from Infinite Source - thought it all goes no where given All and Everything is pure original essence of Infinite Source.
Whatever appears to go out from Infinite Source is Infinite Source in every circumstance or every apparent body - form - shape - or sphere.Nothing changes really in that all remains potential and possibilities of somethings - and forgetfulness or unconsciousness are gradually added to cause the many illusions of all the many realities ever to come to be manifested from and to eternity. What one assumes to be substance or essence - mass or matter is nothing more than a conscious manifestation of forms - all forms - with limits and boundaries providing the illusions of stopping and again having movement when one comes upon a solid form which appears to be a barrier in their present actions or movements.Ones consciousness believes all solid forms to actually be solid and permanent barriers to their moving past or through said solid objects - and unconsciousness is responsible for all doubt which goes along with conscious belief or knowing - and perimeters - limits - and boundaries are set in a world and plane of reality bound by rules and set universal order.
There is nothing solid - the spoon does not bend even - as it is you who unknowingly choose to believe all limits and boundaries in life - and it is you who choose to bend or stand firm in every situation in life where the illusions of limits and boundaries are set by the unconscious human mind. Remove consciousness from the mind of the human being and spirit - and what is left that is hard or soft - firm or forgiving - what can one smell - taste - hear - or touch even? All is given it's appearance or reality and life through the collective consciousness of the human mind that is originally - in it's most pure state provided OF Infinite Conscious Source which is Infinite Nothingness.
There is no Big Bang - and all of a sudden everything comes into being. All and Everything is forever and constantly being - it is All Omnipotent - Omnipresent - and Omniscient ( all powerful and having no power or abilities- in all places and in no place - all knowing and all not- knowing) All things are also provided at every different level of consciousness and unconsciousness - being and not being - knowing and not knowing - having power and having no power in a manner in which there is a body - form - shape - or sphere for every level of evolved and UN-evolved human spirit from and to eternity. There is not a point or simple sitting out there in empty nothingness waiting to act or move - or getting prepared to create and manifest all that it will continue to manifest on in to eternity. There is rather an endless and Infinite number ( never having the potential to be counted in it's most pure state) of potential and possible points or simples that are "OF" Infinite Source ( Infinite Nothingness) - that are the makeup of Infinite Source in It's purest state and they are indeed infinite - never to be numbered - forever without end or limit - and forever appearing to move out from Infinite Source OF Infinite Source - and it is all potential and possible creation or manifestation of Conscious Potential and Possibility.
What is not known or understood by the lower human mind - and indeed is not understood by all human spirits presently residing in unconsciousness (this can change in the blink of an eye) is that every point or simple that goes out OF Infinite Source represents - and truly is - a different ruling love or affection - wherein All of these ruling loves and affections combined together as a collective would be the makeup of Infinite Source. At the same time every ruling love and affection causing the makeup of Infinite Source is also found to be the complete makeup of every apparently individual point or simple. Again we must state that in truth there is no individual points or simples causing the makeup of Infinite Source as they are only potential or possible points or simples - only potential or possible ruling loves and affections.
All and everything is a potential and possibility and all will forever remain nothing but potential and possibility - and thanks to the "Unconscious Nothing" - or the Unconscious Infinite Source that is Nothing - all things can be lived and experienced as real - as actualities - instead of potentials and possibilities alone.
We are much greater than any "God or Goddess"
No something ( which has consciousness) can come from something that is not conscious - therefore something (all things) cannot come from Nothing as Nothing is not something - it is not conscious - nor can we even use the terms consciousness or something to reflect on the Nothing. However just as we need the positive and negative in the finite realm of our existence - and non -existence so too do we need realms and non - realms of Infinity as our true Source in order to duplicate them in a finite realm.The Nothing could not be represented - fulfilling all things that are nothing - represented by the Nothing throughout creation - re- creations - and duplication within finite existence unless the individual and collective consciousness of all somethings had a reference point from whence all manifested ideas of Nothing were indeed made potential and possible.
