
Thursday, October 31, 2024

🎃Live Halloween with Cyber Witch! Hell is Empty and All the Devils Are Here

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

It’s Time to Piss Off Your Haters💀🎚️

Bond Arms Derringer Self Defense Loads

The truth about 410 revolver hand gun rounds Sabot Designs LLC

Federal Premium .410 Handgun 000 Buckshot is the absolute best Self-Defense ammunition for the Taurus Judge, Smith & Wesson Governor, Magnum Research BFR, and any other .410 handguns on the market. PERIOD. And Sabot Designs' special 410 rounds that are good as well. The Sabot Designs LLC is 410 2-1/2" 7  8 grain flechettes which each flechette has about same stopping power as 9mm pistol cartridge and there is 7 of them energy wise , based on energy signature, it has energies of 7 9mm pistol rounds hitting all at once with the Sabot Design LLC flechettes. But if you cannot get flechettes from them or prefer buckshot like I do , this post is about Federal 410 Premium 410 handgun 2-1/2" 000 triple aught buck shot ammo more so...

Yes, it's expensive and yes, it can be hard to find, but that's because it really is the best 410 shells available. Other .410 handgun loads such as the Winchester PDX1 Defender and Hornady Triple Defense ammo is gimmicky, inaccurate, and largely ineffective, only a bit better than ordinary .410 Shotgun Ammo.

The Taurus Judge and S&W Governor are specialty handguns which require specialized ammunition designed specifically for short barrels to be effective, otherwise they're just range play toys. Unfortunately, cheapskates don't understand this and are adamant that any firearm which doesn't perform well with bargain basement ammo is junk, so if you subscribe to the same ideology, then I strongly suggest that you cut your losses and sell your Governor immediately, then console yourself by joining the ranks of those who denigrate .410 Revolvers at every available opportunity because I can tell you based on personal experience that cheap run-of-the-mill .410 ammo is going to perform terribly out of a handgun.

Still with me? Very good then, sorry for being short about this, but I've owned a Taurus Judge for the past 3 years, so I know what works, but folks always choose to ignore my advice and then complain when it doesn't work out for them.

Federal Premium .410 Handgun 000 Buck is perfect for Self-Defense with a .410 Revolver because it just plain works. Federal did their homework and came out with a winner because instead of trying to make some gimmicky load for the gun with plated discs or .41 caliber slugs which predictably tumble out of the barrel resulting in abysmal accuracy, they simply adapted their proven Flight Control design to .410 Bore, then used faster-burning powders to achieve optimal velocity out of a short barrel. As such, Federal .410 Handgun 000 Buck utilizes a scaled-down variant of the Flight Control wad which prevents the shot from coming into contact with the barrel's rifling and the shot is copper-plated so it doesn't deform inside of the shot cup under recoil, which in turn helps the shot to maintain a tighter group as well as greater accuracy in flight.

To the best of my knowledge, no other .410 ammo does this, which is why it other ammos tends to perform so terribly when tested. Unfortunately, most ammo companies made their ammo solely for the purpose of capitalizing on the popularity of .410 Handguns, ergo they really didn't try to design optimal loads for .410 Handguns, they just made something with a gimmick that sounds good on paper like goofy mixed shot loads with plated discs, shot, and/or slugs combined within the same shell. Meanwhile, common sense dictates that if there were any merit to such designs, then obviously they would have also been offered in 20 Gauge and 12 Gauge loads as well, yet they were not. Wanna know why? Because they are useless gimmicks.

So yeah, although this whole post may have come out reading like a clumsily constructed sales pitch for Federal ammo, it's just because they simply offer the very best load for .410 Handguns. I'm not a Federal Fan, in fact my favorite defensive loads for all my other handguns is made by Hornady.

But hey, don't take my word for it. There are no shortage of .410 Ammo Tests out of a Taurus Judge or S&W Governor on YouTube, (honorable mention to ShootingtheBull410) for providing some of the most fair, unbiased ammo tests available) so I strongly encourage you to check them out.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The end of the movie the Conspiracy was a total lie

Near the very end when Jim and Aaron infiltrated the Tarsus Club and Aaron goes through the initiation as the bull, he was actually killed by the hunters. The film is a documentary not a movie, which means that the footage can be MANIPULATED, relating back to the main word of the title; CONSPIRACY.

I believe that after Aaron was murdered, the Tarsus Club threatened Jim into making the ending of the film the way it was, with the interview concocting lies and more lies on the camera to drive away conspiracy theorists or get the message out this is how psychotic world leaders are. They'd use the film as a vessel to dispel the rumors. Aaron's social media said "ghostofaaron", why would it say that? They killed him real life....

