Welcome to Red Bull Illuminati Ministry! We post links & posts about all kinds of music,videos,occultism,magick,A.:.A.:., with Aim of Religion and Method of Science as Thelema and Illumination. This is also about GOD JESUS ,Gnosticism and Hermeticism and non religious topics , & spiritual topics..This blog is mix of many things so interests for everyone. There are many writings / videos about topics above on this site just search blog in search box. These interests are ours and owner.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Exposing Illuminati Rituals: The Black Eye Club ππ± (Part 2) Info about Illuminati truth
Exposing Illuminati Rituals: The Black Eye Club ππ± (Part 1) Info on Illuminati
Monday, March 10, 2025
Saturday, March 8, 2025
My mother dying of cancer and dad and me cannot get over shock.
I am not a happy camper . They take my wife from the hospital to a nursing home to be treated by hospice. When she gets there they have to get authorization for the medication. They could not get the authorization that they needed. So she is lying there in pain when she is supposed to be in comfort. I called the supervisor of hospice and the guy lies to me and tells me that they were there when they were not . This should of not of happen. The medication should have been there when she got there. This is a issue that needs to be fixed. I don't think that a hospital should be owed by in insurance company. We had a attorney General that tried to stop it and they put her in jeopardy. and went to jail.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Update on haunting at Dushane Street New Castle PA
My house parent's house is still haunted heavy activity, voices screaming in my ears, I believe its messing with my mother's health she needs hospital or she is gonna die cannot use bathroom anymore, these demons say people is gonna die and they are or have... This has been going on since 2008 when ex wife who was satanist witch. She practiced satanic witchcraft not regular witchcraft which is harmless, but when you bring satanic spirits into this it's bad, haunting on Neshannock Blvd all these spirits followed me multiple addresses, it's me It's haunted I believe not just this house... my ex and all the paranormal activity is on another post from yrs back.... I kept it updated... I may get help from Paranormal Nightmare TV Fourmain brothers.... Or who ever can deal with this situation... I know how powerful prayers are and request prayers for my mom's health and well being and my family entire family aunt Elieen who is sick. The pests and parasitic spirits mock god and jesus christ and holy spirit.... they hate christianianity or any Abrahamism religion....Its HELL if you read haunting on dushane street post and green lane possession by devil. The depression and negativity this house puts severe pressure on anyone who enters and its dark in every room. Devils and demons are haunting us badly. And attached to me I believe....and my family from my ex wife the demonic ex wife....
Link to story on this https://redbullilluminati.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-haunting-of-514-neshannock-blvd-2009.html
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Defense of Paranormal Nightmare TV Fourman Brothers
I am writing in defense of Fourman Brothers of Paranormal Nightmare TV they are not fake nor are they scamming people nor bad people not when it comes to judging...People should realize they and the paranormal show is not FOR VIEWS or just fake so they are good people and help people just to say that and I will leave it there.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Monday, February 17, 2025
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Monday, February 3, 2025
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Shot Guns and Judge and Governor self defense 12 gauge 20 gauge 410 Bore
Personally, I have an 1100 Remington AND an 870 AND a Mossie 500 20 for my wife and have access to a .410 Siaga and 410 Bore Governor and Taurus Judge. Were I knowingly going into a fight I'd reach for the 1100 with 15 pellet 00 or 8 pellet 0000 four aught ultrabuck buckshot. However, my blushing bride is 5' and can barely lift the 1100. I have the 20 for her, but after today I would not hesitate for a second to let her use the Siaga or S&W Governor /Taurus Judge. Feel free to watch the videos so you can see with your own eyes what a .410 can do when properly loaded.
Self Defense ranges are seldom over 50 feet. If you're shooting at somebody at a distance more than that you better have a REAL good reason or at the minimum a dirtbag defense attorney will want to sue you on behalf of the crackhead you killed. Worse, the DA may not like you and decide to prosecute. True enough buckshot will lose half
its energy in 50 yards but many deer get killed at that distance. the 410 Bore buckshot in the videos weighs almost 80 grains each and expanded from .375 to .432", about the same as a .44 magnum when it exits the barrel. That is 410 2-1/2" Four Aught Ultra Buck Buckshot.
Had an excellent article about the federal .410 ammo for the Judge and it had a velocity of 850 ft/s at the muzzle with a 4" group at 25 feet and 436 Ft Lbs energy from Judge. The 2 1/2 inch ammo had 4 OOO buckshot at 73 gr each . That is better than other reports that I have seen and is best 000 buckshot available besides Paraclese 0000 buckshot four aught 410 ultra buck buckshot.