Think of the Nothing ( infinite unconsciousness or not conscious) as having no beginning or end - no in or outside - no existence - and no principles that can be mentioned or imagined - and which has no bounds or limits. It must therefore fill all somethings with it's nothingness - being everywhere according to It's Infinite Un - Conscious (nature?) of Infinite Self. The Nothing is no where according to it's Infinite Nothingness.The Nothing is not waste - is not a vacuum - it is not void or empty as it can neither be empty or full - and it is not space where in fact somethings can come to reside in but can only be filled by. Not only can somethings be filled by the Nothing ( Infinite Unconsciousness) but they are indeed filled by Infinite Consciousness as well.
Now think of Infinite consciousness ( not something but rather all potential and possible somethings) as knowing Self - but not being something - as it is nothing more than potential and possibility without intent - use - or purpose being added as of yet.
When intention is added it is not added by the Infinite Consciousness however - it is added by conscious somethings (Spiritual humans and material and physical humans) who are filled with said Infinite Consciousness - but are forever seeking the knowing of self through their also being filled with Infinite Un - Consciousness of all and everything.As all somethings take on consciousness at many myriads of different levels un - consciousness is removed and replaced with consciousness of every potential and possible something which can be manifested by finite somethings. Where do these humans come from who are both spiritual as well as material and physical - who possess or are filled with this Infinite Consciousness - as well as Infinite Un - consciousness? And why do they not know self (similar to the Infinite Nothing) if they are filled with this Infinite Consciousness that does know Self?
The Infinite Nothing has been duplicated or created in a finite realm in order that all things finite and conscious have the potential and possibility to appear as unconscious or not conscious at one level or another. All somethings ( finite conscious somethings which come out from the duplicated Nothing - first as nothing - but finally becoming something in it's least state of conscious existence within the Celestial realms - followed by the spiritual realms - and finally being manifested into the material and physical realms of our existence as conscious and un - conscious living beings. As we all begin our existence as being completely unconscious and are at first nothing ( the duplicated Nothing) we move into becoming something ( no longer potential and possible somethings) and we each begin our existence not knowing self - having limited consciousness - and therefore only possessing levels of consciousness required in order to serve our set use or purpose in conscious finite existence.
As the Source of All that is Infinite must represent itself in a finite and limited and duplicated realm as both sides of self ( if you will) - consciousness and un - consciousness - knowing self and not knowing self - and knowing parts of self down to as little as knowing nothing of self ---- All must be available to all somethings that are indeed all conscious at one level of their Infinite self or another - causing all somethings to truly appear to be finite - when in truth all somethings are only finite in that their one limit in existence is Self - or Infinite Consciousness. Why is the Infinite Nothing not a limit? Because it cannot have limits nor can it represent limits to any something.The limitation is set for all in that all are forever limited in life according to their set use or purpose of - from - through - and for Infinite Self.
We will now begin to term the "Infinite Nothing" as "Infinite Unconsciousness" as it is truly conscious of nothing.Since no something can come from that which is not conscious - and the Nothing is not consciousness - we should therefore agree that something cannot come from the Nothing. And so we continue with our message --------
Does this truly mean that ------Infinite Unconsciousness ( Nothing) - which has no potential or possibilities to be something --------- and Infinite Consciousness ( All potential somethings) are indeed One Source of All things having or representing the beginning and end to all things finite? Could it not be that Infinite Unconsciousness was simply duplicated by it's Infinite Consciousness that it knows nothing of - so that a realm of nothingness - unconsciousness - and forgetfulness all were received and experienced by the human host through these mere illusions of space and duplicated nothingness? Are not all forms of unconsciousness nothing - whether it is lack of knowledge - lack of the appearances of something - lack of knowing self - and lack of all other things in the life of a finite conscious and unconscious human spirit?