There is not much evidence, but when Jim and his wife are interviewed, she looks worried, distracted a bit scared. She avoids eye contact with Jim, like he has done something:

Such as sell Aaron out to the hunters. 

This was the information Tarsus Club released and had full power over, people watching the conspiracy theorists and targeted individuals who dig too deep....suv and spook on a bike spying on people.... be careful where you go with this kind of stuff....

Ex Witch Who Turned To Jesus Interviews Ex Christian (Religious Trauma & Church exposed

Friday, October 4, 2024

410 2-1/2 Four Aught 0000 Ultra Buck Buckshot 4 Pellets .375 review

This is about Ammo for 410 revolvers/derringers and shotguns,but mainly its about the Governor / Judge and derringers. This round carries 4 .375 (38 cal) round lead balls 78 grains each compared to mere 000, they pack 1200 FPS and 725 ft lbs muzzle energy from a Judge 2.5" barrel @ 1050 FPS, each pellet hits like a 38 special energy wise 180+ ft lbs per pellet collective estimate... It really puts other self defense 410 hand gun rounds to shame out of 2-inch barrels or less. The only other round that is good is Federal 410 2-1/2" triple aught 000 buckshot 850 fps and 468 ft lbs from 2 inch barrel, I did a separate review on that round.

Wolf Hill sells these rounds they got awesome grouping like Federal rounds

If you don't want to be under gunned, get this 410 2-1/2" 0000 four-aught ultra buck buckshot for your judge/governor/derringer for real stopping power,same with the Federal as one of best rounds you can get for self defense.

Here is youtube video of this 4 aught buck in action:

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Children of the Light: Upcoming Global Events! A Spiritual Psychic Messages

Cyber Witch Live Q&A: Spiritual Energy, How to do Witchcraft, Paranormal Experiences

410 Federal 2-1/2 Personal Defense 410 Hand Gun 4 #000 triple aught buckshot review

This is my opinion I felt the NEED TO POST ON The Federal Personal Defense 410 2-1/2" #000 Handgun Buckshot it goes 16" in bare ballistic gelatin
It will go 11 to 15" in denim-covered ballistic gelatin with fiber board as well....
Why do people just make up nonsense like 500 fps??? Or fake reviews the truth is in this video it hits HARD.....

At nearly $30 per box of 20, Federal’s 410 “Revolver” 000 Buckshot loads are very effective and cost-efficient. With a center hold, groups like this single headshot can be yours at dining-room distances. The four 73-grain .36 caliber pellets consistently hit within four inches of each other. Traveling at 850 fps from a 2.5-inch barrel, they collectively deliver about 468 lb-feet of energy with multiple wound channels. From a Bond Arms Derringer half inch barrel they penetrate almost 5 gallons of water and have almost same power!

This single round would produce nearly the same trauma and incapacitation as four shots from a .380 ACP FMJ or 38 Special Lead round nose bullets. No wonder some people look to the Smith & Wesson Governor (or Taurus Judge) or Bond Arms as a bedside home-defense gun. But why stop with a single shot when your cylinder holds six or for those with only 1 shot we get about equal to 4 38 special rounds or 4 .380 ACP rounds simultaneously!? If your target holds still long enough, you can multiply the trauma with additional shots but 1 shot of this stuff will do the job, especially the upper area shots in my opinion. Short barrel I have 2 26.5 mm flare gun old 1950's models and have 1 45 colt/410 bore 2.5 insert and this is my back up bug out only gun with that insert and .22 lr in second flare gun, my main guns are a Taurus Judge and 357 Magnum and I wrote about these inserts as I have them as emergency guns and want people to know this Federal 410 round holds up 850 FPS almost 500 ft lbs, its bad ass and is the best self defense round over any other 410 bore 2-1/2 hand gun round for self defense. BUT, There is Ultrabuck 410 0000 buckshot that wolf hill makes its .375 balls 4 of them, 78 grains each, they I have not tested nor used, they rattle a lot unlike the Federal personal defense 000 buckshot 410 hand gun ammo. I listed the 4 0000 buck as a reference for you to decide if that size and rattling bother you, most rounds rattling Federal doesn't the ones this article is about. Those Ultra buck 410 rounds are suppose to be like 1200 fps and 725 ft lbs and hit like 4 38 special rounds all at once in comparing, well the Federal hits like that but just 000 not 0000 buck shot. The 000 Federal is my choice despite the claims. Its consistent and powerful enough four 000 buck balls at 468 ft pounds is enough to end a bad guys day.