If it indeed be the case that every something having it's existence from the point or simple that is of - from - through - and for Infinite Consciousness also possesses all consciousness and therefore all potential and possible abilities to manifest in life each and every potential and possible something - and that the only reason this does not appear to be the case for many somethings or human spirits is because of all the nothingness and unconsciousness instilled into the finite human spirit - also providing the illusion that one must evolve as a spirit in order to be conscious of new things - indeed all things - to eternity? Do you not see that we all begin our existence as something - appearing to de- evolve down into a material and physical human form ( as our Celestial and Spiritual Selves come first) but we take nothing with us other than what is required of Infinite Consciousness so as to provide all predestined and set uses and purposes for ones true existence in ones present form.If one is manifested in a more advanced form - appearing to be more evolved - it is simply the case that a larger spiritual society is being represented by said advanced form - so as to provide greater levels of use or purpose to human society ( or the spiritual society) that is being represented by said levels of consciousness.
Again can it be that the Infinite Consciousness and the Infinite Unconsciousness ( some may wish to call them Something and Nothing but this is elementary thinking now) are truly One Source? How could Infinite Consciousness truly be conscious of an Infinite Unconsciousness if it were not for the fact that it was both - one or the other - and neither all in the same moment of now? Can Consciousness and Unconsciousness share Oneness or Wholeness - and Infinity while still being termed as Infinite? Does not Infinity and being Eternal enter into our understanding as being without limit or boundaries? If this is the case let us search the spirit of Consciousness and see if our thought patterns can indeed be a truth.
Can Consciousness truly be Infinite - filling all somethings to eternity while holding an essence so pure as not to even be considered as an essence? Can Unconsciousness also be Infinite so as not to fill any something - not be of any essence - and no be conscious and still maintain it's purity of non - self while still maintaining Oneness and Wholeness with Infinite Consciousness? Well we should state for the record that the Infinite Unconsciousness is also neutral - in that it is non - acting - non - moving - and never changing in it's non - state ( or state if you wish). Again in your world is there not found within the animalcules of human existence a positive principle - a negative principle - and a neutral principle which make up the building blocks of all matter - all bodies - forms - and spheres of your existence? Do you not see how it is the same for the Infinite as it is for the finite? Something could never be a potential and possibility if it were not also the case that there be potential nothings as well. Consciousness could never be instilled in the human spirit without there also being an illusory place set for unconsciousness.
Getting back to the Infinite Consciousness and the Infinite Un - Consciousness being One true Source of all things that are as well as all things that are not how is this any different that the God Source many in days gone by have come to understand as being All things? If it is true that a being or entity can be all things does it not imply also that He or It is nothing as well? Is this God seen as something or as nothing when understanding is applied to His or It's presence in or on your world? How can this God be nothing that can be seen or interacted with within the material and physical realms but still be something or some one? We put it to you that if one can come to understand that this is a potential and possibility - where do potentials and possibilities cease or end for the All Infinite Source? Ponder on these things as we continue in our transmission if you will ---------
The opposite of all things that are considered something would indeed be nothing would it not? The opposite of all somethings would be considered something else would it not? Which of these statements are held most true in your understanding? As all somethings of your world are actual ruling loves and affections we ask you to consider that for every ruling love and affection there is an equal and opposite ruling love and affection. For every force or level of energy as well there is an equal and opposite anti - energy. For every form or body of matter there is an equal and opposite body and form of anti - matter. In each of these cases the equal and opposite ruling love and affection - whether in the body - form - shape - and sphere of energy or anti - energy - matter or anti - matter - and pleasure or pain in fact it is not found to be nothing but rather still something ( as it all can still be bound or limited within a body - form - shape - or sphere).
We therefore say to you friends that if there is one body - form - shape - or sphere -------- if there is one ruling love and affection and it's opposite ruling love and affection - if there is always a positive and a negative we must now consider where it is or what can be found that is both neutral - inactive - never changing - and never found to be either positive or negative - nor something within the finite realm just as it is found to be in the realms of the Infinite. And so where it appears that the duplicated Nothing within finite existence is truly the opposite of all that is something - Nothing is not opposite but serves only as the original inspiration of duplication for all nothings that receive waste - provide the illusion of space - time - void - vacuum - and all that is nothing or unknown to the human spirit.
Within a realm of Collective Consciousness where all somethings have their existence there is only potential and possibility - in which case there needs to be the appearance or illusion of a place set aside for all somethings and all nothings to appear to exist and not exist - to have their illusory beginnings as well as their ends - and to have the ability to believe and know nothing - some things - and finally all things through the many processes and Circles of life to eternity. Where do we find this place if only potential and possibility reside within that which has no limits and confined spaces according to our understanding of the Infinite Collective Consciousness?
Let's go a step farther now and imagine that the Infinite Collective Consciousness which truly knows Self and the Infinite non - collective - and Non - Consciousness that does not know self are no longer seen as One but rather as Two - and therefore having the appearance of being separated. Let us also imagine that the two (thought forms) we speak of presently are no longer Infinite in nature and non - nature nor are they finite - as both are limited only by the Infinite which only appears to be above them or in a more pure state of existence as well as non - existence. As that which is truly Infinite cannot be limited nor can it limit anything - whether potential or non - potential - conscious or unconscious - knowing Self or not knowing Self - or even that which is something. To say that anything has it's beginning or end with the Infinite Source is to imply that Infinite Source is not Infinite - being of the same essence or state of being ( or not - being) throughout It's Self.
No Infinite Source can be Infinite unless it is indeed Infinite in all that It is and is not - It is therefore Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Unconsciousness. There can certainly be somethings and nothings appearing finite which are of It (the point or simple as well as all things finite from and through said point or simple) still not truly Infinite nor actually finite. As there is no in or out with that which is Infinite there is therefore nothing found within that which is Infinite other than that which is Infinite. For anything to to be other than Infinite therefore - even though it would appear finite - would go against all things truly Infinite - and would imply limits or boundaries of said Infinite and Eternal Essence and Non Essence. Indeed all things found to be finite must be Infinite as well - given all things and nothing is given it's appearance to exist or not exist with the Infinite Source of All that is and is not.
With these things being said we now have new or greater understanding of how we have manifested thought forms Of Source which is truly Infinite. It is both the Collective Consciousness of all things potential and possible - while It indeed knows Self. It is also Un - Consciousness which has no potential or possibilities and does not know Self - therefore being simultaneous change - action - and conscious potential and possibilities while also being no change - no action - and no potential and possibilities. Of ( not below - within - or without) this Infinite Source - and second only to Infinite Source ( and limited only by Infinite Source ------ therefore having no actual possible limits or boundaries placed on it by Infinite Source) - is the Source of all duplicated realms - bodies - forms = shapes - and spheres of somethings as well as all nothings - within a realm that is neither Infinite or finite when speaking of actual or real limits alone. Again this Source is consciousness ( appearing to be separate) neither Infinite or finite alone - but is both and neither at the same time - within in every new now moment.
That which appears as Source therefore is not truly the One and original Source but is of said Source. Now we therefore have a Source that is Infinite where neither nothings or somethings come out from ( but are of Infinite Source) - with the appearance of many myriads of somethings coming out "from" it - "through" it - and "for" it when in fact it is Of Original Source that is truly Infinite. Second Source ( appearing only to be second) appears as Infinite Source just as it appears as Second Source - with those human spirits or somethings which do not truly know Infinite Source or Infinite Self believing what they are capable of believing according to their illusions of evolution of the human spirit.
Therefore that which is Infinite and is Source - original Source - is both Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Unconsciousness forever having as It's Infinite and finite existence and non - existence All that is Of It and All that is not Of It. All Conscious potential and possibilities which are the true makeup of the Original and Infinite Collective Conscious Source are potentials and possibilities in illusory part as well as actual whole. Therefore that which appears to be apart or separated from Infinite Source is not truly a party or or separate from Infinite Creator Source - but is actually Infinite Creator Source. All that is potential is all that is actual as well - whether it is within a single point or simple that is Of Infinite Creator Source - and the beginning of all that appears finite - or it is one of the many - many myriads of bodies - forms - shapes - or spheres possessing collective or larger potentials and possibilities and greater levels of ruling loves and affections that are truly of the Original Infinite and Collective Consciousness and Unconsciousness that is Infinite Creator Source.
Think of the Nothing ( infinite unconsciousness or not conscious) as having no beginning or end - no in or outside - no existence - and no principles that can be mentioned or imagined - and which has no bounds or limits. It must therefore fill all somethings with it's nothingness - being everywhere according to It's Infinite Un - Conscious (nature?) of Infinite Self. The Nothing is no where according to it's Infinite Nothingness.The Nothing is not waste - is not a vacuum - it is not void or empty as it can neither be empty or full - and it is not space where in fact somethings can come to reside in but can only be filled by. Not only can somethings be filled by the Nothing ( Infinite Unconsciousness) but they are indeed filled by Infinite Consciousness as well.
Now think of Infinite consciousness ( not something but rather all potential and possible somethings) as knowing Self - but not being something - as it is nothing more than potential and possibility without intent - use - or purpose being added as of yet.
When intention is added it is not added by the Infinite Consciousness however - it is added by conscious somethings (Spiritual humans and material and physical humans) who are filled with said Infinite Consciousness - but are forever seeking the knowing of self through their also being filled with Infinite Un - Consciousness of all and everything.As all somethings take on consciousness at many myriads of different levels un - consciousness is removed and replaced with consciousness of every potential and possible something which can be manifested by finite somethings. Where do these humans come from who are both spiritual as well as material and physical - who possess or are filled with this Infinite Consciousness - as well as Infinite Un - consciousness? And why do they not know self (similar to the Infinite Nothing) if they are filled with this Infinite Consciousness that does know Self?
The Infinite Nothing has been duplicated or created in a finite realm in order that all things finite and conscious have the potential and possibility to appear as unconscious or not conscious at one level or another. All somethings ( finite conscious somethings which come out from the duplicated Nothing - first as nothing - but finally becoming something in it's least state of conscious existence within the Celestial realms - followed by the spiritual realms - and finally being manifested into the material and physical realms of our existence as conscious and un - conscious living beings. As we all begin our existence as being completely unconscious and are at first nothing ( the duplicated Nothing) we move into becoming something ( no longer potential and possible somethings) and we each begin our existence not knowing self - having limited consciousness - and therefore only possessing levels of consciousness required in order to serve our set use or purpose in conscious finite existence.
As the Source of All that is Infinite must represent itself in a finite and limited and duplicated realm as both sides of self ( if you will) - consciousness and un - consciousness - knowing self and not knowing self - and knowing parts of self down to as little as knowing nothing of self ---- All must be available to all somethings that are indeed all conscious at one level of their Infinite self or another - causing all somethings to truly appear to be finite - when in truth all somethings are only finite in that their one limit in existence is Self - or Infinite Consciousness. Why is the Infinite Nothing not a limit? Because it cannot have limits nor can it represent limits to any something.The limitation is set for all in that all are forever limited in life according to their set use or purpose of - from - through - and for Infinite Self.
We will now begin to term the "Infinite Nothing" as "Infinite Unconsciousness" as it is truly conscious of nothing.Since no something can come from that which is not conscious - and the Nothing is not consciousness - we should therefore agree that something cannot come from the Nothing. And so we continue with our message --------
Does this truly mean that ------Infinite Unconsciousness ( Nothing) - which has no potential or possibilities to be something --------- and Infinite Consciousness ( All potential somethings) are indeed One Source of All things having or representing the beginning and end to all things finite? Could it not be that Infinite Unconsciousness was simply duplicated by it's Infinite Consciousness that it knows nothing of - so that a realm of nothingness - unconsciousness - and forgetfulness all were received and experienced by the human host through these mere illusions of space and duplicated nothingness? Are not all forms of unconsciousness nothing - whether it is lack of knowledge - lack of the appearances of something - lack of knowing self - and lack of all other things in the life of a finite conscious and unconscious human spirit?
If it indeed be the case that every something having it's existence from the point or simple that is of - from - through - and for Infinite Consciousness also possesses all consciousness and therefore all potential and possible abilities to manifest in life each and every potential and possible something - and that the only reason this does not appear to be the case for many somethings or human spirits is because of all the nothingness and unconsciousness instilled into the finite human spirit - also providing the illusion that one must evolve as a spirit in order to be conscious of new things - indeed all things - to eternity? Do you not see that we all begin our existence as something - appearing to de- evolve down into a material and physical human form ( as our Celestial and Spiritual Selves come first) but we take nothing with us other than what is required of Infinite Consciousness so as to provide all predestined and set uses and purposes for ones true existence in ones present form.If one is manifested in a more advanced form - appearing to be more evolved - it is simply the case that a larger spiritual society is being represented by said advanced form - so as to provide greater levels of use or purpose to human society ( or the spiritual society) that is being represented by said levels of consciousness.
Again can it be that the Infinite Consciousness and the Infinite Unconsciousness ( some may wish to call them Something and Nothing but this is elementary thinking now) are truly One Source? How could Infinite Consciousness truly be conscious of an Infinite Unconsciousness if it were not for the fact that it was both - one or the other - and neither all in the same moment of now? Can Consciousness and Unconsciousness share Oneness or Wholeness - and Infinity while still being termed as Infinite? Does not Infinity and being Eternal enter into our understanding as being without limit or boundaries? If this is the case let us search the spirit of Consciousness and see if our thought patterns can indeed be a truth.
Can Consciousness truly be Infinite - filling all somethings to eternity while holding an essence so pure as not to even be considered as an essence? Can Unconsciousness also be Infinite so as not to fill any something - not be of any essence - and no be conscious and still maintain it's purity of non - self while still maintaining Oneness and Wholeness with Infinite Consciousness? Well we should state for the record that the Infinite Unconsciousness is also neutral - in that it is non - acting - non - moving - and never changing in it's non - state ( or state if you wish). Again in your world is there not found within the animalcules of human existence a positive principle - a negative principle - and a neutral principle which make up the building blocks of all matter - all bodies - forms - and spheres of your existence? Do you not see how it is the same for the Infinite as it is for the finite? Something could never be a potential and possibility if it were not also the case that there be potential nothings as well. Consciousness could never be instilled in the human spirit without there also being an illusory place set for unconsciousness.
Getting back to the Infinite Consciousness and the Infinite Un - Consciousness being One true Source of all things that are as well as all things that are not how is this any different that the God Source many in days gone by have come to understand as being All things? If it is true that a being or entity can be all things does it not imply also that He or It is nothing as well? Is this God seen as something or as nothing when understanding is applied to His or It's presence in or on your world? How can this God be nothing that can be seen or interacted with within the material and physical realms but still be something or some one? We put it to you that if one can come to understand that this is a potential and possibility - where do potentials and possibilities cease or end for the All Infinite Source? Ponder on these things as we continue in our transmission if you will ---------
The opposite of all things that are considered something would indeed be nothing would it not? The opposite of all somethings would be considered something else would it not? Which of these statements are held most true in your understanding? As all somethings of your world are actual ruling loves and affections we ask you to consider that for every ruling love and affection there is an equal and opposite ruling love and affection. For every force or level of energy as well there is an equal and opposite anti - energy. For every form or body of matter there is an equal and opposite body and form of anti - matter. In each of these cases the equal and opposite ruling love and affection - whether in the body - form - shape - and sphere of energy or anti - energy - matter or anti - matter - and pleasure or pain in fact it is not found to be nothing but rather still something ( as it all can still be bound or limited within a body - form - shape - or sphere).
We therefore say to you friends that if there is one body - form - shape - or sphere -------- if there is one ruling love and affection and it's opposite ruling love and affection - if there is always a positive and a negative we must now consider where it is or what can be found that is both neutral - inactive - never changing - and never found to be either positive or negative - nor something within the finite realm just as it is found to be in the realms of the Infinite. And so where it appears that the duplicated Nothing within finite existence is truly the opposite of all that is something - Nothing is not opposite but serves only as the original inspiration of duplication for all nothings that receive waste - provide the illusion of space - time - void - vacuum - and all that is nothing or unknown to the human spirit.
Within a realm of Collective Consciousness where all somethings have their existence there is only potential and possibility - in which case there needs to be the appearance or illusion of a place set aside for all somethings and all nothings to appear to exist and not exist - to have their illusory beginnings as well as their ends - and to have the ability to believe and know nothing - some things - and finally all things through the many processes and Circles of life to eternity. Where do we find this place if only potential and possibility reside within that which has no limits and confined spaces according to our understanding of the Infinite Collective Consciousness?
Let's go a step farther now and imagine that the Infinite Collective Consciousness which truly knows Self and the Infinite non - collective - and Non - Consciousness that does not know self are no longer seen as One but rather as Two - and therefore having the appearance of being separated. Let us also imagine that the two (thought forms) we speak of presently are no longer Infinite in nature and non - nature nor are they finite - as both are limited only by the Infinite which only appears to be above them or in a more pure state of existence as well as non - existence. As that which is truly Infinite cannot be limited nor can it limit anything - whether potential or non - potential - conscious or unconscious - knowing Self or not knowing Self - or even that which is something. To say that anything has it's beginning or end with the Infinite Source is to imply that Infinite Source is not Infinite - being of the same essence or state of being ( or not - being) throughout It's Self.
No Infinite Source can be Infinite unless it is indeed Infinite in all that It is and is not - It is therefore Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Unconsciousness. There can certainly be somethings and nothings appearing finite which are of It (the point or simple as well as all things finite from and through said point or simple) still not truly Infinite nor actually finite. As there is no in or out with that which is Infinite there is therefore nothing found within that which is Infinite other than that which is Infinite. For anything to to be other than Infinite therefore - even though it would appear finite - would go against all things truly Infinite - and would imply limits or boundaries of said Infinite and Eternal Essence and Non Essence. Indeed all things found to be finite must be Infinite as well - given all things and nothing is given it's appearance to exist or not exist with the Infinite Source of All that is and is not.
With these things being said we now have new or greater understanding of how we have manifested thought forms Of Source which is truly Infinite. It is both the Collective Consciousness of all things potential and possible - while It indeed knows Self. It is also Un - Consciousness which has no potential or possibilities and does not know Self - therefore being simultaneous change - action - and conscious potential and possibilities while also being no change - no action - and no potential and possibilities. Of ( not below - within - or without) this Infinite Source - and second only to Infinite Source ( and limited only by Infinite Source ------ therefore having no actual possible limits or boundaries placed on it by Infinite Source) - is the Source of all duplicated realms - bodies - forms = shapes - and spheres of somethings as well as all nothings - within a realm that is neither Infinite or finite when speaking of actual or real limits alone. Again this Source is consciousness ( appearing to be separate) neither Infinite or finite alone - but is both and neither at the same time - within in every new now moment.
That which appears as Source therefore is not truly the One and original Source but is of said Source. Now we therefore have a Source that is Infinite where neither nothings or somethings come out from ( but are of Infinite Source) - with the appearance of many myriads of somethings coming out "from" it - "through" it - and "for" it when in fact it is Of Original Source that is truly Infinite. Second Source ( appearing only to be second) appears as Infinite Source just as it appears as Second Source - with those human spirits or somethings which do not truly know Infinite Source or Infinite Self believing what they are capable of believing according to their illusions of evolution of the human spirit.
Therefore that which is Infinite and is Source - original Source - is both Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Unconsciousness forever having as It's Infinite and finite existence and non - existence All that is Of It and All that is not Of It. All Conscious potential and possibilities which are the true makeup of the Original and Infinite Collective Conscious Source are potentials and possibilities in illusory part as well as actual whole. Therefore that which appears to be apart or separated from Infinite Source is not truly a party or or separate from Infinite Creator Source - but is actually Infinite Creator Source. All that is potential is all that is actual as well - whether it is within a single point or simple that is Of Infinite Creator Source - and the beginning of all that appears finite - or it is one of the many - many myriads of bodies - forms - shapes - or spheres possessing collective or larger potentials and possibilities and greater levels of ruling loves and affections that are truly of the Original Infinite and Collective Consciousness and Unconsciousness that is Infinite Creator Source.
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